Knock wonders from the space station

Chapter 190 The Sleeping Vajura Mothership

Chapter 190 The Sleeping Vajura Mothership
While the other forces were busy developing, Lu Feng and his Shentang Sanctuary were not idle.

He had sneaked into the core area a few days earlier!
Of course, he made the necessary camouflage for the Xinhuo, pretending to be a wandering meteorite, and crashed into the core area.

The UAV in charge of defense has limited intelligence, and after no abnormal signal was found, it did not ignore him.

After the Xinhuo got into the core area, Lu Feng looked like a mouse that fell into a rice bowl.

Stargate's defense strategy is tight outside and loose inside.

In other words, more than 90% of the drone troops and the meteorite fortress were concentrated around the meteorite defense line, but it was not so strict after reaching the interior.

So Lu Feng looked at those large wreckages, and tears of happiness flowed from the corner of his mouth.

It's all me!

Half a day later, a huge ring with a diameter of nearly 1 kilometer quietly appeared in the core area of ​​the cemetery.

Thieves and thieves.

When a small number of patrols leave an area, the ring comes to life, quietly wandering among the large pieces of debris.

Any wreckage with a diameter smaller than it is the target of its devouring!
The ring seems to be connected to another world, and anything that enters it will disappear without a trace in an instant.

Eat wherever you go, and eat with great joy.

And once the patrol returned, the ring would simply play dead, just like any other icy piece of space junk.

Well, it's like...

One, two, three wooden people?
As a result, the area around the stargate, which was supposed to be the most densely wrecked, disappeared today, and the environment became more spacious.

Every time the drone patrol comes back from a circle, there is always something missing around them.

As long as you are not blind, a fool can tell the difference!

However, Oracle apparently didn't expect this when it programmed the drone, so even if the drone's sensors detected a difference, there was no corresponding plan in the database.

Ever since, a big fat rat named Lu was born.

In just a few days, Lu Feng's mouth was full of oil.

Now, next to the space city in the subspace, a small man-made cemetery has appeared, filled with large shipwrecks and fragments of space bases, all of which were brought back by Lu Feng bit by bit.

Lu Feng felt like a squirrel, working hard to store "big nuts" hundreds of meters long at home~
There are also some meteorites with extremely high gas content, which were directly converted into source energy and cornerstones by Lu Feng.

The huge space city is expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The dark building modules are neatly spliced ​​together, like chocolate boards in space, spectacular but a bit cold, not as pleasing to the eye as the sky garden.

Of course, this space city has a large scale, but because it lacks character and uniqueness, it is just a huge space building.

Lu Feng is happy to move here, and the researchers in the scientific research department naturally feel like they are celebrating the holiday.

Through the portholes of the research module, everyone can clearly see the huge remains floating in the distance. They are all priceless treasures of human beings on the earth. As long as you make a report, you can board one of the shuttles and study to your heart's content. .

Research what you want to study, and dismantle what you want to dismantle.

No need to worry about damage at all!
This is Lu Feng's little connivance to them. After all, there are too many wreckages. He wants to convert them into scientific research results faster and integrate them into Shentang's technology tree.

In just a few days of scientific excavation, the achievements of the Academy of Sciences far exceed the sum of all previous achievements!

Not only has a relatively complete basic science system been established, but also achievements have been made in many fields such as materials, weapons, energy, communications, and ecology.

This is also thanks to the calculation of March [-], the most powerful AI in Tang Dynasty.

The research institute found the remains of several ecological colonial arks among the wreckage, and recovered a lot of civilian technology from them.

Lu Feng was very concerned about this.

Because the next step is to colonize Tianji Star, and the current military equipment also has ready-made blueprints for use, so Lu Feng ordered the research institute to shift the focus of current research to the civilian field, all technologies that are closely related to the future 1000 million refugees.

It can be considered a rainy day.

What, there are only a few days left before the arrival of refugees?

Not a big problem~
After all, life in the space city is no different from home isolation. It will take a long time for the refugees to come out of this pigeon cage, and there is still time.


The pleasant time lasted until the moment of the oracle's announcement.

The third stage has started ahead of schedule!

On the one hand, Lu Feng was surprised by the decisiveness of the swarm, and on the other hand, he was puzzled by the motive of the swarm.

What is the reason for the swarm to desperately destroy the star gate and keep humans here?
At first, Lu Feng had no clue.

It wasn't until Lu Feng found something amazing around the star gate that day that he suddenly realized it.

The star gate in the core area is a small star gate with a diameter of less than 1000 meters.

The star gate is the most common ring shape, and the thickness of the ring that makes up the star gate is nearly 100 meters. This leads to the fact that after the star gate is activated, the navigable diameter inside the gate is less than 800 meters.

This size is no problem for passing battleship units, provided that the battleship is not too strange.

However, this stargate does not exist independently.

Instead, it is embedded in the center of a huge ruin!

The width of this relic exceeds 10 kilometers, and Lu Feng cannot accommodate it even if he uses the 10-kilometer-level wonder storage service.

Therefore, Lu Feng, who was very emotional, could only choose to land on the ruins to see if there was a way to separate the star gate from the ruins so that he could pack it up and take it away.

It was this expedition to the ruins that made Lu Feng discover the anomaly.

It was a wreck.

The shape is similar to a bloated cross, with a height of nearly 3 kilometers. The outer shell is dark green, with a large number of tumor-like protrusions and barbs on the surface, and the ferocious mast extending outward gives a barbaric atmosphere.

Lu Feng is really familiar with this style.

This is definitely a Vajura Zerg ship!
Look at it, this has properly reached the astonishing dreadnought level, much larger than the battleship units in the Vajura fleet!

This... can be called a mothership!
A super mothership capable of leading a huge group.

Why is there a mothership of Vajura in human space facilities?
What is the purpose of this facility, Lu Feng already has a preliminary guess.

"Good guy, the oracle didn't capture a Vajura mothership and lock it up here, so as to make the swarms outside submit to it!"

Huge base ruins, star gates hidden in the ruins, remote and secret asteroid belts, ruins of the cemetery after the war, the combined fleet buried here, the imprisoned Zerg...

When various elements were connected, a rough guess appeared in Lu Feng's mind.

Is this Vajura's raid on the secret research base of human beings, but was suppressed by the oracle, and finally transformed into a special test site?

The oracle is really big...


(End of this chapter)

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