I can extract side effects.

Chapter 597 Finalizing the Experimental Plan

Chapter 597 Finalizing the Experimental Plan
Kunming City, Sanqing Branch of Gusu University.

jingle bell~
At eight o'clock in the morning, the class bell rang on time.

Huang Qin stood at the door, devoured the last bun in his hand, threw the plastic bag into the trash can, and walked into the classroom with the bell ringing.

I found a random corner, took out a thick textbook, and listened carefully to the class.

It has been almost a year since he returned to the classroom, and he has long been used to the busy life of the company, home and school.

Come to school for two classes every morning, have a meal in the cafeteria at noon, rush back to work in the company in the afternoon, read the literature when I go home in the evening, get in touch with my tutor and classmates, and go to bed at 12 o’clock. After coming and going, I fell in love with it This unusually fulfilling feeling.

Today is the professional class "Cell Engineering Technology". The teacher was talking on the podium, and the students were drowsy below, but he was the only one who was full of energy.

Especially when the teacher mentioned the chapter "Animal Cell Engineering", Huang Qin was amused as soon as he heard it.

"Haha, animal cell culture, animal somatic cell nuclear transfer technology and animal cloning, animal cell fusion."

"I am so familiar with this course that I can almost teach on stage."

"The teacher hasn't changed this ppt for many years, and it's still talking about the breeding process of the cloned sheep Dolly."

"I have to score 100 points in the final exam again. I'm so sorry."

Thinking of this, Huang Qin couldn't help scratching his head and smiled naively.

He is a master-doctoral fellow, 2-year master's degree + 3-year doctoral degree. Basically all courses are arranged in the first year of research. From the second year of research, he has to formally select topics to warm up for scientific research.

Several professional compulsory courses, such as "Advanced Biochemistry", "Cell Biology", "Molecular Biology", and this "Cell Engineering Technology", are all the contents that he is familiar with and uses very well every day in his work .

So if there is no accident, you can basically get full marks in the exam.

Instead, it was Ma Zhe who gave him a headache. Public courses such as academic ethics had no time to review at all, so he could only memorize them by rote with notes before the exam, and passed the test with a score in the early 60s.

In terms of English, he has been working with Williams for a few years, and he has already practiced it. Whether it is graduate English or professional English, he will have no problem scoring eight or nine points in the test.

As for those elective courses, what animal models are used, common experimental techniques, molecular pharmacology, genomics research, protein engineering, electron microscope observation and living cell detection technology, etc.

For him, he knows everything well, and he can't be more familiar with it, just like buying vegetables in the vegetable market, he can answer the questions with his eyes closed.

After a bang bang, the operation was as fierce as a tiger, and after the exam, I saw 99.

For the rest of the literature discussion class, he revised a reading note he had written before and handed it in, which attracted the teacher's praise.

In short, after these classes, he was shocked to find that everything was unbelievably simple. It was easier to get a high score in the exam than to eat and drink.

And he also completely completed the gorgeous turn from a scumbag to a top student, and healed the long-term fear of exams.

Other than that, school life was a pleasant, relaxing break from the routine of the laboratory.

The whole morning class was fleeting, Huang Qin ran to the cafeteria at the speed of light, packed two lunch boxes, and rushed to the laboratory excitedly.

"Teacher, I brought you a meal with your favorite chicken drumsticks."

Huang Qin opened the lunch box, revealing the big shiny chicken legs. He knew that the teacher usually eats late, so he brought him a copy.

Du Biao raised his head and looked at him with complicated eyes: "Huang Qin, thank you for your hard work."

This student really has nothing to say, although sometimes he speaks too bluntly, but he is hard-working, cheerful and enthusiastic, and can bring money into the group. With such a student who can fight, every tutor can wake up with a smile in the middle of the night.

He almost woke up laughing in the middle of the night last night.

Huang Qin gnawed on the chicken leg until his mouth was full of oil, and he didn't forget to remind the teacher.

"Teacher, eat quickly, the food is getting cold."

Du Biao had no choice but to eat together, but he had something on his mind, and his favorite chicken drumsticks were tasteless in his mouth.

After finally finishing eating, he wiped his mouth, impatiently, but with a calm expression on his mouth, he asked.

"Xiao Huang, do you have any thoughts and ideas on the subject you mentioned? Shall we discuss it together?"

Huang Qin nodded, his expression became serious.

"Teacher, my train of thought is this, mainly divided into two steps."

"The first step is to address some of the issues with pigs as a source of xenogeneic organs themselves."

"Pigs as an ideal source of human organ supply have reached a consensus in the field of transplantation, but problems such as viral infection, immune rejection, and abnormal blood coagulation function need to be resolved before they can be regarded as a qualified supply source."

"Virus infection is easy to solve. It can be raised in a sterile environment and the donor is screened to avoid pathogens such as hepatitis virus, cytomegalovirus, and lymphatic herpes virus from infecting the recipient."

"In addition, gene editing technology can also knock out endogenous retroviruses in pigs, reducing the risk of infection after entering humans. However, these pig organs have not been implanted in humans, and the potential risks need further clinical verification."

"As for immune rejection, compared with allogeneic organ transplantation, the immune rejection of xenotransplantation is more serious and complicated. However, we can knock out specific antigen genes through gene editing and transfer humanized genes, which can effectively Inhibit the occurrence of transplant rejection."

"Academia has discovered 29 related immune genes, of which 21 are exogenous genes that need to be inserted, and 8 endogenous genes that need to be broken or knocked out."

"Our first step is to understand the different combinations of genes and see which ones work best for which organ transplants."

"It sounds like a lot of work, but many genes have already had clear research results, we only need to conduct permutation and combination studies, and then verify the results."

"As for the verification method, you can choose non-human primates, transplant the internal organs of genetically modified pigs into macaques or baboons, observe their survival time, and then evaluate the organ function, blood coagulation parameters, and receptor activity. By performing the measurement, we will be able to know the result of the transplanted organ.”

The more Du Biao listened, the more frightened he became. As expected, he is a leading student who can lead his mentor to fly. Not only can he choose a topic by himself, but he also has in-depth and feasible thinking about the solution to the topic.

He wanted to express some opinions, but he opened his mouth but didn't know what to say. He stopped for a while before slowly uttering two words.

"very good."

After thinking about it, he added: "Clear thinking, clear goals, well done!"

Huang Qin smiled honestly: "Thank you for the teacher's compliment. The verification of gene sequence and combination is relatively simple and cumbersome. It may require the help of teachers and classmates."

"After all, there are 29 genes, and it is not ruled out that new influencing genes will be discovered during the research process."

Du Biao pondered and said: "You are very thoughtful. If you want to exhaust all the permutations and combinations of these dozens of genes, the number of experiments that need to be carried out is extremely large, but there must be some key genes in it. We only need to grasp a few. A key gene can produce results."

"So the workload is actually not that big. We can use some mathematical methods, such as the exhaustive method, to screen. Then, through some well-designed experiments, we can find a few key genes."

Speaking of this, he showed a confident smile: "Your tutor, I was still one of the best in mathematics back then, and the research and analysis in this area must be no problem."

Huang Qin nodded again and again: "Great, I feel relieved when the teacher said so."

"As for the algorithm and verification, don't worry, teacher. Sanqing has a powerful artificial intelligence. As long as you record all the experimental data, I will take the data back and run the simulation. The analysis results should be obtained soon."

The smile on Du Biao's face suddenly collapsed. He thought of Sanqing's AI diagnosis, and his heart sank.

Huang Qin saw that the teacher's face was not good, and he quickly comforted him: "However, no matter how strong the AI ​​analysis and simulation capabilities are, there is no teacher and classmates to do experiments hard, and there is no data to analyze. Ha ha."

"It's true." Du Biao said slowly, his expression returning to normal.

"By the way, you just said that the project is divided into two steps. The first step is mentioned. What about the subsequent plan?"

Huang Qin cleared his throat, returned to the topic, and continued.

"The second step, this is related to stem cell research and embryonic development."

"You should be very clear that the development of any animal from a fertilized egg to an embryo is not only instructed by ancestral DNA, but also influenced by extracellular tissues."

"In vitro cell culture cannot mimic the complex cell-cell and cell-tissue interactions in vivo that are necessary for organ formation."

"It's like whether a person can become a talent, in addition to his own IQ, family education is also very important."

"No matter how smart a child is, if he has a tragic childhood, it will be very difficult not to grow into a crooked neck tree."

"Closer to the subject, the ultimate goal of our research on pigs is to use them to grow human organs."

"Originally, there is isolation between different species, and it is impossible for pigs to grow human organs."

"But fortunately, all of our mammals come from the same ancestor. Although they are closely related, they are all of the same origin. They all evolved from single-celled organisms and share the same underlying cell operating mechanism. "

"This certainly presents a huge opportunity for xenotransplantation."

"As long as we master the secret, we can make the stem cells obey and automatically grow the organs we want."

"What to do, is to modify the host animal to artificially create a niche for the required organ."

"As long as the host embryo is modified so that it loses the ability to form a certain organ, a vacancy can be left in the original position."

"Then injecting human stem cells into the host's embryo can quickly fill this gap and automatically grow organs that would not grow."

"The whole process is quite miraculous, one of the greatest miracles of nature."

"It's as if you modify a mouse, knock out a key gene so that it cannot produce white blood cells for the immune system, and then you inject stem cells from a normal mouse."

"These stem cells injected into the embryo have no specific fate at the beginning. They have the potential to develop into any type of tissue, but they don't know what to do."

"As the embryo develops, the original cells in the embryo seem to say, it's time to make immune cells, wait, we don't have the gene to make white blood cells, ah, look, these aliens do, let's just let them take care of it."

"What's even more amazing is that these outsiders are really obedient. After hearing the instructions, they really developed into white blood cells."

"It can be seen that in developing embryos, if they have any defects, they will actively fill an empty tissue niche with suitable cells from other organisms."

"Artificially creating a niche can induce this process."

"The same approach applies to pancreas, kidneys, liver, and so on."

"The cross-species application is also effective, if you do a cross-species experiment between rats and mice."

"Rats don't have a gallbladder, but cells still have the ability to form gallbladder tissue, and mouse embryos can unlock this ability by signaling 'it's time to grow a gallbladder' when conditions permit."

"This ability comes from an evolutionary common ancestor of rats and mice, which had a gallbladder, but the rat's gallbladder disappeared during evolution. Yet the cells of the rat still carry the gallbladder's developmental instructions to heart. , like a memory that preserves their evolutionary history."

"But this method is not so simple in humans and pigs."

"On the one hand, the experiment time is longer. The gestation period of pigs is 3 months, while that of mice is only 3 weeks."

"On the other hand, humans and pigs are much more closely related evolutionarily than mice and rats."

"Niches for organs can be made in pigs. After transplanting embryonic stem cells from another pig, pig embryos lacking genes critical for pancreas development were indeed able to grow pancreas."

"However, when human induced pluripotent stem cells are introduced into pig embryos at the blastocyst stage, the survival rate of these stem cells is very low, and only a small number of cells can survive to develop into muscle and precursor cells of some organs.

"Similarly, human induced pluripotent stem cells can also survive in bovine embryos, but the survival rate is also not high."

Speaking of this, Du Biao excitedly interjected: "I know the reason. I have read a paper that the stem cells of species that are too different will compete and kill each other."

"This evolutionary difference between species can form an effective developmental barrier to maintain the isolation between species, and will not grow strange creatures."

"Papa papa!" Huang Qin clapped vigorously: "The teacher is really knowledgeable and talented."

He changed the subject and said, "I have read this paper too, it seems to be a paper on "Nature" two years ago."

"The study found that as long as the activation of the NFKB signaling pathway in human IPS stem cells is inhibited, the competition and apoptosis between cells can be inhibited, and the survival rate of human-mouse chimeric embryos can be improved."

"There are different levels of competitiveness among different species. The competitiveness of stem cells is similar between rats and mice, humans and monkeys, so there will be no cell competition."

"However, the relative competitiveness of human stem cells is different from that of pigs, cows, and mice, so it will lead to the occurrence of cell wars. The cells with strong competitiveness directly induce the apoptosis of the weak. evolutionary distance."

"So as long as we knock out the relevant genes in pigs, we can make pigs grow human organs."

"This path is very clear and promising, but no one has yet found the exit and come up with the final result."

"Teacher!" Huang Qin said excitedly, holding Du Biao's hands tightly.

"The future is bright, seize the day and night to live up to the youth!"

"As long as you take down this jewel in the crown of science, teacher, your outstanding young man is safe!"

Du Biao held the student's hand with his backhand, and he was also very excited, and said in a trembling voice.

"Catch the moon in the nine heavens, and catch turtles in the five oceans, all with the flick of a finger!"

"Whether the teacher can become a young outstanding student depends entirely on your training!"

(End of this chapter)

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