Chapter 25 24. Busy Lynch

Garrett, who had just sent Murphy away from the factory and was about to come to accept the transformation, came to Lynch's factory alone.

"Mr. Garrett's mental state is very good, but there is no need to be too excited. This is just an overtreatment. According to the wishes of both of us, it is to restore your body to a normal person's appearance, not to Individuals who can continue to live by replacing their internal organs with machines."

"Mr. Chief, is the RoboCop in Gotham City also your work?"

"That's right, it's an integration of the technologies I currently have, but that kind of transformation is one-off. Although there is some room for upgrading, the process will be quite cumbersome and far more difficult than the first transformation, Garrett Do you have any ideas about that transformation method?"

"No, I'm just curious."

The agent who received the prosthetics had been observed for five months after returning to Garrett. After five months of surveillance and inspection, Garrett was able to confirm that the agent did not have any question.

Although the current device in the body can continue to be used for a period of time, it will be too late to make plans when it has to be replaced.

Garrett's customized transformation plan here in Lynch is not the top-level transformation method, but it can retain its own parts to the greatest extent, so Lynch deliberately took Garrett with him before Garrett was fully ready. Take a tour of the little things that are going to be used on him.

Listening to Lynch about the technologies and devices that will be used for him, Garrett feels a little weird, but whenever Lynch mentions the effect of a technology, Garrett feels more at ease.

"Mr. Chief, I want to have a long-term cooperation with you. I don't know if you have any intention in this regard."

"Of course, your resource channels are what I value, but I will only connect with you, so don't send others, otherwise don't blame me if you die."

Lynch's words made Garrett smile.

From the transaction with Lynch, it can be seen that Lynch is a person who hates trouble, otherwise, after capturing his team, he would not have chosen to communicate in that way.

Now that he has said that he will only trade with him, Garrett, this naturally makes Garrett very happy, because this will not only ensure that the power in his hands will become stronger and stronger, but at the same time, when necessary, he can also use Lin Qi's hand, to kill some of his enemies.

In order to have enough time to receive treatment, Garrett deliberately chose this month for his vacation this year. Unless it was a very dangerous task, Nick Fury would send other people to solve it even if something happened.

Therefore, when I came to receive treatment, I even contacted Garrett from Hydra, and tried not to make trouble during this time. If there is any major event, Hydra people will try their best to cooperate with S.H.I.E.L.D. Take action so that he can receive treatment well.

But Garrett did all his calculations, but he didn't think that when he was about to be taken into the operating room by Lynch, a spaceship landed near the small town of Conison, Colorado. There's panic in town, so Garrett's vacation is over, and now it's time to assemble his squad and head out to deal with it.

Garrett, who had already reached the door of the operating room, regretted that he hadn't turned off his phone two minutes earlier, but now he has no chance to regret it.

But at that moment, Garrett remembered one thing.

"Mr. Master Chief, do you accept employment?"

"Of course, but this time the target of the operation is very likely to be aliens, so the price will be higher, and the price will be raised for the other party's race. Can Mr. Garrett accept this?"

"Of course there is no problem. Then, Mr. Master Chief, when can we leave?"

"Of course after the surgery."

Lynch doesn't know what will fall to the earth at this point in time, but after thinking that SHIELD has confiscated so many "084", he doesn't care too much. After all, the things shown in the film and television dramas, It's all just part of the world view. What he needs to do then is to arrive at the scene, kill the enemies, and return happily.

Garrett, who was brought into the operating room by Lynch, originally hoped to take Lynch to the scene, solve the problem there, and then come back with Lynch for surgery.

It's just that Garrett, who is now anesthetized, can only hope that Ward can resolve the problem between the action team and Lynch.

Compared to Murphy's reconstruction surgery, Garrett's treatment surgery is not difficult. It even took Lynch five hours to solve the problem. After all, Garrett does not need a series of operations such as skin repair, and needs to be installed It's just a mechanical organ.

However, Lynch, in order to reduce the difficulty of future surgery, this mechanical organ not only has the functions of a normal organ, but also has a built-in storage space for nano-robots. The robot is injected into it. If it is not needed, it can be removed during the second operation.

After Garrett's surgery was over, Lynch took one of Garrett's communicators and left the factory. As for Garrett's daily life, Zombie Jack will be in charge.

After Garrett woke up, he saw the note Lynch had left for him, as well as the pale Jack.

"The boss said he didn't like wasting time, so he just passed it. For the first three days after the operation, you need to pay attention to your diet. After three days, you can eat as you like. Mr. Garrett, which country's taste do you like? You have mastered the cooking methods of most of the dishes in the world. By the way, Mr. Garrett, the boss repeatedly told you to stay in the basement before leaving. At least don’t leave the basement until he returns. You don’t have the corresponding identity authority, so Walking around can easily cause the mechanical assistants to attack."

"I see."

Jack has done everything that Lynch asked him to do, and Lynch has already driven the Viking fighter to the small town of Connison at this time.


"What is Garrett going to Gotham City for?"

Nick Fury was thinking about something that didn't seem that important, but he, who had the title of King of Agents, thought there must be something wrong with it.

S.H.I.E.L.D. has basically investigated Batman in Gotham City and what happened more than two years ago, and the appearance of RoboCop has also made many people turn their attention to the city that has been shrouded in clouds for many years.

At this time, Garrett went there, obviously there is a problem, and it is very likely that it has something to do with Batman and RoboCop.

"Natasha, come to my office."

Now that there are doubts, it is natural to investigate. Currently, there are only a few generals under Nick's command. In addition, Garrett is an eighth-level agent, and agents with relatively low authority naturally cannot intervene in the investigation of this matter. .

(End of this chapter)

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