In Tokyo, I just want salted fish

Chapter 391 The Way to Win

Chapter 391 The Way to Win

What should I do in the face of a famous celebrity teacher?
Naito Genichiro's mid-section posture seems difficult to crack, no matter whether he is parrying or counterattacking, he can do it with ease.

For a moment, the afterimages of the bamboo knives that had been fought several times in a row covered Uesugi Kai's sight, and there was a loud "snap", and the bamboo knives of the two confronted each other, and the swords were facing each other.

"Katori Shinto-style Oto no Tachitsu?" '

Uesugi Kai clenched the handle of the knife with both hands, reminiscing about the several fights just now.

Genichiro Naito's gaze through the kendo headgear also fell on his face.

It's not like he hasn't heard of this young man who won all the way to the semi-finals.

The sword technique used just now is.
The Wunian Taisho technique of the single-minded sword style.

Sakakibara's disciple
Genichiro Naito is still a little uncertain about Uesugi Kai's strength. Although he is the 7th teacher of the Shinto style, he will not let down his vigilance because his opponent is too young.

Uesugi Kai took the initiative.

Genichiro Naito reversed Uesugi Kai's attack with a backhand.

In the next second, he quickly stepped on his front foot, raised the sword with his backhand again, and threw a face-to-face attack!
He actually achieved a counterattack within two moves!
Such a rapid change of posture dazzled the audience present.

Can't understand, let alone understand!
In their eyes, one second was Uesugi Kai's offensive side, and the next second, they directly switched offense and defense.

Naito's kendo skills caught people off guard and shocked him at the same time.


The momentum of Genichiro Naito's move was quite powerful, even if Kai Uesugi reacted, he was hit by the opponent first.

It has been clicked to the point of being effective.

However, this side cannot be counted as valid points.

One judge raised the flag, indicating that the score was valid, but the other two judges said it did not.

Hanamaru Hanabi was a little confused, so I had to ask Hanamaru Yuki who was sitting next to him:

"Isn't that counting as a score?"


Hanamaru Yuki nodded, and replied: "To score, more than two referees must raise the flag. Naito's face blow just now was not enough. It was almost a blow that brushed past the kid's mask. From our side It is better to observe, so the other two referees did not give the score."

What a young man, he has come to his senses.

Genichiro Naito stared closely at Uesugi Kai's movement of holding the sword.

It was just now.
The Sijin Taidao in the Five Elements Taidao.

Kaoru Uesugi recognized it.

The focus of Sijin's Taidao is to change moves quickly.
For example, a swing is an upward swing, but it is very likely to be converted into a downward strike in the next instant.

The difficulty of Sijin Taidao lies in the conversion process between these moves.

It is difficult to swing a good knife, let alone give up and switch?
Kai Uesugi kept defending against Genichiro Naito's changing moves. His moves sometimes had strange angles. Even if he could see 100% where he was attacking, his body might not be able to react and defend.

so difficult?

After a series of probing and sword skills, the young man didn't get out of the middle line.

He began to wonder if the young man deliberately released water in the first round.

After Genichiro Naito's attack was blocked again, he did not stop, and the offensive broke out again suddenly. He attacked Uesugi Kai several times in a row, but unexpectedly, Uesugi Kai's body was extremely stable, oppressing, repeating, advancing and retreating.
This reminded Genichiro Naito of a word: the unparalleled turtle shell.

At the end of the dodge, Uesugi Kai instantly spun the bamboo knife, swung Naito's bamboo knife away with a diagonal strike, and counterattacked away.

At the same time, let out a loud shout:

Genichiro Naito was caught off guard, so he quickly turned around and took a step back to lengthen his reaction time so that his swung bamboo sword could return to the defense in time.

He was a little surprised, because he didn't notice when he attacked just now, Uesugi Kaoru was actually guiding his footwork, and consciously forced his hand up.

As a result, he can't use the middle section, but uses the upper section to defend.

Trying to force me to use the upper part and then hit back sideways?
Genichiro Naito saw through Kai Uesugi's thoughts and didn't give him a chance.

Uesugi Kai also realized this in time, and did not chase after him.

The bamboo knives of the two collided suddenly with a common consciousness, forcing each other to stop.

Genichiro Naito and Kai Uesugi raised their bamboo swords at the same time, each taking a step back.

In a short period of time, there were several matches between equals, and it looked quite exciting.

Immediately there was intense applause from the audience.

Next to the reporter Miyata Kazuhiro, Jiang Teng Qiyan opened his mouth subconsciously: "Oh, that's amazing."

Miyata Kazuhiro tapped the notebook on his lap with a pen, making a continuous rattling sound: "I didn't expect Uesugi-san to be so good, but I must also thank him. He has contracted all the recent kendo news for our newspaper. The national archery champion is about to win the national kendo champion, which I have never seen before."

Jiang Teng Qiyan turned his head and asked, "Is he a newcomer?"

"Not exactly, he participated in the Kendo club in high school."

"What about the previous competition results? Maybe we can dig out more information."

"No, he only participated in this official fencing competition."

Miyata Kazuhiro answered while paying attention to the battle situation on the field.

There are 5 minutes left in the 3-minute game.

Although the strength of the opponent, the Shifan generation, is one level higher than his own, Uesugi Kai has found a way to deal with him.

In the first two rounds, he was learning and improving.

In the eyes of Genichiro Naito, Kai Uesugi's original middle posture has been transformed into an upper posture.

And this posture with the right hand slanted up to hold the knife. It doesn't exist in the Yixin Yidao style.

This posture is more like a show flow.

This young man will also show off?

In the auditorium, reporter Miyata Kazuhiro also saw this scene, and he said excitedly: "It's the first time I see Uesugi-san in a national competition to show a live stream!"

Kai Uesugi didn't know that there was a reporter who followed him from the promotion match to the national semi-finals.

But now it doesn't matter anymore.

Uesugi Kai opened his posture, and slashed at Genichiro Naito head-on.

There is a characteristic of the footwork that shows current flow. It uses the parts below the knees to change the center of gravity and the direction of the body. After a long time, the footwork will be like moving against the floor. If you wear a long hakama, It will give people a feeling that the body is "floating".

With a footwork like this, while the speed is fast, the slash is powerful and heavy.

——This is the reason why the current suppression is so strong.

show current flow.
Genichiro Naito has a lot of experience. He grew up in the ancient kendo family and has studied all existing schools.

He understands that the best way to deal with the manifestation flow is to attack it, and it must not be passively blocked.

The show flow is originally a move routine used to break the block, blindly blocking will only make oneself fall into the inferior position.

He stabilized his foot, let out a loud roar, and swung his knife to resist Uesugi Kai's movement.

The air is shaking with the bamboo knife!

This kid is really strong.

but no problem so far
While meeting Uesugi Kai to slash, Naito controlled the rotation of the bamboo knife, and spread the power of Uesugi Kai's swing along the blade from the side - this can effectively reduce the power of the opponent's slash, so that he will not break his own Middle stance.

If the middle posture is broken, it means that you are unwilling to lose.

Realizing that Naito chose to confront him with the knife, Uesugi Kai clenched his hands and used downward chops continuously, trying to suppress the opponent.

In the fight several times, Genichiro Naito greeted him with superb skills.

At the same time, he squeezed away Uesugi Oki's bamboo knife, and slashed along the blade of the bamboo knife to his sword.

The two swords confronted each other, and they were in a stalemate again.

Genichiro Naito blocked several consecutive blows from Kai Uesugi.


Seeing this scene, Hanamaru Yuki was a little annoyed: "This kid, the qi is not working well."

Hanamaru Hanabi turned around and asked, "What do you mean?"

Hanamaru Hiroki explained to his daughter: "That kid just used the show-flow that I taught him. He has the form of show-flow, but there is no spirit. The most important thing about show-flow is to use the roar of the monkey to shock The enemy's aura. He probably thought Yuan Xiao was too unpleasant, so he deliberately didn't shout, and didn't mind what to do, so the power was greatly reduced!"

Hanamaru Hanabi nodded half-understood, she didn't know kendo, and she came to watch the game just to cheer Uesugi Kai.

Just like he used to participate in bow competitions, he would silently watch him from the audience.

There is 5 minute left in the 1-minute second round.

Kaoru Uesugi had to make a quick decision—Genichiro Naito knew that.

He just needs to hold on and wait for Uesugi Kai to reveal his flaws when attacking.

Time waits for no one, and Uesugi chose to continue to attack with current flow.

Exactly the same?
Genichiro Naito was a little puzzled, the routine he had used once would still work?
He followed the same method as before, blocked the offensive of Uesugi Kai's first five swords in a row, and was about to counterattack with the cutting knife.

Unexpectedly, when receiving the sixth sword, Genichiro Naito paused for a second following the vibrating bamboo sword.

what happened! ?
He found that his tiger's mouth was a little numb.

Immediately afterwards, Uesugi took a step back and received a very handsome flying blow.

The bamboo sword passed Genichiro Naito and slowed down the bamboo sword that was blocked by Shenlai, and the front end fell on his mask.


Uesugi Kai immediately yelled, and took a step back, keeping his heart open.

The moment he called out, the three referees raised the flag at the same time, indicating that the score was valid.

Now the number is one to one.

Hanamaru Hiroki frowned watching from the sidelines.

There was a problem with the sixth knife just now.

what happened?

At this time, the big screen on the field showed a close-up of Kai Uesugi putting down his bamboo knife and returning to his original position to sit and rest.

On the big screen, he can be seen taking off his helmet, revealing his sweaty forehead.

The region, name, and rank he represents are marked at the bottom of the screen.

Tokyo Chiyoda, Uesugi Kai, third section.

Soon, the close-up of the screen was shown on the face of the defeated Genichiro Naito.

From the appearance alone, it can be seen that the age of the two is not in the same gear.

A 47 year old and a 18 year old.

One is six paragraphs and the other is three paragraphs.

Many people who don't understand kendo applauded seeing a third-level swordsman win against a sixth-level swordsman.

How did you lose just now?

Genichiro Naito sat in the rest area to rest, thinking about the moment just now in his head.

The Wuxiang Taisho technique of idealistic one-sword style.?

Unlikely, he was using the present flow at that time.
But whether it is the idealistic one-sword style or the showmanship style, it is not like the technique used by the sixth sword.

what exactly is it?
With this question in mind, the third round began. The referee blew his whistle, Uesugi Oi made a stride, and his middle posture changed almost instantly into a current dragonfly eight phase. A series of consecutive cuts.

Fast and furious.

Uesugi Kai's laces fly up behind the mask, which is quite cool.After the two sides handed over dozens of swords, Naito staggered, and Kai Uesugi found a flaw, and the Kiai striker stabbed the throat with a knife and cut it off in one go!It hit the trunk straight.

Take the second point!
Nan Miao Wan watched with joy on his face. If he wins another book, he will be able to advance to the finals!

After Uesugi Kai saluted, he sat back on the resting seat.

He looked at the new news that appeared in his mind.

[You have received a new message. 】

[Two days first class: Lv5>Lv6]

[Newly acquired skill: Innocent Makoto Shinto style]

[Current Level: Lv0]

Have you upgraded yet?

Kai Uesugi looked at Genichiro Naito who was sitting across from him, and knew that he was a little confused now.

If it were me, I couldn't figure out which genre of tricks it used.

The sixth sword just now was a move he used with Ertian's first-class Thunder Fire Strike combined with Shixian Liu.

Any move that does not belong to the show-show style or the idealistic one-knife style.

The key to this technique is to concentrate the power of the legs, body, and hands, to burst out in an instant, and to attack with lightning and flint.

He found that this technique fits well with Shixianliu's fierce pursuit and fierce strike, and it all lies in the word of strength.

As for winning the crucial second and third rounds of the Shogun Tournament, I was wondering if I could learn something from Naito Sendai's Katori Shinto style, but now there is no way I should understand Almost all understood.

Then in the third round that will determine the outcome, he doesn't need to hide the prop that he kept before.

Hi. Originally, the winning method mentioned by the cheap master is very good, but it is no longer used.
It's a pity, I'll use it later when I have time.

【Legend of Miyamoto Musashi】

Introduction: Temporarily acquire the skills of Miyamoto Musashi, the representative of "Nitten First Class".

Status: Opening (remaining statute of limitations 9:59:32)

The fourth battle.

Under the gesture of the referee.

Both parties picked up the bamboo swords from their seated positions and stood up.

Genichiro Naito didn't lose to him on purpose in the second round, but that guy's defense was amazing, no matter how many temptations he used, how many tricky angles he could not capture him.

And the sixth sword just now.
Powerful, heavy, fast.

The attack that concentrated all the power in an instant
This is a technique, Genichiro Naito is sure.

But can't find a solution in the Shinto stream?

Not necessarily.

Katori Shinto-ryu has a well-known technique.

Collapse technique.

This is a skill that must be practiced as a disciple for at least five years, and one begins to learn one's catalog grade.

The meaning of collapse technique is to disintegrate the sword technique used by the opponent.

Genichiro Naito is going to use this to establish the next victory.

(End of this chapter)

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