Others play professional, you are here to play highlights?

Chapter 25 Refers to the East and West, and the world!

Chapter 25 Refers to the East and West, and the world!
"Give you?"

Hearing this, Mala Xiangguo frowned.

The current version of the game does not have a plating mechanism, so under normal circumstances, the canyon is controlled by the jungler, which makes it easier to find some opportunities to group together and push towers.

at this time,
The income of holding a canyon alone on the road is obviously much lower.

Although Qinggang Ying in this round is very fat...

However, no one can guarantee whether there will be a serious illness later, not to mention that the user of Qinggang Shadow is a newcomer substitute.

Just when Xiangguo was hesitating,
There was a sudden change on the playing field.

When EDG finished brushing the dragons, they did not continue to maintain the previous stable rhythm, trying to open a breakthrough in rhythm through the tough way of five packs and two packs in the bottom lane.

Mingkai's excavator closed the road after going around, and at the same time prepared teleportation eyes for Zhongshang. The prototype of this encirclement and suppression against the stains was completed, and the two teleportation beams of light were only waiting to light up.

RNG's bottom lane duo has been restricted to the area under the tower due to insufficient retreat.

"Grass, they want to jump over the tower."

Seeing this, uzi quickly shouted: "Hurry up, brothers, TP save me."

Xiaohu: "Don't die, it's coming."

"You take the canyon, hurry up and get off the road."

At this time, Xiangguo didn't care about so many problems, left a word, and then set off for the direction of the next road.


Lu Yang picked up the eye imprint of the canyon pioneer, and then looked for a suitable teleportation location on the map.

It stands to reason...

Now the best choice to continue the single belt, as long as EDG does not defend, he can even push all the way to the high ground to remove the crystal.


Professional games are not only about games, but also about human relationships.

Looking at the information on the map, Lu Yang quickly made a judgment, immediately marked a signal on Iboy's small cannon, and said at the same time:

"Look at my position, don't worry about the back, look at the small cannon first."

As soon as the words fell, he used teleportation to a prosthetic eye left in the bushes behind the line, and took the lead in signaling the large-scale melee in the lower half.

Almost at the same time,

Two blue TP lights flashed on the minions of the EDG camp, Mouse's Rambo and Scout's Snake, and Tiger Syndra's TP was transmitted to the defense tower, which was a second slower.

Although it doesn't look like a big difference, the impact is very important.

Because as long as it lands one second earlier, EDG has a strong auxiliary bull head, and it is easy to create a partial 4v3 advantage of more fights and less, or even a five-on-three situation after Mingkai circles the front.

This is a very fatal problem.


Can one's own side cause attrition in the first place?

While waiting for TP to land, Lu Yang said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, look at my position, pull and hit."

While speaking, his TP had landed.

At this time, Meiko and Iboy did not come to manage him, but stood in the middle of the road, not only to prevent his Qinggang shadow from entering the field from behind, but also to provide shelter for Snake and Syndra, who landed almost at the same time, to avoid There is a situation of neglecting the head and the tail.

Mingkai's excavator also gave up going around and dug a tunnel down the river to return to the frontal battlefield.

The battle is imminent.

Uzi: "Hey, Lu Yang, your position is a bit dangerous."

Xiangguo: "Wait for me, hold on first, I'm almost at the river."

Xiaohu: "Go first, or catch the group with the backhand."

Xiao Ming: "Can I drive?"

In an instant, the voices in the RNG team were extremely noisy, and the lack of the presence of Letme, the starting top laner, also made them confused about who would start the team.

To know,
At this time, Xiao Ming is just an immature new player who has just joined the LPL. He is far from having such a clear judgment experience in the later S11 season. He can only decide whether to start a team based on the feedback from his teammates.

Therefore, this regiment can only be opened by him.

Lu Yang manipulated Qinggang Ying to step out of the grass, cruising behind the EDG team like a gray wolf.

This is a very dangerous position.

Because as long as the position is a little careless, EDG can control the focus fire in the first time and kill him in seconds.

Again, this is also a position to go around and start a group.

"Look at my position, Snake Girl, focus on him first!"

Without any hesitation, Lu Yang immediately stuck his E skill hook to the wall, jumped out, and kicked Iboy's small cannon at an oblique angle in the shape of a 7.

However, EDG also gave a response.

I saw Meiko's bull head blocking the front, ready to use the Q skill to shake off the oncoming Qinggang shadow, and Scout also laid a layer of poisonous hinterland on the ground, trying to kill the guy who circled behind in seconds.


Seeing that Qinggangying and Niutou are about to collide.

all of a sudden,
A dazzling golden light flashed, and Lu Yang's green steel shadow instantly appeared in another position like a phantom. E flash kicked Scout's snake girl at the side and rear, causing a short-term dizzy effect first.

However, this is not the end.

After Lu Yang E flashed to the ground, he didn't immediately hit the output, but shot an R skill [Hex ultimatum] on Scout.

A clatter.

I saw his Qinggang Ying jumping up into a state where he could not be selected.

This allowed him to evade an oncoming auxiliary bull head in time, making its w skill [savage collision] control invalid, and also provided his own auxiliary Luo with a suitable opportunity to enter the field.

"Hurry up, Fire Snake Girl."

Hearing this, Xiao Ming's Luo immediately activated the R skill [Stunning Over the Gap], followed by a flash + W skill [Grand Debut] + hang up and ignite, and quickly connected to this perfect control chain.

Both Scout and Meiko fall into a charmed state that lasts for 1.25 seconds.

At this time, Uzi was not idle either.

When Lu Yang's Green Steel Shadow E kicked up, he had a premonition, and pulled out a pre-judgment R skill [Precise Barrage] in advance.

I saw a half-moon-shaped golden arcane barrage passing by,
Accurately hit two stunned targets,

Uzi hastily used the E skill to jump forward, and continued to alternately use the QW skill and basic attack to output damage.

Scout's blood volume dropped at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he was about to enter a state of beheading that was about to die.

Everyone in EDG naturally didn't hang up.

It's just that the deceptive E flash of "pointing east and west" made them unable to react for a while.

When he came back to his senses, Ming Kai knew that he had to enter the arena to make a clearance.

So he once again locked his target on Qinggang Shadow, who had no dodge and no ultimate move, and had to stop his damage output, or kill him in seconds, otherwise Scout would have no way to get out of the range of the Hex cage.

Although Xiaopao's big move can push away the target...

However, this will also send Qinggangying to a safe area, causing this long-planned team battle to fall short.

"Finish Steel Shadow!"

Ming Kai flashed forward without any hesitation, and without any suspense, flew a Qinggang Shadow whose skills were almost exhausted into the air. At the same time, Rambo and Xiaopao were also pouring out all their output damage, trying to concentrate the torches. He dropped it instantly.


(End of this chapter)

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