I play love guru in Tokyo

Chapter 48 The War Caused by a Cat

Chapter 48 The War Caused by a Cat

I didn't expect Miss Miko to like cats.

Thanks to Kashiwahara's ability to be promoted to the Immortal Dog - animal language.

Fortunately, what I got was not "dog language communication" - because Ms. Asaba doesn't like dogs.

Thanks to this, although the little white cat can only meow, and Bai Yuan's words cannot be translated into meow, one person and one cat can communicate.

First, the little white cat was bathed with slightly warm water. During this period, it protested many times and was a little vigilant, but fortunately, it didn't hit Bai Yuan with its sharp claws.

After washing, the hair is fluffy and white, and the appearance has been improved to a higher level. A pair of azure blue cat eyes are shining brightly, looking very kawaii.

Raising a cat is somewhat uncomfortable, but it doesn't matter, I will raise it in the Literature Department tomorrow.

Cats are different from dogs. Dogs think that humans are their masters. They need their masters to interact and play. They are full of energy and cannot stay at home all the time.

But cats are different. Cats think that they are partners with humans. They don’t have the concept of owners. They don’t pester humans like dogs and need to play. Instead, they appear cold. Some pet cats have never left the house in their lives, and they hang out indoors every day. Sleeping most of the time, without the company of humans, will not feel bored. Cats are such by nature, too noisy and uncomfortable.


Picking up the little white cat to the school went smoothly, but it took Chizuru Asaba's special car.

Because it is very troublesome to bring pets on the tram, not only a suitable cage is required, but also a limited time.

At eight o'clock, Bai Yuan took the key and opened the door of the literature department, and let the little white cat out of the bag.

Well, although it has animal language, it is impossible to expect a few-month-old white cat to communicate deeply with Kashiwahara, but he can probably understand some simple commands.

The little white cat hadn't been named yet, and Bai Yuan didn't bother to think about it. After releasing the schoolbag, the little white cat didn't make a fuss. Maotong glanced at Bai Yuan, and felt relieved when he saw the human being taking out cat food.

Seeing the little white cat seems to be patrolling its own territory, wandering around with its tail up, the activity classroom is relatively tidy, but Kashiwahara still ordered:
"Remember not to defecate anywhere! I'll give you the cat litter box and cat litter. There's enough food, and you can't mess it up here. Otherwise, you'll be kicked out, you hear me?"


"Just listen, and, most importantly, don't make women angry here, otherwise you will wander around like before."

"Meow wow!" The little white cat raised its furry head and meowed. It looked so beautiful.

Kashiwahara placed the cat nest in the corner, and found that the little white cat seemed to like to crawl around on the stacked tables and chairs at the back door of the classroom.

It likes to climb on high places and sit lazily on a chair, as if such a height can give it a sense of security.

So far, everything works fine.

However, Kashiwahara did not expect that because of a cat, the literature department rekindled the flames of war.

After class, in the club classroom, two women, a man and a cat looked at each other, and the atmosphere was weird.

The little white cat was lying leisurely on the reading table of Xiazhi Xiazhi on weekdays, with its big fluffy tail tucked into a ball, and the pink cat mat looked extremely cute.

Organ and Asagi sat facing each other around this table, their eyes were scorching and surprisingly consistent - the cute little white cat in front of them was their goal.


The little white cat opened its eyes suspiciously, and closed them comfortably.

"Bai Yuan, did it have a name?"

"No." Bai Yuan replied.

"Well, how about we give it a name? Let's call it..."

"Wait." Asaba Chizuru interrupted the joy of the organ Xiazhi, and said disdainfully:
"This is raised by me, you don't need to name it."

"Oh? Kashiwahara-san can say that this is a stray cat, and he really hates Asaba-san." Organ retorted calmly.

"Hehe, it seems that Kashiwahara really tells you everything, right, Kashiwahara Kiyoaki?" Qian Yu smiled, her pretty face darkened:

"The cat food it eats, the cat litter it lives in are all provided by me, and it is naturally I who have the right to name it."

"But it lives in the Literary Mutual Aid Department. If you stay here, you are a member. As a minister, I have the right to discipline the members!" Organ Xia Zhi was not afraid of Chizuru Asaba, and did not back down, and argued with reason.

Bai Yuan's heart tightened, these two guys are naturally aggressive, aren't they?
"Student Asaha, pay attention to your identity, I am the minister."

"It's just a minister, it won't be you in a few days." Qian Yu sneered contemptuously.

"That's a matter of a few days." Organ said calmly.

"It's not you in the future, why should I obey your orders?"

"How sure are you? It's ridiculous to be so confident after losing to me four times in a row."

"Ha ha."

Kashiwahara: ...

"Ahem, then what, the two eldest ladies, the little white cat seems to only listen to me, why don't you let me name it?"

"Hehe, Kashiwahara-kun, you're just a member of the staff, it's not good to bully your superiors."

"Ah, ah, Shiba Inu has to shut up obediently."

One is the domineering young lady, and the other is the aloof minister. Bai Yuan is pitiful and has no right to speak.

But in the end, the three were calm and decided to seriously name the little white cat.

"How about Xiaobai?" Bo Yuan raised his hand and said earnestly, feeling that he was very good at choosing a name. "Xiaobai" is simple, direct and vivid, which is wonderful.

"If Xiaobai can't do it, Tangyuan Dough Baozi Daifuku is also good?"

"Ha ha."

However, for Kashiwahara's naming ability, the two women are surprisingly unanimous in their disdain.

"I think it fits the name 'Water Wave'," said Organ.

"No, I think it's called 'Cookie'" Asaba retorted.

"Hehe, sure enough, Asaba-san would choose such a useless name."

"Shuibo doesn't necessarily have self-restraint."

"Ha ha."

"Ha ha."


Hearing their strange ambiguity, Bai Yuan felt tired. It seemed that the flames of war had not subsided, and the Department of Literature should not be quiet. Both women's words revealed a strong smell of gunpowder.

I don't know if Lin Yin is uncomfortable, but Bai Yuan is very uncomfortable.

"Wait, two!"

Bai Yuan let out a soft cry, and picked up the little white cat as if declaring his sovereignty. He hugged the dazed little white cat, with an innocent face and a fluid look, like a big puddle of cats.

"If you continue to quarrel, you probably won't be able to eat dinner. Shuibo and Kuqi, these two names are very nice, but I think, how about calling it 'Boqi'?"

Take one of each, can you finally calm down?
For a while, the active classroom fell silent.

"I think it's better to be called Kubo." Asaba Chizuru said lightly.

"Heh, has someone's aesthetics fallen to the same level as that of the sewer?" Fengqin Xiazhi put her two white legs together, and the ridicule between her words was as venomous as ever.


Asaba Chizuru frowned, and finally gave a soft snort, tentatively agreeing.

"Little guy, it took a desperate struggle to decide on your name, Pochi, Pochi? Did you hear me, Pochi, remember, this is the boss, and this is also the boss. You and I are both at the bottom of the Literature Department, remember."

Kashiwahara said with emotion, picked up the cat's paw and pointed at the two girls who were about to move in front of him, whispering in Pochi's ear.

"No, only you are the bottom." A certain woman said.

Kashiwahara: ...

Pochi stared at the two girls seriously, with cat pupils flickering, as if they were listening carefully.

"Would you give me a hug for Pochi?"

Unknowingly, Fengqin Xiazhi stretched out her hands, and said with a pleading tone, blinking her pure eyes.

It's a pity that Pochi didn't show face, jumped out of Kashiwahara's embrace with a meow, curled his tail, and leisurely jumped onto the stacked desks and chairs at the back of the classroom.

On the side, someone's ridicule sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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