Knock wonders from the space station

Chapter 143 Corporal James

Chapter 143 Corporal James

James sat slumped on the bridge, looking disappointed as the relieved crew sent a surrender request to Shentang.

My heart is so powerless.

Although he is a member of the Freemasonry, he is not a senior fanatic. The Freemasonry forced him to join in order to obtain his army.

James is a speculator with his own ambitions.

It just so happens that the Freemasonry has the ability to help him go further, and he can bring the needed troops to the Freemasonry, so the two hit it off.

However, this relationship has changed since the cemetery was involved.

The trial of the cemetery broke all the original pattern. James knew clearly that his own prestige and the troops gathered were not enough to survive in the cemetery.

This is the critical moment when the Freemasonry is eager to seize the power and reorganize. If he can help him in a timely manner, not only can he regain the thigh of the Freemasonry, but he can also win good promotion capital.

Until James met Hyperon, he thought so.

However, the appearance of Hyperion made him feel a fatal crisis - Hyperion does not allow the existence of speculators like him!

This son of God is an out-and-out fanatic, and he can't tolerate the slightest bit of sand in his eyes.

Although Hyperion didn't say it clearly, James understood that his secrets and thoughts had already been known by the other party. The reason why he hadn't moved himself was that he still had influence on the soldiers under his opponent, and the other party didn't have a command to entrust him with important tasks. talent.

Huanyu's own security captain was in charge of the command last time, and as a result, most of the security forces were directly defeated.

In order to stabilize the army and prevent such events from happening, Hyperion had to tolerate its own existence.

But this period will never be long.

James must rediscover his position in the Freemasonry, otherwise he will be cleared by Hyperion in the future.

Now it is too difficult for him to convert to the theological system of the Freemasons and become a fanatic. The most reliable thing right now is to make contributions. The more useful and irreplaceable he is, the less likely the Freemasons will give up easily.

However, all these plans were shattered in the abyss of Shentang Sanctuary.

He failed completely and lost all the bargaining chips in his hands. Now, apart from being a prisoner, James couldn't think of a better end for himself.

As for joining Shentang Sanctuary, even he himself thought it was a fantasy.

In 2088, after the independence of the states in the United States, the independent governments have long become a mess, and they have become playgrounds for the Huanyu Group. The people living here have become extremely realistic, and there are only interests between people.

When James was young, he also had a passionate heart, trying in vain to restore this land to its former glory.

Criticizing current politics, marching and demonstrating, signing up to join the army...

He's done it all.

But in the end, he climbed higher and higher, became a senior officer of the Lunar Army, and became a member of the interest group he hated before, and got deeper and deeper.

If you fail to slay a dragon, you will become a dragon instead.

Later, James realized that there is nothing wrong with being selfish in this troubled world. He himself has tens of millions of dollars in private property, has invested in several companies, his wife and lover can form a football team, and his children can form a football team. Strengthen the platoon, and the small life is quite comfortable.

Apart from adding a few more generals to his shoulders, there is no other pursuit.

The original lofty ideals have long since been thrown away.

The brilliance of humanity has long been like a candle in the wind to him.

James and Donald are actually the same kind of people who value power and interests very much.

But Donald was much better than him. Old Tang still valued his family anyway, and planned to lead his warship to Earth to bring back his ex-wife and children. James had already considered setting up another family at the cemetery.

True and ruthless.

Donald is a greedy but affectionate fat man, and this is what Lu Feng can accept him for.

Besides James' commanding ability and means of earning money are commendable, there is not much that Lu Feng values.

If he wants to join Shentang and get Lu Feng's approval, he must have a long way to go.


Soon after, the battlefield returned to calm.

The Huanyu Group's offensive troops were all disarmed and controlled by the Shentang Guards.

Of the 4 Perseid gunboats, three were severely damaged, and the remaining one of the special modified type surrendered. When the fleet of hundreds of aircraft surrendered and fired, there were still more than 80 aircraft left.

Three Shentang Guard fighter planes were also shot down, one pilot died unfortunately, and the rest of the troops suffered minimal casualties.

In general, it is no surprise that Shentang won a complete victory this time. Not only did they seize a large amount of weapons and equipment, but they also captured nearly 200 soldiers of the alliance.

These soldiers were all experienced veterans, but their spirit and spirit made Lu Feng very dissatisfied, and they were not as gratifying as the thugs recruited before.

The fighting will and faith are even more crotch. If the battle is not at a critical juncture, Lu Feng will never use them.

Now let me plant potatoes in the subspace, if I can't transform it in this life, then don't come out in my life!
As for their commander, General James.

Lu Feng only took one look at him, and he knew what kind of person he was—a low profile version of Donald (military type).

A selfish old bastard.

Barely has a certain transformation value, and it is worth a few words of speech.

"Mr. James, based on your professionalism, I can give you an option other than imprisonment and labor reform:

That is to start from the beginning, to become a grassroots soldier, to understand what kind of force the Shentang Sanctuary is, to observe what kind of army the Shentang Guard is, what is sustaining us, and we are guarding what.

After you understand this and are willing to fight for it, I think I will welcome you to officially join Shentang, and hand over a powerful fleet to your command.

Do you accept it? "

Lu Feng stared at James indifferently, James raised his head slightly, looked back at Lu Feng's deep eyes, and finally gave a helpless smile.

"You psykers are really unpleasant, you already know the answer, don't you?"

James has seen similar eyes, and those eyes belong to Hyperion. Although the shapes and colors of the eyes are different, the depth that can see through the soul of a person is exactly the same.

Although James is selfish, his character is tough enough.

He will not be easily knocked down by failure, and if there is a one in ten thousand chance for him to regain power, he will definitely hold on to it.

Even if this opportunity is given to him by the enemy.

"Well, Shentang is a magical place, and you will understand it soon. Now, report to the Marine Corps. You will be Corporal James in the future. Work hard! I look forward to your transformation!"

Lu Feng nodded and asked someone to send James to Jiang Shan's side.

James is over 40 years old, I hope he won't be tossed to death by Jiang Shan.

If James can correct his evil ways, then his fleet commander will also be available.


(End of this chapter)

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