Knock wonders from the space station

Chapter 230 The Book of War

Chapter 230 The Book of War
1000 meters above the headquarters of the Shenzhou Army, under the bright sunlight, a few transparent lines suddenly floated in the empty sky, but they disappeared quickly.

The radar of the Shenzhou Army will not detect that there is a stealth fighter floating here all the time.

It was Lin Yuexi's phantom fighter!

At this moment, in the back seat of the phantom cockpit, a burst of light flickered, and Lu Feng appeared on the seat in an instant, his body seemed to be made of rays of light.

Psychic leap!

"Hey, let alone, this rare skill worth 3 legendary coins is really easy to use!"

Lu Feng moved his limbs. Even if it was not the first time to use it, he still found it very novel.

"Come back, how did the talk go?"

Lin Yuexi, who was sitting in the front seat, finished her meditation, turned around and asked cutely while holding the back of the seat.

Lu Feng couldn't help but patted her on the head, and stretched comfortably, "It went well, and if there are no accidents, the headquarters will compromise tonight~"

"Don't just pat girls on the head, they won't grow taller!"

Lin Yuexi made a face, then turned around and sat down, "Should we wait here or go back to the boat?"

"Let's go back first, the stealth fighter doesn't need energy, besides, you have to go back to water the flowers!"

"Tch, Lu Bapi!"

Immediately, the phantom fighter left silently from the sky above the headquarters, as unnoticed as when it came.

This is what Lu Feng is preparing for.

The skill that Lin Yuexi used to hypnotize Li Feng was obtained by signing in the hyperspace tunnel, and it was named [Seed of Deep Sleep].

During sleep, a maximum of 3 subconscious seeds can be implanted in the target, and each seed can control the target to complete a not-so-complicated thing without leaving any impression afterwards.

Li Feng's three things are to say good things, insert a hard drive, and pour tea.

So Lu Feng didn't lie to Commander Li, Li Feng was really fine.

But since he could let Li Feng do this, it would be easy for Li Feng to commit suicide. Therefore, he really spared Li Feng's life for Commander Li's sake.

Lu Feng's [Psychic Leap] skill was purchased from the Spectacle System for 3 Legendary Tokens before coming here.

It's just a castrated version.

The teleportation range is up to 1000 meters, and only one-to-one binding teleportation is possible.

He established a spiritual bond with Lin Yuexi without hesitation. Before the skill was upgraded, he could only teleport himself to Lin Yuexi, or teleport Lin Yuexi to himself.

The next level of upgrade requires 5 legendary tokens, which is still far away.


After Lu Feng left, Commander Li returned to his office, lost in thought.

After weighing the pros and cons for a long time, a long sigh finally came from the dimly lit office.

Commander Li gave up.

When the Akatsuki appeared in the earth's orbit, he activated the emergency plan and made preparations for a full-scale war to the end.

After learning of Lu Feng's identities, Commander Li not only did not heave a sigh of relief, but fell into a deeper entanglement.

How to deal with these guys?
This kid Lu Feng wants to stand on his own, if he is let go casually this time, what will happen to the team in the future!
Especially the interstellar mothership and super technology in Lu Feng's hands,

It's really greedy, all of these should be confiscated and put under the control of the military, including Lu Feng himself!
For this reason, Commander Li even carried out the combat deployment of armed ship seizure overnight, preparing to use deception tactics to seize control of the spacecraft depending on the situation.

If Lu Feng knew about this, he would definitely scoff.

His own ship is so easy to grab, isn't Commander Li dreaming!
But Lu Feng didn't know that once he was really controlled, then Commander Li would really dare to launch a surprise attack, and there was a 30% chance of success!

Part of this possibility stems from China's long-term excavation and utilization of alien relics and the help of oracles.

That's right, the oracle!
Commander Li actually knew about the oracle, and was able to obtain help from the oracle!
Otherwise, how could the psychic shield that Lu Feng didn't have come into Shenzhou's hands, and it was also equipped with a large-scale security force.

When Commander Li heard the word oracle from Li Feng for the first time, he immediately believed the other party's words and realized that the oracle was not simple.

On the one hand, the oracle sent the refugees on the moon to the cemetery to undergo harsh trials. On the other hand, he made two-handed preparations and made secret contacts with the leaders of the major forces on the earth.

For the earth with billions of people, the oracle does not have so many resources to carry out trials for the whole people, so he chose another top-down trial path.

The Oracle's existence is no secret among high-level Earth circles, as all alien relics point to him.

The secret base where the headquarters of the Shenzhou Army is located is used to research and apply these alien technologies, and the warehouse inside can be called a museum of alien cultural relics.

However, before the invasion of the Arach Zerg, the oracle did not give any response to humans.

It wasn't until a month ago that the oracle was finally activated and Commander Li was approached.

At that time, the dragons in China had no leader, and with the help of his own ability and the oracle, Commander Li successfully took over the military and political power and stabilized the situation.

Subsequently, a series of technological breakthroughs were born in the secret base, China's science and technology developed rapidly, and some alien relics with strange functions were activated, including a city-level force field shield system!

This is not only the reason why the headquarters was not attacked by the meteorite, but also the reason why Commander Li dared to make gestures with Lu Feng.

If there were no oracle, Commander Li might not be so eager for this ship.

Because it is very risky to snatch it, even if it succeeds, it will be difficult to use it in a short time, because he does not have the logistics and learning system that is connected to the interstellar like Lu Feng, so there is a high probability that he will regard it as a brand new alien test ship use.

As for interstellar travel, it is even more difficult. Maybe you will run into the swarm as soon as you leave the solar system.

With the oracle, it is different.

With the help of the oracle, this super warship can quickly get started, quickly wipe out the pests, and then use the technology on the ship and the resources of the earth to form a super fleet belonging to China.

Even open the transmission channel through the oracle, and conquer the new world!

This is Commander Li's true ambition!

He didn't care about such trivial things as whether his son was bullied by Li Feng, as long as he didn't die or be disabled, it mainly depends on whether Lu Feng is useful to Shenzhou.

After a brief confrontation, Commander Li discovered that Lu Feng was not only useful, but also a tough nut to crack.

In this way, the answer is obvious.

Instead of taking a huge risk to tear yourself apart with Lu Feng, it is better to deepen the bond and cooperation between the two sides, tie Shen Tang to the chariot of Shenzhou completely, and fight together in the ever-changing future!
Although the battlefields of the two sides are different, the contest between them has officially begun from this moment.

And the one who wins in the end,
Will become the master of Shenzhou!

Lead the Chinese nation to conquer the stars and seas!
"Lu Feng, the gauntlet has been issued, please don't let me down~"


(End of this chapter)

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