Knock wonders from the space station

Chapter 444 The Ruins in the Depths of the Jedi

Chapter 444 The Ruins in the Depths of the Jedi

During the three months of turbulent times in the empire, Lu Feng had already led the crew of the Firecracker into the depths of the Meteor Jedi along the Vegel's channel.

When the external forces are flying around, the safe haven-like interstellar galaxy can be stable and prosperous. This is the world that Lu Feng and others hope for and strive for.

Only in this way can Lu Feng rest assured that he will go out this time.


Into the first month of the Meteor Jedi.

"Ah, it's so boring. There's nothing here except space turbulence and rotten stones. I really want to explore the ruins..."

On the bridge of the Xinhuo, Lu Feng drank stardust fallen leaf tea and smiled at Lin Yuexi's naive expression when she complained.

"Be patient. A qualified explorer spends ninety-nine percent of his time preparing and traveling. Really valuable expeditions are rare events. Otherwise, explorers may have died a long time ago. You think of expeditions as outings. It's a picnic~"

Ever since the Firewood entered the depths of the Jedi, the harsh space environment has frequently harassed the hull.

Fortunately, Lu Feng, who had expected this for a long time, upgraded the protection and navigation system of the Xinhuo in advance. At the moment, the Xinhuo is submerging in the void under the control of March [-], and the Xinhuo avoiding the middle layer of the void can avoid large Most space disasters.

It is also because of this that the Firefire has traveled almost all the forks along the way, and it has been confirmed that the Vigels are not hidden in a secret galaxy along the way, and of course it has also been confirmed that the galaxies passing by are not of much excavation value.

Although Lu Feng and the others marked a lot of rich ore along the way, which enriched Shentang's future strategic reserves, this obviously did not match the purpose of Lu Feng's trip.

They came this time to find the remains of civilization.

It is not only the need of the oracle mission, but also to prevent the Weigel people from obtaining something extraordinary.

Time soon came to the second month.

The Xinhuo is fast, and it can pass through many Jedi directly, so the exploration efficiency is extremely high.

In addition, the oracle's Raiders of the Lost Ark mission will provide some clues and star maps, and the comparison of the two can roughly determine the search area, so starting from the second month, Lu Feng and the others found many ruins.

However, most of them are the legacy of civilization thousands of years ago, and some of them have been pre-empted by the Vigels.

There are some gains, but there are no big discoveries that can change the situation.

In this way, on the 62nd day of going deep into the Meteor Jedi, the Firefire finally discovered the traces of the Vigels.

"The wreckage of the Bloodblade-class battleship! The Vigels have been here!"

Wrapped in the hazy purple nebula, a Veiger battleship bent at a large angle floated there desolately, and no signs of life could be seen on the scanner.

Apparently, the wreck of the Vigel had been completely abandoned.

At the same time, it also means that there will be more and more dangers going forward, even if you are not careful with the strength of a battleship, you will be severely broken by the sudden gravity!

In the face of the mighty power of the universe, the technology of later generations is as fragile as a child, so it is no wonder that we need to pursue the wisdom of our ancestors.

The Firewood shuttled through the void silently. The frenzied gravity of the outer universe could not tear apart the seemingly thin hull, but tore apart half of the rocky satellite in front of the crew.

This place is worthy of the name of Meteorite Jedi. Broken planets can be seen everywhere. Huge rocks torn down by gravity are scattered all over the starry sky. If you are not careful, you will be turned into space junk by those rocks heavier than dreadnoughts.

The crew members on the Firewood were afraid for a while, thankful for the strength of the ship under their feet.

The further you go in, the more shipwrecks are detected on the road, but not all of them are left by the Vigels recently, and many of them are from the year before last. After the scanner confirmed, they came from the vanished Fia Lee Empire.

There are a lot of them!
Soon, Lu Feng could already guess that there must be a space cemetery nearby, where the legacy of the former overlord, the Faiali Empire, was buried.

This must be the goal of the Vigels, right?

After all, this place is already close to the edge of the Sanctuary star cluster, and if you go further in, you will enter the range of the purple nebula.

Later that day, as expected, Lu Feng and the others finally caught up with the Vigel expedition fleet. At this moment, the dreadnought fleet was less than one-third of what it was when it came in, and all the surviving ones were injured, which shows the danger of the way.

Lu Feng looked at the busy Vigel people in the distance with emotion.

You must know that the other party has neither the ability to travel through the void nor the treasure map provided by the oracle. At best, there are some ancient documents unearthed from the ruins, but they are already out of date.

To be able to come here is undoubtedly to spend a little bit of human life, paying a huge price and painstaking effort.

I really don't know what the other party's expression will be when he sees himself as a beard cutter. I think His Excellency Wolawi will be mad with anger.

"Scan that ruins and see what our old friends are up to?"


On the outside, the expedition fleet of the Vigels is hovering in the orbit of a dusty satellite. That satellite looks ordinary and lifeless, and there may be holes in it.

Sure enough, after scanning on March [-]th, he said in a surprised tone:

"Wow, this is actually an artificial satellite. Its diameter has reached an astonishing 1000 kilometers! How did the Faialis do it?"

Lu Feng was a little surprised.

"Is it a completely man-made space giant... instead of a rocky planet that was transformed later?"

"That's right! The scan results show that the surface of the entire satellite is supported by a neat and grand artificial structure. Although the deeper structure is shielded, it is clear that hollowing out a rocky planet does not require such a large-scale artificial framework. "

A scanning perspective view of the target satellite appeared on the screen. Lu Feng and others clearly saw the entire magnificent super frame, and had a general understanding of the scale of the ruins.

"It's so big! Is the builder a Fiari or an ancestral civilization? Even a space giant of this scale can be built... It's hard to imagine how they failed in the first place."

Lin Yuexi exclaimed, with embarrassment written all over her cute little face.

"We'll find the answers to all of this."

Lu Feng smiled and patted the top of the girl's head, "But compared to the truth, right now I am more concerned about how to bring this spectacle home."

"Karma? You're kidding me!"

Lin Yuexi had an expression of caring for the mentally retarded, "That thing has a diameter of 1000 kilometers! Are you going to carry it back? Well, if that's the case, I can accompany you and wipe your sweat on the way, but Don't call me for anything you do~"

Lin Yuexi stuck out her tongue mischievously, but Lu Feng grabbed her and rubbed her hair vigorously, turning the top of her head into a chicken coop.

"You just watch as I work? It's a beautiful idea! Don't try to be lazy then."


"Oh! That is to say, your current space gate can accommodate 10 kilometers of objects, but as long as you spend 150 tokens to upgrade, you can accommodate 1000 kilometers of objects, which is enough to bring the entire ruins home! What are you waiting for? , if we dawdle our relics any longer, we will be touched by the dirty hands of the Vigels!"

Lin Yuexi's eyes lit up, and she slapped Lu Feng excitedly, even more excited than Lu Feng.

"Be reserved, like a female bandit..."

Lu Feng smiled and pinched her soft face, "This matter has to be done step by step. First of all, we don't have a space gate carrier with a diameter of 1000 kilometers, so we must build an orbital ring with a diameter of [-] kilometers, which can move the entire The satellites are set in."

"Secondly, the space environment here is very unstable, so this orbital ring must be strong enough and cannot be destroyed by the Vigels."

"Look at this last," Lu Feng pointed to the scanner screen, "Although this ruin has been silent for thousands of years, the defensive force field in some areas is still operating by itself, which will tear our fragile orbit, you Don’t you dare to get too close without looking at the Vigels?”

Lin Yuexi took a closer look, and found that there were complex force field warning lines interlaced on the surface of the ruins. Once a ship intruded accidentally, these powerful technologies from thousands of years ago would instantly tear the intruder into pieces, just like those chaotic stars in the sky. Flow is the same.

"That is to say, we still have to enter this ruin and completely close it from the inside? Alright, we can finally explore!"

The little girl cheered, she was always so energetic.

"Tsk tsk, I'm afraid you want to sign in at another place. For such a mysterious super relic, the reward should be enough for you to upgrade to a level 7 psyker?"

Lu Feng jokingly exposed Lin Yuexi's little plan.

"Yes, so what! As long as this girl completes the sign-in this time, she will definitely be able to surpass you again in terms of spiritual power level. By then...huh~"

Lin Yuexi smirked, her stomach was full of bad water.

Lu Feng smiled and did not refute.

He wouldn't tell her that his remaining 69 legendary tokens were enough to complete a level 7 psionic infusion, and he would still be stronger than her at the peak of level 7 psionic power.

Well, let's let her be proud for a while!

The expedition fleet of the Vigels wandered in the outermost orbit of the relic satellites. In order not to let themselves die in an ugly way, they avoided the defensive force fields that were still in operation.

The largest of them, the Wrath of Markan 1 dreadnought, is releasing a landing force. It seems that it is preparing to conduct an internal survey of the ruins and discover something they want.

Lu Feng observed secretly for a while.

As a result, he was surprised to find that the Vigels seemed to be carrying some kind of pass key. When the landing craft approached the external gate of the ruins carefully, the heavy door that looked very solid opened automatically.

The Vigels' landing craft slowly drove in, and then the gate was closed tightly, blocking prying eyes from the outside.

"The access control is still working! It's a little troublesome..."

Lu Feng frowned.

Although this relic has been abandoned for thousands of years, the strong technological level of the ancestors still allows some systems to maintain a certain degree of operation.

If it's just the access control system, I'm afraid that some self-defense systems will counterattack when I forcefully break the door.

Lu Feng didn't know what weapon system was still in operation, and he was absolutely unwilling to use his spaceship to verify the power of the ancestor's technology.

March [-] has already scanned the entire ruins, and found that the appearance of the entire ruins is covered by dust accumulated over the years, forming a thick rock shell, and there is no damage to it, and it is impossible to judge it For what reason did it fall.

The Vigels first used a laser drill to knock off the rock shell wrapped around the gate of the ruins, and then used a certain relic to enter the interior of the ruins.

Lu Feng has no relics, and there is no way to blatantly dig a passage out of it.

Things got a little stiff.

After thinking for a while, Lu Feng turned to ask March Seven.

"What is the shielding effect of the shell of this ruin? I mean, is there a way for the people inside to communicate with the fleet outside?"

"No...according to my calculations, before the Vigels gain control of the ruins, the probability of them being able to contact the fleet is less than 1%. Even if they can, the signal will be quite weak and can be intercepted."

"very good.

Since there is no way to enter the ruins for the time being, let's think about it from another angle. The same goes for the people they left outside. I still don't believe that they can drive the ruins back home with the crew of a few landing craft! "

After making up his mind, Lu Feng was blunt and directly opened the space door behind the nearby planet.

Then Shentang's first and second fleets filed out, led by the Markan's Wrath 3 dreadnought ship captured from the Vegels!

In more than 4 months, this super warship has completed the transformation of Shentang, and can be skillfully controlled by the elite crew mobilized by Shentang.

When the huge fleet came out from the back of the planet, the Vigels who stayed outside were stunned.

Not only shocked by the appearance of the unknown fleet, but also shocked by the Ma San.

Wallaw stood up from his seat with a jerk.

His mind is controlled by nanobots, and he is completely loyal to Mordiggian. It is because of this that he can use a precious Macan 1 generation as his flagship and form a huge fleet to carry out secret missions.

But what about the other side?

This unknown fleet that suddenly appeared also has a Markann's Wrath dreadnought, which is the latest third generation!
His master's fleet has only three such huge ships in total, and it appears here at this moment. Could it be that one of the master's deputy came here in person?
Wolawi was so surprised that he didn't dare to fire first. Although the opponent was aggressive, he still used the communication to confirm first.

However, the Shentang Fleet ignored him at all, and approached them on their own. After the two sides came within range and began to fill the main gun, Volawi finally gave up his fantasy.

This is the enemy!

It's a pity that it was already too late, and the Veiger fleet, which was already at an absolute disadvantage in terms of numbers and firepower, was quickly submerged in the ocean of light.

The crossfire flagship, Lu Feng, even led the Xinhuo to attack from behind. An engine destroyed the flagship of Wolawi, making him lose even the chance to escape.

The only unexpected thing is that all the Vigels in the fleet finally detonated the battleship and died in the ship.

No prisoners.

It seems that these people are completely controlled by Mordiggian, otherwise they would not be sent to carry out secret missions, and it would be useless to obtain information from them.

Then Lu Feng ordered the fleet to quickly clean up the battlefield, drag the wreckage back to the subspace, and then retreat, the Xinhuo became invisible again.

In this way, the Veggle fleet seemed to evaporate out of thin air. Even if the Veggle people in the ruins had obtained some permissions to see outside, they could only stare blankly at the tiny wreckage in the star space.

The next step is to wait patiently for them to open the door and come out.


(End of this chapter)

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