I can extract side effects.

Chapter 87 The patient is popular, scandal strikes

Chapter 87 The patient is popular, scandal strikes
Not only Pfizer is arguing, but all pharmaceutical authorities around the world have expressed their views on this new drug, and various doubts and problems are overwhelming.

As stated in the paper, there are two points that are most likely to be criticized.

The first is that there are too few clinical data, only a dozen cases.

The second is that the treatment time is too short, only one month, which can only prove the short-term effectiveness.

This is not the same as the drugs used to treat cancer, which is fatal to many people, and the disease progresses so quickly that a person may die within a few months.

But Alzheimer's disease is not fatal. Patients can generally live for 8-10 years. If they are well taken care of, it is not impossible to live for more than ten or twenty years.

These patients have been taking drugs for a long time to control their condition, and they have various chronic diseases, and they are all taking other drugs.

There is no problem with a drug in the short term, but if it is taken for one or two years, or even five or six years, the possibility of causing cancer or other fatal diseases will be greatly increased.

Therefore, long-term clinical trials are required to confirm the safety and side effects of drugs.

As for the drug resistance caused by long-term use, that is another problem. In short, the standards of long-term drugs are not the same as those of immediate-acting drugs.

Controversy is often accompanied by hot traffic. Sanqing, a special drug that is still in clinical practice, has already become popular, not only in China, but also all over the world.

More and more patients and family members also learned the news from the Internet and the news, and they were all ecstatic.

Domestic patients are anxiously contacting relevant personnel of Sanqing to ask where they can participate in follow-up clinical trials.

Foreign patients can only post on the Internet, hoping that the special drug Sanqing can be launched in their own country as soon as possible, benefiting patients all over the world.

Because compared to cancer, this kind of forgetting family members, even forgetting yourself, is more painful.

And this kind of pain not only lasts for a while, but will last until the end of the patient's life.

What's even more frightening is that taking care of an elderly person with Alzheimer's disease is even more troublesome than taking care of a paralyzed elderly person.

This means that, for at least 5-10 years, not only the patient suffers, but also the pain brought to the family is endless, even mental and physical torture.

Therefore, after seeing the controversy of online experts, the patients voiced their support one after another, saying that if they can restore memory and keep awake, even if there are other side effects, they are willing to try.

Even, the majority of netizens began to discuss heatedly on the Internet, which is more important to human beings, life or memory.

"To live incompletely or to die completely, which would you choose?"

"I choose memory. Even if you get poisoned or get cancer after taking this medicine, there are ways to deal with it. At least you can live like a human being and die with the dignity of a primate at the top of the food chain."

"Me too, at least you can know who you are, recognize your family, you can call your son and wife by name again, you can even walk out of the house, look at the neighbors and say, hey, George old fool, remember me Is it? I'm back again. Is there anything more beautiful than this? That moment, even if it's dying immediately afterwards, I think it's worth it."

"I would like to ask these experts, have you ever had a family member with Alzheimer's? Do you understand the pain that such a patient brings to the family? Drugs are given to us instead of blah blah blah blah.”

"Those who have never experienced it will never know the experience. My father was diagnosed with this disease three years ago. Losing memory is not the most painful thing. The most painful thing is losing the dignity of a human being. With this disease, you are like Like animals, they will lose all knowledge of the world. One day, when I came home, I saw my father, who used to be a university professor, put his hand into the toilet, and watched curiously while flushing the water. From the moment I knew I had lost him completely."

"My family has the genetic disease of Alzheimer's disease. This disease is a nightmare for me, and it is a nightmare that I will never wake up. I watched my grandmother and mother get sick one after another. My mother took care of my grandmother all her life. , after she found out that she had a disease, she decisively swallowed a gun and committed suicide. In her last words, she said that she could not accept that it would drag me down for the rest of my life, and I planned to spend the rest of my life alone. After I got sick, I would also Swallow a bottle of sleeping pills. I will not bring this pain to anyone again."

"Poor Amy 0021, God bless you!"

The online debate intensified, and ultimately the patient's voice overwhelmingly won out.

After all, no one likes to live like a zombie in a muddle, forgetting relatives and friends, forgetting the past, and forgetting everything.

Sanqing is happy to see the controversy on the Internet. After all, the longer the debate lasts, the more people will participate in the debate. After this drug is launched in the future, more people will believe in its curative effect and be willing to accept the drug. treat.

However, in order to take care of the patients who came to him, Sanqing contacted well-known tertiary hospitals in Haishi and Beijing to carry out the second phase of clinical trials.

In order to grasp more case data and quell the controversy as soon as possible, the number of people in each place is increased to 500. After the end of the second phase, the third phase of clinical trials will continue, and the number of people will increase to more than 1000 by then.

In short, as long as the second clinical phase of these 1500 people is over, with real and effective treatment data, any controversy can be quelled.

Because he was cured of Mr. Xie's illness and allowed him to return to his post, both academicians Mr. Xie and Mr. Qi strongly recommended him to his superiors.

Therefore, as a domestically produced innovative drug that fills the current treatment gap in this field and has breakthrough results, Sanqing's specific drug has obtained a green channel.

After the end of the Phase II clinical trial, the Phase III clinical trial will be carried out as quickly as possible, and the marketing approval process will also be simplified.

The purpose is to treat more patients as soon as possible, so that they can recover as soon as possible and return to their families like normal people.

At this moment, amidst the heated discussions around the world, Eagle Country's Fox News published an earth-shattering report.

"Is it original or stolen——On the ins and outs of Sanqing's special drug for Alzheimer's disease!"

"The recently hot Sanqing specific drug is not an original new drug, but has stolen Pfizer's technology and patents."

"As we all know, Pfizer announced four years ago that it had given up the research and development of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease. The project was stopped, the experts were dismissed, and the patents and technologies were dusty. At that time, there was a Chinese expert who returned to China immediately after leaving. I don’t know why he was so anxious at the beginning, and whether there is something hidden in it.”

"This Huaxia chemist is named Chen Yiqing. He obtained a Ph.D. In just a few months, Pfizer has successfully developed a new drug with special effects in the direction of Pfizer's original research and development. Is this a coincidence or a necessity?"

"We interviewed several of Chen's former colleagues, all of whom have left to join other pharmaceutical companies. They all said that Chen worked very hard at the beginning, was very active in learning related technologies, and was even interested in many unrelated technologies. Such a studious and motivated person, but after the disbandment of the project, rejected the promotion notice and resolutely returned to China, this kind of attitude is very memorable, and the whole thing is also thought-provoking.”

"In fact, they all said that the research at Pfizer was close to a breakthrough, but was stopped by the board of directors. This is a very regrettable thing. They have no doubt that Chen can develop a specific drug based on this, and said congratulate."

"Next, please read our reporter's special interview with relevant people..."

This news report was like igniting a bomb, and instantly pushed Sanqing's special medicine to the forefront.

(End of this chapter)

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