In Tokyo, I just want salted fish

Chapter 339 Summer Breeze

Chapter 339 Summer Breeze
In the movie, the heroine Hiroko receives a letter from heaven.

The signature of the letter is also the name of his fiancé, Fujii, who has been dead for two years.

The story progresses gradually.

Hiroko understood that it was not his dead fiancé who replied to his letter, but his junior high school classmate with the same name and surname, a girl named Fujii Shu.

But Hiroko continued to write letters with reverence.

The things that are ignored by people, the details that are forgotten by people, the layers of curtains of the years, and the most ordinary words reveal warmth in the letters.
At the end of the movie, the picture shows a girl holding a book and smiling with her head down in the snow.

"How did you feel about the movie?"

"It's beautiful, but wouldn't that be too unfair to Hiroko? My fiancé, who has been dead for two years, is only willing to marry Hiroko because she looks like her first love."

Kai Uesugi said, "Maybe Fujii fell in love with Hiroko after she proposed?"

"Will not"

"I think it's quite possible."

Hanamaru Hanabi looked at him suddenly: "Then if Hanabi is gone, Kai-kun will meet someone who looks like Hanabi in the future, how will he choose?"

It's a matter of death.

Do girls like to ask embarrassing questions?

Uesugi Kai was silent for a while, and then said: "The one who likes it can only be you."

"But Hanabi is no longer here." Hanamaru Hanabi reminded.

"It's the same when I'm gone," Uesugi carefully imagined the scene in his mind, "but if I meet someone who looks very similar to Hanabi after those many years, I will indeed go to the girl who looks similar to Hanabi."

This is not to pursue anything, but to look forward to the echo of past memories on that girl's familiar face.

But people are different after all.

No matter how similar she looks, she is no longer a childhood sweetheart.

Kai Uesugi just wanted to use that person to remember the past.

Hanamaru Hanabi said: "So what Kai-kun said won't hold true, and Fujii doesn't have Hiroko in his heart."

Kai Uesugi said: "Not necessarily, because of the appearance of his first love, after Fujii fell in love with Hiroko Watanabe at first sight, he would have another sincere feeling in his heart, otherwise he would not agree to Hiroko's marriage proposal."

Hanamaru Hanabi: "Then Kai-kun should also fall in love with a girl who looks very similar to Hanabi in the future."

Kai Uesugi: "Fujii is Fujii, I am me, how can it be the same."

Hanamaru Hanabi: "Won't Kai-kun be moved?"

"No," Uesugi Kai said with a smile, "because there is a high probability that it won't last until then."

Hanamaru Hanabi lowered her head and said, "Hanabi thinks that if Hanabi is gone, it would be better for Kai-kun to fall in love with someone else. Don't you all say you want to live in the present?"

Uesugi Kai replied to her again: "It won't be like that."

The conversation goes around and around, revolving around the topic of whether another relationship should be carried out after the other party has left.

Stories always emphasize the loyalty of feelings.

Reality, let the feelings compromise with time.

The final conclusion to the other party is: live in the moment.

The words say so.

Uesugi Kai didn't know, if he really got to that point, would he be able to live in the present without Hanamaru Hanabi.

He looked at her.

Perhaps, what I just said about living in the present is just a concern to encourage the other party to continue living.

In such a field, no one can really live in the present and forget the past.

On the commercial street, I found a large gift shop.

There are small hairpins, jewelry, bracelets, hats, handicrafts and other small gadgets.

Kaoru Uesugi went in with Hanamaru Hanabi, and tied a bow on her forehead.

"So stupid."

"It's cute." Uesugi Kai said with a smile.

Try issuing cards one by one.

Every time she pinned one, Uesugi would ask her to make different expressions according to the category in front of her, and then record her cuteness scene by scene with her mobile phone.

Photos are added one by one.

"Where's Mr. Kai?"

"Me? I don't need it."

"No! It's not fair." Hanamaru Hanabi puffed up her face, and the bow on her forehead made her look silly and naive, so-called cutely silly.

"Okay, I'll wear it, you shoot." Uesugi Kai said with a smile.

After taking a picture of herself, she also smiled in front of her, delighted to have won the trophy.

Simple and natural.

Kaoru Uesugi felt that a good date was nothing more than that.

In my heart, I have an answer to the topic just now.

There is also that kind of closed headshot machine in the store.

The space that can only accommodate two people seems to be prepared for couples.

Kai Uesugi and Hanamaru Hanabi were waiting outside, and there was a young couple inside.

"Do you want to take pictures again?"

“Not just for taking pictures~”

Hanamaru Hanabi reacted immediately, hiding from his eyes and lowering her head, said:
"Kai-kun. When Kai-kun was at the movie theater just now."

The atmosphere in the back row of the cinema is great, dark and light, perfect for doing something bad.

But Kaoru Uesugi watched her lying in his arms watching the movie engrossed, so he didn't bother her.

Originally, I wanted to use the romance movie to take the opportunity to sneak attack when the lips of the hero and heroine touch and the plot reaches its climax.

But I didn't expect this love movie to be so plain, and it only reveals beauty in the plain.

There's nothing wrong with this, it's just a pity for the opportunity Uesugi wanted.

The couple from the photo sticker machine came out, the boy was holding the girl's hand, talking and laughing with the photo in his hand.

But when he saw Hanamaru Hanabi, he was obviously in a daze, and his eyes stopped on her face for a few seconds.

What are you looking at?

You'll see me later.

Kaoru Uesugi didn't care about this, and walked into the machine with a shy Hanabi. When the door closed, he found out from the corner of his eye that the guy's girlfriend had already started to get angry.

Alas, all girls are jealous, that's what happens if they can't control their eyes.

There is very little space in the photo sticker machine, or just enough for two people to sit down. There is only a screen in front of them, and there are only a variety of photo special effects to choose from on the screen.

The screen emitted a faint light, illuminating the girl's shy face.

Uesugi Kai didn't dawdle, he directly put his arms around the girl's slender waist, and pulled her closer.

Hanamaru Hanabi felt her waist being pinched by hands, and twisted subconsciously.

When I turned my head cautiously, I found that he had already moved over, and quickly turned around and said:
"Just a kiss"

"Then it might take a while."

Uesugi Kai gently lifted her shy chin, and gradually approached the girl who closed her eyes tightly.

I was planning to play tricks on her, but I saw her cherry-pink waxy lips so close.

One couldn't hold back, and leaned forward.

sweet, soft, fragrant
Close your eyes, and your brain will naturally start to look forward to it, and it will naturally be covered with a layer of dreamy beauty.

The upper body involuntarily moved forward, and the hands involuntarily pulled the slender waist towards him, letting the fragrance of her body well up between his nostrils.

Breathing became rapid.
It feels like everything melts into a close touch.

"Hanabi, your body is getting so hot."


"Then, do you want to kiss for a while longer?" Kai Uesugi leaned close to her ear, and lightly bit her earlobe.

"It can only be done once."

"What about two strokes?"

Hanamaru Hanabi didn't speak any more, but her eyes were shining with affectionate luster.

When her eyes met, she lowered her head and shyly avoided her face.

Arms around Willow's waist again
Sure enough, she is really soft

A shrine maiden cleans the approach to the shrine.

Early morning, breeze, fallen leaves, stone lanterns on the bluestone approach, the girl in white and red hakama holds a broom, and sees the orange cat that comes here to play for a while basically every day.

I don't know who it belongs to, but it wears a red hook jade around its neck.

It would sleep on the money box in the shrine, lazily holding its two paws, and yawn lazily from time to time.

Miss Miko looked up at the position above the Sai money box, a little worried that the precious-looking Gouyu would be stolen by someone.

Uesugi Kai glanced at the empty shrine in front of him and closed it again, thinking that no one would come to worship early in the morning.

He is trying to get the job done.

After all, there is a time bomb in the head, the sooner it is cured, the sooner it will be done.

Kaoru Uesugi glanced at the mission introduction again, the mission only said to turn himself into a cat and wait for clues at the shrine.

But clues, clues, what clues?
Totally clueless.

These days, he has even gotten acquainted at the shrine.

The Shinto family has two daughters and a son. The eldest daughter is a "God Son", that is, a professional priestess, which is different from ordinary priestesses who come to shrines to work.

Of course, working at a shrine is not called a part-time job, but an assistant.

Therefore, the recruited maidens are called assistant maidens.

This shrine is dedicated to dog gods, and the shrine master will look at Uesugi Cat every day when he wakes up, with doubts on his face.

It seems to be thinking that the dog god is obviously worshiped at home, why does it attract an orange cat to visit every day?
But since the Uesugi cat came here, the eldest daughter of the shrine, who is also the official maid of this shrine, will feed the orange cat lying on the money box every day.

You will feed what you eat for breakfast.

Fairly delicate.

Uesugi Cat reluctantly ate a few mouthfuls.

Early in the morning, the witches began to work.

Cleaning the shrine covered with fallen leaves, sorting out the amulets and goshuin to be sold, Uesugi Cat saw that they were quite busy.

As time progresses, more and more people come to visit the shrine. Miko is in charge of reception, and they will say "thank you for visiting" to every worshiper who comes.

This kind of work is often the most tiring, because you have to stand outdoors all morning.

Uesugi cat is always touched on the head every time it visits the shrine because it is lying on the money box.

Although it is quite comfortable to be touched on the head as a cat, as a human being, I am not very comfortable psychologically.

So he'll jump off when it's crowded and hang out at the shrine.

However, in today's worship team, there are two more people he is familiar with.

Hanamaru Hanabi and Sakakibara Anise.

The two should have come together.

Uesugi cat walked slowly to Hanamaru Hanabi, raised his head and meowed.


Spotting the big orange cat in front of her, Hanamaru Hanabi was about to speak, but suddenly remembered that she couldn't shout like that outside, so she just squatted down and picked him up.

"Is this Hana Huo-chan's cat?" Miss Sakakibara asked.

Hanamaru Hanabi glanced at the lazy eyes of the orange cat, and said angrily:
"Well, when I got up in the morning, I don't know where he went."


Uesugi Cat knew she was talking about herself.

The girl was so angry when she found out her husband was missing early in the morning.

Yes, it must be so, Uesugi Kai thought.

So, he rubbed against the girl's arms to ask his wife for forgiveness.

"Very cute."


"It's not good."

Ms. Sakakibara smiled naturally, but her eyes saw the red goblin hanging on Uesugi Cat's neck, and she was puzzled: "This is...?"

Uesugi Cat also received feedback from the system at this time.


【mission completed】

[Skill points × 5, please pay attention to check]

The system appeared a little abruptly.

But Uesugi realized that this Gouyu was related to Miss Sakakihara.

The task then changed.


【Hidden deeds for decades】

[Task introduction: follow the known clues, which may not be beneficial to you, but it will allow others to get what they want. 】

[Reward: Skill Point × 10]

"What's wrong with this Gouyu?" Hanamaru Hanabi asked.

Miss Sakakibara picked up the hook jade in her hand, groped for a while in her hand, and finally shook her head:
"I don't know, and I don't know either."

"But just now, it seems that sister Qifenxiang knew each other."

Uesugi Cat is watching carefully.

Ms. Sakakibara smiled and patted Uesugimao's head: "I think Gouyu is just pretty."

"That's it"

Uesugi Kai didn't think so, he felt that Sakakibara Anise should know something about this Gouyu.

But he is a cat now, so it is not easy to find clues.

Let's talk about it when we go to the gym.

Uesugi cat continued to lie in Hanamaru Hanabi's arms wagging its tail.

Ahead, the number of worshipers gradually decreased, and most people also turned to the place where amulets were sold and lotteries were drawn after the visit.

After the team had completely disappeared, Sakakibara Nananxiang walked towards the worship hall of the shrine with Hanamaru Hanabi.

"Miss Sakakibara."

The person who spoke, Uesugi Cat also knew, was the shrine's own priestess, the eldest daughter of the shrine master, Sayu Ling.

Wearing white clothes, undergarments and scarlet hakama, and white foot bags on her feet, she bowed her head to the two guests in front of her.

Miss Sakakibara nodded in return, and greeted Sha Yuling familiarly.

Obviously not the first time to visit.

Following the process of visiting the shrine, the Uesugi cat was thrown away halfway and returned to the arms of Hanamaru Hanabi.

Sha Yuling saw the Uesugi cat lying in the girl's arms, and asked curiously, "Is this Hanamaru-kun you raised?"

Hanamaru Hanabi didn't expect to talk about cats, and replied a little dullly:

"Oh yes, did he get into trouble?"

"No, it's just that he comes to our place every day, and I also feed him some breakfast. I'm a little curious about the reason for coming here."

Sha Yuling suddenly smiled again and continued: "Hanamaru-kun, don't you want to experience the assistant maiden? Maybe it's here to help you familiarize yourself with the situation in advance."

Hanamaru Hanabi glanced at Uesugi Cat in her arms, wondering if that was the case.

Kai Uesugi knew that Hanabi had the idea of ​​experiencing witches during the summer vacation, but she didn't expect that she was looking for this shrine.


"Really?" Hanamaru Hanabi asked.


Miss Sakakibara smiled and said, "It should be that way."

(End of this chapter)

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