I play love guru in Tokyo

Chapter 158 Senior sister joins, because the triangle shape is more stable

Chapter 158 Senior sister joins because the triangle is more stable
After class, the Literature Department.

It is still the leisurely life of beautiful girls.

The relationship between them and Kashiwahara was still in a cold war, and no one was the first to break the deadlock.

In such a weird atmosphere, even the little white cat in the corner turned around Bai Yuan curiously.

until someone comes and breaks

Organ Xiazhi looked suspiciously at the beautiful Yichuan senior sister in front of her, quite puzzled:
"So... Senior Sister Yi Chuan, who are you?"

"Join the Literature Department..."

Yichuan Liulixue seemed to be shouldering some kind of important task, she firmly believed in everything, and spoke very seriously.

Organ had a slight headache. Last time, she didn't refuse Senior Sister Yichuan to join the club, but now she came to her again.

"Minister of the Organ, I must strictly follow the rules of the club and not cause any trouble to the Literature Department."

Looking at Yichuan Liulixue with burning eyes, Fengqin Xiazhi was helpless, and Asaba Qianhe also glanced over, and looked at the silent boy beside him.

She was suspicious of Yichuan Liulixue's floating eyes.

"...Sorry, senior, we really haven't recruited new members right now."

Anyway, the organ still sticks to its guns.

"It's like this."

Yichuan Liulixue's small face couldn't hide her loneliness, which made Feng Qin a little bit unbearable. This seemingly natural senior sister really didn't seem to have any bad intentions.

But the organ shook her head, driving the thought of pity out of her mind, not for the time being.

The Literature Department will not accept people to join the club for no reason.


Although Yichuan Liulixue was disappointed, she was not prepared to give up in her heart. She would apply to join the Literature Club next time, and she would definitely impress the organ student!
After all, only by joining the Literature Club can we get closer to Junior Kashiwahara.

Bai Yuan watched coldly from the sidelines, feeling a little headache.

Although he intends to persuade him, this time is not a good time, unless he can find a chance to get along with the organ in private, but the two ex-girlfriends recently guarded him like a wolf guard, and they couldn't find any chance.

Don't even count on Asaba Chizuru, it's already enough for her to save face by not jumping out to sneer.

It seems that Yi Chuan-senpai's plan to join the literature department will fail again today.

Yichuan Liulixue was a little disappointed, politely said goodbye to the organ minister and junior sister Asaba, and walked to the table next to her, ready to pick up her schoolbag and leave the literature department.


The schoolbag was stuck by a corner of the table, but Yichuan Liulixue didn't notice it, and pulled the schoolbag subconsciously.

The result is……


Accompanied by the sound of pinging and bangs, I saw the items in Yi Chuan-senpai's schoolbag scattered all over the floor.

Textbooks, stationery, water bottles, bento boxes, and other miscellaneous things are scattered everywhere.

There are also some A4 manuscript papers. Usually, Yichuan Liulixue will take advantage of the breaks or lunch breaks to practice painting skills and draw some beautiful pictures of animated characters.

Yichuan Liulixue was extremely embarrassed, she hurriedly apologized to several people, and squatted down to pick it up with her pretty face flushed.

Naturally, Bai Yuan immediately joined in to help, and some scattered textbook manuscripts were scattered around the organ.

It was impossible for her to ignore it. In this case, it would be a bit impolite, so she quietly closed the library, squatted down covering her skirt, and began to help.

Of course, Chizuru Asaba, who was lazy at the side, would not put down her body to help.

It's just that when Xia Zhi picked up the manuscript papers with her delicate little hands, she suddenly froze.

On the A4 manuscript paper, the vivid characters drawn with automatic pencils came into view.

Most of them depict the images of young girls and students.

Although Organ doesn't understand painting, she still has aesthetics, and at a glance, she likes these drawing papers and the painters.

The paintings on these draft papers are obviously all made by one person, and the styles are basically the same.

Organ Xiazhi silently helped tidy up the manuscript paper.

Kiyoaki Kashiwahara, who was on the side, noticed a few special manuscript papers scattered out of a distinctive sealed bag on the ground.

This made him very curious, and he was about to pick it up and check it out.

Yichuan Liulixue, who was kneeling on the ground and silently picking up items and stuffing them into her schoolbag, couldn't help screaming when she saw Bai Yuan's hands on her painting last night of "a beautiful girl senior is hugged by a delicate junior princess".

Then, with lightning speed, he quickly snatched the drawing from Bai Yuan's hand:
"...just, just some ordinary things that I draw."

Yichuan Liulixue's pretty face was flushed, and she hurriedly stuffed the drawing into her schoolbag.

There is a taste of 300 taels of silver that is not available here, which makes Bai Yuan curious.

Organ Xiazhi's attention was attracted, and when she heard Yichuan Liulixue speak, she couldn't help asking in surprise:

"Sister, did you draw these?"

"Um... well, yes..."

Yichuan Liulixue didn't know what was thinking in her heart, her pretty face was flushed, and she faltered and said.

"Senior sister draws very well. This is the first time I have seen such a good painter. These characters are very vivid."

Yi Chuan was quite embarrassed by the compliment from the organ, and even Chizuru Asaba was stunned for a moment.

Linyin silently picked up one and gave it to Chizuru Asaba, and she couldn't help but to nod her head slightly, her drawing skills are pretty good.

With such an interruption, Yichuan Liulixue also realized that Junior Baiyuan probably hadn't noticed anything, and the blush slowly faded from her shy pretty face.

If that painting is seen by Kiyoaki Kashiwahara...

The three of them quickly packed up all the stationery and textbooks scattered on the ground and put them back in Yichuan Liulixue's schoolbag. She kept thanking her.

At the moment Senior Sister Yi Chuan was about to leave, Organ hesitated and called her to stop.

"That...Sister Yichuan..."

"what's wrong?"

Hearing this, Yichuan Liulixue turned around in doubt.

"...Did you draw these?"

"That's right... that's my hobby. Sometimes I take it out to draw, but maybe it's not very good..." Yi Chuan said rather embarrassedly.

Organ nodded slightly, and did not agree with this statement - she thought that Yi Chuan-senpai painted very well.

Xiu hand twirled the blue silk beside her ears, the organ hesitated, and finally said:
"Um... Sister Yichuan, are you really joining the Literature Club?"


Yi Chuan was taken aback for a moment, then nodded seriously and responded coquettishly.

"Then...then I agree with you to join the Literature Department, please come here to fill in the information!" Organ said.

"Hey, can it be?" Yi Chuan was surprised.

"Yes...I agree with you to join the literature club because I think Yichuan-senpai's painting is a good skill."

"Thank you!"

Yichuan Liulixue smiled with eyes crooked, sat at the table, and simply filled in some information.

Asaba Chizuru looked displeased at Yichuan Liulixue who was talking with the organ.

She wasn't happy looking at Yi Chuan, and of course, she wasn't happy looking at the organ either.

Actually, she was fine with Yi Chuan, and she didn't have any bad impressions, but she was keenly aware that the relationship between this third-year senior and Bai Yuan was extraordinary.

Ben didn't support Yi Chuan's joining the Literature Department, but seeing that the organ agreed, she had nothing to say.

After all, the organ is now the head of the literature department.

Yi Chuan wanted to talk to Feng Qin again, but seeing that Kashiwahara Kiyoaki had already left, Yi Chuan Liulixue whispered a few words with Feng Qin Xia Zhi, and then left the literature department.

Only the activity classroom of the organ and Asaba remained, and the atmosphere was slightly quiet.

"Heh, anyone is allowed in, as expected of you."

The arrogant young lady on the sofa mocked the organ.

"I don't think Senior Sister Yi Chuan is such a mess." Organ frowned and said.

"Hmph, stupid fellow, this senior sister clearly came here for someone, I hope you won't regret it when the time comes."

"What do I regret?" Organ asked calmly.

"Oh." Asahi smiled contemptuously.

"I have separated from Bai Yuan, who he wants to associate with is his freedom, and has nothing to do with me."

No ripples could be seen on Xia Zhi's calm face.

The cat-like girl is calm.

She lowered her head, and there was a light novel written by herself in her schoolbag.

The story inside needs a lot of illustrations.

"hope so."

Asagi Chizuru raised the corner of her mouth, and greeted Pochi again, holding it in her arms, lazily and comfortably.

On the treetops outside the window, there are a few playful sparrows, grooming each other's hair and making a cry.

The arrogant eldest lady silently stroked the lovely white cat in her arms.

'Kyoaki Kashiwahara...'

She sighed softly, suddenly she missed that annoying boy, what happened?

We've only been separated for a few days...

Obviously, everything has been going well for the past few days, but seeing the woman next to Bai Yuan made her heart rippling.

However, she never regrets the decision she made.

Since Bai Yuan didn't want to swear, and didn't want to be only with her, then they separated.

So Easy.

She Asagi Chizuru would not cry for a man, nor would she beg Bai Yuan for affection.

Since what happened just now, Yichuan Liulixue has become closer to Bai Yuan, and the title of 'Bai Yuan' has been removed.

"What's wrong."

"You and I are now in the same club."


"Unfortunately, the summer vacation is about to begin. It's a pity. Does our club have any activities during the summer vacation?"

"That's not it."

"It's a pity, I just joined the club, and I still want to be with everyone during the summer vacation."

Yichuan Liulixue said in despair


Bai Yuan smiled and was about to speak when his eyes suddenly moved.

Therefore, Yichuan Liulixue wants to do summer activities!
This is what Senior Sister Yi Chuan wants, and it will definitely be possible to increase the happiness index.

And, what if the summer club activities of the Literature Club really started?

First of all.

Bai Yuan's relationship with his two ex-girlfriends is in a cold war.

The summer vacation is less than four days away.

According to this development trend, it is impossible to see them in summer vacation.

Even the little face who is angry with him now can't look at it.

It has to be postponed until the fall semester starts in September.

It's been too long, and Bai Yuan is also eager to return to the original relationship with them.

But the problem came again.

Organ and Asaha have their own pride.

He would never be willing to become Kashiwahara's harem, so Harmony Xiaori broke up directly, and Asaba Chizuru directly dumped him.

The condition of being with beautiful girls is that you only love them alone, and you are not allowed to be half-hearted!

But Bai Yuan understood that he likes the organ and also likes Asaba.

The teenager made it clear that he wanted to be with them.

The problem must be solved.

"Hee hee, just send it here."

At the tram stop, Yichuan Liulixue said goodbye with a smile.

"Oh, right……"

Bai Yuan caught up and chased Yichuan Liulixue:

"Today, you can take the women-only carriage."

"Hee hee, I see, junior~"

Yichuan Liulixue stared at the boy, sensing his advice and concern, and said happily.

Kashiwahara smiled slightly, and watched Yi Chuan-senpai take the tram.

After that, Kashiwahara returned to Adachi District.

On the way, Kashiwahara was conceiving the summer activity plan of the Literature Department.

In this way, the cage and the cold and deep atmosphere that imprisoned the three members of the Literature Department were broken.

Teenager thinking, club holiday activities, what are they?

It can enhance the emotional bond of several people...

It can break the ice again...


It's hard.
Kiyoaki Kashiwahara wants to start a summer camp in the Literature Club!
Yes, this is the club's summer vacation activity that he decided after thinking hard last night.

I must have learned through anime and film and television dramas that "co-sit" in Japan is an outdoor group activity similar to spring outings.

Shared accommodation - generally refers to the students or staff of the same club, office, and research room who travel to a slightly distant place together.

Usually one to two days, up to a week.

Usually go to the suburbs with beautiful scenery, or hot spring hotels, seaside, mountains and forests.

but!Co-accommodation is not just as simple as traveling in mountains and rivers!The university's dormitory also includes a part of joint study and seminars.

Generally, there will be discussions during the day, and everyone will present their own research content.In some cases, teachers teach knowledge and classmates discuss in groups.In fact, to some extent, it is a change of environment to attend classes.

The sleepovers of clubs are mostly of a practice nature. For example, sports clubs often sleep together before high school league matches. One is to select participating members, and the other is to focus on training to cope with the competition.

Music clubs allow band members to get together to practice ensembles, which is convenient for teachers to give unified guidance, and can also cultivate tacit understanding among members.

From this point of view, co-sleeping is actually not easy at all.

In order to cater to the unique form of co-juku, there are also many inns dedicated to co-juku around the scenic spots in Japan.These hotels are well equipped.

As for accommodation, since it is to enhance the relationship between classmates, shared accommodation usually arranges multiple rooms, or even shared bunk.Three or four students slept in a Japanese-style room. The beautiful scenery outside the window and the fragrance of tatami mats in the room actually had a special flavor.

But... Kashiwahara is the only boy in the literature department!
go on

Especially for energetic young students, after the day's tasks are over, they can play cards and games together, or chat and laugh, and spend a pleasant evening together.

Kashiwahara playing cards with Organ and Asaba?Never thought about it.

The reason why the form of joint accommodation can become popular in Japan is inseparable from the collective consciousness of the Japanese.

A group activity involves every member from the preliminary preparation, and everyone sets off together to enjoy the beautiful scenery together.

Discuss knowledge together or experience high-intensity training, and then eat and live together.This can quickly enhance the feelings between group members.

Especially for those who are newly enrolled and employed, being able to meet new friends is also convenient for collective collaboration in work and life in the future.

To sum up, this is the purpose of Kashiwahara Kiyoaki to hold a summer camp!
Icebreaking action, in one fell swoop!
I want to dissolve the previous estrangement with the organ and Asaha, and increase mutual affection, communication, and even recognition.

Communication between dorms is extremely necessary.

Coupled with the accommodation, it must also increase the happiness value of Yichuan Liulixue.

Kill two birds with one stone.

The third day of the countdown to summer vacation.

The campus is filled with a holiday-like lazy atmosphere. The teachers have noticed that the students seem to be very energetic recently, and they seem to have nowhere to use their energy.

Even listening to the lectures seemed careless.

The second half of summer is about to arrive.

Wouldn’t it be nice to eat watermelon while blowing a fan in a living room built by a family on a hot summer day?

Nothing is more comfortable than a boring summer life!

Therefore, the atmosphere on campus these days is always full of excitement and heat.

'summer is coming'

Everyone thought in unison.

The Department of Literature welcomes the first day of newcomers.

Organ: (ω)
Kashiwahara:  ̄ω ̄

Asahi:  ̄へ ̄
Sister: (ω)
Well, you can vividly see how lively the activity classroom is.

The rising atmosphere is like a hot flame spreading, turbulent and endless.




Except for Kiyoshi Kashiwahara who was smiling unexpectedly, the other two seemed relatively indifferent.

But Organ Xiazhi had a cold expression on her own, and Qianzuru Asaba also had the same expression for outsiders.

"Senior Yi Chuan, we don't have any rules in the literature department, as long as we go as usual and attend work at least once a week."


At first, Yichuan Liulixue sat down a little cautiously.

Because the organ was immersed in the library, Chizuru Asaba was chasing the drama while holding the tablet.

"Um, senior sister, it's okay. You don't have to be so nervous to join the Literature Club. Look, they are also members of our club."

Kashiwahara jokingly eased the slightly tense atmosphere of Yichuan Liulixue:

"Just treat this place as a writer, there are no such rules."


Yichuan Liulixue nodded embarrassingly, and focused on the little white cat not far away.

Pochi, who was summoned by Kashiwabara, lazily walked over on catwalks, blinking curiously at the new Twolegs.

Surprisingly, Pochi didn't resist Yi Chuan, and soon became close to him.

Seeing this, Yichuan Liulixue couldn't help showing a slight smile.

Such a cute little white cat is really healing.

Bai Yuan couldn't help smiling.


Behind him, there was a displeased cold snort from a certain girl.

Kashiwahara: ...

Hey, how did he forget this one?
Facing Kami Asaba Chizuru's cold gaze, he couldn't help but feel guilty.

However, Yichuan Liulixue did not cause him trouble.

I saw her sitting at the desk by the window, looking curiously at the piano not far away.

This should be the one performed by Kashiwahara-senior at the cultural festival.

That's great, Kashiwahara-san is not only handsome, but also versatile!

She sat down quietly, put away her schoolbag, and took out manuscript paper and drawing tools from the schoolbag.

Today her mother didn't go to the restaurant to work part-time, so it doesn't matter if she can go back later and quietly write in the literature department.

Kashiwahara looked around, the surroundings had been silent for several days, and the stiff atmosphere like stagnant water seemed to flow due to the arrival of Senior Sister Yi Chuan.

The corner of the teenager's mouth was raised, and he sat in front of the black grand piano after a long absence, opened the piano cover, and chuckled lightly:
"You beautiful ladies, don't you mind playing a song next?"

 This chapter has been modified a lot, so we put it together to form a chapter, and it will be developed separately tomorrow. Thank you for your recent rewards, monthly tickets and recommendation tickets, thank you

(End of this chapter)

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