I can extract side effects.

Chapter 511 Sugar friends ecstasy, overseas farce

Chapter 511 Sugar friends ecstasy, overseas farce

"I was so lucky that I applied for Sanqing's clinical quota for oral insulin and was assigned to the treatment group."

"From the first day, I stopped taking insulin and replaced it by taking a tablet within half an hour before meals every day, which is about 50IU units. The dose is half smaller than the 100IU required for injections, but the effect is the same. "

"In the first two days, there were some fluctuations in my blood sugar measurement results. The doctor said it was normal, and I must re-adapt to changing the dressing. Sure enough, from the third day, my blood sugar curve was the same as before, and my fasting blood sugar dropped to 7mmol/L. Below that, the blood sugar drops to about 10 two hours after the meal."

"The doctor said that most people will not have any adverse reactions. Some people may have some diarrhea, pantothenic acid and other abnormal digestive tract reactions, but they are not serious, and they will be fine after a while."

"Sure enough, after five days, my body has adapted to this oral insulin without any abnormalities."

"As a sugar person who has been in sugar for over a decade, I know all too well what that means.

"Brothers and sisters, the long-awaited oral insulin has really come true!"

"Everyone can completely get rid of the pain of daily injections in the future. I am so excited, woo woo woo."

A small Internet celebrity named "Tangtang" posted photos about his clinical trial experience, which attracted a lot of attention.

At first, netizens were a little skeptical, thinking that some Internet celebrity was still working hard to collect traffic.

However, more and more clinical volunteers are speaking online, recording their experience in clinical drug testing, and expressing their joy.

Only then did everyone understand that Sanqing had really developed a blockbuster drug that changed the world.

When the media seized the hot spots, they interviewed the drug testers and released related news reports.

The news of "the advent of oral insulin" immediately rushed to the hot search, and people's expectations for this important breakthrough reached a climax in an instant.

Countless netizens were amazed, while diabetics shouted ecstatically.

"My God, it has already entered the clinic, and it is no longer a purely conceptual thing in the laboratory."

"Sanqing is amazing! How many people should thank them for being able to research this stuff."

"Compared to injections, it is definitely more convenient to take pills directly."

"This kind of technology is worthy of hot searches, brothers, put it at the top, and get rid of those bad things in the entertainment industry."

"Wouldn't that be much easier, just like high blood pressure."

"The current medical technology is more and more developed, it is indeed much more convenient, praise!"

"Praise for scientific researchers, praise for Mr. Wei, every moment, Mr. Wei and his company are changing the world and making life better."

"Congratulations on the major breakthrough in medicine. I hope that the clinical application will be put into use as soon as possible to save the majority of diabetic patients."

"Come on, I hope it will be listed soon, the old lady really needs this."

"I look forward to it. Insulin injection is fine for young people now, but it is too difficult and inconvenient for the elderly."

"In fact, there is also that kind of long-acting insulin now, which is injected once a few days. There is no need to change orals, and I don't know if the blood sugar is well controlled."

"In any case, oral administration is more convenient, which is good news for diabetics, so there is no need to say that."

"I'm afraid it's not a diabetic person who said that upstairs. It really doesn't hurt your back when you stand and talk. Don't you know that insulin should be refrigerated? It's inconvenient to get this thing, even once a few days, and going out. I used to get several injections a day. At that time, I had to go home every night, and I couldn't spend the night outside."

"If the effect is the same, I will definitely choose oral drugs."

"A breakthrough that benefits 5 million people is really beneficial to the country and the people."

"It is definitely a great improvement in the quality of life. Diabetic patients love it."

This huge wave of voices swept the domestic Internet, and even foreign media could not ignore it.

Overseas media also forwarded the good news at the speed of light.

"CNN reported that the oral insulin project developed by Sanqing Group has made a breakthrough and has entered the third phase of human clinical trials."

"This oral insulin has the same effect on the human body as insulin injections. If the clinical trials go well, it will improve the quality of life and mental health of more than 900 million type [-] diabetes patients around the world after being marketed."

"The drug uses an oral method to wrap insulin in nanoparticles, send it into the digestive tract, and deliver it to the liver without consuming or breaking down insulin."

"According to the test drug patient's response, it can be completely absorbed within 30 minutes after taking the drug, and slowly released in the liver, and the effect can last for 1-24 hours."

"As we all know, diabetes is already a chronic disease today, but 100 years ago, it was almost a terminal disease, especially type I diabetes. It was insulin that changed the fate of diabetics who had no cure and could only wait for death. "

"However, the production cost of insulin is high, the price is high, and it must be administered by injection, and sometimes it needs to be injected 4-6 times a day, which puts a lot of pressure on the patient's wallet, body and mind."

"Oral insulin is more convenient to use, less painful, and can reduce medical waste caused by a large number of discarded needles and syringes. It is an obvious better choice."

"Because of this, humans have long begun to study oral preparations of insulin, but judging from the results, more than 100 years have passed, and the curse of insulin can only be administered by injection has not changed."

"The multinational giants Novo Nordisk, Sanofi, Eli Lilly, and Pfizer have all ambitiously entered this track, and after investing tens of billions of dollars in huge funds, they all failed in the end."

"It never occurred to me that it was the Sanqing Group from the East that broke the curse that insulin could not be taken orally for 100 years, and made human beings bid farewell to insulin injections."

"The only regret is that Sanqing Group doesn't seem to be too keen on sharing, and has kept the relevant technical papers under strict control. Not only did they not submit papers in Nature and Science, they even seldom appeared in their own life magazines."

"This needs to be improved. As a leader in medical science and technology, it should have a mind that embraces all rivers and rivers, and a culture that is willing to share."

As soon as this report came out, foreign netizens were also shocked.

They all cheered and called for Sanqing, and Wei Kang instantly became the savior of overseas sugar people.

Especially the netizens in Yingguo were very excited and could not wait to open the door immediately to welcome oral insulin.

"Good job Sanqing, kill Lilly and take all my money."

"Fack, I've had enough of Lilly and Novo Nordisk vampires."

"Damn it, finally a dragon from the east came to kill them, I absolutely support it."

"Even the most stingy businessman in the East can't be more greedy than Lilly and the others."

"That's right, brothers, this is oral insulin. It's absolutely dry. It's not comparable to the insulin injections from 100 years ago."

"If I have to give money, I'd rather give oral insulin, which brings me a better experience, wouldn't I?"

The reason why Yingguo netizens are so passionate is that Yingguo’s sky-high price of insulin has a long history and has been criticized for decades.

The price of insulin has soared 20 percent in the past 600 years, with patients spending an average of $375 a month on the life-saving drug, and up to $1000.

Compared with other countries, the price of insulin in Eagle Country is almost 10 times higher.

Today, when production costs are becoming more and more transparent and even declining, pharmaceutical companies are still raising the price of insulin, and the empty costs generated by the constant mating of dolls among hospitals, pharmaceutical companies and insurance companies are all passed on to the common people.

The Big Three have been fishing for money for 100 years, and they are getting harder and harder, so they become street rats that everyone shouts and beats.

This has even become a kind of political correctness. As long as you criticize Eagle National Pharmaceutical Company as an insatiable vampire on the Internet, then you are a good buddy of Eagle Country people.

Even the eagle country government is deeply dissatisfied with this, because insulin is monopolized by the three giants, and even generic drugs cannot enter the market, resulting in high prices and medical insurance expenditures soaring every year.

Congress was forced to do nothing, and even issued a price limit order for insulin, but it had little effect.

The news of Sanqing's successful development of oral insulin undoubtedly gave Yingguo netizens a shot of stimulant.

It’s all about paying, and it’s not for whoever you give it to. Of course, you have to give it to the one with the best experience. With oral insulin, who would like to be needled every day.

Under such public sentiment, Eli Lilly's official account on Twitter suddenly released a shocking news.

"We are very excited to announce that insulin products are now free."

The tweet went viral as soon as it came out.

Netizens around the world were stunned for a moment, with extremely complicated emotions.

Everyone looks forward to the stars and the moon, and they all hope that the price of insulin will drop, and now it is free?

I never thought that after scolding you, you would be free?

If I had known earlier, I would have scolded you every day.

In the final analysis, it is the credit of Sanqing. If it were not for the advent of oral insulin, it is estimated that Lilly would not be so cowardly.

Diabetics called their friends to forward the tweet, like it, and put this tweet on the top of the trending search.

Overseas netizens are also preparing to carnival all night, celebrating that the masses will eventually defeat capital, and victory will always belong to us.

It didn't take long for Sanofi and Novo Nordisk's official Twitter accounts to post the same news.

"Very excited to announce that our company's insulin products are also free."

This time, I can't fix it for everyone.

Question marks on the heads of netizens popped up one after another, and they couldn't figure out the situation at all.

where am I?What am I doing?Is this world real?

Isn't it true that the three of you joined us to amuse us?

The main thing is that it looks too beautiful to be true at all.

However, the reaction of the stock price was very real. The news of free insulin spread more and more widely, and Eli Lilly's stock price plummeted, falling by more than 5%, and its market value evaporated by 150 billion U.S. dollars that day.

The stock prices of the other two giants also plummeted all the way, and their market value lost billions.

The stock prices of the Big Three plummeted, and netizens became more and more ecstatic.

This shows that the news of free insulin must be true, otherwise those people on Wall Street are not vegetarians, how can they not know the truth?
As a result, ecstatic Yingguo netizens ran to nearby pharmacies to buy insulin, but found that it was not free, and was ridiculed by the clerk instead.

Netizens who failed to return were outraged, and immediately scolded the Big Three as the most despicable fraudsters in history on the Internet.

The reputation of the Big Three continues to fall -99, -99, -99...

It was not until the next day that Lilly's letter of apology came late.

It turned out to be a rumor refuting letter.

"Sorry, we apologize to all the people who have been subjected to false information. Our official account was hacked and it took a whole day to get it back. The previous release of insulin is free of charge. Please don't be fooled. Insulin from pharmacies Prices will not be affected at this time."

The clarification statements of Sanofi and Novo Nordisk followed closely.

The three giants all stated that the free matter is purely fictitious, and the damn hacker has caused irreparable losses to the company's stock price, and will be held accountable according to law.

In desperation, there was a hint of embarrassment, which immediately attracted ridicule from netizens.

"Even hackers can't stand it anymore, and the cyber Robin Hood resolutely attacks."

"A hacker who runs away in anger is the light of Eagle Country."

"If only this was true."

"I knew vampires wouldn't be so kind."

"God will make you spit out what you swallow.

"Just fool us like that, and don't know how to reflect on it at all."

"It really deserves it, I just hope that the hackers can hold on for a while, and let your stock price drop a little longer."

The fake tweet once again ignited the anger of the public in Eagle Country over the long-standing abnormal pricing of insulin. Netizens went all out and bombarded the official accounts of the Big Three.

But the farce did not stop here, and some accounts pretending to be Lilly jumped out one after another, mocking them.

"We apologize to everyone who received false information. Humalog (Insulin made by Eli Lilly) is now $400. We can increase the price as much as we want, and you don't care. Fuck off, Marefak. "

"Unhappy? Still want to keep scolding me? Then raise it to $500. Do you still want us to continue to raise it?"

"Poor ghost, if you can't afford it, you deserve to die. Sooner or later, I will rise to $1000."

The avatars and names of these accounts are so fake that they are exactly the same as the real ones.

The leaders of Eli Lilly were so heartbroken that they frantically contacted Twitter, and finally banned all the fake accounts after a few hours, and blocked a wave of personal accounts that cursed people.

After losing the fake accounts of Internet mouthpieces, netizens didn't dare to swear, and ran to Lilly's account to get angry.

"Why don't you give me medicine for free?"

"Contradict what you said, is it a hacker if you say it's a hacker? You haven't caught a real person, so you're lying."

"Since your account says it's free, it should be done."

"It costs you next to nothing to produce insulin anyway, so why not just give it away for free?"

"Ah, we prefer fake Eli Lilly, you might as well write it off."

"Shouldn't you apologize for the $300 vial of insulin?"

"The unknown hacker caused Lilly, Sanofi, and Novo Nordisk's stock prices to plummet on his own. He is really a hero of mankind."

The farce continued to ferment, and some veterans of the political circle joined the topic, saying that the price of insulin should be reduced.

"Insulin was invented to save lives, not to make the CEO of Eli Lilly rich."

"We should bring in new competitors before the dragon that sits on the throne spits out its ill-gotten gains."

The CEOs of the Big Three were all downcast, and it was hard to tell.

The attack from public opinion is not bad, mainly because the stock price has been falling, and now the fool can see that after the introduction of Sanqing's oral insulin, Wall Street is really not optimistic about the Big Three.

When the incident came to an end, netizens went back to routine work and petitioned the FDA, demanding that Sanqing’s oral insulin be clinically tested in Eagle Country as soon as possible.

Under the offensive of public opinion, the FDA can only hold its nose and agree.

This vigorous farce spread to China on the other side of the ocean.

Wei Kang received a friendly request from the FDA, and with a swipe of the pen, he agreed to overseas clinical trials of oral insulin.

The news spread back to Eagle Country, and overseas netizens were ecstatic.

As for the CEOs of the Big Three, their hearts are completely chilled now.

(End of this chapter)

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