Chapter 73
He Shen took Zhao Zitong back to her home first, and before reaching her door, He Shen and Zhao Zitong found Xi Shuwen wearing thin pajamas, standing downstairs with a tired face, lighting a cigarette in his hand and emptying his mind completely. There is no thought of taking a sip, just let it go out automatically.

There was a big truck on the side. When He Shen came, that big truck had just started and was about to drive away.

Zhao Zitong stopped back very calmly, and pulled He Shen, shaking his head at him.

"He Shen, don't go, let my mother be quiet for a while."


He Shen didn't understand why, but he still agreed to her request, quietly accompanied her, stood in the distance, and looked at Xi Shuwen.

A gust of cold wind blew, Xi Shuwen couldn't help shivering, rubbed his arms with both hands, and looked around.

Soon, she found He Shen who was walking towards her, and Zhao Zitong who was standing beside him. She immediately forced a smile on her face, threw the unsmoked cigarette under her feet, stomped it out, Then he walked quickly towards He Shen and took Zhao Zitong's hand.

When Zhao Zitong was holding her hand, a relaxed smile appeared on her face.

Xi Shuwen nodded slightly to He Shen, and said gently.

"Mr. He, you have worked hard today. You have worked hard to take Zitong out today. Thank you very much. I will subsidize you with the money you took Zitong out today."

"No, it didn't cost much." He Shen shook his head and refused.

"Hey, He Shen, if my mother wants to give you money, just accept it!"

Standing aside, Zhao Zitong suddenly spoke, and then said to Xi Shuwen.

"Today, He Shen took me to the Jiangzhou Philharmonic Orchestra. Apart from treating me to a meal at noon and evening, it didn't cost much. Mom, you can just make up the whole thing." .”

After all, without waiting for He Shen to refuse, after giving He Shen a wink, he pulled Xi Shuwen towards home.

He Shen stood there in a daze for a while, turned and left without saying anything.

Xi Shuwen turned her head and found that He Shen had disappeared, so she slowly breathed a sigh of relief, stretched out her hand and rubbed Zhao Zitong's head, looked at the night sky, was a little dazed for a while, and finally sighed after a long time.

In the next few days, nothing happened, and everyone was still the same as before.

Xi Shuwen was at home very early in the morning, and left after giving He Shen today's class fee.

In addition to practicing the piano by himself, He Shen also tutors Zhao Zitong every day.

As Zhao Zitong's second choice for the exam, it was a sonata, Mozart K330 that He Shen had played before.

She said that when she heard this work, she felt that her whole body was baptized, so she immediately decided to choose this work as the test track.

He Shen definitely didn't believe this kind of statement, but since Zhao Zitong made her choice, then follow her choice.

In this way, she has already prepared two exam repertoires, leaving only one etude and twelve equal temperaments to choose.

These two works are fairly quick to practice and don't take a lot of time, so He Shen is not in a hurry.

After Zhao Zitong's song selection was confirmed, He Shen immediately took her to practice, helped her with the details, analyzed the works, and ensured that she would not go in the wrong direction.

From the background history of the most basic works, to Mozart's habitual playing method, to the things contained in Mozart's work, etc., I took Zhao Zitong to analyze it.

Although she may not be able to reach a very good level, as long as she follows He Shen's analysis and practice, there is not much problem in reaching the entry level.

And a small art test, you can't even pass the entry-level level, right?
Generally, the students who graduated from the conservatory of music are not particularly good at that kind of piano, basically at the entry-level level. Only those top piano students in the conservatory of music can reach the professional level.

And like He Shen, many works have reached the professional level, and there are probably not many players whose works are mostly entry-level.

In the past few days, He Shen's daily diet has also recovered a lot. Before that, he always ate some very cheap steamed buns and pickled vegetables, and spent most of his money on lollipops.

Now that he has money, his diet is no longer so embarrassing, and he can already guarantee that every meal has a little bit of meat.

For example, put a ham sausage on an omelette for breakfast, a little sausage on rice for lunch, and a ham sausage on porridge for dinner.

Even if you don't want to eat, you will force yourself to eat more to restore your body to normal.

After all, he didn't want to collapse on the stage afterwards.

The main reason why he is still so poor is that the money from Jiangzhou Normal University has not yet arrived, and now he can only live on the salary that Xi Shuwen gives him every day.

The salary is not low, but he doesn't intend to keep teaching. When he promised with Xi Shuwen before, he only promised to teach Zhao Zitong until the end of the art exam.

So there is no other extra income in the future, and the matter of entering the university has not been completely resolved, He Shen still dare not indulge in any special indulgence.

If something went wrong later on, after resigning with Xi Shuwen, and there is no piano company willing to take him, then maybe he will need to find Wang Pei again?
What should I do with my little money?
After all, Wang Pei, as the know-it-all of the piano shop in Jiangzhou, has long said that he is now a malignant tumor in the piano shop. Basically, those piano shops with a little bit of information will not let him work in their company.

As for those uninformed little piano shops?
Those places treat teachers as consumables, teaching four or five little kids an hour, and spend most of the time not in class, but with children.

He Shen, the rebellious child of Zhao Zitong, is almost enough. As for bringing four or five kids?You can only earn a dozen or 20 yuan per hour?
It's better to bear with Zhao Zitong a little bit and be her piano partner.

But having said that, He Shen suddenly thought that Zhao Zitong has obviously become a lot better recently, and she doesn't talk back to herself very much.
No, it shouldn't be obedient, it seems that she has matured a lot.

If I'm not mistaken... Zhao Zitong should have found out about her mother and her father's divorce very early on.

She had been refusing to go upstairs before and didn't want to go home. This was probably the reason why Zhao Zitong was left alone.

He Shen sighed. Xi Shuwen thought she was hiding it well, but she had no idea that her daughter had already seen through it.

It was obvious to Zhao Zitong that she didn't want Xi Shuwen to worry too much about herself, so she pretended to be totally ignorant in front of Xi Shuwen.

I just don't know when Zhao Zitong found out about it.

He Shen shook his head and put this matter behind him. Zhao Zitong's family affairs had nothing to do with him. If he meddled with other people's family affairs without authorization, he might be hated by others.

It's better to let this matter rot in your stomach and pretend that you don't know it at all.

He Shen put his hands on the piano again, and continued to practice Chopin's No. [-] Concerto, preparing for the competition.

Time passed little by little like this, and soon came the final day of the Golden Piano Awards.

(End of this chapter)

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