I can extract side effects.

Chapter 559 The Billionaire's Life-Continuation Game

Chapter 559 The Billionaire's Life-Continuation Game
Through a large fir forest, Dr. Charlie came to a tall iron gate along the driveway.

This is the most prestigious private estate in All Eagles. The estate is surrounded by 8000 acres of forest parks and overlooks the Appalachian Mountains. The scenery is superb.

The camera on the door accurately recognized his face, and a soft female voice came out.

"Dr. Charlie, nice to meet you, please come in."

With a bang, the black iron gate automatically slid open, and Dr. Charlie drove into a tulip garden in full bloom.

Ten minutes later, the car stopped in front of a Europa Renaissance building.

Dr. Charlie looked at the familiar classical columns and the magnificent dome, adjusted his collar and messy hairstyle facing the car window, and walked in with his head held high.

"Dr. Charlie, what a coincidence that you came. Grandpa mentioned you just now." A young woman with blond curly hair, soft face and full of classical temperament appeared in front of him.

Dr. Charlie looked solemn, and nodded, "Catherine, is Mr. Merck there? I have something very important to report to him."

Catherine smiled slightly: "Please follow me, no news can make grandpa happier than your arrival."

After walking a few steps, the eyes suddenly opened up, and what came into view was a spacious room with a huge dome.

Under the gorgeous crystal lamp, a white-haired old man half-lyed on a leather chair, surrounded by a group of doctors in white coats who were busy, and the monitor was beeping.

Next to him, there are medical equipment that Charlie is very familiar with, such as MRI, hyperbaric oxygen chamber, trolley-type color Doppler ultrasound machine, automatic biochemical detection equipment, etc., it is like a small private hospital. Hospital.

Dr. Charlie looked at the scene in front of him, and couldn't help but let out a sigh of admiration in his heart.

"It's nice to have money!"

He knows very well that in the free Eagle Country, a super-rich man like Mr. Merck, who is worth tens of billions, can move any equipment into his family manor, and he can even hire a team of professional private doctors to take care of his body in every possible way. care.

Even if he became the director of the department in Cleveland and earned millions of dollars a year, he still couldn't resist the temptation of Mr. Merck's gold dollars, and he willingly became a private medical consultant to protect his fragile heart.

The Cleveland Clinic is the well-deserved king in the heart field. So far, the heart center has ranked first in the Eagles for 23 consecutive years.

As the director of Cardiac Surgery, Dr. Charlie is naturally one of the most authoritative experts in the world. If he can be invited as a medical consultant, the annual check must be an astronomical figure.

"Dear Catherine, is that you?" Mr. Merck heard Catherine's footsteps, and did not look up, but continued to focus on a book in his hand.

When Catherine came in front of him, anger suddenly appeared on his face, and he threw the book out violently.

"Farke, this book actually says I'm dying on page 18."

Catherine stopped, picked up the book in front of her, turned to page 18, scanned it quickly, and said, "Dear grandpa, I didn't see your name on it."

Merck was indignant: "Damn it, it actually said that the average age of rich people in Eagle Country is only 85 years old, and I'm going to be 85 soon. Doesn't that mean I'm going to die?"

Catherine smiled sweetly and said, "Grandpa, the average is not the maximum. It also said that the longest-lived rich man lived to be 103 years old."

Merck suddenly turned angry into joy: "Ha, is it written on it? That means it makes sense, so you can continue to read."

Catherine smiled helplessly at Charlie and pushed him out grandly.

"Grandpa, big surprise, let's see who is coming to see you."

Only then did Mr. Merck see Charlie, and the wrinkles on his face burst into smiles.

"Charlie, oh, Charlie, you have charged so much money from me, and finally your conscience is disturbed, and you are willing to come and see me, an old man."

Dr. Charlie's smile froze instantly, but he quickly walked up laughing.

"Mr. Merck, you are still as humorous as ever, and it seems that you are in very good physical condition."

Merck caressed his chest and laughed: "Then I would also like to thank you for the young heart you helped me find. With it, I can live until now."

After speaking, he picked up the crutch beside the chair, stood up tremblingly, and his expression became serious.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

Dr. Charlie looked at the face in front of him, couldn't help feeling a little nervous, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva reflexively.

Mr. Merck seems to be just an old man in his dying years, as if he would fall to the ground with a slight push of one hand, but the interest groups represented behind him are so powerful that people are frightened when they think about it.

This old man is not only one of the richest families in the world, but also very low-key, hiding behind the scenes and supporting many big shots. He has to invest hundreds of millions of dollars in the two big ladder competitions every four years. The biggest benefactor behind the leadership.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as turning your hands into clouds and covering your hands as rain.

Like every super-rich man, Mr Merck is not exempt from the dream of immortality.

He is eligible to receive the top medical treatment, but he is not satisfied because time is running out.

The 84-year-old body, bathed in money, still cannot stop the coming of aging.

His physical function has begun to decline. When he was young, he was a little reckless and squandered his youth, which made his health less ideal.

The first thing that went wrong was the heart. After changing one, the cancer came back.

Without Sanqing's anticancer drug, he might have returned to the embrace of God at the age of 78.

Fortunately, with cancer drugs, he survived and was given a second heart two years ago.

Just after this rebirth, Sanqing Group aroused his strong interest in the pharmaceutical industry.

Mr. Merck thoroughly understood one thing. Only when facing death can one understand how precious life is.

And the most advanced medical technology can really create miracles and reverse life and death.

Sanqing Group came out one after another with new drugs, and soon completely captured the heart of Mr. Merck.

He also became a fan of Wei Kang, always paying attention to San Qing's every move.

However, for some reason, Huaxia imposed strict restrictions on Sanqing's medicines and equipment, preventing him from obtaining them immediately.

This made him a little dissatisfied, so he tried every means to promote the strategic cooperation between the Cleveland Clinic and the No. 1 People's Hospital in Kunming.

After all, it costs a lot of money to send doctors to China for advanced studies every year. Where can the money come from?

As a private clinic, Cleveland puts benefits first, so we can’t pay all the money by ourselves. Naturally, at this time, Mr. Merck’s medical fund donated generously.

Dr. Charlie is based in Cleveland, and from time to time he also participates in the latest clinical trials of the Sanqing Medical Project, and is very well informed.

Seeing Mr. Merck ask at this moment, he explained everything about the artificial heart.

"Dear Mr. Merck, this is the case. Sanqing's artificial heart project has been successfully developed. Not only can it completely replace the function of the real heart, but it can also be wirelessly charged. After implantation, it is completely invisible from the outside."

"This is a major breakthrough in the heart field. The only question is, how long will it last?"

"I brought the video of the operation process and the patient. Please watch it..."

After watching the video, Mr. Merck was shocked and surprised.

"As expected of Sanqing, he can always bring me one miracle after another."

"When can I see it in person in Eagle Country? I can't wait to see how it works on real people."

"By the way, do you think my next heart can use it?"

Dr. Charlie shrugged and said helplessly, "The artificial heart has stricter review standards than any other device. I'm afraid you will only be able to see everything about it through video in the short term."

"I hope you can understand, because the application of compliant medical results has to go through a long and rigorous verification process."

"As for your next heart, whether it is a real heart or a mechanical creation, you are healthy now, so don't make a decision too early."

Mr. Merck's face immediately collapsed, and he became very depressed: "Oh, damn, I have so much money, but I can only live a normal life. It is so difficult to make any changes."

"These guys never think about an old guy like me. Even if technology can change my life against the sky, by the time it can be used on me, I will be completely cold."

"Fake, a billionaire like me, was supposed to live to be 160 years old and become a member of the Immortal Overlord, but was held back by officialism."

Catherine quickly comforted him: "Grandpa, it's okay, isn't this artificial heart just came out? Waiting is also a good thing."

"By the way, the time is up, you should change your blood."

"You're right, I'm a little impatient." Mr. Merck suddenly turned his worries into joy: "I almost forgot to change my blood. Dr. Charlie, Bill will come over later, just so you can share the good news with him again."

Dr. Charlie nodded and sat down on the sofa next to him.

Mr. Merck lay down again and began to close his eyes and meditate.

The doctor next to him took three bags of bright red blood, put them on a machine, and connected them to his veins. With the roar of the machine, fresh blood was injected into his body.

Half an hour later, the doctor removed the connecting tube and handed over a blood test report.

Mr. Merck opened his eyes, took a look, frowned suddenly, and his face became worried.

"OMG, the blood test results are very bad. If this continues, I can only live to 120 years old."

When Dr. Charlie heard this, he exerted all his strength within a ten-thousandth of a second to control every muscle on his face and not let his expression get out of control.

He pretended to be very sympathetic, and said very sincerely: "My God, I'm really sorry to hear such news."

Mr. Merck said with a look of irritability: "I know, this thing is still a little less effective for people in their 80s. I have to develop a new anti-aging method."

"In the beginning, I used fresh blood plasma from young people under the age of 25. One transfusion of 1.5 liters of blood really felt very good, but after a long time, the effect was not obvious."

"Later, related reports came out that some people tried to emulate us, but they got seriously ill because of the unclean plasma."

"Hehe, I laughed hard at these poor ghosts, but soon I couldn't laugh anymore."

"Because there is less and less healthy blood, especially for an old man like me, the requirements for the health of the blood are more stringent, it is difficult to find suitable young blood, and the blood sent is either addictive substances or diseases of one kind or another. .”

Having said that, he couldn't help but burst into foul language.

"The young people in Yingguo are all in their twenties. They are either sick or obese. Their blood is full of fat and sugar. Some of them are like running a chemical factory. There are all kinds of messy chemicals. Among them The most abundant is fentanyl."

"Fuck, how did my handsome young man become like this?"

"If this continues, Yingguo will take pills sooner or later."

"Fortunately, Sanqing's artificial blood is on the market. I bought it at a high price and tried it. I found that not only is it very healthy, but the effect is even better, and it even contains more nutrients."

"After using it a few times, I feel that my body has become more youthful, and even the wrinkles on my face have lessened."

A satisfied smile appeared on Mr. Merck's face: "Sure enough, only technology can change my life against the sky and keep me youthful."

"Although there is no drug that can really reverse aging, I am very confident in Sanqing. At least they have achieved a lot and are working hard in this direction, aren't they?"

"Look, I've had blood transfusions for many years, and the results of every physical examination show that my liver, muscles, and brain tissue have become younger."

"It can be seen that this kind of rejuvenation treatment plan that shares blood circulation can really rejuvenate people."

Dr. Charlie looked at the looming age spots on Mr. Merck's face, tried his best to force a smile, and nodded in agreement.

"That's right, since the blood transfusion experiment on mice is effective, it must also be effective on humans. It's just that human technology is not so advanced, and it can't achieve immediate results, but we must have confidence in science."

"Haha, Charlie, you're absolutely right."

While speaking, Mr. Merck took a tablet from Catherine and swallowed it with water.

He introduced it seemingly ostentatiously: "This is Sanqing's brain nerve regeneration drug. An old man like me has to take one tablet every day to stimulate the regeneration of neuron stem cells in the brain so that he can keep his mind clear and not suffer from Alzheimer's disease. .”

Dr. Charlie was stunned. Good guy, this Mr. Merck is really a fan of Sanqing.

Artificial blood is fine, although too much blood transfusion is not good, but as long as the person feels better, it is not a big problem.

But this brain nerve regeneration drug is a prescription drug, so can it be eaten casually like jelly beans?

This is not over yet. After Mr. Merck finished this one, Catherine handed over a handful of colorful pills.

"Metformin is said to be anti-aging; NMN, oral administration can increase NAD levels in the body, extend telomeres, prevent and repair DNA damage; resveratrol also has anti-aging effects."

"There is also this, Sanqing's Radiant Elimination Ning, which can resist oxidation and achieve anti-aging effects."

"Beyond that, there are supplements like vitamins, lycopene, creatine, collagen peptides, beneficial minerals, and more."

Catherine introduced it endlessly: "This one contains about 50 capsules, which can take care of the health of the heart, eyes, brain, immune system, and blood circulation system."

Dr. Charlie looked at this scene, his whole body was numb, and he couldn't say anything.

“Hopefully, these supplements and prescription drugs will create a delicate balance in your body, and together form a barrier that tries to cheat time.”

He said silently in his heart that he finally had a certain understanding of Mr. Merck's crazy life-continuing game.

In the past, he either provided medical advice on the heart, or operated on Mr. Merck, and he was in the hospital every time he met. He really rarely saw such a scene.

At this moment, there was a sudden ringing of the doorbell.

Catherine got up immediately, smiled and walked towards the door.

"It must be Bill. He has the authority to come in directly, and he is probably almost at the door now."

Dr. Charlie immediately lifted his spirits. He knew that Bill and Merck were old friends. Although there was a 20-year age difference, the bond of money made their friendship extremely strong.

And behind Bill, there are a group of Silicon Valley tycoons, including the current richest man in the world, Mabuse, who is also his best friend.

More importantly, his friendship with Huaxia is also very deep.

To report the news of the artificial heart to such a super rich man, the former richest man in the world, he must treat it with caution and not make any mistakes.

Mr. Merck is a traditional tycoon, and his understanding of high technology is limited to using mobile phones, but Bill is a technology tycoon, who has his own thinking on any technical issues, and will not be easily fooled.

While he was thinking, there was a burst of silver bell-like laughter from a distance.

The two looked up at the same time, and saw Catherine standing at the door holding Bill's arm.

"Merke, you old guy, you are getting younger and younger."

Bill strode over, with a questioning look in his eyes.

Merck stood up on crutches and greeted him with a big smile.

The two hugged each other and whispered a few words. Bill turned around immediately and extended his hand enthusiastically.

"Dr. Charlie, thank you for the good news."

"With it, our plan finally has a glimmer of hope for success."

(End of this chapter)

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