Others play professional, you are here to play highlights?

Chapter 334 The crash situation, all people and dragons are needed!

Chapter 334 The crash situation, all people and dragons are needed!

At this point, BLG fell into an embarrassing situation.

The defense towers on both lanes are threatened, but the three surviving players can only provide defense for one defense tower.

After a brief hesitation,

BLG finally decided to continue to stick to the more important middle tower. Through Morgana's W skill burning, coupled with the front top of Mundo + Excavator, they barely forced back the four-man team who had just used up their skills on the front of Taobo.

However, this also means that Lucian, who is in the bottom lane, is left alone.


Lu Yang controlled Ba Lu to quickly demolish a lower tower, and then ate a group of toad monsters in the enemy jungle.

3-0-0 record,
There are still 4 minutes left, 145 make-ups.

These make his level and economy far ahead of other players, and he has completely become the "focus person" of this game.

All audiences and commentators are looking forward to one thing,
That is……

When did Brother Outrageous get his first death in this game?


With the fall of the lower tower,
Soon, BLG's field of vision was limited by further compression.

If you look at it from the perspective of the game, BLG players can find that their entire upper half of the jungle has been lit up, just like the fog of war has failed.

Whether it is anti-squatting or wandering Gank, they are all exposed to Taobo's vision.

This leads to a follow-up effect,
They couldn't stop the decline through Gank Ryze's approach.

In 15 minutes, BLG tried to encircle Ryze, who was on the road with multiple players, but let Cryin directly teleport and run away.

At 17 minutes, Taobo made a push with five players, forcibly unplugging the BLG mid-tower, which was not durable enough.

At 19 minutes, Taobo seized the last time to control the second canyon pioneer, and took advantage of the opportunity to kill the BLG excavator who wanted to grab the canyon.

Although not many people broke out,
But the widening economic gap is already showing one thing.

There is not much time left for BLG now!

When the game progressed to 10 minutes,
Lu Yang directly marked the newly refreshed Baron Nash, and then said:
"Let's fight. If they want to pick up the dragon group, they can take all the dragons together."

Tian: "Yes, I can flash + R enchantress, or excavator, pay attention to output."

Qiuqiu: "I don't have an eye, can someone insert an eye here?"

Old thief Sima: "Let me intervene."

Cryin: "..."

In this regard, the other Taobo team members have no opinion.

while speaking,
Tao Bo's five team members immediately slapped Baron Nash without any hesitation, as if they were not worried about being robbed by BLG at all.

This scene,
Immediately attracted the attention of the German Cup commentary on the scene.

"Did Taobo actually fight Dalong directly, but the risk of taking advantage of Dalong is very high, if he is snatched by an excavator."

"Then... BLG is really possible to turn over."

With the sound of commentary,
Baron Nash's blood volume has dropped to 50%. It was just born and it couldn't withstand the output damage of two AD heroes + Ryze, and it was almost on the verge of dying with residual blood in the blink of an eye.

However, the BLG players on the other side also quickly rushed to the side of the dragon pit.

As a former Taobo mid laner, Knight is very familiar with the Baron Rush style of this team.

When Taobo showed signs of approaching the dragon pit, he quickly gave a warning signal, and then called his teammates to the dragon pit to prepare for a wave of dragon grabbing.

After all, continuing to delay is also a slow death.

Not long after,

The whole BLG team reached the range near the dragon pit, but no one dared to approach the dragon pit directly, but chose to wait and see through the wall before making plans.


Knight approached the rear area of ​​the Great Dragon Pit, and said indisputably:

"Morgana give me the shield, and I will fight a wave first to consume blood pressure."

hear this,

Road didn't hesitate, and quickly gave Black Shield to the enchantress who was waiting at the side.

Then use a field of vision to briefly reflect the internal situation of the dragon pit.

At this moment, Baron Nash only has about 25% of his health left, and Tao Bo's lineup is a relatively scattered position. Ball's Bron is close to the inner wall, as if to guard against BLG's jumping into the dragon pit.

Without a moment's hesitation,

Knight quickly made a WRQE combo through the wall.

poof, poof.

Two "stomps" covered Tobo Nosuke, who was leaning inward, and instantly dealt a wave of considerable output damage.

At the same time, Jinjiao's adEZ also scratched out an R skill [Precise Barrage].

Although the output is not very high,

However, it still scratched the jungler Scorpion and Baron Nash.

This provides the little chief's excavator with a wave of opportunities to grab the dragon.

Immediately, he dug a tunnel at the right time and quickly entered the range of the dragon pit.

But at this moment...

Tao Bo suddenly stopped slapping the dragon, keeping it at nearly two thousand health points, and then turned his attention to the excavator that had just emerged from the ground.

Tian shouted loudly: "Second him!"

talking room,
He flashed to close the distance without giving a chance at all, and then pulled out the R skill [Crystal Stinger].

The little chief's excavator turned into a diamond sculpture, allowing Tian's scorpion to drag it towards the entrance and exit of the Dragon Pit.

Before he was out of control,
Lu Yang's donkey and the output of the team members poured into the excavator, instantly emptied all his HP, and turned the jungler who was still thinking about robbing the dragon into a corpse on the spot.

Facing the situation of being killed in battle,
BLG has no possibility of fighting to punish the dragon.

Just when they were hesitating whether to fight to end the torment quickly, Lu Yang's Lu Xi'an actually slid up through the wall with an E, and suddenly hit two basic attacks at the nearest Knight enchantress.

"Brother outrageous, what does he want to do!?"

Whether it is the commentator, the audience, or the BLG players, there is a trace of doubt.

Does he want to play four!
Immediately, all eyes were focused on this figure holding two guns.

"Look at me, fight."

Lu Yang hit two basic attacks, and then non-stop stepped sideways to take a step away, cleverly twisting Morgana's Q skill [Dark Prison].

However, his operations did not stop there.

Quickly turned around and played a W skill [Zero Bomb], through the short acceleration of the forward pressure, twisted the two Q skills of EZ and Mundo again, and only suffered some insignificant general attack damage.

at the same time,

Qiuqiu's assistant, Bron, also flashed directly onto the wall, and then added a + Q double-layer stun passive to the enchantress in front of him.

Lu Yang kept up with the two basic attacks in his hands.


In an instant, Knight fell into a short-term dizzy state.

Afterwards, Lu Yang directly swept out a section of the R skill [Baptism of the Holy Spear], and quickly beat him to a state of residual blood, forcing his mirror image clone to be passive.

As a last resort,

Morgana can only push forward, and then activate a period of R skills to limit Lucian + Braum, ready to use her life to buy time for her teammates to escape.

Just when Knight got rid of the dizziness and went back to W,
A faint blue portal emerged behind the BLG formation, blocking the retreat leading to the F6 wild area.

Does Tao Bo want to keep them all here! ?


(End of this chapter)

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