Knock wonders from the space station

Chapter 426 Secret Reception

Chapter 426 Secret Reception
The ghost team led by Lin Yuexi has a total of 4 members. Except for herself, who is a 6th-level psychic, the other 3 people have reached 4th-level psychic power, namely Su Chang, Yuri and Tim.

Under the guidance of March [-]th, they sneaked into a maintenance passage, bypassed the guards and directly reached the maintenance floor directly above the target stadium.

The maintenance floor is designed to make it easier to maintain the space city. The space is narrow and cramped, and the walls are full of pipes, cables, and buzzing mechanical equipment, but the advantage is that it can reach most places in the space city.

Of course, the gate at the entrance of the maintenance passage is not easy to open, and there will be warning sensors every other section inside, which will send out an alarm for intrusion.

However, these gadgets are not worth mentioning in front of the advanced AI. The four of them strolled through the long maintenance channel like a stroll, without being noticed at all.

Arriving at the top of the venue, there are a large number of ventilation ducts distributed on the walls of the maintenance floor. Yuri and Tim picked up the multi-tools on their arms and began to cut the wall of the ventilation shaft. A multi-purpose backpack, take out a bunch of spider-type spy robots and start debugging.

Obviously, this is not the first time that ghosts like this have done it, and they have completed the release of spy robots cleanly. These robots, which look almost the same as primary energy coins, will sneak into the venue and collect the information they need.

"Calibrate time...confirm key targets...verify backup plan...prepare evacuation route..."

Lin Yuexi arranged everything one by one, and the three outstanding students prepared everything in an orderly manner.

After waiting patiently, the entrance time before the reception passed by in a flash. During the period, apart from Yuri and Tim who were in charge of security, Lin Yuexi took Su Chang to confirm the identities of the important people in the venue one by one.

"Target No. 1 is confirmed. Major Harvey Clayton, the aide-de-camp to the commander of the Imperial Logistics Base, find out the purpose of his visit this time."

Harvey Clayton was a straight soldier with a fierce temperament, accompanied by 4 military policemen, exuding an aura that no strangers should enter, and occupied a table at the edge of the venue.

"Target No. 2 confirms that Shade Guerra, the president of the Salt Lake Chamber of Commerce and the largest chamber of commerce active in the border region of the Empire, is apparently a legal businessman, but there are signs that she is an important part of the Duke's smuggling chain."

Unlike Major Harvey Clayton, Sadie Guerra is an elegant courtesan, who flies between the wine tables like a butterfly, can chat and joke with anyone, even the outlaws with strong aura are willing to listen to her say.

"Well, it seems to be a high-level psyker..."

Lin Yuexi silently added that this kind of good popularity is a subtle application of psionic energy.

"Target No. 3 is confirmed. Patriarch Asbi, a native of Tianci Planet, is in charge of the largest union in the galaxy. It is not sure which duke it is. ...But there is no doubt that the plans of the dukes should require the cooperation of a huge interstellar worker."

As a native of Tianci Star, Patriarch Asbi has purple eyes with a very different style. He is short and strong, like a handsome dwarf, which is really amazing.

He was surrounded by many of his kind, and a large group of dwarves seemed very exclusive.

This is even more strange, the ruler of Tianci Star is an imperial, how did the xenophobic natives survive?

"Target No. 4 is confirmed. Aravind Shay, the leader of the mercenaries, is also a great pirate. He has a large number of ruthless people and many eyeliners. He has a high prestige in the circle of desperadoes. If he promises great profits, he should be able to call A lot of mercenaries work together."

Aravind Shay is a one-eyed dragon. His broken eye has been replaced with a ferocious red prosthetic eye. At the same time, his prosthetic body rate is quite high. His personal combat power should be much stronger than Iron Guard.

These 4 people are the representatives of the most important forces in the vicinity of the Tianci galaxy except for the two dukes. Of course, the Imperial Guard Fleet is also counted as one, but they obviously will not come here to participate in the reception.

As for the fact that the people from the logistics base can appear here, it is enough to explain some problems.

This reception was held in secret. If you didn't receive the invitation from the dukes, you wouldn't even be able to enter. Of course, unexpected guests like Lin Yuexi and the others were not included.

In fact, the reception here is divided into two places, inside and outside. The outside reception is open to the public, and the inside is the small reception under the feet of Lin Yuexi and others. Obviously, all the people present are their own people, and they will plot something later.

March Seven secretly visited the dynamic data of the entire oasis, and finally analyzed and locked the existence of this secret meeting.

It has to be said that the powerful AI is a match made in heaven with Ghost Agent in terms of stealing intelligence.

Before the secret reception started, Su Chang used the spy robot to collect a lot of conversation information, but since it was a public place, it was mainly about probing, and the content of the conversation was all clicked.

However, the clever Su Chang still caught some clues and divided the people present into three parties.

Among them, half of the merchants headed by the No. 2 target, Sade Guerra, and the large group of mercenaries headed by the No. 4 target, Aravind Shay, obviously belonged to two factions, and they should have joined the camp of one of the dukes respectively.

The rest of the group headed by Major Harvey Clayton and Chief Asby belonged to the centrists. They had the intention of colluding in major events, but they didn't obviously favor any duke. They were more like talking about business. Treat this plan as a transaction.

Finally, the lights in the meeting place dimmed. As the initiators of the meeting, the two dukes were present in person with full sincerity.

Lin Yuexi and Lin Yuexi suddenly regained their spirits, and their two pairs of beautiful eyes were fixed on the virtual screen in front of them.

"Welcome everyone to attend this meeting, and I hope you will have a worthwhile trip." The Duke of Obsidian warmly welcomed.

"Everyone, please raise your glasses, for the new world and new business!" The Duke of Crystal Orchid toasted from a distance, inviting the guests present to drink together. The gimmick of the new world made the guests' eyes glisten.

After the discussion in the venue subsided a bit, Duke Obsidian spoke slowly.

"The catastrophe is about to come back, the end of mankind is approaching, and the Tianci star area has now reached a fork in the road of fate. Survival or destruction depends entirely on the choices of everyone present today. I sincerely hope that I can get your help and support. Let us go through together Difficulty."

The Duke of Obsidian's words were astonishing, but due to the lack of substantive content and the scaremongering of the cult leader's preaching, the guests present were a little surprised.

"Your Excellency Obsidian is not alarmist! Ladies and gentlemen, our situation is indeed very critical, otherwise it would be impossible for the two of us to stand here hand in hand. Please stay calm, and I will share top-secret information with you later."

The voice of Duke Jinglan was hoarse and full of magnetism, as if carrying magical powers, it instantly soothed the anxious mood of the guests present.

"This is also a high-level psychic, and his ability to deceive people is stronger than that of Sade Guerra."

Lin Yuexi immediately made a comment.

After the cryptic eye contact, seeing that Duke Jinglan had successfully left a hint in the subconscious of the guests, Duke Obsidian spoke loudly.

"The catastrophe is real. If you all know the history of the Sanctuary Star Cluster, then you will know why the Sanctuary Star Cluster has become the bleak state it is now.

Of the three dominant civilizations, only our empire has survived, but its strength is also ten to seven, and even mere Vigel pirates cannot be wiped out, which is very sad.

What's even more sad is that the people who are stealing the throne now are a group of rebel generals. In the catastrophe thousands of years ago, they cowardly threw the main force of mankind to the enemy, but they themselves hid behind to survive, and finally sought power and usurped the throne, majesticly calling themselves heroes , has been stealing the throne so far! "

The scene suddenly became noisy. It was really because Duke Obsidian’s revelation was too explosive. Although the people present didn’t care much about the orthodoxy of the throne, this did not prevent them from eating melons and using it as an excuse for rebellion when necessary.

"Wow, teacher, is what he said true?"

Su Chang's stunned look was quite cute, Lin Yuexi couldn't help rubbing her little head, and said with a smile:
"Remember, don't believe a single word the enemy says. It's not bad if 30% of his seemingly logical words are true. You have to analyze the other party's real purpose through what the other party says. Motivation is often more important than logic. More believable."

"Oh, so, the two dukes were famous when they wanted to rebel?"

"There are considerations in this regard. Of course, the more important thing is to assist in persuading the forces present. Combined with Duke Jinglan's spiritual suggestion, this statement can give the wavering people a reason to convince themselves. Of course, the promised benefits are the fundamental .”

Su Chang nodded obediently.

"The empire has long been decayed. The princes and nobles in the capital circle are addicted to pleasure and are busy fighting for power all day long, while the resources of the Sanctuary star cluster are increasingly exhausted. In order to ensure their luxurious life, they continue to impose heavy taxes on our fringe star regions and limit our resources. development, persecution of our compatriots..."

This point is to say that many people have lost their minds. Regardless of justice or injustice, the increasingly heavy taxation policy of the empire has indeed hindered everyone from making a fortune. Businessmen and mercenaries like Sade Guerra and Lavender Shea, They had to correspondingly expand the proportion of their respective black industries, and were forced to change to the black identities of smugglers and pirates.

Therefore, the two of them were also the first to join the camp of the two dukes, and their positions were the firmest.

The attitude of the logistics base is a bit ambiguous, neither agreeing nor disapproving, it seems that they are waiting for a price, as for the native trade union of the Tianci star, they are always eating at nothing, as if they have no interest in the speech on the stage.

Duke Crystal Orchid spoke immediately.

"The pressure from the empire has made the situation of our border galaxy more and more difficult. According to reliable sources, the imperial court is already planning to completely liquidate the illegal industries of our Godsent Star, destroy the soil that everyone depends on for survival, and seize everyone's wealth.

A few days ago, the imperial court dispatched more than 2000 imperial guards to form an investigation team to go out. Although it was clearly under the banner of investigating the alien race, everyone knew that it was just a cover. The void alien race had long since disappeared in the sanctuary star cluster. , They are coming for us, they are coming for the entire outer ring star region.

If we remain indifferent, it won't be long before everything we were proud of will be gone. Do you have the heart to watch your hard-working foundation be snatched away by those fat moths in the royal court? "

Under the interference of powerful psychic energy, Duke Jinglan's speech was very successful, and the speakers of various small and medium forces were substituted into emotions, and began to become more and more dissatisfied with the actions of the empire.

The Duke of Crystal Orchid immediately hit the rails while it was hot:

"That's not the most important thing.

Presumably everyone is often active in the Veiger-controlled area, and should be able to get some information there.

Grand Duke Mordiggian has been dormant for such a long time, and recently he is mobilizing troops, and he is about to make a comeback.

Once there is a war, our border galaxy will be the first to be reduced to a war zone. Not only will the property be confiscated by the robbers of the Imperial Army, but also the fleet in our hands will be forced to go to the border to die.

Also, everyone should have vaguely heard about the rise of a mysterious force in the Jedi, and they destroyed the Tatooine fleet before the Grand Duke's fleet!

Once this group of forces develops, we, who border the Meteor Jedi, will definitely be threatened. If that group of people comes out from the Jedi to attack us, do you think the Imperial Fleet, who is watching the excitement, will give a helping hand? "

The discussion in the crowd became louder, and people were shaken one after another.

"Wow, this man is so treacherous, he actually used us as a shield!"

Su Chang curled his lips in dissatisfaction when he heard Duke Jinglan talk about their Shentang. Although Shentang has great potential, he obviously didn't intend to step out of the jedi and attack Tiancixing.

At this time, the major of the Imperial Logistics Base who had been silent all this time spoke lightly.

"Your Excellency, the question you mentioned is already known to me. I don't know which of these reasons is related to the catastrophe you mentioned?"

Everyone immediately cheered up. That’s right, no matter the truth or not, what the Duke said just now is somewhat exaggerated, but it’s obviously far from catastrophe. their chariots.

The Duke of Obsidian stretched out his hand to press down, and scanned the audience solemnly:
"Our reconnaissance fleet discovered that the insect swarm that once swept across the Sanctuary star cluster is recovering!"

No need to explain this time, the venue exploded. Even after a thousand years, no one can forget the bug swarm catastrophe. If the bug swarm really made a comeback, it would indeed be called a catastrophe.

The two dukes didn't give any further explanations, and directly let people announce the recently collected Zerg activity information on the big screen, more than 80% of which were taken from the outer periphery of the Meteor Jedi.

The space in the Jedi is the most unstable, so the wormholes will definitely be opened in the Jedi first, which is why Lu Feng and the others are so busy.

But as time went by, the coordinates of the wormhole gradually deviated from the Jedi, which is why the Duke's side was able to obtain such detailed information.

After discussing for a few minutes, the voices of the crowd gradually subsided, and Duke Jinglan spoke slowly.

"Everyone, the tentacles of the catastrophe have never left us, once the insect swarm really sweeps across, it will not be a matter of losing property.

However, combined with what I said before, the empire has no ambition to go to the remote Jedi, and it is impossible to allocate resources to protect us, and even take away everything from us!
If we don't try our best to save ourselves, whether we are forced to go to the battlefield by the empire, or the imperial army shrinks the defense line and leaves the border sector, what awaits us is destruction.

In order not to face such despair in the future, we weeds must stick together and try our best to survive, even if it is...rebellion! "


The next moment, hysterical shouts erupted in the venue, and the leaders of the forces that were specially selected roared vigorously, responding to the call of His Excellency the Duke, and also trying to relieve the anger towards the empire and the fear of catastrophe in their hearts.

They were persuaded, and they wished to immediately rebel with the two dukes and give their hearts.

How much of this is psionic, however, is unknown.

The two dukes nodded in satisfaction, indicating that the reception will continue. Assignment of tasks needs to be done separately later, and many tasks and information are not suitable for public disclosure.

They left the field quickly, and the 4 targets that Lin Yuexi was following disappeared together.

These small fish and shrimps outside are easy to fool, but these four giant jaws are the masters who do not see rabbits and do not scatter eagles, convincing them that they must put tangible benefits on the table.

Sade Guerra and Lavender Shay had already been persuaded by each other before, and now it was the other two that needed to be resolved.


(End of this chapter)

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