Chapter 315 Destruction?Unique debut!
A two-to-zero lead,

Let the player forums in each competition area continue to have a lot of hot topics.

However, the commentators in several other divisions have gradually realized the possibility of breaking the record of a complete victory, and have started writing articles around this topic.

The three commentators in the LCK division felt that they would be able to win a round.

European and American short-haired female commentators: Mao Mao,
On the spot, she said that she has become a loyal fan of Unbelievable Brother, and also deliberately showed off the Mandarin she learned while commenting on the Chinese channel.

that's it,
After a short wait,

Soon, the players of the two teams reappeared and took their seats, preparing for the third game of the final Bo5.


Even from the camera, you can clearly feel the difference in the atmosphere of the two teams.

The five players of KZ were ashamed.

The Taobo player seat next door was still talking and laughing.

such a clear difference,
The audience in several competition areas silently issued a death notice to the former, and the official LPL live broadcast room even posted a "Congratulations Taobo" celebration barrage in advance.

"Welcome back to the finals of MSI."

Doll stood in front of the camera with a smile on her face, actively leading the discussion topics before the game:
"The director just reminded that Little Peanut has returned to the arena."

"Now Taobo is leading [-]-[-], and if we win another game, we will win the championship. I believe everyone is looking forward to this scene as much as we are."

The voice just fell,

Miller next door continued on this topic:

"But at this time, Taobo can't be careless, and absolutely can't give KZ any hope of a comeback."


Guan Zeyuan nodded and agreed:

"Honestly, I think KZ's winning percentage is even higher."

"Because this may be their last game, and they will definitely resist desperately later. Tao Bo must be careful of overturning the car."


With these words spoken,

In an instant, the barrage in the live broadcast room of the game ushered in a wave of small swipes.

"I'm super, utilitarian milk, right?"

"Talk to the dog, this situation is stable."

"KZ: Although we are not Samsung, we are also an LCK team. Are you so cruel?"

"Hmph, I don't believe it's [-]-[-]. I'll buy KZ to win the round!"

"Brother, you might as well just live on a minimum living allowance."


When a bunch of barrage discussions abound,
The director brought up the familiar BP interface of the MSI finals, which also heralded the official start of the third game.

Wawa: "Starting with BP, let's take a look at the lineup for this round."

Following the voice of commentary,
The eyes of all the audience quickly fell on the first round of BP contest between the two teams.

Taobo switched to the red side, and KZ was the blue side.


There are also some changes and adjustments to the Ban position selection on both sides.

In the first round of the 3 Ban places, KZ chose to press the skateboard shoes + Daomei + Tamm.

Neither Qinggang Ying nor Olaf and Kai'Sa are on their ban list, it seems that they intend to release them outside.

However, Taobo continues to limit the rock sparrow + Galio.

The only difference...

That is to add Kai'Sa that does not need to be considered in the first two rounds in the third hand.

Then the two teams entered the first round of selection stage.

KZ took the lead in grabbing a jungler Olaf for the re-appearing Peanut, and Taobo then locked a group of troll + Qinggangying Ueno combination.

Immediately, there was a burst of lively cheers at the scene.

Looking at the BP interface on the screen,

Miller said excitedly: "No problem, Qing Gang Ying, if you dare to let it go, brother outrageous dare to choose!"

Wawa: "I don't understand, why do they still dare to show Qinggang Ying?"

Guan Zeyuan: "Anyway, I will lose in the end, so let's just release it for fun, so that the audience will have a better time watching it."

As soon as this word comes out,
The entire screen of the live broadcast room was full of "really" response bullet screens.

At this time, the BP of the two teams is still continuing.

KZ quickly selected a group of husband and wife file combinations of Xia + Luo in the following two hands.

Tao Bo also selected Knight's mid-lane hero in the third hand: Ryze.

With the end of the first round of intrigue,
The two teams soon entered the second round of Ban stage. Tao Bo added Ban to a group of Vampire + Zoe, and KZ blocked a group of AD combination of EZ+Woman.

Both sides are targeting positions that have not yet been released.

When the class list is full,
Taobo took the lead in selecting Jhin in the ad position, and KZ then locked in a set of mid-to-top combination of Sword Girl + Big-Eyed Vel'Koz.

In the end, Taobo's fifth place made the commentator and the audience even more confused.


They actually chose an auxiliary robot!

"Ah, steam robot Blitzcrank?"

Looking at the selected BP lineup in front of him, Guan Zeyuan said in surprise: "No, why did both sides let go in the third game?"

"Choose a big eye here, and a machine over there."

"This... no matter how you look at it, it's a matchmaking lineup."

Listening to the commentators' jokes,

The barrage in the game live broadcast room also followed suit:

"I am super, the painting styles of the two lineups have changed!"

"Both teams are playing tricks, the third game is considered entertainment, right?"

"No way, no way, Khan doesn't really think that his sword girl can beat Brother Lie?"

"Fuck, I suspect that someone deliberately faked the match. Can these two heroes be selected?"

"The unique skill of the ball emperor, do you understand!?"

"@JKL, come see your helper droid hooking."

"Hahahaha, Jack's broadcast room is full of swipes, he's almost speechless."

"To be honest, the robot can still understand. Does the mid laner Big Eye have anything to say?"

"I don't understand. I guess KZ thought he couldn't win, so he chose randomly."


At the same time, the lineups of the two teams have been adjusted.

KZ (blue side): top laner Jianji, jungler Olaf, mid laner Big Eye, ad Xia, support Luo.

TES (red side): top laner Qing Gangying, jungle troll, mid laner Ryze, ad Jin, and auxiliary robots.


As the countdown on the BP interface ends,
The director quickly completed a screen switch, adjusted the camera to the red and blue bases of Summoner's Canyon, and gave a close-up screen of a 3D model in the style of the previous show.

only see...

Lu Yang's green steel shadow strides forward with a pair of long legs facing the camera, and a giant MSI trophy phantom rises from the canyon sky behind him.

This shocking scene,

Let the barrage in the live broadcast room of the game call "The director booked the champion, there is a shady scene!".


At the same time, KZ's player bench.

Due to the loss of two consecutive rounds, all the team members had no interest in talking, and they all bought some starting clothes in silence, and then went to the river area to stand guard.

Just at this time,

Gorilla steered his assistant Luo to rush towards the river, and at the same time turned his head to look at the seat on the other side and said:

"Khan, don't blame yourself, the last game was not your problem."

Pary said in a lively manner:
"Jin Dongha, we all believe in you, come on."


Listening to the words of encouragement from the two veterans in the team, Khan forced a smile and replied:

"I... I will work hard."


(End of this chapter)

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