Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 113 Shocked!Mr. Nangong is here!A fighter that blocks the sky and the sun!

Chapter 113 Shocked!Mr. Nangong is here!A fighter that blocks the sky and the sun!


The bad news of the second son.

Emperor Haogong almost fainted all of a sudden.

It's still the same sentence, old couples, what kind of feelings can they have.

But the son is a treasure.

The current Emperor Komiya fell to the ground.


"Your condolences"

The subordinates immediately stepped forward to help him.

"Green Bamboo Gate! I want you to disappear into this world!"

"There is also Qin Feng, and Sano Hinako!"

"You will all pay for my son's death!"

Emperor Haogong lost two people in his family in a row.

Now he was free from hostages, too.

"Give me the people from the Hiroshima base, continue to support! Don't let them go back!"

"Before Qin Feng entered the waters of the Dragon Empire, bombed him!"

Now the thoughts of father and son.

all the same.

What is the natural beauty of a princess.

What anime-level body and appearance.

Totally shit.

Stephen's side is going to transfer troops from the rice empire to Hawaii, so naturally it will be slower.

As for the soldiers that Haogong and his son wanted, this would be faster.

"How did they come back?"

The chief of Stephen's Self-Defense Forces.

Watching most of the warships of the Sun Empire going back and forth.

I started to panic.

"The five self-defense forces that Mr. Stephen gave us support haven't arrived yet?"

"I haven't arrived yet, it's expected to take about half an hour!"

"We have to resist for half an hour!"

"But we are almost out! And the other side's reinforcements have arrived! How can we resist?"

The remnants of Stephen's self-defense force also began to panic at this moment.
"Our order is to stick to this place and let Mr. Qin get through it!"

"Everyone, are you afraid?"

"Not afraid!"

"Very good! Follow me! Let's talk about destroying a few of their warships!"

Hu Hu Hu.

Boom boom boom.

Battleships and fighters that are not afraid of death.

Naturally brave.

Because Mr. Stephen did give a death order, if Qin Feng can't be saved, they all have to die.

Qin Feng is too important.

None of these bigwigs would risk everything to protect them.

"These miscellaneous fish! With this little remaining power, are you still fighting fearlessly?"

Prince Haogong gave a disdainful look on his face.

The order to open fire was given.


The fighter jet that covered the sky and the sun directly crushed it.


Stephen's self-defense force was completely wiped out.


That is the dozens of fighter jets of the Sun Empire.

Dozens of warships.

Go straight to Qin Feng's speedboat.

Prince Haogong held a telescope, looked at Qin Feng's speedboat in the distance, and said: "Continue to aim at Qin Feng's speedboat! Hit!"

Bang bang bang.

Three consecutive cannon shots were fired.

In the sky, speeds slowly exceed the speed of sound.

resulting in a sharp sonic boom
The cannon has already exceeded the speed of sound. The sound of the sonic boom is a violent muffled sound, like a thunderbolt in the clear sky.
"go to hell!"

"Huaxia Monkey!"

"And that bitch!"

"You don't let me sleep!"

"Sleep forever!"

Hao Gongben has a hideous face at this moment.

Although Qin Feng's speedboat is more than ten kilometers away, it is still within the range of the aircraft gun.

"Mr. Qin, a few kilometers ahead is Jeju Island, the sea area of ​​the Dragon Empire!" The third brother looked at the appearance of the island ahead, and was overjoyed.

"Great Qin Feng! We're finally home!" Sano Hinako also had a rare smile on her face. Too many things happened today and yesterday, and she seemed haggard.

"Jump into the sea quickly! Quick!" Qin Feng is holding a telescope at the moment, looking at a dozen kilometers away, an aerial cannon seems to be firing.

Although the speed of the cannon can reach supersonic speed.

But the speed of light is faster.

So what the eyes see is naturally faster than the aerial gun.



Hinako Sano also heard the loud noise of what appeared to be an aircraft cannon flying in front of her.

But obviously.

It's too late.

Even jump into the sea now.

Still have to be shocked to death by that energy.

"Oops! Mr. Qin"

Ji Xingyue sent Qin Feng a file bag. Although she left the battlefield, she could watch it with a telescope from a distance.

"Boss! Mr. Qin is probably hopeless! All the cannons have been fired!"

Ji Xingyue took the satellite phone and notified Zhuyeqing of the news.

"What? Qin Feng"

Zhuyeqing squeezed her fist hard for a moment.

Is her plug-in gone?
Qin Feng is gone.

Could it be that her plug-in is gone?

So many goodies?

Those heaven-defying rewards?

Now it's all in vain?
Zhuyeqing gritted her teeth fiercely, and gave an order: "Tell the Nine Night Angels not to go back to the headquarters yet! Wait for me in the Sun Empire! I will kill Haogong and his son to avenge Qin Feng!"

"Boss? Are you going to the Sun Empire yourself?"

"This pair of father and son ruined my dream, so I naturally want to ruin their people!"

And Qian Bojin, the general manager of the ocean company who had withdrawn from the battle circle, was also observing with a telescope.

"Mr. Su, my condolences, Mr. Qin is afraid that he lost the opponent's cannon and fired! The current Mr. Qin is completely alone against an empire!"

"What! They fired cannons at Qin Feng? Did they ignore the life and death of the princess?"

Su Xinghe could only hear the sound of the teacup falling to the ground.

"Yes, Mr. Su, he probably didn't think about the life or death of the Crown Princess!"

Although Su Meiji is in China like Su Xinghe.

But he has been worrying about Qin Feng's situation.

She immediately turned pale.

"Is Qin Feng dead?"

"Listen to me from the Su Group, from now on, all the talents of the Sun Empire! Our Su Group will not use it! All the entrepreneurs of the Sun Empire will stop cooperating!"

"I, Su Xinghe, spend my entire life in poverty, and I want to destroy all the properties of the Sun Empire in my Dragon Empire!"

"He made my dreams disappear! I will make them pay the price too!"

As for Stephen's self-defense force, although they were all wiped out at this moment.

In his battleship that was about to sink, but not completely sunk.

The boss is to report the news here to Mr. Stephen by radio.

"Mr. Stephen, I'm sorry, our self-defense force is gone, and my commander-in-chief battleship has also been sunk! They have already fired cannons at Mr. Qin!"

"What! Are you all gone?" Stephen slammed the cigar out of his hand, "Haogong and his son, I want you to pay the price!"

"Listen to my orders! [-] Self-Defense Forces! All attack! Along the island of Hawaii, towards the left of the Empire of the Sun! I want to sneak attack their capital, Dongjing!"

"You made my dreams disappear! I'm going to destroy your whole city!"

"Even if I have ruined my family! I want revenge!"

Of course.

What is the big guy's dream?
What is their purpose of protecting Qin Feng all the time?
On the surface, it seems that it is indeed the reward of the anti-radar technology for more than a thousand years.
But there is actually something deeper.

That is the elixir of life.

If this system, one day, there will be such heaven-defying rewards.

This is their dream.

These bigwigs can say that money and power are already at their peak.

But they still can't escape the passage of time.

A month ago, the system voice suddenly appeared in their minds, which was the beginning of their dream of immortality.

And now.

The dream is gone.

Didn't they go all out with Hao Gong and his son?

Who are you looking for again?
(TM, the author wants the protagonist to die! But the protagonist cannot die!)
Qin Feng's side.

Facing the cannons that have been fired.

this moment.

They stopped struggling.

"Hinako! Are you afraid!"

"I'm not afraid! Actually, to be honest, Qin Feng, I regret it! I regret coming back with you! It's not that I'm afraid of death, but that I've got you in trouble! Stephen's self-defense team was wiped out!" Hinako Sano Hugging Qin Feng tightly, he didn't dare to look at it, and he didn't dare to listen to the sound and appearance of the cannon.

"It's okay! It's not until the last moment. Maybe there will be a turning point?" Although Qin Feng's heart is also beating wildly, Qin Feng knows that there is still a big boss who has not appeared until now.

That is, among the six big bosses that Qin Feng discovered.

One is still diving in TM.

That is Mr. Nangong.

But Qin Feng is not sure if he can survive now.

Then wait for a hope.

At this moment, the cannon in the sky is very fast.

The high-tech cannon with tracking effect, the speed in the sky is supersonic.

Supersonic speed is greater than 340 meters per second.

10 kilometers or so.

It takes less than 1 minute
Can't dodge.

Can't escape.

But 40 seconds had passed, and the cannon was getting closer and louder.

It must be only a few kilometers away.

340 meters per second.

It only takes about a dozen strokes.

The tracking cannon is about to land on top of their heads.

Just at this critical moment.

Due east.

That's right.

It is along the coast of the south of the Yangtze River.

With a thud.

A missile passed over the head of the Qinfeng speedboat.

It directly collided with the aircraft cannon fired from the Sun Empire.

Waves from the explosion.

It overturned Qin Feng's boat directly.


Qin Feng fell into the water.

Falling into the sea is freezing cold.

But he didn't think about anything else.

Keep swimming up the water.

"Damn it! Mr. Nangong! You're a dog! It's finally here!"

Qin Feng laughed wildly in his heart.

In the end, I still didn't die.

I want Mr. Nangong to be here.

Qin Feng will definitely scold him.

This Nima Wannian diving dog?

In a few seconds, Qin Feng died, still diving?

But at this moment, Qin Feng wanted to find Hinako Sano.

Because they capsized together and fell into the water.

"Sano Hinako, Sano Hinako!"

After surfacing.

Qin Feng kept looking around.

Fortunately, this is just an air wave, not lethal.

Otherwise they will all die.

Qin Feng quickly found the swimming ring floating on the sea after the speedboat capsized.

"Qin Feng, Qin Feng, I'm here!"

It looks like Hinako Sano can swim.

She tried her best to swim towards Qin Feng.
"The two hug each other!"

Survival from nowhere.

Sano Hinako immediately kissed Qin Feng.

The two kissed passionately on the swimming ring.

Five seconds later.


"We are not dead!"


"Someone saved us!"

"It seems to be an anti-interception cannon fired! It shot down the cannon aimed at us!"

Sano Hinako threw herself into Qin Feng's arms excitedly.

Keep kissing Qin Feng.

"That's right! We're saved! We should be safe now!"

Qin Feng knew.

The Naval War Department of the Dragon Empire must have arrived.

The current Qin Feng.

Don't worry about your safety at all.

"What's the situation? Why did the cannon explode in the middle? Could it be."

"Under Hao Palace, it is an anti-intercept intercontinental missile! The cannon we fired was intercepted!"

"What? Was it intercepted again? Didn't Stephen's self-defense force be wiped out by us?"

Hao Gongben just finished speaking.

You can only see the due west, which is the direction of the southeast coast of the Dragon Empire.

It is a buzzing sound.

Rows of fighter jets.

Cover the sky.

It feels like the entire sky is covered.

The sign above is red.

There are probably more than ten groups of fighter jets.

There are eight drivers in one group.

They formed a V shape and flew.

And that beach.

On the other hand, there are also countless huge warships at a glance, driving towards this side row by row.

Battleships and fighter jets soar through the skies and skim the seas.

The bow of the iron-clad boat pierced the blue waves, separated a waterway and marched bravely.

Layers of sea waves were stirred up, with white waves passing over the ship's side.

ps: Everyone who sees this, can you vote for the author, after all, this thing is too important, can I waste a few seconds of your time?Monthly voting points, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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