I can extract side effects.

Chapter 1 Company bankruptcy, advanced liver cancer

Chapter 1 Company bankruptcy, advanced liver cancer

"New drug research and development has failed again. This is the fifth time this year. It is recommended to suspend any research and development investment..."

"The company's financial situation is also very bad, with serious losses this year, and now there is no liquidity in the account..."

"Last week, President Zhang of ICBC called and asked if there was any problem with our loan payment due next month. He may have heard some gossip..."

"Several small shareholders asked me to bring you a message, saying that they would withdraw their shares immediately and demanded that the funds be returned as soon as possible..."

"Mr. Wei, the company's situation this year is like this. The situation is very serious. How do you think about the several plans I drew up last time?"

"If you don't take measures, you can only watch the company go bankrupt!"

"Bankruptcy?" The word was like a shot in the blood, instantly bringing Wei Kang's messy thoughts back to reality.

His eyes finally focused on the sad middle-aged man in front of him.

This is Sun Chengren, the company's vice president and sales director, in his 40s, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses. He looks elegant and gentle, just in the prime of life, but his temples are already dyed white, and the wrinkles on his face are like chisels. Shen Shen, frowning at the moment, is eloquently reporting to Wei Kang on his work.

Lao Sun is a veteran of the company. He has been working in the company since Wei Kang can remember. He has been his parents' right-hand man for more than 20 years. Especially in the last six months, he has supported the entire company by himself.

Thinking of his parents, Wei Kang couldn't help feeling angina in his heart. Both of his parents died in a car accident half a year ago. He came back in a hurry to inherit the family business - a small private pharmaceutical company. Continue to flourish.

Unexpectedly, after half a year, the company was about to go bankrupt.

"Bankruptcy..." Wei Kang forced a bitter smile on his face, and muttered to himself, "Has it reached this point? After all, I am too incompetent."

He looked at the serious old grandson in front of him: "Uncle Sun, thanks to you for the past six months, I was able to gradually get started with the company's business. I have tried my best, but it seems that my parents will be disappointed in the end." Having said that, I couldn't help but have a sore nose, and my eye sockets began to moisten.

Sun Chengren had a look of unbearable expression on his face, and after a while, he finally comforted him: "Xiaokang, I watched you grow up, and I understand the importance of this company to you, but many things in the world cannot be done by humans after all. , if the result is not what you want, you still have to be careful."

He seemed to be hesitant, with a shameful expression on his face, reached out and handed over a stack of documents, sighed and said: "Xiaokang, listen to your uncle's persuasion, if it really doesn't work, sell the company, so that you can spend the rest of your life. You can also live comfortably. Mr. Wu from Xinmei Group came to me a while ago and said that he wanted to acquire the company. This is their acquisition plan. Otherwise, you should take a look and think about it.”

"Anyway, the current situation of the company is like this. If there is nothing else, I will go out first."

Wei Kang stared blankly at the figure of Lao Sun walking out of the office, with mixed feelings in his heart and a dull pain in his chest.

After a while, he couldn't help but smile wryly, has things deteriorated to such an extent?
It seems that my life is already at the limit, and it shouldn't be any worse in the future.

I fell off the cliff in the morning, and when I got to the bottom of the valley, I found that there were sharp knives pierced all over the ground. Now I am short of a make-up knife before I can swallow my last breath.

He opened the acquisition plan on the table, glanced at it, and sneered, hehe, this Mr. Wu has been fighting with his parents for more than ten years, and he is finally about to win. Bury the last handful of soil.

In fact, this acquisition plan is quite conscientious. He didn't take the opportunity to make troubles, and the conditions were very favorable. He could take a huge sum of money and swallow this breath in front of his parents' half-life enemy to keep the old employees. job, completely admit defeat, and calmly exit.

But what does money mean to him now?
He took out another document from the drawer, his hands were trembling, and he spread it out on the huge desk after a while, dazed in a daze.

This is the case he just got.

In the morning, he suddenly vomited blood at home, and rushed to the hospital immediately. After a series of examinations including photo and blood tests, he was initially diagnosed as a primary malignant liver tumor that had spread.

After the doctor learned that both his parents had died, he had already informed him of his illness. He had advanced liver cancer, and his life was less than a year.

He let out a long sigh, his heart full of bitterness.

I blame myself for not taking care of my body. I often stayed up late to study liver homework when I was studying. I finally got a master's degree in pharmacy and immediately took over the family business. I either worked all night in the laboratory or socialized at the wine table.

And since this period of time, my body has been getting thinner and thinner, and my abdomen is aching. These are actually symptoms, but I don’t care about it. I just want to use work to numb myself and forget the grief of my parents’ death. In the end, it turned out to be like this!

Thinking of this, Wei Kang closed his eyes tightly, his nose was sore, and tears finally flowed from the corners of his eyes uncontrollably.

"Ding! It is detected that the host meets the conditions, and the system is being bound."

"Successfully bound...the primary medical system has been activated."

"I hope the host can put it to death and survive, and get out of desperation as soon as possible."

A mechanical voice sounded in Wei Kang's mind, and he couldn't help being stunned.

Is this a system encounter?
Wei Kang usually reads some web articles in his spare time, of course he knows about orphans, time travel and system, the three standard configurations of the male protagonist of web articles.

He couldn't laugh or cry, could it be that I was able to activate the system because I was an orphan and I was in a desperate situation?
But I didn't time travel?

However, when he thought that what was bound was actually a medical system, he couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and there was a glimmer of hope in his heart.

So he quickly checked the system panel.

It's a pity that most of the functions on the panel are gray and cannot be viewed, only some vague writing can be seen.

There is a lighted title at the bottom of the panel.

"Drug Side Effect Extraction System?"

It feels very powerful and high-end.

Wei Kang suddenly didn't know what was going on, and his heart was extremely excited.

Read on.

Level: lv1
Host: Wei Kang

Points: 0
The system panel is very simple, just a few data columns, without much information.

It may be due to the activation of the primary system. If you continue to upgrade in the future and activate the intermediate and advanced systems, there should be more information and data columns.

The previous level and host information are clear at a glance. I don’t know what the rules are for this point. It turns out to be zero points. Is there no novice reward?Wei Kang couldn't help complaining.

He looked at the explanation behind the points column. It turned out that the new medicine he made was used by others, and he could get points. The more people used it, the more points he would get.

Immediately thinking about it, this system looks like a doctor with a benevolent heart, which is a perfect match for me.

Suddenly, the mechanical voice sounded again.

"Ding! It is detected that the host's life is not long, please receive the novice gift pack."

 Some people have been arguing that it is impossible for a drug to go to market in a few months. I can only say that these readers should respect the facts. In reality, there are many innovative life-saving drugs that have passed FDA review within a few months. listed.

  I really can't understand, can you Baidu the history of Gilead's fortune?As one of the top ten pharmaceutical companies in the world, there is a lot of news about it.

  The following two examples of drugs are enough to prove that a groundbreaking life-saving drug can pass the review and go on the market in three months, or it can sell tens of billions in the first year.

  "In 2006, Gilead's three-in-one treatment drug Atripla was approved for marketing, becoming the first single-drug cocktail therapy. In clinical trials, 80% of HIV-infected patients significantly reduced the HIV virus after taking the drug. The milestone drug plus The excellent efficacy allowed the FDA to use the fast-track review process to pass its marketing application in only 3 months."

  "In December 2013, Gilead's hepatitis C drug Sovaldi (commonly known as 'Ji Dai') was approved for marketing, and it completely blew other competitors in three dimensions: cure rate, compliance and adverse reactions. The cure rate of hepatitis C can reach 12% More importantly, no serious adverse reactions were found in clinical trials. So after listing, Sovaldi quickly occupied the market and became a new standard for hepatitis C treatment. In 90 alone (the first year of listing), Sovaldi’s sales exceeded 2014 billion dollar mark."

  You don't think you are smarter and more professional than the FDA and the Food and Drug Administration, do you?
(End of this chapter)

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