Chapter 196


Chizuru Asaba, who was far away from Tokyo, sat in an antique study, with her slender legs raised, and dealt with affairs carelessly. Then Linyin knocked on the door and walked in, handing a piece of paper to the eldest lady.

Asaba Chizuru took it with her lips pursed, and quickly glanced at it.

"The news that was sent just now, Kashiwahara Kiyoaki and Harmony Natsuori have returned to the dojo in Adachi District..."

"I see."

Asaha stroked her fair forehead wearily.

"Miss, do you want to..." Lin Yin saw Qian Yu's appearance, thought for a while, and took a step forward to suggest.

"I said, I know!"

Who would have thought that Qianzuru Asaba seemed to be irritated, and yelled impatiently and threw the paper on the table.

Seeing Qianyu getting angry, Linyin immediately shut up and stepped back respectfully.

She knew that the eldest lady was very upset now.

"...give me some tea..."

After a long time, Asagi Chizuru regained his composure and ordered lightly.

The proud eldest lady stared at the hazy moonlight outside the window, and the slightly bitter tea tasted on the tip of her tongue was not a ten thousandth of what she felt in her heart.


The hazy night enveloped the quiet and silent cabin.

In the open courtyard of the dojo, the little bears and strange birds that have adapted to the life of livestock are all huddled in their own rooms.

They are also gradually getting used to this kind of life of working at sunrise and resting at sunset, but it is really boring.

"Xiaohua, do you want to propose to the master?"

The dog's black wooden nest, it muttered to the strange bird sleeping on the wooden post.

"Propose what?"

asked the fossil pterosaur.

"Ahem, for example, let the master buy a hundred dried fish, and then buy a big freezer!"


The fossil pterosaur didn't bother to care about it.

"Or how about asking the master to build a pond in the courtyard, and I can raise fish~"

Gou Hei scratched his furry ears hoping to be authentic, but unfortunately, the strange bird ignored it, and the tree demon fell into a deep sleep.

Bai Yuan didn't want to know what happened outside the house.

He knelt down and helped take off the girl's white stockings, and put them aside quietly, she did not refuse.

The clock of the clock is ticking.

The girl inhaled lightly, soaking her white and tender feet in the scorching water temperature, her crystal and round jade toes resisted the scorching heat, and sometimes flicked her feet playfully, barely adapting to the water temperature.

"Would you like me to add some cold water?" Bai Yuan put his fingers in the basin and asked to test the temperature of the water.


"it is good."


In order to prevent her from being bored, Bai Yuan turned on the TV remote control on the side, but the organ could see his absent-minded posture.

Men and women with different thoughts are sitting side by side on the sofa, their eyes are locked on the screen, but their minds are wandering away.

I don't know when it started, the atmosphere in the room gradually became pink and charming.

"All right."

After soaking for about [-] minutes, seeing the organ ready to get up to get it, Bai Yuan smiled and took the towel from the stool beside him, and gently lifted the girl's white jade feet, the lovely feet were soaked red, as if flawless The white jade was dyed into a layer of red glow, and he wiped it carefully.

Sensing Bai Yuan's gaze, the girl turned her face away in embarrassment, and subconsciously curled up her jade toes. She always felt that Bai Yuan's fiery gaze was a little strange, which made her extremely shy.

Kashiwahara coughed and looked away. He really wasn't a foot controler. It wasn't that he had strange thoughts when he saw the girl's cute feet. It's just that after he applied the alluring nail polish to Miss Asaba last time, he seemed to have awakened a certain kind of wonder. properties.

The girl looked at the time on the clock with some anxiety, her brows and eyes looking forward, as if nervously looking at the silent person beside her.

The dense night is so deep that it cannot be melted away, and it is the time to rest in the silent night.

"I, I'm going back..."

In the end, Organ bit her lip and wanted to get up and leave with a shred of hope.

Obviously she agreed to come here, but now she retreats.

She can't imagine what kind of 'end' she will end up with if she stays any longer

Maybe it was painful, maybe it was shameful, but Organ didn't dare to think about it, and wanted to escape in a panic.


Today's Kashiwahara, when dating Organ, had thought of countless reasons to explain to Organ what was going to happen next, and to do excessive things to her.

But seeing the flustered girl at this moment, Bai Yuan didn't want to find any more excuses and reasons.

I saw him sticking it up neatly, wrapping his arms around the girl's slender and soft waist, preventing her from escaping.
Organ raised her small face not unexpectedly but also in a little panic, and met her pair of eyes full of autumn water, Bai Yuan no longer hesitated, and lowered his head to suck her slender rosy lips.

The girl's long and narrow eyelashes were trembling, and accompanied by her slightly rapid breathing, her misty pupils became blurred.

The spring breeze and drizzle are moist and silent, and it is like a baby bird singing gently.

Extraordinarily long.

The clock on the wall was already pointing to thirty in the morning.

Even the organ didn't know how long it had passed, and she, who was not as proficient as Bai Yuan, was gradually lost in his serious hug. After a long time, the girl whose lips and teeth were separated hadn't recovered, and felt being hugged by Bai Yuan.

Inside the hut, there was the fiery sound of Kashiwahara stepping on the stairs step by step.

With longing and urgency.

Lying in Bai Yuan's arms, her beautiful organ eyes were blurred, she was already lost in the long kiss just now, she seemed to be unable to lift herself up, and her crystal jade feet were hanging powerlessly by Bai Yuan's hand.

With a turbulent heart, Bai Yuan hugged the organ tightly and walked towards the bedroom.


When the organ was placed on the soft bedding by Kashiwahara, and he casually threw his shirt on the floor,

Anyone knew that something memorable was going to happen next.

Breathing the quilt with Kashiwahara's breath, the organ is like a weak lamb, unable to raise any vigilance and defense, looking at the wooden cabinet not far away in a daze, letting Kashiwahara unbutton and restrain his white shirt.

Bai Yuan untied it casually and threw it aside, his breath gradually became hotter.

The organ didn't struggle, and he was still presumptuous.



Ten minutes have passed since just now, when everything is ready
The organ Xiazhi lying on the quilt seemed to be waiting for Kashiwahara to come with her tightly closed eyes.

However, when Bai Yuan glanced away and saw her face with her pale lips pursed, two tears flowed down her neck unknowingly and wet the quilt.


The air pervading the girl's delicate face dyed the whole room with melancholy sadness.

Bai Yuan, whose blood rushed to his head, was suddenly stunned, frowning and looking at the silent girl.

What does she mean? !

Clothes were piled up messily on the floor beside it, and the air was filled with a charming atmosphere.

This is what anyone could have predicted would happen next.

Bai Yuan was about to bully the organ, but the organ cried before it started.

It's a disappointment.

Although he wanted to take possession of the organ, he didn't do it in such a weeping and choked up way. He held the girl in his arms with some annoyance, and asked her what was wrong.


Organ slowly opened her dim eyes, staring blankly at the window that was locked by curtains, just like in the Ueno Zoo, seeing the birds in the iron cage that longed for freedom but were locked in the cage, sad and lonely:

"Isn't this what you've always wanted?" She asked coldly.

Those clear and clear eyes were now occupied by sadness and disappointment, disheartened and silent.

It seemed that he didn't intend to make any resistance, and his elegant and refined temperament gradually dissipated.

This languid and dejected posture made one's heart tremble, and it was the first time he had seen the organ so distraught.


He wants her, but what's the matter with organ Qin's heartbroken look now?

So suppressing his anger, he asked her why with puzzlement.

If you don't want to do this, it's fine not to come in, it's fine to refuse yourself in the taxi, it's fine to refuse when the Literature Department invites her on a date.

He thought that if the organ agreed, it meant that he still liked him in his heart, but he was hesitant about how to accept himself, so he struck while the iron was hot and prepared to cut through the chaos quickly and asked for the organ.

But I didn't expect the organ to be so sad.

Forcibly suppressing the messy thoughts, now Bai Yuan is very depressed and unhappy.


Finally, the girl on the quilt lightly opened her cherry-colored lips, and looked sadly at the gray-white ceiling:
"I don't want to be your caged bird."

The dry and hoarse voice made Bai Yuan stunned, and the tone that fell to the bottom of the valley was like pouring a bucket of ice water in winter, extinguishing his messy thoughts at this time.

With his chest bare, he was silent for a moment, then smiled self-deprecatingly:
"...It's not too much to say it's a bird in a cage..."

I swear to God, he never thought of it that way!

He likes the organ, and the organ also likes him. Why can't the two people who love each other be together?

"Take it if you want me... hurry up."

Organ closed her beautiful eyes, her beautiful body curled up weakly, not listening to what he said or his explanation.

It's just that after he finished speaking, he tightly pressed his pale lips, as if his heart was dead, and he didn't care that he might be tortured by Bai Yuan next.


Kashiwahara's flushed face faded away. It is undeniable that he wished to possess the organ's body now so that she would never be able to leave him, but soon his brain gradually calmed down.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, he looked at the girl who was curled up with her back facing her. Her back was beautiful, smooth and tender, and felt like silky milk.

An uncertain look intertwined on Bai Yuan's face.

Since the last time at the hot spring hotel, when the organ said that he was going to leave him, Bai Yuan was very irritable, and that kind of powerlessness and depression enveloped him all the time.

There is no way to stop the organ from leaving, and there is no way to get out of the chaotic emotional thread and hold the organ to keep her by her side.

Could it be that he could only watch the organ transfer to another school and leave him?

After the monster attack happened in Xiao Yeshan, things turned around, but Organ still only maintains a friend relationship with herself, neither far nor near, mixed with a trace of precaution and vigilance.

She promised at the hospital that she would not transfer schools, but she also did not agree to associate with him.

Kashiwahara, who had experienced the incident where Organ was about to leave, had a strong sense of crisis, and did not have the confidence to persuade Organ to let her accept herself and Asaba.

He understood that the organ was still hesitating and hesitating.

If this situation continues, his chaotic relationship with the organ and Asaba may not end until he graduates from high school, college, or even work.

I don't want to see that tangled scene.

Therefore, he was going to take advantage of tonight's opportunity to ask for the organ, because he knew that a girl like the organ, who was cold on the outside and hot on the inside, would never leave him if she had skin-to-skin contact with him.

Yes, Bai Yuan has no confidence in himself, and he can't guarantee whether the future organ will leave without saying goodbye one day, and leave suddenly.

So when he found that the organ did not refuse to come to his home, he was very happy, thinking that the moment of reunion was coming.

Who would have thought that when he kissed Qin Qin so distraughtly, when he carried her from downstairs to the bedroom to get ready, Qin Qin cried.

Although she didn't cry aloud, but choked up and sobbed silently, Bai Yuan could really feel the sadness in her heart.

Do you just hate yourself that much?

Little by little, Kashiwahara's eyelids drooped, his fingers wandered along the smooth back of the organ.


The night is deep.

It is a rare opportunity to embrace the naked organ in the silent night. At that time, she was not wanted at the organ's house, and a series of things happened later, which has already made Bai Yuan a little annoyed. If he misses today I am afraid that I will never find such an opportunity in the future to strip off the high-cold coat of the organ, and maybe we will always be just friends.

Can Bai Yuan accept it?


The girl choked up silently, her delicate shoulders twitched, trying not to make any crying sounds, the bedding was already soaked by her tears.

Bai Yuan turned over the organ and let her look at him.

Tears still remained in the girl's red and swollen eyes, and she quietly looked at Bai Yuan with burning eyes.

"Do you like me?" he asked.

"I hate you."

Organ, who turned her face away, uttered these words indifferently, I don't know if it was her anger or her heart.

"Ha ha……"

Bai Yuan smiled, his eyes gradually lowered to appreciate it so openly, the girl who was disheartened at first gradually clutched her chest unnaturally, her slender jade legs twitched.


Taking a deep breath, Bai Yuan knew that if she wanted the organ now, it would be difficult for her to leave her in the future. The cold-tempered girl would definitely remember her and leave a deep imprint on her body and soul.
But now he also understood that if he really did that, it would be tantamount to destroying her.

The phrase 'hate you' was really hurtful, he smiled self-deprecatingly.

Looking at the girl with wandering eyes, she seemed to give up resistance, smiled, leaned down and hugged her, and gently wiped away the tears on her face:


The organ was red and swollen, and the beautiful eyes moved slightly, but they still didn't respond, and the out-of-focus pupils didn't look at him.

"I finally understand that some things can't be forced. I'm sorry for belittling you tonight, so... from tomorrow, can we still be friends?"

Bai Yuan said softly.

Finally, the girl whose pupils had lost their light gradually came back to her senses, and vigor and vitality appeared in her eyes, which was a sense of relief and confusion.

She didn't expect that a big pervert like Bai Yuan would be willing to let her go.

After a moment of silence, she looked at the smiling Bai Yuan, and asked puzzledly and suspiciously:
"...Aren't we already friends..."

"No, confidante, not friend." He emphasized.

"what is that?"

"What is our relationship?" Bo Yuan asked back.


The pliable girl Duck sat on the bed and explained hesitantly.

"No, not friends, it should be more than friends, not lovers."

"This is the confidant?" Organ was a little confused.

"Yes, I want you to be my confidante, the only bosom friend who can talk to each other and empathize with everything."


"From tomorrow onwards, you will be my beauty. I swear, I won't interrupt you abruptly until you think it through, okay?"

Bai Yuan's words were not insincere. He stretched out his little finger in front of the girl's eyes, and he swore that he would fulfill his promise and give the organ enough space not to bother her until she figured it out, even if she decided to leave him.


Organ looked at Bai Yuan quietly, as if trying to judge the truth from the false, but there was only a gentle smile on that handsome face.


"Really, starting from tomorrow... I won't bother you rudely again, I'm sorry earlier..." Bai Yuan said sincerely.


The organ whispered softly, and also stretched out her little finger, hooking it with Bai Yuan's hand and shaking it gently.

The invisible oath was established, the girl let go of her fingers in a complicated way, and stared at the boy who made her laugh and cry.

Now that the matter has come to an end, a faint smile appeared on her organ cherry-colored lips, a little relaxed and melancholy.

She knew that she was going to sue Bai Yuan, so she said in a complicated and grateful way:
"Thank you for letting go... Yes, emotional matters cannot be forced, please give me some time to think..."

The girl who gave up on herself just now was still ignored by Bai Yuan, and she turned a blind eye when her clothes were stripped.

At this moment, when she came back to her senses, Organ shyly clutched her happy body, and went to get the shirt and skirt that had been thrown on the ground.

Suddenly, Bai Yuan hugged the organ's waist, making her tremble slightly, thinking that Bai Yuan was about to repent.


"Don't go now, I just want you to stay with me."

Bai Yuan leaned against her ear lazily and melancholy, with nostalgia and cuddling.


Organ bit her lip and looked at him blankly.

"I promise nothing, really!"


"I swear!"


Although Organ wanted to leave the naked Kashiwahara very shyly, but his pleading made her unable to calm down.

"If you mess around... I'll hate you all my life..." she whispered.

Bai Yuan smiled slightly, if he really wanted to mess up just now, he would not have reined in the precipice.


In the quilt, the two cuddling tightly are very nostalgic and cherish the few remaining time.

Starting tomorrow, they will be like strangers, becoming the most familiar strangers
The two people clasped their fingers under the cover of the quilt and whispered. Even though the delicate girl was lying in her arms wearing thin clothes, Bai Yuan still restrained herself from offending the girl.

At some point, the two kissed passionately together, and gradually fell asleep in the deep night.


(End of this chapter)

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