Chapter 51
Gunshots rang out one after another, Sergeant Gordon turned sideways to protect the cake in his arms, which made Harvey immediately swing his fist at the clown beside him, but how could the vicious clown be knocked down by Harvey.

When Harvey changed hands, the clown pinched his neck and put a dagger on his neck.

Soon the thugs emptied the bullets in the guns, and the clown had a happy smile on his face, because he was about to succeed.

"Clown! I'm still alive... Phoo... Let James go! Phoo..."

It's just that the voice suddenly sounded behind the clown, and the smile that just appeared on the clown's face was immediately taken back. He even said that even the matter of holding Harvey was thrown aside, and he turned around and looked at the man who had lost too much blood. Sergeant Gordon, who was trembling as he spoke.

According to the current amount of bleeding, most people are basically unconscious, but Sergeant Gordon is still persisting.

"This is impossible!"

The clown is a crazy guy, he has his own chaotic rationality, he knows very well where the limits of human beings are, but now Sergeant Gordon is obviously beyond this limit.

Hearing the sharp cry of the clown, Gordon, who was already very weak, laughed.

"You lost, let my family go now!"

Sergeant Gordon won, and his aura had already risen, but after hearing Sergeant Gordon's weak but domineering words, the clown panicked a little at this moment.

At this time, the clown became silent. According to his plan, he should have grasped the situation during the last action, but why now, the situation is still controlled by the Gotham City police and Batman.

"Sheriff Gordon, except for the clown gang members in the police station, all the clown gang members in Gotham City have been captured, and all criminals who resisted arrest have been shot dead."

Murphy, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke at this moment, and it was a big surprise when he opened his mouth.

Many of the members of the Clown Gang joined after the clown became famous, and these people are speculators, but there are still a group of people who have been brainwashed by the clown, and they are the most loyal supporters of the clown.

In the past few actions, those speculators have basically dispersed, and now those who are still following the clown are the group of lunatics under his command.

In this operation, the people who can participate in the operation are almost the only ones left in his team. Those responsible for launching suicide attacks on the rescuers at the three locations have all been eliminated, and Lynch and When Bruce rushed here, he also received some information from S.H.I.E.L.D., and solved all the hidden remaining personnel smoothly.

Now Bruce is still on the way, and Lynch immediately rushed over after solving those people.

The reason why Lynch took the time to deal with the remnants of the Clown Gang was because he knew that as long as the Clown wanted to carry out his plan, the Clown would definitely continue. As for the method, Lynch didn't know, but Lynch prepared a lot of life-saving methods for Sergeant Gordon.

The clown, whose retreat was destroyed by Lynch, laughed wildly in the police station.

Just when everyone thought that the clown was going to repent, the clown released little James, and after Sergeant Gordon saw that little James was released, he immediately lay on the ground, as if he had lost consciousness.

"The game with Sheriff Gordon is over. Next is the game with the Bright Knight. Next, we guess the coin. If I win, the bomb will be detonated. If you win, you can send him out. .”

Sheriff Gordon, who is now unconscious, has become the new hostage of the clown, but this time the stakes are a bit too big for Harvey.

But Harvey made a decision when he saw Sergeant Gordon lying in a pool of blood, but before that he asked everyone to evacuate from the police station.

After making sure that there is no one else in the building, Harvey is ready to start this gambling game with the clown.

Just looking at Harvey's determined gaze, the clown's expression didn't look particularly happy.

"Our Bright Knight, if you leave now, this time the game can be skipped. Sergeant Gordon, who has no healing value, in exchange for the Bright Knight to continue to bring light to Gotham, this is a very suitable sum Isn't it a deal?"

After the clown took out the coin, he didn't throw it out directly, but continued to put pressure on Harvey with words.

However, after Harvey saw the situation of Sheriff Gordon at this time, he realized that some people can still bring hope to the city even if they die. Sheriff Gordon who died in the line of duty is a hero. If he retreats now , which means that the Light Knight is afraid of the darkness, which will make the sacrifice of Sheriff Gordon worthless.

"I refuse. If I lose, I will be very pleased. It will be my honor to die with a true knight of light like Sheriff Gordon."

Harvey's answer made the clown toss the coin, but at the moment the coin flew out of the clown's hand, a syringe was inserted into the clown's neck, and the blue potion quickly entered the clown's blood.

Discovering that the boss had been attacked, members of the Clown Gang immediately prepared to shoot at the bomb, but the criminal standing near Sergeant Gordon had his throat cut at the same time.

When Harvey reacted, Sergeant Gordon, who stood up from the pool of blood, was retracting the arm blade of his left arm.

"Sheriff Gordon?!"

"Harvey, you are a hero"

After Sheriff Gordon responded to Harvey with a smile, he fell down again, but this time Harvey was able to support the Knight of Light before Sheriff Gordon fell down.

Lynch, who broke through the glass and rushed in, saw the members of the Clown Gang lying on the ground, and the clown who was "frozen" in place because of the injection of condensation medicine. Concerned, Lynch immediately took out an energy potion and injected it into Sergeant Gordon.

"I'll take him for treatment, and I'll leave it to you here. There are my people below."

After Lynch finished speaking, he hugged Sergeant Gordon and left the scene. Bruce, who had just arrived at this time, was glad that everything was resolved, but at the same time he also realized that his means of transportation should indeed be upgraded.

"Batman, will you respond while Sheriff Gordon recuperates?"

"I will answer the call of every righteous man."

Bruce answered Harvey's question very seriously, and then left the police station.

After seeing the Master Chief and Batman leave, the police who had already withdrawn from the building re-entered the building under the call of Harvey, but how to dismantle the bomb that the clown put here made the police feel tricky.

"Everyone get out and wait for the bomb disposal experts to arrive."

After confirming that no one in the police station could handle the pile of bombs, the chief could only choose to exit again, but the clown had already been controlled by someone he sent, which was his biggest bargaining chip to keep his seat.


Thank you book friends for your company in the past less than a month. Every comment, every investment, every monthly ticket and recommendation ticket, and every reward is my support.

I hope that everyone can watch my chapter to complete the New Year's Eve, and hope that we can still walk together next year.

(End of this chapter)

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