I play love guru in Tokyo

Chapter 175 Torn tickets?Blackmail by monsters!

Chapter 175 Torn tickets?Blackmail by monsters!

The bodyguard drove several people to a famous 'Onoyama' near Kamakura.

It is said that there are wild boars here, so it is a good place for hunting.

Ono Mountain is the closest mountain to the sky. Standing on the top and looking far away, the scenery is also extremely beautiful.

Kashiwahara smiled and asked if he could hunt. The bodyguard hesitated for a moment, and said that it was no problem. If they wanted to hunt, they could teach them how to use guns. But among the few people present, except for sister Hanyu who was somewhat interested, the organ and Liulixue Yichuan were not interested.

They came to sketch and discuss illustrations.

Only Kashiwahara was interested in guns.

At that time, we had dreams, about swords, about bullets, about traveling across the world.Now when we drink late at night, the clinking of glasses is the sound of broken dreams.

Sorry to digress.

In the end, no one hunted. After all, how could a kind and gentle boy like him be willing to kill.

The main reason is that the M500 is in the Hot Spring Annex.

Everyone arrived at Xiaoye Mountain and climbed towards the hillside, surrounded by eight bodyguards, enough to protect their safety.

Stepping on the inaccessible forest path, there are lush branches and leaves above the head, and the rustling sound of fallen leaves under the feet.

In the woods, from time to time, there are hares jumping and shuttling.

Organ was wearing a white dress and sandals. She was pretty and lovely, and her quiet figure was endearing. She walked with Bai Yuan, and when she saw the blue and purple marks on the young man's forearm, she was dazed.

That was the proof of the girl venting her anger two days ago.

"The weather is fine."

Bai Yuan laughed, and didn't talk about that matter in a disappointing way.


The organ responded softly, and raised the blue hair on the small earlobe, feeling a little guilty and complicated in her heart.

It must be... painful.

Although she was very angry at that time and bit Bai Yuan's arm viciously, but now when she saw the shocking scar, she felt a little regretful and guilty.

Among the mountains and mountains, the forests are densely layered, and the branches are intertwined. The sun shines through the gaps between the branches and leaves and shines on the dead leaves on the ground.

Coniferous trees, fir trees, juniper trees, and ginkgo trees each have their own independent style clustered here on the raised and towering hillside.

As everyone moved forward, the birds in the woods startled, and there were rustling animal sounds from time to time, but everyone was not afraid. Even if there were large animals, the bodyguards all carried guns.

The verdant green forest and the cool and fresh air at the tip of the nose all tell the beauty of nature.

Everyone decided to go to the top of the mountain.

But because the mountain was too high, everyone stayed on the mountainside out of breath. Kashiwahara glanced at the time, and it was already early ten o'clock, and he hadn't reached 2/3 of the distance to Xiaoyeshan.

But halfway up the mountain is already extremely high from the ground, and from the edge of the cliff, you can already see the tiny miniature of Kamakura.

Everyone stops here, drinking mineral water to relieve fatigue

Senior sister Yi Chuan took out her drawing board and drawing tools, and started talking in a low voice with Organ Xia Zhi.

In this way, Kashiwahara and Hanyu Kirino had nothing to do, they looked at each other, and then looked away unnaturally.

The two walked around the surrounding forests, and they still felt quite fresh.

After all, I have been living in Tokyo, and it is very fun to occasionally go to the mountains to play.

But those fruits and mushrooms looked messy and I dared not pick them.

Hanyu Kirino asked Kashiwahara to help her take some photos with the scenery with his mobile phone.

Looking at the intellectual and graceful Hanyu Kirino in the photo, Kashiwahara couldn't help showing a peaceful smile.

The whole morning was spent like this.

Due to getting up late in the morning and spending a lot of time finding the way in the forest, everyone failed to reach the top of the mountain.

It is said that the scenery there is excellent, and you can overlook the entire surrounding area of ​​Kamakura. I heard from people in Kamakura that it is excellent to watch the sunrise or enjoy the sunset here.

The sunrise has been late, and everyone is ready to enjoy the orange-red sunset.

But before that, everyone has to go back to Kamakura Street for lunch - it's embarrassing to find that someone didn't bring lunch.

Everyone returned to Kamakura Street. After lunch, we made some adjustments and prepared our bags again.

On the way in the car, Kashiwahara thought, which temple is Asaha in?

Reminiscent of her identity as a priestess and the legend of Kamakura, Kashiwahara couldn't help pondering whether there really were monsters.

Everyone climbed the mountain again.

After the adjustment, the physical strength is abundant, and no one complains of being tired.

Bai Yuan followed the organ to prevent the girl from accidentally falling.

"Xia Zhi."


"Really... do you want to leave?"

He asked in an indescribably complicated tone, believing that the girl understood.

"Why I left, you know for yourself."

The organ frowned coldly, and her cold voice was devoid of any emotion.

She didn't talk too much with Kashiwahara, perhaps because she was afraid that if she stayed any longer, she would feel unbearable to see Kashiwahara's bitter face, so she walked to Senior Sister Yichuan's side and began to discuss the illustration.

Only Liu Baiyuan hung alone at the tail of the team, smiling wryly and shaking his head.

Because he was bothered, did he make up his mind to leave?

But no matter what, he didn't want to see the organ because he changed schools.

But she rarely changes her mind about what she decides.

Sister Yu who was at the side cast a pitiful look, a person with a good heart deserves to bear such a price.

Today is cloudy, not scorching, the best weather for traveling - in summer.

Everyone temporarily put aside the unhappiness of the past few days, immersed themselves in the outing, and took pictures from time to time as souvenirs.

After going up the mountain for an hour, everyone followed the road explored in the morning and quickly arrived at the mountainside. They were in the dense jungle and enjoyed the breath of nature.

Arriving at a flat place, Fengqin and Yichuan Liulixue saw a stream flowing down a winding mountain road.

Immediately, the two stopped here, seemingly bursting out with infinite sparks of inspiration.

"Kashiwahara, the hot spring annex seems to be there."

On the edge of the open cliff, Hanyu Kirino pointed to a forest at the foot of the mountain and shouted in surprise.

Bai Yuan followed her gaze, then frowned and grabbed her arm:

"It's dangerous here."

It was only then that Kirino Hanyu noticed that it was the edge of the cliff, and took a few steps back in fright, accidentally bumping his back against Kashiwahara's chest, his pretty face flushed, and he hurriedly apologized.


Bai Yuan naturally didn't care, but he was very helpless in his heart.

Why did Organ and Hanyu-san become extremely polite to him after the hot spring incident that night?
It's as unfamiliar as a friend you just met.

This seemingly within reach, but extremely distant strangeness makes people extremely uncomfortable.

In fact, Bai Yuan could also guess the reason behind it.

After saying hello to them, Bai Yuan walked towards the distance.

For now, everything is harmonious and warm.

Not long after the water was released, Bai Yuan looked at the lush forest and suddenly felt something was wrong.

Seems too quiet.

Small animals and even insects are extremely rare.

While thinking, there was a rustling in the distance, as if there was some violent noise.

There was a familiar scream in the distance, accompanied by the sound of several gunshots.

Bai Yuan's heart skipped a beat, the familiar voice made him run wildly to the spot, but when he arrived, he found that everyone gathered together nervously, several bodyguards in suits were lying on the ground, howling, and Yi Chuan Liuli, who was protected among them, Yuki and Hanyu Kirino trembled, as if they were quite frightened.

"Are you all right? What happened?"

When Kashiwahara saw the dislocated arms, sunken chests and horrible blood on the faces of the injured bodyguards, he couldn't help frowning deeply, then suddenly clenched his fists, and shouted in disbelief:

"Where is Xia Zhi!"

Everyone present was missing the organ Xia Zhi!

The trembling Yichuan Liulixue was like a frightened deer, but Hanyu Kirino was in better condition, stammering and trying to say something, but luckily none of them were injured.

A bodyguard hurried over, and the rest of the bodyguards held their pistols tightly with terrified eyes, and looked around vigilantly.

The middle-aged bodyguard came quickly and said in an unspeakable way:

"Master Baiyuan, just now...a bear appeared just now, wounded the guards, and took Miss Organ away. Our pistols hit it without any effect at all."


Bai Yuan became confused for a moment
Bear?Abducted the organ?
Are you sure you're not kidding.

He looked at the senior and the teacher in disbelief, and he couldn't care less about why the bodyguard called him young master.


Hanyu-sensei managed to calm down, and nodded bitterly:
"That's right, a huge black shadow suddenly appeared just now and quickly injured them. If they hadn't reacted in time, that black shadow would have almost taken Yi Chuan away. It can be vaguely seen that it is a black bear..."

Hanyu-sensei couldn't believe it, but what she said was the truth.

In the ears were the unbearable muffled groans of the injured bodyguards, and in front of them were the frightened little faces of Ikawa Ruriyuki and Hanyu Kirino.

Bai Yuan frowned and glanced around, suddenly noticing that the forest was filled with a strange atmosphere.

"Where did it go!"


The bodyguard frowned and persuaded: "That black shadow is extremely fast and powerful. Our pistols pose no threat to it at all. Even if Master Baiyuan chases after him, it may be very dangerous. It is best to report this matter to the eldest lady before making a decision. "

Looking in the direction he pointed, Bai Yuan frowned. It wasn't the top of the mountain, but towards the depths of the mountain.


Flocks of birds flew in the distance, and the black shadows made everyone present feel deep pressure.

Kashiwahara frowned, was there still time to report it to Chizuru Asaba?
"Xia Zhi, Xia Zhi, she..."

Yichuan Liulixue's flustered eyes like a deer showed deep worry, and even Hanyu Kirino was extremely anxious.

Just as Kashiwahara was about to follow the direction pointed by the bodyguard, the ringing of the mobile phone broke the chaotic and silent forest.


When Bai Yuan took out his mobile phone, he yelled out in shock, and everyone quickly gathered around.

Without further ado, although there were many doubts in his heart, Bai Yuan answered the phone immediately:

"Xia Zhi, is that you!"


Everyone gathered around nervously.

"Yes, it's me..."

When the uneasy voice of the organ came out, Bai Yuan breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it seemed that the organ had not been harmed.

"What the hell happened, organ, I..."

Suddenly, heavy breathing came from the other end of the organ phone, and a fierce breath seemed to come from the microphone, making everyone's hearts jump.

This sound is inexplicably reminiscent of the dull whistling of hunters at the top of the food chain.

The organ also seemed to be taken aback, and then stammered, trying to calm down:
"It, they, want, want money..."


Kashiwahara and his party were perplexed.


The phone in the organ's hand seemed to be snatched away, and an extremely rough, dry, hoarse voice that didn't resemble a human answered the phone:

"She is in my hands. If you don't want her to have an accident, you'd better follow my orders obediently!"

"Who are you? You can say whatever you want, as long as you play the organ."

Bai Yuan frowned at the other party's monster-like roar. Could it be that it was really the black bear described by the bodyguards?
The big spectrum from the world.

Even so, Bai Yuan still suppressed his anger and calmly comforted him, not wanting to provoke the other party to hurt the organ.

"Hoho...Okay, I'll just say it...1000 billion banknotes in cash!"


"Didn't you understand what I said! 1000 billion banknotes! Don't transfer cash, don't call the police, otherwise we will kill her!"

The other party's angry roar came down the phone, and it seemed that the organ's terrified cries could be heard, which made Bai Yuan very worried.

"1000 billion, it's impossible to have so much, it's not that we don't give it, you sold us and you didn't even have it!"

Bai Yuan frowned and calmly negotiated.

"Impossible! Since you have bodyguards, you can't be ordinary people. Hurry up and do what I ask, or I will kill this person!"

"... 1000 billion is impossible. We are all students. Where did we get so much money? They are just my friend's bodyguards. Do you know that you kidnapped the wrong person! She is just an ordinary person with no money at all!"


The other party was surprised for a moment, and then roared unwillingly:

"Then call your friend! In short, get me the money immediately, within two hours at the latest, immediately! Remember, she will die if she dares to call the police!"

"Okay, okay, don't get excited, I'll just...

Before Bai Yuan finished speaking, the other party immediately hung up the phone.


The gloomy sky was as depressing as the faces of everyone.

Not to mention who kidnapped the organ, what we can know is that this is a vicious case of kidnapping and extortion.

Temporarily unable to call the police.

"First, call Asaba."

So far, it can only be like this.

However, when Kashiwahara anxiously called Chizuru Asaba, he was surprised to find that it was Rinne who connected.

"Miss is not free right now, I will report to Miss later." Linyin replied expressionlessly.


But when Bai Yuan quickly explained the purpose of coming, Lin Yin was stunned.

"Bear? Are you sure!"

"Probably sure, please let me talk to Qianhe, I need her help."

"I'm sorry, the eldest lady has already ordered that nothing should disturb her."

Lin Yin replied with a blank face:
"If it is confirmed that the other party is a bear spirit, you probably encountered a monster in Kamakura, which is very dangerous. You should either follow the other party's wishes, or wait for the eldest lady to solve it herself at night."

"It's too late, the other party only gives two hours."

"An order is an order, and the matter of the eldest lady at this time is very important."

In any case, Linyin refused to let go, and glanced at the eldest lady who was quietly sitting cross-legged in the temple.


Kashiwahara held back his anger, but he also knew that Linyin was telling the truth. It was obviously very important for Chizuru Asaba to set off early in the morning.

"However, if you just want money, I can support you for the time being."

Although Lin Yin has always been expressionless, she is not an idiot who does not know how to adapt. Obviously, Kashiwahara Kiyoaki is a man that the eldest lady values, and has had a physical relationship. In the future, he is likely to be the master of Asaha's family. Home is not worth mentioning at all.

"Thank you, I will return the money to Asaha!"

Linyin hangs up the phone silently, monsters are very dangerous, but those who rely on this despicable method to extort money are some little monsters who can't stand on the stage, and they are not worth mentioning. She thinks that Bai Yuan's skills are more than enough to escape.

However, monsters are generally cunning and savage, and they push forward. Once they are provoked, what will happen?

Thinking of this, the corners of Linyin's mouth raised slightly.

Let's say she did a good deed for the eldest lady. If she is lucky, the organ will no longer be a trouble for the eldest lady.

In fact, Lin Yin didn't do anything, but chose to ignore it and didn't report it right away. This is a valid reason, and the eldest lady will not blame her - even if there is an accident at that time.

After all, Qian Yu had indeed ordered her not to be disturbed by anyone - although Lin Yin subconsciously understood that as long as it was Bai Yuan's call, the young lady would definitely answer it.


Under the apprehensive eyes of everyone, Bai Yuan pondered for a moment, made a decision, and quickly dialed the number of the organ.

Qian Yu's guards were vigilant all around, for fear that the terrifying figure just now would appear again.


After the call was connected, there was silence.

"We are preparing the money, but it is only [-] million yen at most, and it will take five hours to prepare it."

Bai Yuan pretended to be anxious on purpose. Although Linyin could have prepared the money by saying hello, he was going to wait until he was fully prepared.

"[-] million yen?! Impossible!"

Sure enough, the violent roar sounded.

"It's because you don't accept transfers. In a short period of time, it's not easy for us to raise [-] million yen in cash."


From the opposite side came the sound of breathing like a bellows.

"Sir, [-] million yen must be a lot. If you want more, we can add another [-] to [-] million yen to the bank card at most. I think this much money is enough for you to live!!"


The violent breathing seemed to have weakened a lot.

after a while

"Okay, lucky kid, forgive me for your kindness, as long as there is time..." The other party's dry and hoarse voice sounded, as if he was also considering giving Kashiwahara enough time to prepare [-] million yen.

"Are you an idiot! Humans are cunning guys. God knows what tricks this human being is planning. I said two hours is two hours, and I will let her die if there is one more minute!"

Suddenly, another sullen and hoarse voice appeared in the background of the phone:
"I will not allow you cunning humans to delay!"

"Let me hear her voice first." Bai Yuan was taken aback, frowning tightly, why is there another accomplice?But still speak calmly.

"Qingxian, Qingxian, I..."

For a moment, the organ rang in his ears with an uneasy sound, and Bai Yuan was both relieved and distressed:
"Don't worry, I'm here, don't be afraid, they didn't hurt you, did they?"


"Okay, wait for me to save you."

Before Bai Yuan could say a few words to Organ, the phone was snatched away by a guy suspected of being a bear:

"Hey, since you heard it... prepare the money for me, and you are only allowed to come up by yourself, within two hours. Otherwise, we will tear up the tickets!"

"Okay, I'll do everything. Don't hurt her, otherwise you won't get any money."

"By the way, I want more! Prepare for me, a backpack for honey, a backpack for air-dried meat! A backpack for dried fish!"

The other party's greedy and hurried voice sounded, urging on the other end of the phone itching.

Kashiwahara: ...

Is the other side an idiot?

With [-] million yen, I can’t eat whatever I want in the future. I have to ask for things like honey and dried fish now.

He very much suspected that the opposite was really a bear.

"I'm sorry sir, if this is the case, I can't bring up so much by myself, please allow me to bring my partner..." Bo Yuan calmly comforted.

"Bastard! Idiot-like dog! Eat, eat, eat!"

On the other end of the phone, the gloomy voice yelled violently. The bear-like guy who had been talking with Bai Yuan seemed to whimper, and changed his words out of displeasure:
"You just need to bring cash up, and no one is allowed to bring it. Send it to this location within two hours. You are not allowed to bring anyone, and you are not allowed to call the police. I know how cunning you humans are, and you also know the consequences of angering us!"

The phone was hung up abruptly.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, stunned.

The voice and tone of the other party's speech were extremely strange.

It seems to be really a monster.

Bai Yuan frowned. Through this phone call, there is a high probability that the other party is a bear, otherwise it would be impossible to make weird requests like fish and honey.

What is this thing called?
Although he had heard that Kamakura was the capital of monsters, it was very distressing to meet him.

Bai Yuan looked at the uneasy eyes of the previous group, and sighed softly:
"Go down the mountain first, they are also injured."

"it is good."

The headed bodyguard responded quickly and supported the injured partner, while Bai Yuan took one last look at the gloomy forest and hurried down Kamakura anxiously.

Along the way, seeing that Hanyu Kirino and Igawa-senpai seemed to be in a trance, Kashiwahara suppressed the irritability and worry in his heart, and comforted him softly.

The young man's calm and confident words seemed to give the two women confidence, and then they managed to calm down.

Yichuan Liulixue had the deepest shadow in her heart. When the organ was taken away, she was next to her. At this moment, she lowered her head and tightly hugged Bai Yuan's arm, burying her small face in it.

Bai Yuan understood the fear and panic in her heart, so he sighed softly and stroked her hair.

It's just that I can't help but feel a little depressed.

The person who kidnapped the organ was a bear?

These days, monsters have also become so involved that they have started to change their careers and become robbers.

It is even the lion who opened his mouth to extort 1000 billion yen, which is greedy enough.

One car escorted the injured bodyguard to the hospital, and another car took Kashiwahara and his party to Kamakura to withdraw money.

He rushed to a bank, and because Linyin had greeted her, the bank staff greeted him respectfully, and had already prepared [-] yuan banknotes.

Although 3000 million yen is a lot, it is only equivalent to [-] million yuan.

However, the backpack is still full.

After a long absence, a new email pops up from Love Game:

【You have a new task】

[Event Mission: Proof of Love and Courage]

【Venue: Onoyama, Kamakura】

[Activity content: Putting death in the hands of the younger generation, rescued the organ Xia Zhi from the black bear demon alone to prove his courage]

[Mission Reward: Divine Sense Yu Jianliu LV5, 1500 Love Star Points]

[Failure penalty: Organ Xiazhi dies]

【warn!warn!warn! 】

[This task will endanger the life of the player, please consider carefully]

[This is a mandatory mission, whether you accept it or not, Xia Zhi will die if the rescue fails]

【Whether to accept the task】
The strong smell of blood spread along the cold words.

The boy who usually had gentle eyes became extremely terrifying at this moment.

For now, everything is normal, except that the kidnapper is a bear.

As long as the [-] million yen cash is handed over to the other party according to what the other party said, the other party should release him.

However, the love game gave a strong warning that life was in danger.

Bai Yuan understood that the other party was probably quite cruel and bloodthirsty.

The journey to rescue the organ may be more or less auspicious

But things have come to this point, and there is no way to give up.

Regarding the organ Xiazhi, Kashiwahara will do his best.

The car leaves Kamakura.

 Thanks to book friends 160103120035676 for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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