I can extract side effects.

Chapter 504 County-level Hospitals Open the Era of Ultrasound Knife

Chapter 504 County-level Hospitals Open the Era of Ultrasound Knife
"The killing of chickens in my memory doesn't seem to be the case."

Wei Kang looked at the steaming pot of chicken soup on the table and muttered to himself.

"Oh, what do you think killing a chicken should look like?"

Wei Kang waved his chopsticks and gestured: "I remember when I was a child, when my mother killed a chicken, my father had to grab the feet, she grabbed the head, and then went down with the knife, the blood of the chicken spurted out, spraying everywhere in the kitchen , half of the wall was stained red, and it took half a day to wash it."

"That's it, she may not be able to kill the chicken, the half-dead chicken, with blood in the throat, clucking and screaming on the kitchen floor, struggling to jump up and down, making the whole family fuss. It was a shadow of my childhood."

"How could it be so easy for you? Did my mother kill fake chickens when I was young?"

Jian Lianyun burst into a smile: "Look, the child is so scared, killing chickens has the shadow of childhood."

She picked up a chicken leg and put it in Wei Kang's bowl: "Come on, try it and see if it's different from the chicken bought in the supermarket?"

This is a piece of chicken thigh. The meat is plump and has a golden luster. When you poke it lightly with chopsticks, it is very elastic.

Wei Kang pressed his fingers slightly, and the chopsticks penetrated deeply, a stream of juice gushed out, moistening the rice grains, and dyed them into a yellowish color.

He opened his mouth and took a bite, only to feel that his tongue was so fresh that he could swallow it.

With a smile in Jian Lianyun's eyes, he handed another bowl of chicken soup to him.

In the translucent bone china bowl, the chicken soup is clear, with a layer of shiny fat floating on it, and a few fat red dates are trembling in the soup.

Wei Kang killed the chicken leg in his mouth two or three times, picked up the chicken soup, took a sip, and was full of praise immediately.

He drank it all in one gulp, put down the bowl, and let out a long breath.

"It's so delicious. Wife, your craftsmanship is really amazing!"

Wei Kang gave a thumbs up: "It's a match made in heaven with this stewed chicken, it's wonderful."

Jian Lianyun smiled contentedly, and then moved his chopsticks to eat by himself.

Although she liked cooking very much, seeing her husband eating so deliciously gave her an inexplicable pleasure.

For a while, she couldn't tell whether it was the glory of motherhood or the joy of raising pigs.

After eating this meal, Wei Kang's tongue was full of saliva, and his eyebrows were beaming: "This free-range chicken tastes really good, and I must have it every week from now on."

"The pigs are coming out soon, and we won't have to go to the supermarket to buy meat by then."

"It's safe to eat home-raised meat."

Jian Lianyun nodded, packed up the dishes, and quickly threw them into the dishwasher.

"Indeed, it's clean and safe. Even the two of us, plus my parents, can't eat so much. I guess a pig will have to eat it for a month."

Wei Kang waved his hand and stood at the door of the kitchen, explaining while picking his teeth.

"It's not all for our own food. When the pork comes out in batches, we will open an organic food section so that everyone can eat healthier. The excess meat can also be sold in limited quantities in the cafeteria, which is considered a company benefit."

"Our farm is not big, there are only a few hundred pigs, as long as the internal staff can eat enough."

"Without spending too much money, it can not only do a good job in the integration of production and research, but also make everyone eat at ease, which is quite cost-effective."

"Of course, the most important thing is the health of my wife and our children in the future. It's worth spending any money on it."

Having said that, he stretched out his hand, hugged the slender waist in front of him, and said with a smile.

"Wife, you said we have been working hard for so long, why is there still no movement?"

"That's because you haven't worked hard enough." Jian Lianyun's voice trembled, and he let out a breath.

"My wife is right, then I have to work harder and fight to the death." Wei Kang smiled lightly and pressed his body against it.

"No, this is the kitchen."

"You close your eyes, it's the same everywhere."

The bodies of the two were pressed together tightly until there was no gap.

One morning a few days later, Wei Kang rubbed his sore waist and walked into the office.

As soon as I sat down on the chair, it ushered in a good start.

"Mr. Wei, we have won a super big order from the 16 Provincial League!" As soon as Lu Tingfeng appeared at the door, the high-pitched sound of announcing the good news came in.

Wei Kang had an illusion for a moment, did this Lu Tingfeng install some kind of surveillance system on his body, why did he appear behind him as soon as he arrived at the office with his front foot.

However, his attention was immediately attracted by the words "super big order".

"Old Lu, you've worked hard in bidding this time. Come on, sit down first, and talk slowly." Wei Kang waved his hand, calling for Lu Tingfeng to sit down.

He didn't show any eagerness in his expression, this calmness and calmness immediately made Lu Tingfeng deeply ashamed.

"Mr. Wei, I'm sorry, I lost my composure. The main reason is that this bidding is too important, and the amount is unprecedentedly large. I'm a little carried away."

Lu Tingfeng scratched his head, a little embarrassed, but he quickly calmed down and began to report.

"The total amount of the 16 provinces' centralized procurement bidding this time is as high as 15 billion, including 1000 sets of ultrasonic scalpel equipment, 60 ultrasonic scalpel heads, and 25 equipment factories have been shortlisted. For the ultrasonic scalpel market, it is already half of the country."

"Of course, these devices are not shared equally by each province, because the medical development of different provinces is different, and the economic strength is also different."

"Economically strong provinces like Guangdong and Jiangsu have purchased more than 100 ultrasonic scalpel equipment, not only for city hospitals, but also for county hospitals. As for Guizhou and Yunnan provinces, which are poorer provinces, they can only be allocated to municipal hospitals, so the purchase volume is only about [-] or [-] units."

"Of course, how they distribute in the province has little to do with us."

"In addition to the quantity, the price is also a point that the provinces value. This time the price was very hard to bargain. I directly discounted it by 2500%, and cut the commonly used ultrasonic knife head from 1500 to [-]. Even if you are as proud as Johnson & Johnson, you have to bow your head."

"Some domestic manufacturers have even lowered the ultrasonic knife head to less than [-] yuan, and the ultrasonic knife head has entered the era of [-] yuan. This will undoubtedly greatly benefit the popularization of ultrasonic knife technology."

"However, since the ultrasonic scalpel equipment is purchased from mid-range products, the price has not dropped much."

"However, due to our participation, the performance has been greatly improved. Johnson & Johnson had no choice but to reduce the price of some high-end products, which can be regarded as an indirect price reduction."

The more Lu Tingfeng spoke, the more excited he became. Seeing that he was about to reach the most important point, he took a deep breath and smiled uncontrollably.

"Mr. Wei, we have won a quarter of the ultrasonic scalpel heads, a third of the ultrasonic scalpel equipment, and a large order of 4 million yuan!"

"The rest of the orders will be divided between domestic manufacturers and a group of foreign companies such as Johnson & Johnson. Compared with previous years, Johnson & Johnson's share this time can be said to be cut in half."

"In previous years, they had to divide at least half of the ultrasonic scalpel heads and 80% of the ultrasonic scalpel equipment."

"After this bidding, everyone will know that the ultrasonic scalpel market will be divided into three parts, Sanqing, Johnson & Johnson, and others."

Lu Tingfeng's expression suddenly became sneaky, he looked around, then lowered his voice and said:

"The person who came to bid for this time also secretly gave me a letter, saying that it was because Sanqing's equipment had just been launched, and there was not enough production capacity, and the promotion of the ultrasonic scalpel, both in terms of equipment and personnel, required It takes a certain amount of time, so foreign companies are allowed to enter the market this time.”

"In the future, when all domestic production is supported, foreign companies will be completely excluded and only domestic equipment will be used."

"I heard that in the previous two years of centralized procurement, Johnson & Johnson refused to lower the price. It took a long time to reduce the price by a penny, which offended the 16 provincial alliances."

"So with Sanqing, they feel at ease, and they are no longer afraid of being manipulated."

"Tell me, I really can't see it. It turns out that the higher ups hold grudges like this."

"It's true that yesterday you just ignored me and didn't give me a dollar. Today, I let you not be able to climb high, so you will leave the house."

Wei Kang chuckled and asked, "You only know now?"

Lu Tingfeng was left speechless when he was asked, and said embarrassingly, "I've never encountered such a big scene before. Without this pattern, I have to learn more from Mr. Wei in the future."

Wei Kang knocked on the table and said in a deep voice, "In this case, then you should pay close attention to the production capacity and ensure delivery on time."

"Medical device manufacturers, whether they are first-tier tertiary hospitals, prefecture-level hospitals, or even second-tier county hospitals, are also our major customers. We must treat them with caution and provide technical support and after-sales services."

"Especially the ultrasonic knife is a new technology, many doctors have never used it, and our medical representatives need to demonstrate it to them, so there must be no mistakes in this aspect, otherwise it will seriously affect the reputation."

Lu Tingfeng nodded like a chicken pecking rice and said: "Mr. Wei, don't worry, my pre-sales and after-sales technical support has always been my top priority, and I will definitely do my best."

Guizhou Province, Linyuan County People's Hospital.

Although it is a little-known small county, but it is close to Guangdong Province, and has been on the express train of economic development for so many years.

Under the wise leadership of President Sun Guangrong, the County People's Hospital has continued to grow and develop. It was recently rated as a pilot hospital for high-quality development in Guizhou Province, and it is the only county-level hospital in the province.

Today, it is continuing to forge ahead on the road to becoming a top three hospital.

At this time, Dean Sun Guangrong was standing in the newly built minimally invasive operating room of the hospital, looking happily at the new "big baby" inside - a brand new ultrasonic scalpel equipment.

"Dean, is this the famous Sanqing Ultrasonic Knife? Compared with Johnson & Johnson's, which one is better?"

Standing next to him was Director Liu of the Endoscopy Center, the folds on his face turned into a flower with a smile, looking at this device like an old pervert seeing a peerless beauty, his eyes were extremely hot.

Sun Guangrong smiled and said: "Sanqing must be better. This time, the province has purchased a batch of ultrasonic knives, including Johnson & Johnson's and domestic ones. The ones sent to us must be the best."

"Besides, Sanqing's ultrasonic scalpel is not only of good quality, but also has good service. Every hospital has sent a medical representative to teach us how to load and unload, test and use, as well as maintain the equipment. Johnson & Johnson must not have such a good service."

Director Liu nodded, and said with deep empathy: "No, the after-sales service of foreign companies is really mediocre. Last time our Olympus endoscope was broken, and we asked people to come to repair it, and they actually said it would take five days to send it to us. people come over."

"Forget it, don't mention it, let me try first."

"Dean, fortunately, you are far-sighted and sent me to a large hospital in the province to study the ultrasonic scalpel technique a few years ago, so I was able to use it so quickly."

Director Liu looked eager to try, and couldn't wait to get started.

Sun Guangrong was secretly proud of himself. If he hadn't always paid attention to the cutting-edge diagnosis and treatment technology of minimally invasive surgery, and actively sent doctors to higher-level hospitals for advanced studies, this county hospital would not be what it is now.

20 years ago, when he first took over, the county hospital had a bad reputation in the local area. Medical accidents often occurred, and people would go around when they were sick. The old people's hospital was even worse than the traditional Chinese medicine hospital next door.

Since he was a neurosurgeon, in order to change the confidence of patients in the hospital, he grasped the technology and formed a brand new neurosurgery team, and sent him to the First Hospital of the provincial capital to learn neurosurgery techniques.

Neurosurgery equipment was also purchased, and with the availability of hardware and software, neurosurgery was finally officially developed.

Since then, patients with cerebral hemorrhage in the county have been sent here for treatment urgently. The hospital quickly won the trust of the local people by relying on this unique skill.

As a representative of advanced disciplines, neurosurgery has reversed everyone's prejudice that the County People's Hospital only delivers babies and cuts the appendix.

A few years later, Sun Guangrong began to vigorously introduce laparoscopic technology, which was still rare at that time, to train professionals, and sent teams to the well-known third-level hospitals in Yangcheng to learn laparoscopic technology many times, becoming the first laparoscopic surgery in Guangxi Province. county-level hospitals.

The development of characteristic disciplines and the introduction of cutting-edge technologies have attracted more and more local patients to seek medical treatment, and Linyuan County People's Hospital has finally regained its due status.

Subsequently, the County People's Hospital attracted the rapid development of various specialties to meet people's growing medical needs.

Digestive endoscopy technology has been developed on this basis, and now it has become a key department of the hospital. More than 1 endoscopic examinations are carried out every year, and hundreds of early cancer patients are screened out.

Even the county hospital can perform more than 1300 cardiology surgeries every year, and dozens of heart bypass surgeries can be performed.

With this county people's hospital, the local people rarely go to the provincial capital to see a doctor, and even many patients from the neighboring county come here admiringly.

Sun Guangrong was immersed in reverie about the glory of the past when he was suddenly awakened by the nurse's call.

"Dean, the patient is about to undergo an ultrasonic scalpel operation."

"Okay, okay, I'm leaving now." Sun Guangrong took a few steps and came back again: "No, I have to see the first ultrasonic scalpel surgery in this hospital."

The patient was quickly wheeled in for laparoscopic polypectomy.

The operation went very smoothly, there was not a drop of blood during the whole process, and there was no smell of oily smoke from the electric knife.

This left a deep impression on everyone.

The directors of the departments who came to watch were envious and enthusiastic, and expressed that they would apply the brand-new ultrasonic scalpel technology to their own operations.

The orthopedic director wants to use it to cut bones in patients.

The dental director said that it will be used to extract wisdom teeth for patients.

Even the director of the plastic surgery department said that it will be used for minimally invasive breast augmentation for female clients, and it will definitely reach new heights in the cup size and make the county hospital famous.

Director Liu was so angry that he went into a rage on the spot, and almost took advantage of his youth and strength to fight.

Dean Sun Guangrong watched this scene and could only smile wryly.

"We must convince the leader to purchase another ultrasonic knife."

"There are so many departments, it is really not enough."

It was the only thought that crossed his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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