I can extract side effects.

Chapter 574 Neuron Aria

Chapter 574 Neuron Aria
The experiment officially started.

Zhang Li sat on a chair, put on her headphones, and played the game with full concentration.

The neural electrical signals in her brain are clearly transmitted to the computer through a special multi-channel amplifier.

Each action potential lasts 1 millimeter, and the fluctuations are displayed on a computer screen, showing real-time brain activity.

The rapidly flashing matrix diagrams attracted everyone's attention.

When these electrical signals unfolded in front of everyone, they eagerly tracked them, trying to decipher their mysteries and find out the precise processing process of the brain.

A loud FM radio suddenly sounded in the room.

This is the sound of neurons firing. It wanders in the computer, slowly flows out of the speakers, and spreads wantonly in the air.

Beautiful, moving, like a serenade,

At this moment, the brain is like a greatest musician, firing on all cylinders, creating a symphony of neurons.

Each neuron creates small sparks of action potentials, like drummers, violinists, trumpeters, and flute players, dancing their hands and playing notes of thinking one by one.

Different clusters of neurons form a band, and under the command of the commander of the brain, they play a high-pitched symphony of life.

The massive electrical activity generated by these clusters of dozens of neurons creates an unstoppable flow of electrical impulses, like a sea of ​​simmering electrons.

In such pieces, every single individual has no meaning.

But when they come together, they make sense.

Together, they define a huge brainstorm that records the epic of everyone's life.

Every electrical signal jumps in time and space, becoming a wonderful note, defining each person, making him a unique and similar wonderful existence.

Every action, every feeling, every dream, every memory, every sadness, and every joy is recorded one by one, shaping the person into a unique individual.

When this life cycle of thought flow was first born, it was an unpredictable seed.

Over time, it quickly grows into distorted waves, all the way to where the pain disappears—the mysterious mantle of the cerebral cortex.

This neuron aria is charming and varied, making people reach the unknown realm of the brain without knowing it.

"It's the brain singing."

"She's happy, I can hear that."

Chen Yiqing muttered to himself, staring at the electrical signals of neurons on the screen as if lost in thought.

Years of painstaking research were deeply intertwined with an expectation that tens of thousands of paralyzed patients would be able to stand up.

Constantly driving him, eager to enter this unknown field for a new round of exploration.

"It sounds like a thunderstorm in the sky on a gentle summer night, crazy and beautiful."

"Enthralling, yet deeply awe-inspiring, as if one had an inadvertent encounter with a miracle created by nature."

Jian Jianyun was filled with emotions, and her gaze never left the screen. Although she couldn't understand it clearly, the matrix that changes rhythmically with the sound still opened her eyes.

She has observed real stained and sliced ​​brain cells under a microscope, and she has also witnessed the bloody cerebral cortex of patients up close, but this is the first time she heard the music sung by the brain when thinking, and saw the notes composed by neurons.

At this time, she seemed to be the most devout believer, stepping into the hall of neurology, and experienced the holy baptism both visually and auditorily.

More pious, and more hopelessly in love with this fragment of thought.

"It's her sharing her most valuable possession, her mind."

"She asked us to explore her brain, to sacrifice herself for the benefit of millions of people in the future, the greatest altruism model, although female, but also a role model for my generation."

Wen Renlong's voice was very low, trembling slightly, making it unclear whether he was talking to himself or to everyone.

But Wang Dali, who was next to him, obviously heard it, so he immediately echoed: "That's right, we must not disappoint her dedication, we must start working immediately."

Chen Yiqing quickly reacted and quickly issued a work order.

"Next, let's replicate the previous steps in monkeys."

"Sampling and recording as many neuronal activity as possible, and then running those electrical signals through a series of simple mathematical models to extract the motor commands Lily needs to move her arms and hands. Things like wrists, elbows and shoulders constantly Changing spatial position and speed, and how hard she grips the joystick."

"These instructions can also be derived from linear combinations of the activities of Lily's neurons, and the calculations are very simple."

"Let's start, step by step."

After 30 minutes of the experiment, Zhang Li's movements became more and more accurate, her performance got better and better, and her level of playing games improved.

At the same time, the mathematical model is constantly improving until it is perfect.

After the model became stable, Wang Dali sent the digital signals to the next-door robotic arm.

The robotic arm appeared on the monitor, and everyone stared at the screen without blinking their eyes, for fear of missing its activation.

At first, the robotic arm hesitated for a few seconds, as if it could sense the coming of this momentous moment.

Soon, the mechanical arm finally moved, simulating the movements of Zhang Li's arm, palm, and fingers.

Now, her mind directly controls not only her own arm, but also the mechanical arm in the next room.

The robotic arm followed her brain's commands, moving with ease and ease, just like her own.

There is not much difference between the two, and the mechanical arm is even a little faster in implementing the instructions of the brain.

Gradually, the movements of the robotic arm became more and more accurate.

This shows how powerful the motor commands transmitted by the brain are.

"It's time." Chen Yiqing said with a nervous face, then stood up, walked over and moved the joystick in Zhang Li's hand out of her reach.

After he left, the game screen was still playing on the monitor.

Wenrenlong switched the game's controlling body very quickly, from the joystick to the wrist of the robotic arm.

The robotic arm receives instructions from the brain-computer interface.

This means that from now on, Zhang Li has only one choice if she wants to continue playing, win in the game, and then get the reward juice.

Operate a brain-computer interface to do it all.

No matter how complex the task is.

In other words, Zhang Li must rely on the imagination of her brain to manipulate the robotic arm.

She had to imagine the robotic arm as her own, manipulating equipment in another room to complete the game on the screen in front of her.

And this is her first time. She has not been trained in this area before, and she has to imagine how to operate the brain-computer interface by herself.

A historic moment has arrived.

Everyone held their breath, waiting for a miracle to happen.

Zhang Li stared at the computer screen, stretched out her arms, and played games.

Everyone turned their heads and looked at the monitor, only to see that the mechanical arm was motionless.

So, Qiqi sighed again.

Zhang Li tried a few more times, and the mechanical arm moved, but she didn't make any formed movements, let alone play games.

The expression on her face became a little complicated, confusion and surprise intertwined.

After some hesitation, she tried a few more times, but without success.

Zhang Li fell into deep thought without saying a word.

Wen Renlong was a little anxious, stood up abruptly, and was about to say something.

Chen Yiqing grabbed him and said in a low voice.

"Don't disturb her, she can only rely on herself. We are all inexperienced, so it's not appropriate to make some random opinions, and it may disturb her thoughts."

Wen Renlong sighed slightly, and sat back.

The others didn't dare to make a sound, just looked at her silently, waiting eagerly.

About 5 minutes later, Zhang Li suddenly raised her hands, snapped her fingers with her left hand, and made an ok gesture with her right hand.

She seemed to be telling everyone that she knew what to do.

The crowd was instantly refreshed.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Li lowered her hands naturally and relaxed.

She stared at the screen, concentrating on the game, waiting for the gopher to appear and strike a thunderbolt.

When the thought just arises, before the mechanical arm moves.

Almost instantly, the sound and flashes of hundreds of action potentials fill the room.

At the same time, the brain-computer interface immediately transmitted the motion commands extracted from her brain to the mechanical arm.

As the mole's head emerges from the hole, the robotic arm on the monitor begins to move.

It was like looking for a ghost, looking for an invisible and intangible target in the empty room of the control room.

And the locations of these targets only exist in Zhang Li's eyes and brain.

The mechanical arm is moving, and the screen in front of Zhang Li is on.

The big stick fell from the sky, traced a graceful arc, and hit the gopher's head perfectly.

This is the first target of the robotic arm.

It was done with great precision.

After that, it continued to strike, hitting the gophers repeatedly.

Just like humans, they play games with great interest.

And these graceful movements come entirely from Zhang Li's brain activity.

Now Zhang Li can play video games with just her mind.

No need to use your own arms anymore.

Her brain, freed from the confines of a biological body, was completely liberated.

The brain's activity signal got rid of the restraint of the body, passed through the wall of the laboratory, carried every voluntary will of hers, and came to another room, driving the mechanical arm to complete its mission.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Chen Yiqing covered his face with his hands, his eyes gradually became moist, and a hot current surged in his chest.

Three years, more than 1000 days and nights of hard work, at this moment, finally paid off.

He finally found the right direction and walked on the right path.

Everyone else couldn't hide their excitement.

Everyone is getting ready to celebrate.

Suddenly, a high-frequency chirp erupted from the loudspeaker, filling the entire control room in an instant.

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what happened.

Obviously, something must have happened.

And it happened in Zhang Li's brain.

Wen Renlong suddenly pointed at the computer screen and exclaimed, "Look, the neuron signal has changed."

Chen Yiqing was the first to look over, and saw that the matrix images became denser, more precise, and the range became larger.

Everyone looked at me, and I looked at each other, feeling a little surprised and uncertain for a while.

"What's going on here?" Everyone asked the same question in their eyes.

Everyone looked at Chen Yiqing in unison, waiting for his answer.

Chen Yiqing suddenly looked at the mechanical arm on the monitor, as if remembering something.

His eyes wandered between the two display screens, and he fell into deep thought.

After a while, he just woke up like he just woke up from a dream, and shouted excitedly.

"My God, did you find out?"

"Her brain has begun to assimilate the mechanical arm."

"What?" Everyone looked at him in shock.

"Why can't I understand, what does assimilation mean?" Wang Dali asked with a confused face.

He asked everyone's heart, and the others nodded.

Chen Yiqing waved his arms excitedly, trying to find the words in his brain, and explained.

"It's like this, the way the human brain processes information is similar to a distributed coding principle."

"For example, if a person is blind, the neurons in his brain that process eye images will lose their original purpose, but the brain will not leave them idle, but will use them to processing sound information."

"In this way, the number of neurons that process sound information is greatly increased, making blind people more sensitive to sound."

"So you understand why the hearing of blind people is often more acute than that of normal people."

"But what does this have to do with the brain-computer interface?" Wang Dali was still puzzled.

"Listen to me slowly, because of this plasticity of the brain, humans have a strong ability to adapt and learn."

Chen Yiqing continued: "When Lily couldn't use the arm to operate, the external conditions changed, the brain made appropriate adjustments, and learned to use the robotic arm to play the game."

"At this time, it is no longer her arm that is moving, but the neurons directly control the movement of the mechanical arm."

"The brain learned this process and assimilated the robotic arm into her neuronal body image, and the robotic arm became an extension of her body."

"You can try it. Put a table of food, such as rice, porridge, soup, and steamed buns, and poke it with your fingers first. By feeling the difference in strength, you can clearly distinguish different foods."

"Then, you can try it, close your eyes, hold a chopstick, and poke those foods in the same way."

"Through the strength felt by the chopsticks, you can also identify these foods, such as soft rice, hard steamed buns, watery soup, watery porridge, etc."

"In this case, your chopsticks, in your brain's imagination, become part of your body."

"The same is true when eating. Chopsticks replace your fingers, or, as a tool, the movements of chopsticks are integrated into the movements of your hands and become an extension of your body."

"In the eyes of the brain, it uses chopsticks like it uses your arms and fingers, and there is no difference."

"That's why humans can use all kinds of tools and learn so many skills."

"Just like table tennis and football players, they use the racket for a long time, or kick the ball, the racket and football become the extension of his body, instead of his hands and feet, to sense the world."

"This is the legendary sense of the ball."

"Going deeper, just like the swordsman in the movie, the sword has been used for a long time, and it has become an inseparable part of him. Even if he closes his eyes, he can sense different forces through the sword and make different responses."

Wang Dali's eyes widened in surprise: "It seems to be true, don't tell me I haven't discovered it yet."

"It turns out that the peerless swordsman and the international football champion are so awesome through long-term training and turning their tools and weapons into part of their bodies."

As he spoke, a gleam suddenly shot out from his eyes.

"Based on this, if a paralyzed patient is replaced with a prosthetic, wouldn't he be able to use the prosthetic as a normal body through the brain-computer interface?"

Chen Yiqing nodded with a smile: "In theory, it is, but the reality is a bit far away, but this is the direction we are working hard."

"Look, look, Lily is getting more and more slippery when playing games, and her record with mechanical arms has surpassed that of monkeys."

Wen Renlong's cheers came over, interrupting their conversation.

Wang Dali couldn't help grinning: "Aaron, then you have to thank Lili, she will avenge you."

When Wen Renlong heard the words, his face turned black immediately, and he said angrily.

"Hacking, who can't, sooner or later, I will also be cheating on the second monkey."


Everyone present laughed out loud, and the laboratory was instantly filled with joyful air.

(End of this chapter)

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