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Chapter 20 EDG's revenge, hit the road to play mahjong!

Chapter 20 EDG's revenge, hit the road to play mahjong!
After saying this, Lu Yang immediately set off and returned to the road.

However, Xiangguo and Xiaohu's first reaction when they heard this sentence was: Why did this guy start commanding again?

The first time in the middle, they were forced to take control.

In the invasion of the jungle just now, Xiangguo, as a jungler, felt that the plan was feasible.


Now he is starting to command the details. People who don't know hear the post-match voice in the team and think he is an old player who controls the command.

In fact, the coach Feng Ge, who was watching the game in the background, also felt this way.

Listening to the team's voice conversation, his head felt a dull pain, not that there was anything wrong with Lu Yang's command.

Rather, the risk of such a command is too high.

From the live broadcast screen from God's perspective, it can be seen that Lu Yang's two waves of command certainly helped the team, but if he failed to catch in the middle, it might be said that EDG's Nosuke was squatting next to him.

Then, RNG's upper middle and wild three roads exploded in an instant.


In the next game, he must correct his mistakes in command.

Of course, Lu Yang's command does not mean that there are no bright spots.

Push the line on the road, and then feed back the team,

This idea of ​​"helping junglers invade" is good, and perhaps a more complete tactical reserve can be extended from it.


Brother Feng frowned in thought, holding a pen in his right hand and kept scribbling on the notepad.


At this moment, Lu Yang had already returned to the road.

Because the enemy was on the road with two people, he did not choose to step forward to provoke, but stood at a relatively rear position and waited for the line to come over. At the same time, he kept pressing ctrl+123+T, all kinds of messy expressions and dancing action.

Every time you light up your face,
Ming Kai's anger value will increase a little.

However, Mr. Ming has nothing to do about it. If his excavator is not a full level short of experience level [-], otherwise he really wants to cross the tower of this bitch Qinggangying with Mouse.

"Fuck, this is a real fake."

Ming Kai cursed angrily.

He had just helped Rambo push a wave of lines before turning back to his own wild area, ready to see what resources were left, excluding the visible field of vision, and at the same time moving down this route.


Before walking a few steps towards the river, Ming Kai heard Scout's voice: "They used teleportation in the last wave of the middle lane to go online, you can try to climb the tower, I can TP over."

Syndra didn't teleport?
Compared with the TP that needs to be pinched in the hands as much as possible in the top lane, the middle lane is more casual. After all, the solo lanes on both sides are relatively close. .

For example, when I killed Scout snake girl before.

When Xiaohu's Syndra returns to the city to make up his status, he must use TP to go online, otherwise a large wave of minions will make the defense tower overwhelmed.

That being the case...

Maybe try?

Now Lu Yang's Qinggang Shadow has not flashed, and because he has just invaded the wild area, he is still a little short of the crucial sixth level of experience.

However, both Rambo and Snake on one's own side have been promoted to level six by eating the line.

As long as it is done properly,

The output damage of the three of them can definitely kill this guy by jumping the tower.

"Hmph, fuck him!"

The anger hidden in Ming Kai's heart exploded in an instant. Without saying a word, he bypassed the triangular grass area on one side of the river, went straight to the position behind the first tower of RNG's top road, and blatantly appeared in the field of vision, and then inserted a field of vision to the ground eye position.

next moment,
A blue teleportation light burst out from this eye position, soaring into the sky, penetrating the sky of the entire Summoner Canyon.

EDG wants three guarantees for one!

In an instant, there was a burst of exclamation from the commentary seat.

"Wow, EDG is ready to take revenge on the top lane. Snake Girl TP cooperates with the excavator to go around. Rambo in the front is about to enter the tower with a big wave of lines. Qinggangying has no way to retreat!"

"Sindra has no TP, and the wine barrel is a bit far from the top road. This wave of Qinggang Shadow should be gone."

"Ze Yuan, do you think Qing Gang Ying can survive this wave?"

"I'm sure you won't survive. There are three guarantees under the tower, and you haven't flashed yet. If you let Ma Run come to play, you will die as well."

"Indeed, there is no room for manoeuvrability in the Qinggang Shadow that has not flashed."


Just when the three commentators unanimously pronounced the death penalty,
There was also a lot of noise in RNG's team voice, and everyone was paying attention to the wave of tower jumping on the road.

To know,
The only team with a slight advantage is the top laner. If they are killed by tower jumping, I am afraid that they will fall into the rhythm of EDG in the early stage of the game. This is a situation they don't want to see.

"I'm super, Lu Yang, can you hold on?"

Mala Xiangguo noticed the situation on the road, and immediately manipulated the wine barrel to turn around and drive up.

There is also the way down,
Although they are very far away from the top lane, after getting the information that the middle and the wild are on the top lane, Uzi's heart can't help but jump up. After changing the forbearance style just now, Luo with Xiao Ming started to suppress and consume blood again. .

Even if they can't encircle Wei and save Zhao, they still have to gain some advantage.

However, Lu Yang still had a calm expression on his face.

According to his understanding of the game,

Today's almost unsolvable situation is not impossible to operate, even if the difficulty of this operation is a bit high.

"I will try my best."

After saying this, Lu Yang looked at the current situation on the field.

First of all, the back road leading to the second tower has been cut off. The front is Mouse's Rambo, and the road leading to the wild area on the side cannot be used. Even if he runs across the wall with the E hook, he will be intercepted by the excavator.

Therefore, running is definitely not going away.


Can stay under the tower.

But, the question is how does this work?
Thinking of this, a few rehearsal images of operations subconsciously appeared in Lu Yang's mind. They were all game experiences in his previous life, plus the operations he saw in the game, the purified consciousness of the fusion of the two.

Haven't tried it though...

However, at least it is a choice for the current optimal solution.

Not much time to think,
Lu Yang quickly chose one of the operation plans that he thought had the highest success rate, and then he manipulated Qinggang Ying to walk out of the tower, and rushed straight to Mouse's Rambo in front of him.

Want to stop this wave of lines from entering the tower?

When the three EDG players saw this scene, they quickly guessed what he was thinking. He must have wanted to delay their tower jumping rhythm by preventing the pawn line from entering the tower, so that his teammates would have enough time to rush to the road rescue.

Indeed, the possibility is high.

Ming Kai, as the core commander of EDG, immediately made a decisive decision: "Don't waste time, let's jump over the tower and kill, I will fight the tower first, you pay attention to the output."

As soon as the words fell, he manipulated the excavator to drill into the ground.


The Void Dungeon Beast covered in dark purple dug out a long and narrow underground tunnel, and instantly approached Lu Yang's Qinggang Ying. With just a flash, he could kill this guy under the tower!


(End of this chapter)

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