Knock wonders from the space station

Chapter 320 Level 3 Combat Readiness

Chapter 320 Level [-] Combat Preparation
The rules announced by the oracle reveal the nature of this trial to the human settlers.

That is to use these newly formed trialists to compete with another group of new trialists, and use each other as each other's whetstones for bloody fighting, race battles!
Don't read what the oracle said to let them guard their homes, as if the earth is the master of the sky.

In fact, whoever
Only the final winner can enjoy the right to live on Skyrim.

If these whetstones are not hard enough, then these exiles will become the legitimate new owners of Skyrim, and the people on Earth will be eliminated and completely become homeless dogs.

This cruel fact made the hearts of all human immigrants sink, and they were overwhelmed with a huge sense of crisis.

——No matter what, this battle must be won!

This is the consensus in the hearts of all people of insight.

The people on the earth worked hard, defeated the Zerg, survived the natural disasters, and finally managed to reproduce in the new world. As a result, a group of ferocious robbers suddenly came to the house, and everyone would pick up a stick and drive them away.

However, some people think that the two sides cannot coexist?

The total number of Earth immigrants is less than 200 million. Although Tianji Star is not big, there are still many unowned territories.

Nice idea, but only if the other party thinks the same way.

Once the opponent is a robber habit, the best way to deal with robbers is cannons and warships.

So, on World Channel...

[Red Stone Valley: Commander Zhong, help, we have the most powerful forces on the wasteland continent, you must come out and lead us, if you all want to fight, how can we fight those mad dogs? 】

[Hurricane City: That's right, Commander Zhong, there is still one day left, let's quickly form a coalition army, we are all willing to listen to your command. 】

[Huang Shaling: That's right, Commander Zhong, our current armed forces are only enough to fight guerrillas. We will continue to train and provide heavy fire support. For the sake of human beings, please help us! 】


Sure enough, before the five gangsters expressed their views, those small colonies were already going crazy.

How can they resist this kind of global foreign invasion? Joining the coalition forces still has the power to fight. If they fight on their own, then the colony is not given away for nothing!
However, in the face of eager parties, Zhong Mingzhao's answer disappointed them.

[Shenzhou: We understand the concerns of all parties about security issues. However, as far as the current situation is concerned, various conditions can no longer meet the conditions for the establishment of the coalition forces, so this matter is put on hold for the time being.

As a person on Earth, we will not leave you alone.

From now on, all parties can bring their personnel and baggage to seek refuge in the Shenzhou colony on their own, and we will accept them as much as possible.

As for the forces that decide to stick to it, we respect it and are willing to provide some weapons and defense materials. If you are interested, please apply in advance.

——Good luck to us, and mankind will win! 】


Faced with Zhong Mingzhao's statement, there was a burst of mourning on the World Channel.

Some unwilling forces turned to other major forces for help, but Lu Feng and the others didn't even bother to talk to them.

Lu Feng and Zhong Mingzhao have already discussed that these people are destined to protect their homeland by themselves, but he can be an ally to support these compatriots with a batch of light weapons and ammunition supplies.

Now there are several automated military factories standing in the gate of hell, which are constantly producing the Fairy Power series of firearms and supporting ammunition.

These expensive but not so advanced weapons and ammunition will be supplied free of charge to the human defenders in the wasteland in this war, so that anyone can gain the strength to defend their homeland.

This is his benevolence and righteousness.

As for the giant Shentang, at this moment it finally showed its minions.

Inside the Gate of Hell, Lu Feng's voice was relayed through Yutu, resounding at the same time throughout the entire colony and every corner of the Shentang fleet.

"I am Lu Feng, and I order that all Shentang battle sequences immediately enter the third-level combat readiness state, and implement the No. 003 war plan!"

As early as two days ago, when the oracle announced the war trial, Shentang's war machine began to run at full capacity.

Now with his order, the huge gate of hell suddenly came alive, and a large number of troops that were usually invisible began to mobilize.

According to the rules of the oracle,
Units above frigates and weapons of mass destruction are not allowed in this ground battle.

Therefore, air power will be dominated by fighter planes and gunboats.

A total of 6 airports have been built in the Gate of Hell, 3 military-civilian dual-purpose airports are located on the surface for standing guard, and 3 military airports are located underground for wartime use.

After the order was issued, one brand new blade interceptor plane drove out of No. 0 airport, left the subspace and flew into the three military airports, completing the transition quickly.

There are 60 in total.

Don't look too little, the blade interceptor is an advanced space superiority interceptor, and it is enough to stay in the atmosphere!

Then there were a series of heavily armed pelicans and herons. These transport boats were painted with a new uniform paint, and they could be used as support gunboats after adding weapons.

among them,

As an elite assault force, there are 99 Pelican D20s.

There are a total of 77 Pelican D79 and D120 of the remaining conventional mass-produced models, enough to transport a reinforced platoon and heavy transport boats with heavy weapons-there are also 20 Herons.

As an air-projection force, these warships are powerful enough to quickly deploy a 3000-strong space marine force.

In fact, there are 5000 space marines who have completed training and are ready to fight this time, and more than half of them here will participate in the battle as the main force of this ground war.

The garrison of the gates of hell and the 2-strong colonial garrison are also in place.

They are distributed in the wide walls and tall fortresses of Hell's Gate. There are also 6 air defense positions built on the mountains inside the colony. In addition to being equipped with sufficient surface-to-air missile systems, these positions are also equipped with 6 460mm caliber rail cannons. .

They are similar in design to the 24 320mm railguns rewarded by the first Scourge, but with increased range and power, but with a significantly lower rate of fire.

When needed, they can be used as supporting artillery to bombard adjacent continents.

The rest of the arrangement is invisible from the surface.

All civilians have been transferred to underground factories and refuge facilities. The factories on the surface are all unmanned. As long as they are not blown up, they will continue to produce, continuously producing weapons and ammunition for allies.

after all,

The unique conditions of the Continent of Ashes make it possible to produce these armaments without resource constraints.

Raw materials such as barrels, bolts, gunpowder, shell casings, and fuzes may be difficult to get together on the rainforest continent, but they are everywhere here.

For Lu Feng, it was at his fingertips.

Therefore, he will use a steady stream of weapons to make these alien races despair!


(End of this chapter)

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