Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 121 The man behind the scenes who wants to kill the queen is actually...

Chapter 121 The man behind the scene who wanted to kill the queen was actually...
"This old man is"

"Why does it look so familiar?"

Qin Feng opened his eyes slightly, with a surprised expression.

He knew this old man.

Isn’t this the supreme celestial being?
It wasn't that he was intimidated by the other party's identity.

But seeing him for the first time was a bit of a surprise.

After all, although I don't see him, I have had countless contacts.

So this Nangong Mingyue?call him grandpa?
She should be the direct granddaughter of Mr. Nangong, right?

After all, if it is a female child of the collateral line, you can also call Mr. Nangong "Grandpa".

But generally the collateral lineages don't have this title, they will call the patriarch, or Mr. Nangong.

Only direct grandchildren can be called grandpa.

"Grandpa, why are you here? Are you so busy? I'm fine." Nangong Mingyue's eyes were full of respect, and she said coquettishly, "After I fell into the water, I was a little tired. I have nothing else to do. Why don't you coming?"

"You, you, hurry up and put on your shoes." Grandpa Nangong looked at his granddaughter's bare feet, as if it was because Qin Feng was leaving?Then the girl quickly got up to stop her, and then she didn't even wear her shoes, right?

"I don't want to wear them!" Nangong Mingyue looked down at Xu Fengnian carrying the shoes for her, looking like she was about to wear them, naturally she didn't want to pay attention to Xu Fengnian.

"Do you want grandpa to help you put it on? You girl, put it on quickly, it's cold on the ground!" Mr. Nangong's love for the successor of the next generation can naturally be seen from a few words.

It is said that every generation is close to every generation.

It seems true.

Nangong Mingyue's father probably never had such love.

"You tell him to put down my shoes, I'll wear them myself!" Nangong Mingyue glanced at Xu Fengnian who was squatting under her feet, and she didn't want him to help her put on her shoes anyway.

Things like helping put on shoes can only be done by male and female friends.

"Okay, Mingyue, you wear it yourself." Xu Fengnian looked at Nangong Mingyue's crystal clear little feet and forced a smile, but he was very embarrassed in his heart, but he had long been used to Nangong Mingyue's arrogance, after all, she is the future Empress, if you want to chase someone, how can you not be angry?
But Xu Fengnian could tell that today's Nangong Mingyue rejected him much more than in the past.

Although he was rejected in the past, it was not as strong as today.

Is it because the person who rescued her is here?

"Put it down quickly! It's cold on the ground! I'm going to put on my shoes!" Nangong Mingyue really wanted to kick Xu Fengnian now. His own savior, at first, no one by the river was willing to go down to save her, just because Mr. Qin, Brave, regardless of life and death.

In the end, Mr. Qin was said to be climbing the dragon and attaching the phoenix.


So say Nangong Mingyue's benefactor.

It was intolerable to her.

He also hated Xu Fengnian more and more.


Nangong Mingyue, who was wearing beautiful little slippers, pulled her grandfather to sit on the chair, while she half leaned against the hospital bed.

"Grandpa, this Mr. Qin is your granddaughter's savior." Nangong Mingyue said, and glanced at Xu Fengnian, "But...but there are people."

"What happened to you just now?" Mr. Nangong asked again when he saw that his granddaughter didn't continue.

"Xu Fengnian said that Mr. Qin has the skills of climbing dragons and phoenixes. He said that it was my Mercedes-Benz and his hands and feet, and then created a false impression of saving lives!" Nangong Mingyue said, looking at Qin Feng, "Of course, Mr. Qin , I don’t think so, I believe in your character.”

"Thank you." Seeing that the client was so sure of himself, Qin Feng naturally had a slightly better impression of her in his heart. After all, he deserves respect for not listening to rumors and being firm in his heart.

"Fengnian! Is there any evidence for this?" Mr. Nangong's expression remained unchanged, but Wei Wei looked at Xu Fengnian with sharp eyes.

"Master Nangong, there is no evidence yet, but the brake pads of Mingyue's Mercedes-Benz have indeed been tampered with, and this person can't find out who it is!"

Xu Fengnian didn't continue.

Mr. Nangong said in a reproachful tone: "Since there is no evidence, how can you say that he did it?"

"But old man, listen to my explanation. When this Mr. Qin went into the water to save people, some passers-by saw a few people sneaking down by the river bank! They seemed to be watching him, as if protecting his safety. How do you explain this?" Xu Fengnian still insisted on his own analysis, he felt that Mr. Qin was too suspicious.

to be frank.

As far as these evidences are concerned.

Nor is Xu Fengnian targeting Qin Feng.

But Qin Feng himself is very suspicious.

But when he saw Qin Feng rescued Mingyue and performed artificial respiration, he did not feel gratitude, but hatred. Just based on this alone, this person's character is not very good.

Generally speaking, even if Mingyue is his future daughter-in-law, people who understand something should not hate Qin Feng for kissing his daughter-in-law, right?

"Just because of these two points? You say he was the mastermind of the car accident?" Mr. Nangong stared at him.

"Mr. Nangong, I didn't say he is, but let me analyze it! Doubt!" Xu Fengnian did not continue.
Qin Feng said sharply: "Are you analyzing? You can analyze, but don't mention me, can you? You have framed someone, and now you have become an analysis? Then you did my analysis, do you admit it or not?"

"I did it? How could I attack Mingyue? It's so funny."

Xu Fengnian said this.

Mr. Nangong interrupted sharply: "Okay! Don't talk about it. Fengnian, please apologize to Qin Feng!"

As soon as the old man said the words.

Of course.

It is the word Qin Feng.

Everyone in the audience immediately became dumbfounded.

"What? Grandpa? You mean? He is Qin Feng?" Nangong Mingyue's face suddenly changed unexpectedly. Is this that one?My grandfather has been paying attention to it all the time?But I don't know why Grandpa pays attention to his Qin Feng?
"This person is actually Qin Feng?" Nangong Zhuhua also stared at Qin Feng with two big eyes. This guy, it seems that what happened in the sea a few days ago, but the Dragon Empire dispatched many people to go there.

Nangong Zhuhua knew very well that Qin Feng's status in the old man's mind was probably too high.

"Is he Qin Feng? How could it be? How could it be such a coincidence?" Xu Fengnian was also stunned. Why didn't he know about Qin Feng? Everyone in the four major families knew about it.

But they know less specifically.

All I know is that Qin Feng is well taken care of by the old man.

Many people suspect that this is the illegitimate son of Mr. Nangong?Or the illegitimate son of Mr. Nangong's son?
Or is it the offspring of Mr. Nangong's savior?

Not long ago, my father's illegitimate daughter was also my sister.

It also provoked Qin Feng.

Up to now.

This Xu Li just came out.

At that time Xu Fengnian was very popular and planned to settle the score with Qin Feng, but his father persuaded him not to cause trouble.

Of course. Xu Fengnian, as the direct son of the Xu family, the head of the four major families in the capital, and the first choice of Nangong Mingyue's fiancé, naturally did not feel that his status could be inferior to Qin Feng's.

Qin Feng received the attention of Mr. Nangong again.

Can he compare with the first son of the four major families?

Unless he is the illegitimate son of the old man or the old man's son, it's almost the same.

Anyway, Xu Fengnian's identity can rival that of anyone in the royal family except Nangong Mingyue.

"Qin Feng. Your original name is Qin Feng? Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Nangong Mingyue looked at Qin Feng resentfully. This guy seemed to have never mentioned his name, and she kept calling him Mr. Qin.

"Didn't you tell me? Are you the future empress? Grandpa Nangong's designator?" Qin Feng smiled faintly. No matter how stupid he was, he had guessed the identity of Nangong Mingyue. "I didn't expect that I would save her." What about a princess?"

"!!!!" Seeing Nangong Mingyue and Qin Feng talking there, Xu Fengnian's heart bleed a little more.

"Fengnian, didn't you hear me? I asked you to apologize to Qin Feng." Seeing that Xu Fengnian didn't apologize, Mr. Nangong naturally urged him.

"Old man, but Qin Feng is really suspicious of this matter, you have to investigate carefully!" Xu Fengnian explained, "Let me tell you something about my family. There is a younger sister in my family, It was because she was chased by the gangsters and almost died. Then a man suddenly appeared and saved her. Later, my sister fell in love with the man who saved her. She completely disregarded the advice of her family and wanted to marry this man After the last five years of marriage, this matter was exposed, and this son-in-law was also kicked out by our Xu family!"

This story of Xu Fengnian.

It's true. ,
It did happen in their Xu family.

Moreover, this kind of skill of climbing the dragon and attaching the phoenix is ​​actually not uncommon in big families.

"Okay, let me say it again, before there is no evidence! You must apologize to Qin Feng!"

Grandpa Nangong stared slightly, and said in an angry way: "Is it because my words are not working?"

Of course.

How could Mr. Nangong not know that his granddaughter's Mercedes-Benz had been tampered with.

And this is what he did.

So why did the old man do this?

This is his granddaughter, the next generation heir.

how to think?
The old man wouldn't do that, would he?

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(End of this chapter)

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