Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 334 Soldiers approach the city!Almost unable to hold on?

Chapter 334 Soldiers approach the city!Almost unable to hold on?

Qin Bingqing is slightly held in Qin Feng's arms at this moment.

Qin Feng must be that one.

Qin Bingqing was unbearable again.

She is not stupid either.

Knowing what godfather said, it was driving.

"What's the matter, dear girl?" Qin Feng smiled harmlessly, whispered in her ear, and put his arms around her slender waist, stroking her belly slightly.

"Who told you to be like this? I'm in a bad place, and you still make fun of him?" Qin Bingqing, a beautiful woman, said delicately, completely embarrassed.

"o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o hehe, then who told our good daughter to be so beautiful? Could it be that the godfather is not good enough?" Qin Feng giggled and bit her crystal clear ear.

Then he said softly.

"Don't worry, good daughter, if you find a chance, your godfather will definitely."

Qin Feng didn't go on.

Anyway, find a chance.

Just give her a good treatment for the symptoms of excessive dehydration.

It's time to get a good treatment.

This kind of illness cannot be delayed, because it is easy for girls to be depressed.

"." Nan Gonglin was on the side, seeing Qin Feng and Qin Bingqing being so close, he was also a little speechless. ,

In the whole world, there is only Qin Feng.

That's why there are all one-star generals here in front of big shots.

He was still holding a woman.

Return Qingqing to me.

"Godfather, can you stop being so close, there are still many people in the conference room here."

Qin Bingqing was so speechless, she just hugged herself.

In front of so many people.

Gently bite her ear.

Such behavior is really embarrassing.

"Why do you care so much, these people are my subordinates, or in the future, I will be their master, and the whole world will be mine in the future. I want to lead human beings, conflict with the blue star, and go to a more distant universe. We can't stop at Blue Star." Qin Feng laughed, not taking other people seriously at all.

Of course, it doesn't mean to despise them.

It's his own woman who is intimate with him.

Nothing to be ashamed of.

"Godfather, what are you talking about about the Great Tiger Empire? What are you doing without saying anything? Just wait for the South African Emperor to insist? Why are they so vicious? If the South African Emperor surrenders, although our own people will die less, we will also die." You don’t have to die. But if the other party says it, the casualties will be even greater.”

Qin Bingqing felt that the Western Tiger Empire was too much.

all of these. ,

It's all because of them.

Gave South African hope.

Keep them tenacious all the time.

"Hehe, dear girl, you don't know about many major events in the world. This big western tiger is vicious, but it's nothing. Back then, there was an empire with a lot of oil, so they made it miserable."

Qin Feng for such an empire.

There is no good feeling at all.

The point is this.

If the Dragon Empire is the number one power, then the number two will take off and surpass the number one.

As the number one, the second child must be suppressed to keep his position.

This is reasonable.

Because any empire would do the same.

But to be honest, there are some things they do that are too shameless, and they are completely shameless empires.

"I've also heard that the empire with a lot of oil has really been ruined by the big tiger in the West. This empire will be replaced by the godfather sooner or later, right?" Qin Bingqing now thinks that the hero he admires is to do it himself. Father.

A man like his godfather.

Just a dream girl.

No man can compare to him one ten thousandth.

Not only handsome.

Still so gentle.

Still doting on her so much.

Although it was indeed a bit of a prank, but when I think about it, this is also the fun of two people.

Qin Bingqing didn't blame Qin Feng for finding out his little clothes just now.

Later, Sayuri Miyazaki also told Qin Bingqing that it was your godfather who would play tricks on you, and it would be fun to watch you worry.

"Good girl, in the future, if you go back and want to manage it in one place, you can learn more, and I will manage it for you in a state." Qin Feng said.

"Really? Godfather, a state? That is, the former empire. If it is won, it will be a state?" Qin Bingqing became happy. He never thought in his life that he could do this?

"Of course, it depends on whether you have this ability. After all, I can't let you enjoy yourself, and then do nothing else? You work hard yourself." Qin Feng said, "But it will take at least three years. It will take five years or more for you to have this ability, but you can talk about where you want to go now, and if you have children in the future, you can all go there."

"Where do you want to go?" Qin Bingqing didn't know what to say, "I've been reading on the news, Australia seems to be good?"

"Is that small island in the south?" Qin Feng smiled, the place is really good, the environment is very good, but because of geographical factors, the economy is not very good, but the natural resources are really good, and the environment is not bad .

"It's no problem, dear girl. After you go back, just study hard. For godfather, the world will be unified soon. It won't be too long." Qin Feng said.

"Well, thank you godfather." Qin Bingqing smiled happily, and kissed Qin Feng's side face, "I will give it to godfather in the future"

"what's for me?"

"That's what you said just now, baby." Qin Bingqing said shyly, and she knew that the two people's address was just for fun, but they were actually little lovers.

"Cough, cough, that's okay, Bingqing, I'll be waiting for our baby." Qin Feng smiled.

The two continued to talk about love.

And the other side.

At this moment, the South African emperor had already seen a lot of vehicles and fighter jets of the mechanized war department.

Etc., etc.

It has already begun to be only seven or eight kilometers away from the capital.

If you push it in.

Then the soldiers will really come to the city.

"Quick! Quickly connect to the Tiger Emperor, so that they don't think about it! Do you want to help! My capital is about to be besieged!"

The South African emperor was really anxious to death.

The commander of the Western Great Tiger Empire was electrified just now.

They say they are not sure yet. ,
We have to wait for the Tiger Emperor to mobilize some troops to come over.

Now they just pretend to persuade the fight.

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(End of this chapter)

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