Chapter 434 Rebellion
Without a well-publicized declaration of insurrection, this long-planned rebellion broke out directly.

It is a model of beheading first and playing later, and it doesn't talk about martial arts very much.

As the rebel side, the rebel army undoubtedly took the absolute initiative, leading the imperial defenders by at least half an hour in terms of reaction time.

Don't underestimate this short half an hour. With the mobility of Starfleet, half an hour is enough to span several galaxies and contribute to a strategic point before the Imperial Army reacts.

Moreover, the fleet of the rebel army has always been in a state of combat readiness, and can set sail and attack as soon as it is ordered.

On the other hand, the Imperial Army, except for an imperial-level formation that went out on patrol, was either tied to the border defense line or docked in the home port. Overhaul, it was demolished so that even his mother didn't know him.

In this extremely unfavorable situation, the rebellion took place.

The first to fall were the galaxies surrounding Tianci Star.

As soon as the dukes learned that the incident had been revealed and decided to jump back on the spot, the two imperial-level formations belonging to the duke's side left the airport fully armed and headed towards the nearest imperial bases No. 014 and No. 039.

These two bases and Base No. 026 jointly support the logistics system of the entire third border, each storing a quarter of the strategic supplies of the entire defense line, and another quarter is scattered and stored in a number of border fortresses.

Once these two bases are lost, the imperial fleet on the entire third frontier will only have a quarter of the original supply available, and the amount distributed to each fleet will be even less, and the combat effectiveness will inevitably drop sharply.

Under normal circumstances, the three logistics bases are all behind the line of defense. Usually, each has an imperial formation stationed there, and the border guards can rush to rescue them in an emergency. The defense force is definitely enough.

But the current situation is that one of the three bases directly mutinied, instantly cut off the connection with the headquarters of the Third Military Region, and detained the Imperial Fleet stationed here.

The other two bases are not far from Tianci Star. There are only a few blockers and outposts on the road. Although it can delay for a certain period of time, will the deliberate rebels be unprepared?

24 minutes after the rebellion started, at the channel checkpoint closest to Base 014.

A large cargo ship was slowly entering the temporary inspection area next to the checkpoint. The garrison glanced at the identification code on the instrument, and suddenly smiled.

This cargo ship belongs to the Salt Lake Chamber of Commerce. Recently, the third sector has not been peaceful, so these cargo ships often bring some mercenary fighters to escort them, but this is not the point. Soldiers who are just eating and waiting to die earn a lot of money.

And this Salt Lake chamber of commerce is still the most generous of all chambers of commerce. As for the chamber of commerce explained above, it is suspected of mutiny. Whatever their business, the suspicion has not yet been confirmed.

Of course, if the other party is willing to pay 10 times the price, even if they are wanted, they can be released secretly.

At this time, the three mercenary frigates had passed the checkpoint first, without any abnormalities. After the cargo ship completed the inspection, the other four frigates behind were allowed to pass, and the purchase was considered complete.


There are too many mercenaries accompanying me this time, so I can charge a lot more. After all, the price of goods in the empire is really getting higher and higher. How can I go to the oasis to have fun with the babies if I don’t earn more extra money?

The garrison activated the scanner absent-mindedly, and just deal with the process. This broken instrument can only scan roughly, and professional smuggling ships can't scan anything.

There are naturally more advanced high-power scanners at the checkpoints, but they are only used by ignorant fat sheep. The Salt Lake Chamber of Commerce has enough money to donate, so they don’t need them. Make him a fortune.

The garrison in the control room was thinking about their own business, and didn't notice that the cargo ship outside the observation window was slowly adjusting its angle, aiming the entire side at the space barrier on the top of the outpost.

beep beep...

The scanner, which thought everything would be normal, suddenly called the police. Several garrisons were surprised and thought it was because the equipment was broken. After all, no smuggling ship would not be able to pass the simplest level.

However, when they saw the alarm on the scanner, their eyes widened in disbelief.

Modifications in violation of regulations, over-restricted weapons, unregistered weapons, discovery of military controlled materials...

A series of alarm items can be summed up in four words: extremely dangerous!
Is the Salt Lake Chamber of Commerce planning to rebel!
At this time, the cruiser of the investigation team hadn't escaped from the rebel siege, so the outpost knew nothing about the Tianci star's mutiny.

The garrison who reacted panicked and rushed to the console, and rang the alarm, but at the same time, there was an attack imminent alarm with a completely different tone.

"Enemy attack!"

The shrill cries were swallowed up by the roar of the explosion.

Outside the porthole, the hull of the large cargo ship facing the tower suddenly exploded, revealing a whole row of turbolaser cannons inside. A series of powerful lasers directly hit the outpost not far away, causing explosions in the control room, space barriers and shields. The device exploded instantly, emitting a bright flame, and the fragments shot out.

The garrison at the outpost didn't even activate the shield, just to pay for some energy costs, even their own life was lost!

At the same time, there were also escorting mercenary ships. The three frigates that passed the checkpoint first had no problem, but the four frigates stranded on the other side of the checkpoint had all undergone illegal military modifications. Not only were they equipped with small-caliber turbo lasers as control weapons It is also equipped with a more powerful military shield.

At this time, these powerful artillery were firing fiercely at the unprepared imperial defenders, regardless of whether the fragile civilian hull could withstand such devastation.

not only that,

More than 10 fighter planes were suddenly ejected from the bottom of the huge cargo ship, and the one-time missile launchers installed on the back of the ship also started to fire in salvo. As soon as the battle broke out, they all rushed towards the flagship of the imperial defenders.

The defense force of this outpost is an old-fashioned cruiser that has retreated to the second line, more than ten destroyers, frigates, and several large-caliber defensive turrets that come with the outpost.

After being raided, the cruiser as the flagship was the first to be hit by the fierce firepower of the rebels.

The hull of the ship that also did not open the shield was continuously hit by blast energy beams and missile rain. One after another, fireballs exploded on the ship, tearing the weak alloy plate and flying away, and creaking groans came from the inside of the old ship After a few tens of seconds, the explosion broke into two parts, and the burning flames in the ship were sprayed out together with the air, and the raging flames engulfed everything on the ship.

Less than 1 minute after the start of the war, the flagship of the checkpoint defenders was sunk!
Finally, under the threat of death, the guards at the checkpoint began to fight back. After all, they are regular troops, and they still have the military literacy they should have, and the equipment they use is also a serious military model. After the counterattack started, the two rebel frigates quickly disappeared was sunk.

As for the largest converted cargo ship, except for the first round of ferocious outbreaks, it soon fell into a period of weakness.

The hasty modification and forced fire caused a large area of ​​fire in the ship, part of the structure was torn, the reactor was overloaded, and half of the ship was paralyzed.

After all, this ship was only used to pull goods a month ago, and suddenly it was used as a guest warship to raid the imperial outpost, and the after-effects were huge.

Soon, the large-caliber turret installed at the outpost was activated, and several thick flames flashed. The attack was like a spear, and it pierced through the cargo ship that was close at hand in a blink of an eye. The fragile cargo ship could not withstand such a fierce attack. The chaotically piled ammunition was directly detonated, and then caused the entire ship to be martyred.

A huge fireball exploded next to the outpost, and the death was even more tragic than that of an imperial cruiser.

On the other side, the rebel fighter planes and frigates began to fight with the imperial defenders relying on their flexible mobility. There are only 4 modified frigates left and they are still struggling.

"Fire me! Fire! Tear up these bastards! Let them know the fate of rebelling against the empire!"

The surviving imperial deputy commander roared hysterically.

Fear and anger made him lose his mind. He knew that he was finished, and he could not escape death for today's dereliction of duty, but before he died, he must let the scum who entrapped him go to hell first!
Seeing that the rebels were at the end of the road, in fact, their mission was completed as early as the moment they launched the attack.

The space barrier is destroyed.

In the next second, intense white light emerged in the galaxy channel, one after another the rebel warships broke away from the warp speed, and the three huge Empire-class battleships in the center were impressive.

"Oh my god..."

The imperial defenders watched in horror at the sudden approach of the rebel fleet, and in the next second, everything belonging to the imperial army was swallowed up by the dense beams of light!

The rebel fleet belongs to the Duke of Obsidian and is called the Obsidian Fleet.

The goal is to go straight to base 014 before the empire reacts, defeat the defenders there, occupy the base, and seize the huge amount of supplies inside.

Along the way, with the cooperation of undercover agents and mercenaries, the Obsidian Fleet conquered three imperial checkpoints in a row. They did not stop for a moment on the way, and the 014 base was in the adjacent galaxy.

It was also thanks to the lack of a stargate channel in the border star area. Although it was faster to pass through the star gate, the rebels obviously did not have enough troops to capture a star gate.

The hyperspace communication base stations in the galaxies around the Imperial base were destroyed by the pirates under Shay at the same time. Now that the 014 base has not received the invasion signal, it is a good time to launch a surprise attack.

The Obsidian Fleet has been secretly refitted, and its organization is larger than that of the general Imperial fleet. It has concentrated a lot of hunters snatched from the Marquis and Earl of the Godsend Star. If you do mental calculations but don't care, the chances of winning against the base defenders are very high. big.

A few minutes later, the fleet entered warp speed again, and the next time it left, the fleet had already reached the edge of the galaxy where Base 014 was located.

"Enemy attack—!"

Of course, the security level of the 014 base is not the same as that of the roadside checkpoints. The space barrier is always open, and it is impossible for unverified ships to warp directly to the base.

When the Obsidian Fleet appeared on the edge of the galaxy, the sensor team at Base 014 immediately locked it and identified the other party's identity.

Seeing that the fleet of the Duke of Obsidian appeared, and then contacting the recent situation, they didn't know that the comer was not good, so the alarm was sounded immediately.

"Obsidian Fleet, stop immediately, express your intention, and accept the military police inspection, otherwise we will regard you as rebels and destroy them immediately!"

The Commander of Base 014 sternly shouted at the Obsidian Fleet, but in fact, he was only strong on the outside but capable on the inside.

Because the fleet responsible for stationing the 014 base is not ready at all, if the Obsidian fleet insists on approaching, the Imperial fleet can only sail less than half of it during this period.

Once the opponent enters the range, with the size and posture of the Obsidian fleet, whether the base can be held is really hanging.

However, facing the intimidation of the 014 base, the Obsidian fleet was completely unmoved, and quietly hovered on the edge of the galaxy, which made all the imperial officers feel relieved and at the same time a little suspicious.

Are these guys just parading from afar?
of course not.

The Obsidian Fleet awaits spies.

A few minutes later, the first battleships of the imperial defenders finally left the port and moved to the side of the base to defend.

At this moment, there was a sudden burst of gunfire inside the base, accompanied by violent explosions.

"what happened!"

The commander, who was like a frightened bird, almost jumped up in fright, and asked sharply.

"Commander, a large number of out-of-control robots suddenly appeared in the base and opened fire indiscriminately. Stormtroopers have been sent to suppress it!"

"Fart, what are you talking about out of control at this time, it's that group of rags that has been hijacked! Where did these robots come from? Huh?"

The commander still has the ability to judge, and immediately guessed the truth of the matter. The adjutant checked the records and said in surprise:
"It was transferred from the 026 base. There was a fire in their warehouse and they needed maintenance. They said they needed to make room, so they shipped a batch of containers to us..."

"What kind of containers are they?"

The commander's expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly asked:

"The types are very diverse. There are 5000 B2 robots, some living supplies, and some ammunition."

Seems to be all right?
The base commander just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, but suddenly remembered something, and his expression became a little frightened.

"What... what kind of ammunition are they?"

"Well, there are 3000 concussion missiles, 7 E-100 blasters, some proton bombs, and [-] of the latest ion torpedoes..."

The adjutant said a lot, but the commander only heard the words "ion torpedo".

"It's over, I hope..."

Before he could finish speaking, a series of dull roars suddenly came from the depths of the base, followed by a violent shock under his feet. The lights in the command room dimmed all of a sudden, and the red emergency lights came on, which reflected the commander's face very well. fear.

"Fuck, it really is that bastard, hurry up, start the backup system—!"

"Emergency power has been activated, and it will take 5 minutes for the system to restart!"

"It's over, it's too late..."

The base commander seemed to have lost all his strength, and suddenly slumped on the command chair.

Sure enough, just 1 minute later, a white light flashed outside the porthole, one after another the rebel warships arrived one after another, and the huge obsidian fleet rushed to the 014 base in an instant!

What just exploded was the batch of ion torpedoes that had been tampered with.

Ion weapons are a high-tech weapon of the empire. It has huge damage to shields, but it is almost ineffective against armor. However, it has an additional feature, which is to paralyze electronic equipment, which is equivalent to non-directional and powerful EMP. Wherever you want to fight, it will not affect friendly forces.

If it is on the battlefield, several ion torpedoes directly hitting the hull can temporarily paralyze an empire-class battleship.

At this moment, a total of 100 ion torpedoes exploded in a concentrated manner. The strong energy impact not only detonated some other ammunition, but also instantly offline the main system of the 014 base.

It also includes the most important defense system and gravity well system.

In this way, it can be predicted what kind of ending will be waiting for the defenders of the empire.

4 Imperial-class battleships that have been secretly refitted, 8 Jaeger-class battlecruisers equipped with Veiger's new fighter jets, and as many as a hundred cruisers of various types. On the face of the defenders.

At the moment, the Imperial defenders have only left one Imperial-class ship and seven Arquitect-class ships. The rest of the warships are still undergoing emergency departure procedures with the help of barges. Collision.

Facing the terrified imperial defenders, the rebel fleet mercilessly launched the most violent attack.

The heavy turbolaser cannons and ion turrets on all capital ships fired fiercely at the only imperial battleship leaving the port. The red and blue light rain hit the deflector shield flickering wildly, and it disappeared after less than a minute. , and then dense explosions rose up from the hull, the majestic island was directly blown away by the terrifying firepower, and the towering bridge and shield generator were shattered in the flames.

This was a 12-on-1 gang fight, and even the Empire-class battleships couldn't compete, and they lost their combat capabilities within 3 minutes of the battle.

While the capital ship launched its bombardment, the rebels' light and medium fleet also launched a surprise attack. Hundreds of flexible cruisers and destroyers went straight to the naval port, firing indiscriminately at the ships still crowded in the port.

These rebel warships have limited firepower, but they generally carry a large number of low-cost old-fashioned nuclear weapons, which are very effective in targeting concentrated port areas. Although the power of nuclear bombs is not enough to destroy large ships, it is enough to cause chaos.

The imperial fleet in the port could only be forced to hastily fight back, but the departure procedure also became more chaotic, and many collision accidents occurred in a short while, and the flames of the explosion and the flying hull fragments caused chaos in the general port.

The rebel bombers taking off from the Jaeger-class had no interest in the port area, and went straight to the main body of the 014 base at the fastest speed.

For an extremely strong and important base, 100 ion torpedoes exploded from the inside, although deadly, were not enough to completely paralyze the entire base.

The base has multiple sets of backup systems, and it only takes a few minutes to restart. Once the restart is completed, the defenders in the base can rely on the solid fortifications to hold on until reinforcements arrive, even if the entire defense fleet is wiped out.

For an enemy that cannot be countered, the job of the garrison fleet is to interfere with the enemy's attack, not to fight head-on.

Right now, the Imperial Fleet was blocked at the door and beaten up before they had time to run, otherwise they would never have been in such a mess.

The rebel bomber fleet quickly arrived over the main base, and the escort fighters immediately tangled with the imperial TIE fighters that took off in a hurry. The rebel bombers that broke through the interception immediately began to dive and launch proton bombs towards key parts of the imperial base.

At this time, the imperial base has not yet completed the restart, which is a good opportunity to attack.

There was no shield to intercept, and the proton bombs hit one after another successfully. The towering shield generator was the first to bear the brunt and was directly blown up.

Then there are hyperspace communication modules, gravity well generators, airport gates, defensive cannons, sensor arrays...

All rebel pilots are experienced mercenaries, and they are no longer flying cheap TIE fighters, but more advanced Vigel bombers, with much stronger firepower and performance than before.

After losing half of the attack echelon, the rebel army successfully achieved the first wave of attack goals and successfully blew up a large number of facilities in the imperial base. Since the subsequent base system restart, at least half of its defense capabilities will be compromised.

In this way, the victory of the rebels is set!

Just like the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor during World War II, the rebels' planning was quite complete. After the battle began, the offensive was like a storm, engulfing the imperial defenders at once and overwhelming the limited defense forces.

The imperial fleet that set sail was quickly destroyed by concentrated fire. The flaming wreckage of the ship covered the base, and the military port was a sea of ​​flames. The rebels decisively gave up the opportunity to capture the fleet and resolutely carried out the destruction order. So there are no variables, and the Imperial Fleet will not even have the slightest hope of a comeback.

Over the base that is close at hand, a steady stream of rebel fighter planes bombarded the base indiscriminately.

The armor of the base was very strong, so the rebels relied on flexible fighter planes to attack those weak spots, removing the resistance capabilities of the imperial bases one by one.

The forts were reduced to ruins under the bombardment of proton bombs. Many fighter planes were blown up in the airport by proton torpedoes before they took off. All the exposed portholes were strafed by rebel fighter planes. A large number of empires Officers and soldiers were sucked out of the window and turned into cold corpses in the universe...

When the firepower of the 014 base was weakened to a certain extent, landing ships swarmed up and sent a large number of rebels into the base.

The interior of the base was already turned upside down by 5000 rebel robots. At this time, facing the vicious rebels, there were opponents there. The huge Storm Legion was reduced to the background of the battle at this moment, and pieces were harvested by the rebels.


So far, the imperial reinforcements have not yet arrived, and the urgent rescue fleet received the bad news of the fall of the base just halfway there, so they returned directly, and no lone troops went deep.

So far, the main fleet comparison between the two sides has become 3:7.

The rebellion continued.


(End of this chapter)

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