Chapter 64 Archery
The cool wind is blowing, shaking the trees that have sprouted buds in April.

Next to the playground of Shenyue High School, under the wide porch of the Archery Department.

Kaoru Uesugi was dressed in a pure white bow robe and hakama, holding a seven-foot longbow and drawing the string fully. There was a trace of calm indifference in his calm and confident eyes.

Behind him, all the club members were quietly observing his movements, without making any sound to disturb his spirit.

Archery cultivates the heart.

When the heart is calm, the so-called arrows will naturally follow one's inclinations.

This is the so-called - "the right shot must hit"

As always, these vigorous and scribbled characters hang directly above the Kyudo Department, always reminding everyone who practices Kyudo here.

Uesugi Kai pulled the bowstring with his right hand wearing a deerskin glove, and the armored arrow resting on the string was extremely stable and ready to go.

At the same time, he clamped the second arrow with his ring finger and little finger, and the threaded arrow A and the second arrow held by his fingertips formed a regular obtuse angle.

The stringed arrow body is kept parallel to the ground.

Breeze, blowing head-on at this time.

While fluttering the hair, it also made the black hakama pants on Uesugi Kai's body move with the wind, and his straight and slender body looked natural and fresh at this moment.

An invisible aura radiated from his body.

The sixth section of the eight sections of Kyudo Shefa - "Meeting", is ready.

The seventh section - "Li" is to release arrows naturally when the momentum and power of "Hui" reaches its peak.

Sohei Sugita with a solemn face sat cross-legged on the side of Uesugi Kai, looking up to observe his movements all the time.

He knew that it was time for the arrow to leave the string when the bow was fully drawn.

Everyone subconsciously held their breath in the momentum that Uesugi Kai was constantly accumulating, and stared at his gently rising and falling chest.

Next second,
Uesugi Kai's black eyes were filled with light, and his trembling fingers suddenly let go.


Hearing only a high-pitched string sound, the straight arrow shot out of his hand,

Amidst the whistling sound, while Kai Uesugi maintained his archery posture——

The shuttle arrows are like swallows, pointing directly at the circular bullseye 28 meters away.

Everyone's eyes followed the arrow and looked towards the bull's-eye.

"Sure enough." They thought in their hearts.

One arrow, accurate hit.

And the posture is extremely standard.

[Precise Lv7 (0/40)]

"Xianyin, perfect, this kind of action can be called "meeting". "

Sohei Sugita stood up from the cross-legged state, and looked at Uesugi Kai who was still in the last section of the eighth section of shooting method "Kanxin", showing approval.

Other members who joined the Kyudo Club at the same time as Uesugi Kai also cast envious eyes on him.

They are far from reaching this level of archery, and they are also very puzzled.

Can you achieve this level of skill in just two days of practice?
Could this be the so-called genius?

Handsome, calm and mature.

This is the posture that the bow holder should show at the moment when the bow is shot.

They still didn't bother Uesugi Oki, because at this time the second arrow in his hand was already on the bowstring again.

Drawing the string with his right hand and holding the bow with his left hand, Uesugi Kai draws the bow halfway with deep breathing and slightly trembling fingers.


""Junior", "pull away". "

Qing Youya, the head of the Archery Department who also wore a white archery uniform and a hakama, silently said these two steps in her heart.

"Big Three" - press the big eye to draw one-third, and the right hand pulls the string back at a ratio of one-third of the overall width of the bow and string after the adjustment. At this time, the archer will pause for a while.

"Pull" - when "Da San" pauses, draw the bow to full string in an instant.

At this moment, still keep steady, and adjust the bow in the full string state to the best posture that best suits its own length, which can be called the sixth section of the eight sections of shooting - "meeting".

The perfect moment.

"Fire arrows!"

Sohei Sugita, Asaka Ogata, Masanobu Hirata, Fuko Sakurai, and several other experienced archery seniors shouted these two words in their hearts.

As if to reflect the cry in their hearts, the arrow in Kai Uesugi's hand roared out immediately!


String loose arrows!It spun out a beautiful straight line in the air, sharp and crisp!
28 meters away, Uesugi Kai shot another arrow and hit the bullseye again!

Silence, all silence,
The chords flying across the sky still reverberate in my heart, knocking on my beating heart.

Everyone looked at the man who was slowly lowering the longbow from the shooting position in front of him, and they felt sincere admiration in their hearts.

His resolute and serious face, handsome and calm movements, and the white bow robe and hakama also just outline his elegant temperament at the moment.


Uesugi Kai breathed a sigh of relief, and after resignation, he took the 2.2-meter longbow in his hand, turned around and bent slightly, and made a small salute to the members present.

clap. clap. clap.
A smile naturally appeared on Qingyou Yaye's face, and she clapped her hands together, applauding approvingly.

Under his leadership, the quiet atmosphere suddenly changed, and the applause sounded one after another.

Surrounded by warm applause, with a beating heart and an admiring expression, Kai Uesugi bowed to them again.

Deputy Director Sohei Sugita, a talented high school student in archery with extraordinary bearing, also walked over to Uesugi Kai at this time, and said slowly:
"Uesugi, you passed."

"Thank you, Sugita-senpai."

Kai Uesugi bowed his head slightly to him. In the past two days, it was really because of the generous teaching of this "genius high school student in archery" that he was able to lead his classmates and reach such a level of archery.

Although I practiced until 9 pm every day, I even put things on the side of the study meeting on hold.

"Extremely beautiful shooting style, although the previous "fitness" is slightly reduced, but it is also quite capable. I am very optimistic about your talent, Uesugi-san. "

What Sohei Sugita said was extremely serious, which was recognized by the top ten shooters in the country.

Hearing the word "fitness", Kai Uesugi still showed bitterness and shook his head:
"The preparatory etiquette in front of the bow is still too difficult, and it is also a test of physical fitness."

The basic movements include standing, sitting, stepping, turning when standing, turning when walking, turning when sitting, and saluting and bowing.

Entering, exiting, after entering the field, the "three-breathing salute" is performed on the shooting position, the "two-breathing ceremony" is performed after the second round, and so on.
Then comes the stage of preparation for drawing the bow.

These things should be combined with correct breathing, and all movements should be practiced solidly, without wavering, and naturally and smoothly.

It's really too much trouble after all these things.

Not to mention whether [Precise] can judge success, the physical strength consumed during this period alone puts the spirit and patience to the double test.

Afterwards, the 2.2-meter longbow has to be drawn in accordance with the rules, which further wears down the peace of mind.

This is still a shooting demonstration performed by Uesugi Kai who entered the arena alone and did not make an exit ceremony.

Handsome is really handsome, and tired is really tired.

 Thanks to [Eight Heavy Smoke] for the huge reward, thank you!
  Thank you for your votes~
(End of this chapter)

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