Siheyuan: I am the neighbor of Silly Zhu

Chapter 1257 Zhang Jing Wants to Eat Overlord Meal

Chapter 1257


Qin Huairu was a little frightened.

"I hate the endless blackmail, and I hate his reckless behavior. Up to now, he has been like a bereaved dog, but he still doesn't know how to repent. He just threatened me and took revenge on me."

Xu Dongqing reminded.

As if this matter had nothing to do with him.

"He's still a kid."

What a familiar line.

In Qin Huairu's body, Xu Dongqing seems to have seen Jia Zhang's back then. When Bang Geng first went to steal things at home, Jia Zhang said the same thing.

Therefore, it was also because of this sentence that he directly pushed the stick into the abyss step by step.


"Where are you still a child?"

Xu Dongqing asked back.

In fact, she is only ten years younger than Xu Dongqing, and she doesn't know why Qin Huairu would come up with such an excuse. Don't she know what can and cannot be done?

Qin Huairu was a little anxious.

"I can persuade BangGou to stop and not trouble you anymore."

Qin Huairu quickly explained.


I just don't know if Sticky will listen to her.

Listen to people's advice and eat well.

But there is no such so-called philosophy of life in the eyes of the stick, it is more based on his own temperament, even if there is no Xu Dongqing, the king outside the door will not let him go.

Especially since it was his dereliction of duty.

"hope so."

Xu Dongqing stood up and looked at the furnishings in the house. Compared with before, there was a little more dust, and it was full of stagnation.

He reminded: "Even without me, the film police outside will not let him go. You should know the reason. If you surrender now, it may be just tears behind bars, but if you are caught, it will be eating peanuts."

Say it.

Xu Dongqing lifted the curtain.

Looking at the snow outside the house.

Goose feather heavy snow.

I don't know what to do with the thin body of the stick when he finds that there are traps all around him.

People are gone.

The two of them were left looking at each other.

"Grandma, is this stick a fool?"

Ge Yuzhen was a little skeptical.

After finally escaping to another place, taking advantage of no one to catch him and concealing his identity, he became a white-headed man. After ten years or so, this matter gradually faded away.

Sneaking it back.

Change your name and surname.

Then this matter will gradually fade away.

But what about sticks?
He still took the initiative to provoke. Could it be that his head was caught by the door?
Ge Yuzhen was a little puzzled.

But Qin Huairu is the one who knows the character of the stick best, and he reminded helplessly: "Maybe he is penniless now, this time, he still wants us to support him by the way, so that he can run a little further. "


She is indeed the mother of a stick.

Sticking under the train wheels, while eating the snatched steamed buns, he thought the same way. It would be better to let Xu Dongqing bleed heavily, and then he still wanted to go abroad.

With Ge Yuzhen.

Find a place where no one knows.

There is a paradise.

He doesn't need to work for the rest of his life, because Xu Dongqing is working for him.

I don't know where the confidence comes from.


Three days.


Five minutes before entering the station, the stick came down early, found a bush, and went straight into the kennel. When he was young, he and ordinary punks had also been here.

Then blend in with the crowd.

The appearance of a beggar.

Even the body is sticky. When others saw it, they immediately scolded in disgust: "You are young, you don't know how to go to work, what kind of beggars are you? Get away from my stall, damn it will affect my business. dog-day-of.

The words of the cursing street vendor owner.

In the ears of stick stems, there is no pain or itching, but more of a kind of disdain.

"Damn wage earners, you won't make a lot of money in your life."


The vendor owner kicked the stick on the back and threw a dog gnawing mud.

"You want to court death."

Bang Geng grabbed a brick and was about to fight the vendor owner desperately.


The vendor owner is not annoyed, when he sees the true face of the stick.

Shouted quickly.

"Come and catch someone, I saw a stick."

In a word.

Directly let Bang Geng completely break the defense, he was discovered before he even walked to the courtyard, how unlucky he is, how does this guy know, in a word, he directly gathers the people around him together.


He is equivalent to a month's salary.

five hundred.

Although there are not many, but after discovering the news of the sticks and informing the police station, they will be rewarded with [-] directly.

It is equivalent to one and a half months' salary of the owner of the wonton stall.

How can you be unhappy.

"You can't run."

When the stick was about to run away with a limp, the fat vendor's boss directly blocked the way of the stick with a kitchen knife.

I want to cry without tears.

It never occurred to me that I just got through the dog hole, and in the next second, I would be seen by an ordinary street vendor owner, isn't this waiting to eat peanuts?
At the beginning, what the old king said.

But still vaguely vivid.

There is no escape.

It's the current lost dog.


"The boss has no grievances or grudges, why is he so heartless?"

Stick immediately begged for mercy.

"Who made you valuable?"

The boss of Chaos Street Vendor followed Bang Geng far away, even the vendor ignored him, and let Xiao Ni watch over him, while he followed Bang Geng from afar.

Because get off early.

Sparsely populated.

So stick stems thought it was safe at first.

But after landing, I found that it was still not safe at all.


"I have a big deal. If you pass this note to Qin Huairu in the courtyard, I will give you 1000 yuan, and I will never break my promise." Bang Geng said hurriedly.

If he is rich.

Already out and about.

This is really desperate, thinking of going home, let Qin Huairu make do with it, give himself more, and let Xu Dongqing bleed heavily, so that he can sit back and relax.

Live well for a few years,

If it doesn't work, it can still be cooked.


Ha ha.

"Bang, I think you are lying to a fool."

The vendor boss dismissively said.

"I have money."

Stick stem hastily defended.

"It's a ghost."

"I used to be an employee of a rolling mill. It wasn't after the rolling mill closed down that I found a street vendor to buy Chaos. Let me tell you the truth, we know your deeds almost like the back of our hands."

"So if you want to lie to me, you still have to take a good look at your own embarrassment."

"It's just like a dog."

Extremely embarrassed.


The stick stared angrily at the person in front of him.

Since this is an acquaintance, why is he silent? Helping, not to mention that he didn't see it, this is even more regrettable, when Bang Geng was working in the rolling mill.

Also the eyes are higher than the lower.

feel related.

Don't look down on anyone.

Even if I regret it now, there is no medicine for regret in this world.

Now just a desperate beggar.

(End of this chapter)

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