Others play professional, you are here to play highlights?

Chapter 428 Sign-in lottery draw, shooter top order

Chapter 428 Sign-in lottery draw, shooter top order

"Happy time is short, brothers."

Looking at the camera area above the screen, Lu Yang waved his hand with a smile and said:

"That's the end of today's live broadcast, see you tomorrow."

The voice just fell,

A bunch of scrolling barrages appear in the upper right corner of the screen:
"Hey, it's just after eleven o'clock, and you said you're going to go!?"

"I'm a jerk anchor, I'm a jerk in the game, now I'm a jerk when I come back to the live broadcast."

"Anchor, anchor, are you in a hurry to find female fans to play poker in the hotel?"

"Sleeping Gouba, continue to be high at night."

"That's right, how can you sleep at your age, young people have to stay up late."

"All night long..."


Since the match against RNG, Taobo's team training intensity has dropped. After all, it is impossible for normal players to face high-intensity training all the time.


Lu Yang also resumed the game live broadcast that he had no time to do some time ago.

Just finished broadcasting and ready to get off the plane.

After interacting with the frequently swiping barrage, he closed the live broadcast software, and then swiped the dance zone video as usual.

After 3 minute,
The time in the lower right corner of the screen reaches 0:00.

Lu Yang turned off the video that he had carefully criticized with his eyes, and then called up his national server LOL client.

Sign in!

As his heart moves,
Suddenly, a translucent virtual panel popped up in front of him.

[Ding, you have completed the sign-in on the 283rd day and received a reward: "The future is yours" experience card. 】

[The future is your experience card. 】

[Effect: The user can obtain his best attribute status in the future in a wave of BO5 matches. 】

[Hint: This prop does not restrict users. 】

[Remarks: Future?Just today! 】


Looking at the item information in front of him, Lu Yang frowned.

This shipment is a good thing!
To know,
He has been drawing lots these days, but unfortunately he has not been able to draw any good items. They are all monster items such as "Buyaoqiangshen Pills", none of which can be related to the game.

Of course, if you insist on being linked together.

It seems that it is not impossible...

Lu Yang cleared away the messy thoughts in his mind, then turned off the computer in front of him, then got up and returned to his player dormitory to prepare for tomorrow's competition.

Although the strong enemy team in front has already finished fighting,

However, the LPL Summer Split is not over yet, and there are still close to five weeks of competition.


Aug 8, 1:14.

Due to the tight schedule, today's LPL will usher in three consecutive games.

The first game was LGDvsRNG.

As the famous "Water Ghost Team", all viewers hope that they can have some program effects to make this crushing game more interesting.

However, LGD failed to show its own "water ghost characteristics".

In the first game, he was beaten violently.

In the second game, they were beaten 8-16.

"Jinoo's top laner Quinn is 2-6!?"

"To be honest, this top laner shooter... has a lot of room for improvement, especially in terms of anti-Gank awareness. My suggestion is to learn from Brother Outrageous after the game."

"Eimy's wild wine barrel was killed, and LGD ushered in a rout."

"Let's congratulate RNG for winning [-]-[-]."

"Next will be VG's match against Taobo, take a short break, and we will be right back."


With the sound of commentary,
LGD's base crystal exploded, and then a reminder of the end was condensed.

When the post-match stats panel appears,
The most eye-catching thing is not the MVP player, but the PYL player known as the "Grim Reaper". His Tamm has a 0-8 record.

This death data made the barrage in the live broadcast room very lively:

"Gah, you are indeed the god of death."

"Hahahaha, super ghost record, to be honest, it's hard to see in the game."

"The gold content of the god of death, do you understand it?"

"Jinoo's Quinn is a bit abstract, he didn't get pressured online, and was targeted by Gank like crazy."

"Hmph, don't play if you don't know how to play!"

"Indeed, it is recommended that Brother Outrageous teach the whole teaching later."


When a bunch of bullet screens keep swiping the screen,
Not long after,

The audience ushered in the second game, VG faced Taobo.

Both the commentator and the audience have already defined this game as an entertainment game for abusing food.


The current VG team has entered a bad state.

The former SKT champion Shan Houye’s departure in the Spring Split has completely deprived the team of ambition to climb up. Currently, Swift, who can only play jungle in the team, is still holding on. The rest are either newcomers who have never heard of it, or The average strength of Audi and Martin.

It is estimated that after a while,
Swift will also choose to leave the team, and VG will completely enter the state of waiting until the team sale period.

"Welcome back to the scene of the game."

Wang remembers looking at the camera with a professional smile on his face, finished reading a series of advertisements with a little stagnation, and then threw the opening topic to the colleague next to him.

"Sister Zhou, what do you think about the upcoming game?"

The voice just fell,

Zhou Shuyi next door said carelessly:
"That must have been Taobo's [-]-[-] victory, brother outrageously killing you, right?"

"Of course, I hope to play three games, because then I can see more outrageous brother's game."

Looking at the colleague in front of me who looks like a star fan,

Wang remembers whispering:
"Uh, sister Zhou, have you ever thought about what if Brother Outrageous doesn't play later?"


Zhou Shuyi's excited smile collapsed in an instant and said, "Then... can I ask for leave temporarily and find someone to take over?"

As soon as this word comes out,
The barrage of "Sister Zhou, don't do this" was frantically posted in the live broadcast room of the game.

When the effect of the program has been achieved,

Wang Jiji hurriedly said: "Haha, I'm just kidding, now let's take a look at the first game BP of the two teams."

The voice just fell,

The director switched to a scene of the players' seats, and then the game BP interface appeared on both sides.

Like most teams,
The first three Bans of VG chose to lock the three heroes of Sword Demon, Daomei, and Qinggangying.

Although it is impossible to completely limit his hero pool,

However, at least it can help reduce the chance of breaking some lines on the road.

As time goes by,
The lineups on both sides are gradually improving. VG has selected Crow, who has been played by some players recently, for Audi on the top lane, and is going to let him play a team battle role.

However, Taobo chose a hero who had a lot of fun on the road.

"Tobo picked Morgana last?"

"Wait, what kind of split is this? Galio is the mid laner, Morgana is in the ad position, and Pike is the support."

"That means..."

"The Lucian selected earlier can only be used by Brother Outrageous!?"


After Wang remembered a meal of analysis,
Immediately, there was a burst of lively cheers on the scene and in front of the screen.

It is also the top scorer.

The same is the single crow.

This is simply the teaching bureau of the LGD competition just now! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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