Chapter 175
Because the Xinhuo is relatively far away, the swarm did not react too much before firing. The compound eyes of ordinary beetles are very sensitive to nearby targets and can lock on high-speed targets, but they are relatively slow to distant things. .

Of course, even if you find out, there is no way to rush over.

As a dedicated gunship, the Aegis-class destroyer has a very good fire control system. There are as many as three sets of radar arrays on the hull to ensure that the secondary main guns can avoid obstacles very accurately even in the complex environment of the cemetery. Hit distant targets.

Although the Holy Shield-class railgun only has a caliber of 160mm, the huge kinetic energy brought by the high speed is enough to produce decent destructive power. Coupled with the metal hydrogen charge inside the warhead, the terrifying explosion power of each shell is no less than that of a small Equivalent tactical nuclear bomb!
Although the loaded high-explosive bombs can only be launched at a relatively low speed to protect the shell fuze, its excellent area-of-effect damage capability is tantamount to a natural enemy for thin-skinned and large-bodied targets.

There are about a hundred bugs hidden in the large wreckage at the target location.

The explosion caused by the successive hits of 8 projectiles directly destroyed the entire wreckage, and none of the bugs inside survived!

The shattered fragments shot out to the surroundings, mixed with various broken insect remains, and even the insect sentinels who were guarding around were attacked by the fragments.

With just one blow, nearly 150 Zergs were eliminated, including nearly 10 blood halberd beetles.

"Hit confirmed! The target has been destroyed!"

Immediately there was excited cheers from the crew on the bridge, and Lu Feng nodded slightly, expressing his approval for the shooting.

"The secondary main gun is reloaded, the target is locked on the two wrecks of 8-2 A and 3-9 C in front, and the distances are 2.4 and 3.1 respectively. Fire when you are ready!"

Lu Feng continued to give orders.

The latent bug swarm was in a semi-dormant state. Although the attack just now alarmed the bug swarm, it still took some time for the bug swarm to wake up and rush out of the wreckage. If you hurry up, you can still get some results in the second round.

Sure enough, the swarm began to emerge from the wreckage after being alarmed.

The two pieces of wreckage locked by the Xinhuo were not small, and the bugs inside were a little slower to come out, so they were shot a few more times, and dozens of them were killed.

After the swarm came out, the problems that happened before appeared.

Enemies are too far away, they can't hit!

This pissed off the insects, if it wasn't for the absence of sound in a vacuum, Lu Feng would have heard the deafening insects.

"The secondary main battery is on standby, the secondary battery is ready, target the blood halberd beetle, free fire!"

After the bugs came out of the wreckage, the target was much smaller, and it would be very inefficient to let the main guns fire again, so when the secondary battery came on the scene, as many as 12 groups of secondary guns began to straf the insects in the distance. The bugs ran away with their heads in their arms, unable to fight back.

This situation lasted only for a while, and the 1000-strong Vajura army abandoned this position after losing a third of it and began to retreat.

Even if the Xinhuo pressed the opponent, he did not turn back and fight back, which made Lu Feng's plan to fly a kite in vain.

In the end, the bugs were completely out of the Firefire's field of vision. After the chase was over, the Firefire killed nearly 400 bugs in total.

This is just the beginning.

Then Lu Feng took the Firework to find trouble with other Zerg troops on the surrounding borders.

It was relatively smooth at the beginning, and it was basically a replay of the first battle. The crew of the Xinhuo gradually became more proficient and confident in each battle.

Unfortunately, the good times are not long.

Since Lu Feng was able to accurately attack the hidden bug strongholds every time, after killing nearly 3000 bugs, the bug swarm gave up the strategy of concentration and concealment, and chose to break it up into pieces!

In other words, it turns out that the bug swarm would choose some large pieces of debris and ambush hundreds of bugs at a time.

And after being beaten up by Lu Feng and the others, the swarm chose to hide no matter the size of the wreckage, and the number of worms hidden in each location may only be a dozen or even single digits.

In this way, even if the Xinhuo's naval guns are sharp, it is impossible to blow up all the wreckage.

This is a problem for Lu Feng, but it can be solved.

Why are humans afraid of bugs? Is it because bugs are powerful individual soldiers?

It's because of the large number of bugs!

Once the number of insects increases and a swarm of insects is formed, then humans will only end up fleeing in embarrassment.

Since the bugs chose to disperse in order not to be bombarded, then the human fighter force will not be polite to you~
Half an hour later, hundreds of blade interceptors flew over the outer ring area and began to strangle the hidden bugs one by one!

Shen Tang came out in full force this time, and there were very few troops left behind in his hometown. He still relied on the Shenzhou Army to help him defend, in order to inflict maximum damage on the bugs before they reacted.

The worm that had just stopped for a short time soon discovered that the enemy had attacked the door again!
They came out of their hiding places angrily, only to be blinded in an instant...

By the way, shouldn't the swarms besiege humans? Why did I get chased and beaten by several human fighters as soon as I came out!

For a while, it seemed that human beings became a swarm of insects. Wherever they went, the scattered Vajura Zerg could not organize an effective counterattack. The artillery fire scattered.

In just 10 minutes, the loss was heavy.

From the end of the trial to the present, the loss of the Vajura Zerg has exceeded 5000!
The astonishing results made Shentang Sanctuary regain the top spot in the faction record list in a blink of an eye!

And the price is that the swarm is completely angry.

All the beetles in the direction of Shentang were dispatched, and the overwhelming super-shentang guards strangled them, the number exceeded [-]!

And there were 6 huge red gold beetles among them. These destroyer-class units immediately bombarded the Holy Shield class in the distance after arriving at the front line. The 3 huge plasma cannons on their backs fired dazzling flashes, a total of 18 shots All shot at the fire number.

Thousands of blood halberd beetles around them also fired simultaneously, and the dense fire net instantly enveloped the Shentang fighters who were still fighting the yellow beetles.


The auxiliary engine on the side of the Firefire ejected blue flames, and the huge hull immediately moved to one side, and then the plasma beams followed one after another, half of them missed, and the other half bombarded the battleship armor.

Violent vibrations were immediately felt inside the bridge. Explosions are one of the main killing methods of bioplasma, and the other half is high temperature.

"Steady! All departments report the damage!"

Lu Feng stood firmly in the middle of the bridge, and sternly stopped the panicked crew members. It was the first time they were attacked by the enemy on a battleship, and it was inevitable that they were not used to it.

", my ship was shot on the port side, part of the armor was damaged, two auxiliary guns failed, and the hull is basically intact!"

"Very good, the damage control team immediately eliminated the fault of the secondary gun, recharged the main gun, and locked on the red gold beetle! Fire!"


(End of this chapter)

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