Knock wonders from the space station

Chapter 437 This is different from the plan!

Chapter 437 This is different from the plan!
Using the rebel stargate as a transit is also a bad strategy. Originally, Lu Feng planned to pack up the entire rebel stargate and move it to the wormhole galaxy, so that the Vigels could directly appear on the faces of the swarm.

However, a large change to the anchored stargate coordinates will cause the original connection to become invalid and must be re-anchored.

The Vigels are not fools. If the space beacon of the rebel stargate goes directly to the Meteor Jedi, even fools will know that there is a problem.

There is no way, Lu Feng can only settle for the next best thing, use the rebel star gate as a relay, and finally send the Vigels to the wormhole galaxy through the Shentang star gate.

It is worth mentioning that Lu Feng will not expose his star gate to the outside universe, that would be too dangerous, whether it is the Zerg or the furious Veggle after discovering that he was cheated, it is possible to completely destroy the star gate .

So Lu Feng is going to leave the star gate in the creation space, and open the exit of the creation space directly opposite the star gate.

In this way, the Veiger fleet had no time to react after arriving in the creation space, and would immediately crash into the exit that was close at hand, and leave the creation space.

Of course, if Lu Feng wanted to, he could completely trap all these Veggle ships in the space of creation, but the consequence would be that no one would go outside to stop the Zerg, so it depends on the situation.

Soon, tens of thousands of Shentang marines fully occupied the entire rebel base. Some rebel spaceships wanted to escape seeing that something was wrong, but they were all shot down by the Shenyi-class battlecruiser that fell from the sky, and the atmospheric channel leading to the outside of the planet was destroyed. The Shentang fleet took strong control, and all the ships flying over the base were forced to land and be arrested by the Shentang army.

So far, the home of the rebel army has completely changed hands. Since the hyperspace communication module was destroyed immediately, the rebel army did not know the bad news that their home home had been occupied.

So far, Lu Feng not only got the most critical star gate of the plan, but also snatched the most elite secret base of the rebels, including a super shipyard capable of building dreadnoughts, and the three points that the rebels robbed from the empire's logistics base just now. One of the military supplies!

One wave made Shentang full.

But now is not the time to celebrate. I just received news that the large wormhole in the galaxy on the edge of the Meteor Jedi has stabilized and will be fully opened within an hour.

Lu Feng left the ground troops and the fleet to stick to the rebel base, and immediately boarded the Firewood to rush back to the Meteor Jedi, and finally arrived at the target galaxy before the Zerg arrived.

At this moment, the edge of this galaxy is surrounded by a large number of combined fleets of interstellar stars. Once the plan to steal the sky and replace the sun fails, they must go up by themselves.

Fortunately, Lu Feng arrived in time, so the United Fleet withdrew in batches, and reorganized the defense line in the three adjacent galaxies to prevent any bugs from leaking out or irritating the angry nerves of the Vigels.

Afterwards, Lu Feng put down the huge Qianyan Fortress behind the largest planet in the galaxy.

The Qianyan Fortress will create a gravity well in the entire galaxy to prevent either the Zerg or the Veggle from fleeing at warp speed, otherwise the previous plan will be meaningless.

Finally, the Xinhuo arrived near the wormhole. Looking at the huge wormhole with a diameter of nearly 30 kilometers, Lu Feng could even imagine how many ferocious monsters were baring their teeth and claws at the other end.

"Huh, I finally caught up, let's start shaking people!"

After receiving Lu Feng's order, the ghost agent in the rebel stargate immediately activated the stargate, and used the double secret key of the rebel army and the blood guard commander to send a pass signal to the Weigel army at the other end.

The secret key in the hands of the rebels was easy to snatch, but the secret key of the blood guard was destroyed by the head of the blood guard before he died.

As early as the first infiltration, Lu Feng implanted March Seven's Trojan horse program in the Stargate console. Every time the Blood Guard Commander inserts the secret key, a part of the secret key will be secretly copied by March Seven.

After a few times, even if there is no real thing, March [-] can be forged, and it will not affect the use at all.

On the other side of the starry sky, the Vigels who received the communication confirmed the secret key and did not suspect him, and immediately began to execute the transmission procedure. Behind the ancestor star gate belonging to the Vigels, there were thousands of Veigles hovering densely. Start slowly.

After a rough scan, there are no less than 20 ships of particularly large size, more than 300 ships with a size of more than a kilometer, and ships with a size of several hundred meters can be seen everywhere, accounting for half of the total fleet.

Naturally, there are also various motherships and logistics ships mixed in here, but in terms of overall scale, it has completely surpassed the Third Army of the Empire, and it is a well-deserved main force of the Vegels!
But having said that, there is no existence of more than 5000 meters in the Vigel fleet.

Vegel's style of building ships is very different from that of the Imperials.

The design standards of Vigel ships pay more attention to practicality and cost-effectiveness, so they will not specialize in manufacturing ships as huge as the Imperial Dreadnought. Even the flagship [Makann's Wrath III] dreadnought is only 4500 It is impossible to reach the 8000-meter length of the Imperial Dreadnought Ship.

Although the size seems to be quite different, the actual combat capabilities of the two sides are similar.

Although the empire is unwilling to admit it, it has become a fact that their shipbuilding technology has been overtaken by Vegel unknowingly, but they still have crushing advantages in terms of productivity and industrial scale.

Half of Vigel's ships were built by himself and the other by archaeology. It takes a long time to save a fleet.

On the other hand, the Empire’s Kuat Power Dockyard can easily serve dumplings, and the fleet soldiers are also endless. There are even rumors that the Empire still has clone soldier technology in its hands. Even if the outer star area falls, it can still arm an invincible army. The army is coming.

This is the fundamental reason why the Vigels have been unable to contend with the empire head-on.

Although the four major military regions of the empire seem to have only 120 battleships on the surface, as long as the empire activates the war machine, 10 new fleets will be launched in three months, which will consume energy and kill the Vigels.

Therefore, dismembering the huge empire from within has become an inevitable choice for the Vegels.

After the ancestral star gate was opened, the huge Veggle fleet immediately sailed into the center of the sparkling star gate in order according to the arranged formation. There were quite a few warships in the advance echelon, including a [Makann's Wrath I] Type] Dreadnought.

It is worth mentioning that the size of the Vigel's ancestor star gate is the same as that of Shen Tang, so the ships entering did not exceed the traffic limit of Shen Tang star gate.

Otherwise, those giant ships that are too large can only be trapped in hyperspace, and the star gate transmission cannot turn around halfway.

On the other side, Lu Feng was leading people to stand guard at the exit of the star gate of the creation space. He saw a Veggle battleship come out of the ancestor star gate, then plunged into the exit of the subspace without any response, and left the creation space.

He finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The plan was successful!
Before he could get excited, Lu Feng suddenly thought of a trick.

Although I can't keep all the Veiger fleet, can I selectively pick some ships to keep?
Anyway, these Vigel ships are going to fight against the swarm, so the supply ships and engineering ships in the fleet will not be used, right?
Lu Feng's eyes lit up, and he suddenly felt that he was witty.

Things like star gates will record the information of ships entering the hyperspace channel at any time, and send them to the exit star gate at the other end. Therefore, Lu Feng easily intercepted Weigel's ship information, and he clearly knows that the upcoming What kind of ship would appear.


"Yes, the Far Traveler-class transport ship! There is also the Star Devourer-class heavy engineering ship! Good stuff!"

Lu Feng rubbed his hands excitedly, it was the first time for him to rob so comfortably, it was absolutely unprecedented.

Soon, the Veiger warships in the front line flashed past the creation space. When the prey was about to appear, Lu Feng instantly closed the space door leading to the outside world. After just a few seconds, a warship comparable in size to a battleship The giant transport ship slowly sailed out of the ancestral star gate and appeared in the creation space.

This Veiger transport ship was obviously in a daze, and everything in front of him was completely different from what was expected.

But before the Vigels could react, Lu Feng had already used his creation ability to quietly create a large amount of powerful hypnotic gas inside the opponent's cabin. After being completely poisoned, the entire cargo ship immediately fell into a state of unmanned control, and was towed away by a large number of unmanned barges waiting to empty the channel.

In this way, Lu Feng successfully robbed a huge cargo ship full of military supplies in less than half a minute!

Not only was it invisible, but there was no armed conflict during the whole process.

In the space of creation, Lu Feng is like a god. He can create whatever he wants anywhere. If he wants to blow up a ship, he only needs to create a few grams of unstable impurities in the opponent's reactor. The opponent will blow himself up to the sky.

Soon, Lu Feng repeated his old tricks, and the thousand-meter-long Star Devourer-class engineering ship was also included in his pocket.

Then the space gate leading to the outer universe was opened again, and the next arriving Veiger battleship was sent to the wormhole galaxy, and it went very peacefully.

The Shentang Fleet, who was on standby at the star gate, was amazed at the operation of their boss, and they were so impressed that they were all over the ground, happily discussing what treasures were on board.

And the Shentang personnel in the control room of the ancestor star gate stared at the ship's display with bright eyes, commenting on the upcoming Vigel ships one by one, looking for the next "rescue target".

That's right, according to the Shentang warriors, they are not robbery, but saving people and doing good deeds!
Although these Veiger crew members who were left behind were captured, they didn't have to fight the swarm anymore, and their lives were saved, and they might have to thank Shentang in the future.

Seeing the fat fish jumping into his net one after another, feeling the joy of the harvest, Lu Feng couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear.

Thank you for the gift of nature!


Outside the space of creation, when the first Veigle battleship appeared under this strange starry sky, everything became strange.

"Uh... where is this?"

On the bridge of the first Bloodblade III battleship in the Veiger's advance fleet, Captain Veeger looked at the strange galaxy in front of him with a bewildered expression, feeling an inexplicable fear in his heart.

"Report to the captain, through the positioning of the star mark, the location of our ship is on the edge of the meteorite Jedi, this is not the planned assembly place!"

The captain slapped the adjutant angrily.

"Nonsense, I don't know that this is not a gathering place? The question is how did we get here! Is that a star gate? Huh?"

Captain Weigel switched the external camera to the stern, pointed at the vortex of the starry sky behind and roared in horror and anger.

That vortex is naturally the exit of the creation space. Since Lu Feng opened the teleportation window inside the subspace, he couldn't even see the door frame from the outside, and thought it was some wild wormhole.

The staff department on the battleship Veiger immediately launched a heated discussion, and quickly submitted the conclusion to the captain.

"Transmission deviation due to unknown reasons?"

Captain Weigel's tone was not good.

"Uh...that's about it.

Our ship was disturbed by some kind of turbulence in the hyperspace channel, so that it deviated from the normal course, and finally escaped from hyperspace through this wild wormhole... The transmission time this time was slightly longer than expected, which was caused by this situation .

In fact, it is lucky for our ship to be able to return to the material universe smoothly. Fortunately, the space of this galaxy is not stable enough and natural wormholes appear, otherwise our ship will be completely lost in hyperspace..."

Hearing what the staff officers said, Captain Vegel finally felt better.

"Hmph, I just said that the counterfeit star gates of those rebels are unreliable, and they really cheated me!"

He immediately blamed the rebels for all of this. If their stargates hadn't been properly installed and adjusted, he wouldn't have ended up in this shitty place, and he would have led a team to beat up the Imperial Army.

"Forget about that, immediately send a scout ship to confirm the surrounding situation, and calculate the route back to the border of the empire..."

Before the captain could finish speaking, a light flashed on the screen, and another Veiger cruiser jumped out of the wormhole behind him.

Uh, I'm not the only one who is unlucky?
Although it is not good to gloat, the captain is obviously in a much better mood at this moment.

"Oh, put me through the communication quickly, and ask which unlucky guy is here to accompany me~"

Soon the two captains met with staring eyes. After the battleship captain explained, the cruiser captain could only accept the fact that the transmission was off course, and discussed how to go back to the front line together.

Just then, the third Veigle ship appeared...

Next is the fourth ship, the fifth ship...

Now the captain of the battleship that arrived first didn't know what to say. Well, it turned out that it wasn't his own yaw, but the entire fleet?

If the whole fleet went off track together, could it be understood that... the headquarters secretly changed the assembly location without knowing it?
It must be so.

It must be that the headquarters was worried about information leaks, so they temporarily changed the assembly point and asked us to launch a surprise attack from an unexpected position!
The wise captain immediately informed the rest of the captains of his guess after finishing his brainstorming, and the rest of the captains took it for granted, so they began to line up near the exit of the subspace by themselves, waiting for the follow-up large troops and flagship to arrive.

Finally, with the appearance of an exceptionally bright light, the more than 3000-meter-long Markan I dreadnought escaped from the space gate.

As the flagship of the advance fleet, this huge dreadnought ship has a complete frontline command center, enough to command the advance fleet present.

The commander finally arrived, and when the captains were waiting for the order to prepare for a big fight, they were dumbfounded by a sentence from the commander of the advance fleet.

"Huh? Where is this, why did we all come here?"

What the hell?
Wasn't all of this planned?
The expressions of the captains suddenly froze.

The commander immediately realized that something was wrong, and after collecting the information gathered by the advance fleet, his expression changed suddenly.

"Damn it! Immediately make the same type of all ships, first-level combat readiness—!"

The shout of Commander Weigel startled the people around him.

The captain below didn't know the situation, and as the commander of the advance fleet, he was very clear about His Excellency's plan, so he naturally knew where the swarms attracted by the rebel psychic beacons came from.

Isn't it the gang on his own face!
A shitty wild wormhole, the fuck is a bug that opened it, can't you see a wormhole that is about to open that is so big on your face? !
Commander Veiger was going crazy.

Although he didn't know why his fleet appeared here, he knew that something was wrong with his fleet. There was a large wormhole that was about to take shape in this galaxy. The worms in it were originally prepared for the Imperial Army. Now it's all arranged for me.

What's even more exasperating is that the idiots under my command not only didn't run away when they saw the wormhole, but actually waited for someone to come.

But fortunately, these guys did not run away, otherwise I would not be able to deal with the upcoming insect swarm with only one flagship.

Forget it, that's actually fine.

The ghost knows whether the follow-up fleet will also yaw to this ghost place, so I will lead people to defend here for a while, and meet the follow-up troops that may appear.

Hmph, so what about a large wormhole?
He still doesn't believe that the main force of his advance fleet will be wiped out by the opponent!

However, he soon regretted it.

Gan, this plan is different!


(End of this chapter)

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