Chapter 84
The fierce god team is indeed cruel and merciless, killing many soul masters, and today they can be regarded as doing justice for the sky.

Flender got the golden soul coins obtained by betting, and decided to give 90.00% of them to the families of soul masters who were killed by the fierce god team, and the remaining [-]% was used as a backup fund for the academy.

At this time, several of the Shrek Seven Monsters were a little hard to accept, because they seemed to have killed someone, even Dai Mubai frowned slightly.

"Little San, we just now"

Tang San took off the mask underneath, and explained in a low voice.

"The teacher said they were a bunch of thugs."

"But, we..." Ning Rongrong couldn't continue.

Oscar also fell into self-doubt. Looking at his hands, they were clearly clean, but he seemed to see blood.

"Are we wrong?"

The master came over, accompanied by Tang Pixiu who looked worried.

"As a soul master, this is a problem that you will have to face sooner or later. Everything in front of you is a difficulty that you must overcome. It is much better to face it now than you will face it on the possible battlefield in the future Otherwise, you will be the ones who fall. Any powerful soul master needs to go through this. Any victory in a battle must pay a heavy price. The battle of soul masters is definitely not a child's play."

After speaking, the master turned and stood still.

Flender also said, "Using the excuse of fighting spirits, what the Vicious God Team actually did was violent crimes. In the silver fighting spirit level battles, 63 people were killed and 98 people were injured. Not only did such crimes go unpunished, On the contrary, it earned them income, and even attracted the attention and invitation of some forces. The fierce god team was seriously injured by a hidden weapon. Although their lives are safe, they have completely lost their combat effectiveness, and they will not be able to do evil in the future. This is also a good thing for the majority of soul masters .”

Seeing everyone's suffering, Tang Pixiu was very anxious and wanted to help, but she didn't understand anything and didn't know how to comfort everyone, so she could only get angry by the side.

After thinking for a while, Tang Pixiu remembered what the people in the audience had said before.

"Don't be sad, those people are big villains, they killed a lot of people, and lost a lot of homes. Uncles and aunts are great, they saved a lot, a lot of people. Xiuxiu remembers a very powerful adult before As I said, killing is to protect life. Xiuxiu doesn’t understand, but uncles and aunts should understand.”

When Tang Pixiu said this, the noble man appeared in front of his eyes.

That man was always cold and aloof, but he was extremely gentle to her, and liked to hold her in his arms and touch the horns on her head.

As the Emperor of the God Realm, he is undoubtedly the most honorable, and I don't know if they want to find her now?

Tang Pixiu started to be in a daze, but everyone still listened to her words.

Being comforted in turn, the Shrek Seven Devils have calmed down.

At this time, the master spoke again.

"If you don't want to be the focus of everyone's attention, you should quickly put away the masks in your hands and leave here with us."

The members of the Shrek Seven Devils left the fighting arena, they all need a little time to digest.

In fact, think about it, this is also a normal thing, they really have to go out of this step.

Tang Pixiu turned into a little padded jacket at the moment, comforting his uncles and aunts, except Tang San who didn't need it, everyone else was very grateful to have this little girl around.

But even with comfort, the Shrek Seven Monsters still couldn't sleep that night.

To Tang Pixiu, she didn't care much, if she hadn't met Tang San, maybe those people would be even more insignificant in her eyes.

As long as they are people who don't care, she has nothing to worry about the life and death of those people.

After so many years, she also knows that human beings are short-lived and will die one day.

The next morning, everyone set off to Tiandou Imperial Academy, which was much more luxurious and magnificent than everyone imagined.

"This is the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy?" Flender exclaimed.

Ning Rongrong nodded, "Well, my father brought me here when I was young."

"But this is a mountain!" Flender was shocked again.

"The whole mountain belongs to Tiandou Imperial Academy, the forest behind the mountain and the lake at the foot of the mountain belong to the academy." Ning Rongrong explained.

After Flender came here, he felt like a bumpkin. He didn't realize how narrow his previous life was. Sure enough, this is what the largest advanced soul master academy should look like.

Just when Flender was about to continue his research, a cold snort came suddenly.


A group of people came out proudly, the leader of the man was full of arrogance, as if he looked down on the people of Shrek Academy.

Seeing this, Flender stood up and explained.

"We are Shrek Academy. We are specially here to communicate at the invitation of your Tiandou Royal Academy. Let's lead the way." Flender said solemnly.

The man snorted coldly, not hiding the disdain on his face at all.

"Come to our college to communicate? Just you poor ghosts?"

The people behind him also snorted coldly, "Hurry up and get out, Tiandou Royal Academy is not a refugee shelter."

After finishing speaking, it is time to attack the people of Shrek Academy.

Shrek's people were never easy to bully, of course they taught them a lesson, it was Dai Mubai who did it.

"Our dean said, lead the way."


The leader attacked Dai Mubai with a fist, and was extremely angry, but his fist was easily blocked by Dai Mubai.

Seeing this scene, Flender also frowned slightly, he didn't quite understand why the combat quality of the students of Tiandou Royal Academy is so poor, if it is really a right decision to put Shrek's children here for training .

"Is this the student of Tiandou Imperial Academy?" Flender asked, frowning a little, "It's just a pile of rubbish, I can't help but wonder if it was a wrong decision to come here."

"Don't ask me, how do I know? Last time, the Huangdou team that fought inextricably with the little monsters was not like this." Zhao Wou-ki replied.

Tang Pixiu watched Dai Mubai beating people, his hands were itchy, and wanted to beat them up too, but Tang San didn't do it, so of course she couldn't do it.

Dai Mubai beat the leader just now to the point where he doubted his life, completely dumbfounded.

"Okay, Mubai, it's almost ready." Flender said.

Hearing Flender's words, Dai Mubai immediately withdrew his hands, but his strength still caused the surrounding buildings to be destroyed a bit, and also frightened the other party terribly.

Dai Mubai's face was full of disdain, "Look who is getting out."

That man was so angry that he had never been beaten like this before.

"You, you dare to make trouble in our Tiandou Royal Academy, this is a provocation to the empire. You wait, you wait!"

(End of this chapter)

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