Chapter 376 History
The stardust mine vein signal that suddenly appeared was forged by Lu Feng. They used the leaves of the stardust deciduous tree. After all, they grew up eating stardust. The leaves already have weak stardust characteristics. Misleading sensor readings.

It didn't take long for a large bag of leaves to be buried deep in the meteorite belt, and the passing imperial probe discovered the abnormality.

Soon, watching a huge Jaeger-class battlecruiser slowly approaching, Lu Feng knew that the Imperials had taken the bait.

In fact,
Now the entire galaxy is under the control of the Imperial Fleet. Even if a suspected mineral lode is discovered, the Jaeger-class will not come. The appearance of this behemoth in this cosmic domain can only be to warn of possible Vigels. .

Ten minutes ago, the Xinhuo quietly came to the top of this OS-11 mining outpost, and it was very close.

A member of the Guards sneaked into space through the hatch at the bottom of the spaceship, connected a communication cable to the external interface of the outpost antenna, and then March [-] easily hijacked the host computer of the outpost through this cable. And forcibly accessed all the messages stored in the host, during which no one found out.

After all, this is just a mining outpost, without military firewalls and advanced protocols.

At the same time, due to the opening of the hatch at the bottom, which destroyed the integrity of the Firewood's stealth, a faint strange signal spread from the universe, becoming a suspicious signal source captured by the Imperial Fleet, and immediately jumped up.

Everything went very smoothly.

I saw the gate of the Jaeger-class main hangar open, and a large number of TIE fighters swarmed out of it, and began to search the surrounding transport belts carefully to confirm whether there were really Vigels infiltrating.

the other side,
The Firefire, which had completed the data download, had already left the outpost, returned to a perfect stealth state, and submerged in the direction of the flagship of the Imperial Fleet.

On the boat, Lu Feng and others browsed the information downloaded on March [-]th with great interest.

Although there is no important military information, there are civil information from the empire a few months ago and cultural materials for the entertainment of the workers, which is enough for Lu Feng and the others to understand the current situation of the Sanctuary Star Cluster from the side.

There is no information that is too old, but there are still some basic common sense:

The Sanctuary Star Cluster originally had thousands of galaxies, and nearly one-fifth of them had terrestrial planets or planets that could easily be transformed into Earth-like planets. The Sanctuary Star Cluster, with more than 200 colonable stars, has housed thousands of different intelligences Races and various human civilizations escape disasters and thrive here.

At that time, there were three most powerful dominant civilizations, namely the Fiali Empire, the Galactic Republic, and the Free Trade Federation.

If it is replaced by Lu Feng's familiar knowledge, it corresponds to the leading military enterprises [Fairy Heavy Industry], [Quat Power Shipyard], [Interstellar Manufacturing Group], [Sacred Shield Power], and [United Mining Industry].

The latter three are all from the Free Trade Federation. Even if the three are added together, they are barely on par with the other two giants.

However, about 900 years ago,
There was a catastrophe in the sanctuary star cluster, a massive zerg invasion, the battle broke the stars, and the world pattern after the war was turned upside down. Now this sanctuary built by the ancestors has long been changed.

The only Fiali Empire that had intersected with Lu Feng and others no longer existed, and together with the powerful Goblin Heavy Industries, it completely dissipated in the historical dust of the Sanctuary Star Cluster.

The original Galactic Republic has undergone changes and has become the current Galactic Empire. Not only has the territory shrunk significantly, but even the Quarter Power, a pillar enterprise, has undergone several reorganizations. Now there is only the only Halo shipyard in the capital of the empire. The glorious 7 star ring bases are no longer able to rebuild now.

And the free trade federation, which is the most loose among the three major forces, was beaten to pieces, leaving little legacy. The remaining part of the outer ring galaxy, together with the most barren territory of the Fiali Empire, formed the current chaotic star field , since there is no unified government organization, the powerful Veiger warlord is the well-deserved ruler there.

The Vigels were originally a race of space scavengers. After they survived the catastrophe, they received a large amount of heritage from the original dominant civilization during the archaeology of the relic galaxy. They quietly rose during the civil strife in the Galactic Republic. When the Galactic Empire was established, They have taken root on the fringes of the existing human frontier.

After the empire discovered that it was a well-deserved boss, it wanted to encircle and suppress the Vigels, unify the Sanctuary Star Cluster,

However, most of the areas where Vigel was active were former battlefields, which were relatively complete after the war. Even so, the environment was still very dangerous, and various acquired disasters ravaged.

As local tyrants, the Vigels took advantage of the environment and the excavated heritage to beat the Imperial Army hard, bankrupting the Imperial Army's plan for a quick victory.

After so many years of development, the area controlled by the Vegels has reached more than two-thirds of the empire's territory, and their strength cannot be underestimated. Even the empire must be cautious, and the bipolar structure is unshakable.

After the Great War 900 years ago, until now, the human territory of the Sanctuary Star Cluster has shrunk to less than 200 galaxies, and there are even fewer colonial stars.

The other more than 800 seats were either destroyed in the battle, or were swallowed by the surrounding nebula, or the channel between the galaxies was cut off, making it impassable...

Many places have become Jedi, and there is a very famous Jedi on the side of Tianji Star, which is located near the border buffer zone between the Empire and the Vegels. This is why Viscount Wright is worried that he will be discovered by the Vegels.

This kind of chaotic place, even if the empire wants to support it, it is beyond reach. It is far away from the core galaxies of both sides. Naturally, there cannot be a stargate. If the fleet wants to come here, it needs to pass through several dangerous galaxies. Channel passes.

It has to be said that the Marsh family's ability to discover this place is definitely due to the virtues of their ancestors.

However, in fact, what the Marsh family did has nothing to do with Jide. Their ancestors were the executioners of the imperial emperor for generations, and they killed many refugee galaxies who were exiled due to the catastrophe and then reproduced alone.

They sent their own expedition fleet to search for those hidden galaxies, and then dug out the remnants living in them, used valuable ones as slaves, and destroyed the worthless ones directly, and finally handed over a brand new galaxy to the emperor in exchange for their meritorious deeds with grace.

This is how the empire has recently recovered its strength quickly, and Veiger on the other side is similar.

What is certain is that the resources in the current human territory have reached the point of scarcity. Apart from the most basic mineral deposits, all kinds of advanced minerals are in short supply, especially strategic resources, which have been exploited hundreds of years ago.

This is also the reason why the two sides began to explore revival.

Fortunately, after such a long period of stabilization, many waterways that were originally impassable have shown signs of recovery, including the [Meteor Jedi] where the Skyrim Star is located.

The situation in the sheltered star cluster is about to become chaotic.


(End of this chapter)

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