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Chapter 70 ADC evaporates, single player bypasses!

Chapter 70 ADC evaporates, single player bypasses!
When three members of C9 were killed at the same time.

Whether it's the audience, the commentators, or the C9 players themselves think so, the balance of victory and defeat in this game has tilted overwhelmingly in the direction of RNG.

Because there is a gap between the output cores on both sides.

At this time, Ruiz has already made an Archangel + Time Rod, and the third one is in the direction of the hat.

However, RNG's mid and bottom lanes are not bad either.

Lucian and Xia,
These two ad output positions are already on the scale of having two core equipment.

In contrast, the two output positions of C9,
Sneaky's policewoman can barely make up a two-piece suit, and the shoes have not yet been upgraded to level two. Jian Huang's mid laner Dragon King only has about one and a half pieces of equipment.

The only way C9 can win right now.

I am afraid that the only way to win two large-scale team battles in a row.

And in each wave of team battles, an explosively fat Facore Ryze must be dealt with quickly, otherwise they will not be able to handle the team battle at all.

"Wow, Brother Outrageous's third piece of equipment is a bit arrogant."

Looking at the list of equipment on the screen, Guan Zeyuan sighed: "I never thought about the third golden body. I just took out a big stick when I returned to the city. I can only say that it is really outrageous."

Changmao: "To be honest, this equipment is quite a chance. He has no dodge, no golden body, and is very dangerous in team battles."


Just when the two commentators were talking,
At this moment, the RNG on the game screen has entered the stage of changing lanes.

Because of the success of four packs and two just now, taking advantage of the trend to destroy the falling tower, the Xialuo team was transferred to the middle lane to defend the line as usual, Xiaohu's Lucian switched to the top lane to eat the knife, and Lu Yang's Ruiz went to the bottom lane to lead the line, giving C9's second tower creates a threat.

A mixed form of operation + fighting.

This is also RNG's adjusted regular style of play, which allows Lu Yang to maximize his single-lane abilities.

The C9 team also faces a difficult problem.

The middle road can barely hold.

However, there is no way to control the next road.

As Ryze's equipment slowly takes shape, Impact's Shen has gradually been unable to parry, and can only stand in the tower to defend the line.


When Impact's Shen chooses to retreat to the second tower.

That means that Ryze gets a period of "free movement" time that no one cares about.


Lu Yang quickly cleared a wave of lines with QEQ, then looked at the middle of the cut screen and said: "I have TP, and their middle and jungle don't have a big move, Shen didn't flash, you can force a wave of big dragons to try."

In this regard, everyone in RNG naturally has no opinion.

After all, they are a double AD lineup, Baron Rush's efficiency is very high, as long as C9 hesitates for a moment, they can finish the game.

Xiangguo: "I have E flash, I will see their AD later."

Xiaohu: "My output is very high."

uzi: "Grass, why do I feel a bit confused in this round."

Xiao Ming: "Hee hee, I'm a gangster."

talking room,
The four RNG team members gathered in the Dalongkeng and quickly cleared the nearby field of vision.

At the same time, Lu Yang's Ryze was hiding in the grass, temporarily not appearing in C9's field of vision.

Doing this can create some invisible pressure on C9, and it can also prevent these guys from abandoning Baron to change heads, and all the members will come to deal with Ryze, who has no dodge or ultimate move.

Sneaky: "They are in Dalong, try to fight a wave?"

Jian Huang: "I think you can cover outside and let the jungler try to grab the dragon. Impact, you can protect the jungler later."


Listening to what his teammates said, Impact felt a little helpless.

That's how it is in North America.

They tend to play more freely. If it is an LCK team, it is impossible for this wave of dragons to pick up, even if they let go of the Baron, it is impossible to have any luck.

However, C9 can make these gambler-like decisions.

Jianhuang: "Impact?"

Impact came back to his senses, and quickly responded: "OK, I can ult the shield at any time."

at the same time,

RNG has already started to slap the dragon.

Because they have Lucian + Xia, their dragon attack speed is very fast. In the blink of an eye, when C9's vision modification falls, Baron Nash only has about half of his HP left.

Faced with such a situation,
C9 could only rush to the Dragon Pit area in a hurry.

Jianhuang's Dragon King and the bottom lane duo are pulling head-on, providing vision, allowing the jungler prince to find a suitable opportunity to grab the dragon from the side.

strictly speaking……

This decision can be said to be no problem.

However, they seem to have overlooked that there is also a fat Ryze.

As the baron's blood volume gradually dropped, and when everyone was focusing on it, a teleportation light lit up on the red eye in the depths of the wild area.

However, none of C9's players looked behind.

Impact also just keeps giving a miss signal.

They all stared at Dalong.

Suddenly, there was a burst of exclamation from the commentary seat:
"This is Unbelievable Brother's Ryze TP, does he want to go around alone?"

Not long after I finished speaking,

Lu Yang's Ruiz landed on the TP, turned on the scanning accessories, followed the dim grass to the rear of the C9 formation, and in front of him was the unsuspecting duo of policewoman and wind girl.

without any hesitation,

Immediately he hits a full Qa-WQ-EaQ combo.

clap clap,
With the spell crit that jumped out several times in a row, it emerged.

Sneaky seemed to be playing a horror game, his whole body shook suddenly, and then he looked at the black and white death picture on the screen in a daze.

Where is Ryze from?
Before he could figure out what was going on,

Lu Yang threw out the second cooled down E skill [Spell Surge], put a mark on Fengnv next door, and then threw a newly refreshed Q skill [Overload] on him.

with a snap.

A spell crit value immediately popped up on C9's assistant head: -525!

In an instant, the full blood volume plummeted by nearly 40%.

At this moment, he was so frightened that he hurriedly made a big move to restore his blood volume, and took advantage of the opportunity to push towards the death threat in front of him.

This also caught the attention of other C9 players.

Impact quickly said: "Don't worry about the dragon, kill Ryze first."

After saying this, he gave the prince a functional big move.

This intention is very obvious,

He wants to cooperate with the jungler's second-stage control, force the first attack to solve Ryze, and then consider grabbing the dragon in the 4V4 situation, otherwise the entire team will fall into the embarrassing position of being double-teamed.

The prince's EQ flashed.

Lu Yang's Ryze was knocked into the air.
C9's auxiliary Feng Nu took advantage of the situation to give a W to slow down, and then hung up the ignition.


Ruiz fell into a situation facing four people besieging.

Looking at the picture on the screen,

Lu Yang said in a calm tone: "It's okay, you continue to fight the dragon, I can't die."

While speaking, he put an E mark on the prince, then turned his head and took a step forward, cleverly avoiding the E taunt from Yu Shen's big move, waiting for a second, and then hitting him with an E It spread to the prince's body, and then played the Q skill [Overload].

A clatter.

Immediately, Lu Yang triggered an acceleration and shield effect.

With a short-term increase,
He quickly retreated to a side area, and took advantage of the opportunity to avoid the stun of the Dragon King's Q skill.

at the same time,

A baron's roar sounded in the Dragon Pit area.

RNG has finished fighting the dragon!


 (.) There is another chapter, it may be later, Yanzu who go to bed early suggest to go to bed first. (The skills drawn earlier have also been slightly changed.)
(End of this chapter)

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