Knock wonders from the space station

Chapter 396 Post-war rectification

Chapter 396 Post-war rectification
Under the merciless puncture of the stardust deciduous tree, the Macan flagship was burning with raging fire, and finally fell into the atmosphere of the sky star without strength.

Macan sank with his flagship!

This bad news was tantamount to a severe blow to the struggling Veiger fleet, causing morale to plummet.

Immediately afterwards, another battleship of the Macan Fleet was refocused by the Tianshu and the three Jaegers. The hull was torn apart in the light, and a rain of fire fell in the atmosphere, which was spectacular.

Now, the remaining Veiger fleet no longer had the will to resist, and surrendered to the United Fleet in units of ships.

The Tianji star defense counterattack came to a successful conclusion, ending with the Tianji star human side winning a big victory.

After the statistics,
The United Fleet lost a total of 11 destroyers and frigates, all of which were directly exploded on the battlefield. Some crew members escaped in rescue cabins and were rescued by the mother ship.

In addition, except for the Xinhuo that crashed at the end, there were more than a hundred ships with moderate or above damage, but none of them sank.

Under the superior force, all battleships participating in the battle were covered by their comrades and retreated after being damaged. After the war, they were handed over to the Black Cat engineering ship for repairs. Several batches of repair consumable tanks were used up, all of which were used for emergency repairs to the fleet.

Without this miraculous engineering ship, the United Fleet, which has been fighting in many places, will lose its personnel frequently, and will no longer be able to maintain its numerical lead. In the end, it will inevitably fall into a disadvantage when fighting the Macan Fleet. It can be seen.

In this battle, the black cat contributed the most.

Its powerful strategic value has attracted much attention, and it has won unanimous praise from all parties involved in the war. Several family members eagerly approached Lu Feng to ask how to obtain it.

It's a pity that even if Lu Feng told them, the opportunity to exchange for a black cat is not always available.

It depends on the meaning of the oracle.

In fact, everyone wants to ask whether the battleship Tianshu can be sold or not. The existence of this thing in this battle is too strong. It has won the victory with one shot several times, and the Vigels are crying their fathers and mothers.

If I and others can have a few such warships sitting in their homes, then why should the people on earth worry about it?


It is impossible for Lu Feng to sell the cracked battleships now, and even the output of the Minotaur-class battlecruisers is very limited.

Only 4 ships can be launched in one cycle of natural disasters, so where is it?
In order to arm the combined fleet as soon as possible, Lu Feng set his sights on the imperial spacecraft captured in this battle.

5 flashing halberd battlecruisers that can be repaired and used, and more than ten death halberd cruisers.

Not many, and the condition of the ship is not even as good as the one captured last time, but it can be used anyway.

After the battle, part of the wreckage in the orbit of Tianji star fell into the atmosphere and burned, and part of it was thrown and floated in orbit.

Lu Feng despised these wreckages and handed them over to several other companies for recycling. However, the rags in Shen Tang's eyes were very precious to the companies that still lacked space industry.

Lu Feng didn't intend to take care of it, but these high-speed space junks pose a considerable threat to the two space buildings under construction.

So he simply sold his favor and sent Shentang's engineering drone unit to run a few times to clear it out of orbit and hand it over to each party according to the pre-negotiated quota.

The warehouse of the Masonic Society is in Zeus Airport, while the ship factories of the other three companies are all on the earth. Lu Feng has to use the creation space to do a turnover. He wants to dump the wreckage of these warships into the garbage recycling site designated by the three parties. .

In the end, the piles were so high that the engineering teams were both excited and worried.

Lu Feng has been busy for a long time to do these tasks well. This move has gained the favor of all the forces, and made Shentang's prestige after this battle even higher. It is not in vain. Helping them is also helping the entire Skyrim star force, otherwise it will be extremely difficult. A big drag on the development of secondary armed forces.

It is not enough to rely on Shentang as the blade. Supporting it alone will inevitably lose sight of the other, and it also needs the support of other forces behind it.

It is very necessary to sell favors, because with Lu Feng's favor, the next few families will not be able to beep in the distribution of the spoils.

There are three decisive factors to win this battle.

The strategic projection capability of the Crescent, the strategic endurance of the Black Cat, and the strong combat power represented by the Tianshu and Xinhuo.


It is a matter of course that Lu Feng monopolized all 5 of the captured battleships in the end. The rest of the death halberds are left for everyone to eat soup. If you want to modify it yourself, you can modify it yourself. The schedule of the gate.

After the recent rapid construction, in addition to a large number of mining and refining facilities, the Gate of Hell also owns a number of competitive industries such as advanced metal smelting, heavy manufacturing, and military weapon assembly that are more than three times the sum of the rest of the Skyrim Star.

The newly built dock on the ground can now manufacture and refit cruiser units, and will continue to upgrade and expand in the future to match the blueprint for the production of improved Minotaur-class battlecruisers.


While the Tianji star forces were busy arranging the spoils, the largest piece of spoils had been quietly received by Lu Feng's people.

That is the entire Qianyan galaxy.

The Qianyan galaxy is an extremely high-quality mineral galaxy, which produces a large amount of rare resources that are almost exhausted in the shelter cluster. This has been proved by both the Imperials and the Vegels.

Shentang's control of this place not only controlled the main roads to and from the Tianji star, but also harvested the resources of the entire galaxy, laying a solid foundation for future industrial development.

With this galaxy, Tianjixing is qualified to fight with the two major forces.

The empire has Viscount Wright to help cover it, and the Macan side regards it as a secret lair, and there will be a period of buffer before the information leaks.

In this way, Shentang can take a breather and seize the time to manage this bridgehead well.

After the Macan Fleet broke into the Skyrim Galaxy, the forces left in the Qianyan Galaxy were almost negligible, only some armed strongholds.

All the ambush soldiers who had deliberately hidden in the meteorite belt also followed Ma Kan to F2A, and then played gg.

So when the huge battleship Tianshu and mothership Daybreak appeared in the Qianyan galaxy, both the Vigels and the slaves of the empire knew that this place had changed hands, and they ushered in a new boss.

Fleet Commander Yin Hang ordered the confiscation of all warp spaceships as a priority, and intensively erected signal blockers to slow down the time for news leaks.

Afterwards, he divided his troops into two groups, sending Tianshu to block the channel, leaving Akatsuki to lead the marines and fighter formations to wipe out the remnants of Macan and completely control the galaxy.

Half a day later, the dust in the Qianyan galaxy settled, and all strongholds were brought under Shentang's control.

Then Lu Feng arrived by boat, and opened a space gate on the innermost orbit of the galaxy. A large number of engineering ships swarmed out, and Macan's secret meteorite warehouse also appeared.

The space fortress that has changed hands several times is floating in orbit, and already has a preliminary skeleton, and it will become the bridgehead of the Qianyan galaxy in the future.

If nothing else, this will be Lu Feng's seventh wonder.


(End of this chapter)

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