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Chapter 460 shy comes on the field, offense and defense swap?

Chapter 460 shy comes on the field, offense and defense swap?
With the end of the first round of Bo5 in the summer finals,

All the player community forums seemed to be exploding, frantically discussing the possibility of subsequent victory or defeat.

At this time, a voting post in the anti-bar was manually pushed to the top by many comments.

[LPL summer finals, let's discuss who can win? 】

Just click inside the post,

Immediately, you can see the voting interface on the first floor. From Taobo [-]-[-] to IG’s [-]-to-[-], there are corresponding options for each possibility. The most voted Taobo wins [-]-[-].

After all, both the fans of the two teams and passers-by players hope that today's finals can be played to a full.

Of course, one option is already out.

That is……

IG 3-0 vote.

Immediately, the comment area became lively:

"I am super, today's game will not really be three to zero, will it?"

"Brother outrageous, I'm Superman, Charlie played too hard just now."

"Hahaha, I'd like to mention Ban +1."

"nmd, there are multiple ignitions online, this idea is a bit flamboyant."

"Steal, steal, go to the canyon to try after the game."

"To be honest, if another player dared to play the game like this, he would have been carried down by the coach with a chair."

"Whoa, the IG I voted won [-]-[-], so it's gone so soon?"

"Duke can't do it. I will make a substitution later on the road, and IG will definitely make a comeback."

"Heh, wait for one of them to get blasted on the road."


While a bunch of posts are discussing,

The sponsorship advertisement in the middle of the game is coming to an end. Not long after, the director called up a scene of the players' seats on the scene, and also focused on some close-up shots of IG's top laner. A figure can be seen replacing and adjusting the keyboard and mouse equipment.

As Theshy ranked second in the top lane in the regular season.

At this time, everyone is looking forward to what effect this temporary replacement player can bring to IG.


Looking in the direction of the camera in front of her, Wawa took the lead in saying, "Welcome back to the second match between Taobo and IG."

The voice just fell,

Miller next to him skillfully connected the topic:

"IG's performance in the first game was a bit bad. I hope they can improve their status in the second game and bring us a more exciting game."


Guan Zeyuan echoed, then suddenly raised the volume and said:

"However, have you two noticed that the current scene looks familiar?"


Hearing this, the two commentators uttered hilarious questions one after another.

Seeing this, Guan Zeyuan continued:
"Brother Outrageous's debut match, Brother Outrageous also made his debut in the summer finals, and then helped the team win the championship in one fell swoop."

"Now that Theshy player is on the stage, this moment is just like that moment!"


As soon as these words came out, the barrage in the live broadcast room of the game seemed to explode.

For this forecast statement,
All the passers-by viewers are holding the mentality of watching the fun, but the fans of Taobo and IG don't buy it. The former is worried that "the prophecy will come true", while the latter is worried about his "poisonous milk effect".

As a result, a bunch of words scolding the commentary appeared in the barrage pool.


After a few minutes of waiting,
The players of the two teams were ready, and the director brought up a BP interface again in the live broadcast of the game.

Maybe it was because of the influence of the first game.

IG switched to the red side camp, while Taobo switched to the blue side camp on the other side.

"Tobo's first three moves banned the blind monk, Olaf, and Zac, three junglers."

"IG is still banning three top laners. The pressure from Brother Outrageous is too much, Sword Demon, Sword Girl, and Akali who just played well."

"What will Taobo on the blue side choose?"

"First snatch the rock sparrow, it's okay, this hero can be neutral or wild."


With the sound of commentary,
The two teams quickly completed the ban process in the first round, and then entered the stage of lineup construction.

First of all, Taobo on the blue side snatched a rock sparrow first, and then IG followed to lock a group of Zoe + Tamm's central auxiliary heroes.

"IG continues Tam."

Looking at the BP lineup in front of him, Miller touched his chin and said:

"Although Tahm is currently the number one support in the selection rate, I think IG has to choose some team-starters."

talking room,
Tao Bo then selected a group of Kai'Sa + Bron's bottom lane combination.

However, IG's third-hand quota is to choose a very rare hero: Kayn, the Sickle of Shadow Stream.

When this hero locked the moment,

There was a burst of cheers immediately from the auditorium at the scene, and the rare "Hero of Whole Life" made everyone watch the game enthusiastically.

At the same time, there were a few surprises from the commentary seat.

Guan Zeyuan: "Kayn!? Ning actually took out a jungler who hasn't been selected until now in the summer split."

Doll: "Um, can Kayn still play in this version?"

Miller: "Kayn seems to have some small enhancements recently, and the Rank effect is not bad."

While the three commentators were discussing,
Both Taobo and IG have completed the second round of ban work. The former blocked the two ad heroes of Verus + ez, while the latter continued to restrict the choice of heroes on the road, and then locked two Gnar + Qinggangying.

IG first locked the ice of an ad position.

The meaning of the Golden Pig coach is very clear. To leave the last Conte position to the road, he just wants to entrust Theshy who just played.


At the same time, Taobo's player bench.

White Crescent had already stood behind Lu Yang's seat, pinching his shoulders with both hands, and asked at the same time:
"Come on, brothers, strive for [-]-[-] to get the match point."


Lu Yang glanced at IG's lineup, and then said, "Coach, I want to try Thain in this round."

hear this,

Team Taobo was a little surprised, because they thought they would choose some more aggressive online heroes, but they didn't expect to choose Thain.

In this regard, White Crescent did not raise any negative opinions.

Instead, after discussing with the players, they finally selected a mid-to-top combination of Thain + Ryze.

This scene made Guan Zeyuan feel a little puzzled:
"In this case... the Rock Sparrow in front is the jungler."

"It's outrageous, is Sean the top laner, or is it that Sean is in the middle and Ryze is the top laner?"

This is not finished yet,

IG has already selected the final fifth lineup spot: Dreadnought Chariot-Urgot.

Immediately, the lineups on both sides were determined.

Taobo (blue side): top laner Sion, jungler Rock Sparrow, mid laner Ryze, ad Kai'Sa, support Bron.

IG (red side): Top laner Crab, Kayn, mid laner Zoe, ad Ice, support Tamm.


"Um, the top laner Shane played by the outrageous brother is confirmed."

Looking at the lineup information in front of him, Guan Zeyuan frowned and joked:

"To be honest, IG's selection in this game is more like Taobo's lineup. Are the names of the two teams pasted upside down?"


Doll and Miller echoed in unison.

Although a top laner was replaced, Jinzhu's coaching philosophy has not changed. The player is still serving the team, and Theshy is going to continue to use crabs who can serve as a half front row to a certain extent.

It's impossible for the crab to beat Thain to burst the line! ?

Coach Jin ordered a few words, and then walked to the middle of the stage under the urging of the referee, shook hands with Bai Yueya, who is also the coach, and left the stage for the players of the two teams.


 I'm really sorry, because I had some problems, I stopped updating for a long time a while ago, and I will try my best to restore normal updates later

(End of this chapter)

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