Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 841: The God of Fruits!

Chapter 841: The God of Fruits!

Elf: Pikachu

Gender: Male

Attribute: Electric

Features: Static? (When using contact skills, there is a 30.00% chance to paralyze the opponent.)
Qualification: black

Basic skills: slightly

Inherited skills: slightly

"Skin God is really acting!"

After seeing that Pikachu's aptitude was a divine beast, or a black aptitude exclusive to first-level gods, Lu Ze immediately understood.

Why Pikachu can hit a dozen at any time.

Regardless of whether the opponent is a normal Pokémon or a mythical beast.

If you face ordinary Pokémon, it really is acting, right?
However, what is the question mark after the attribute?

Lu Ze was a little puzzled, the word with ★ after the name is shining.

So what does the question mark after the attribute mean?
But now Lu Ze can't help but think too much.

The attacks of the seven divine beasts on the opposite side have already come.

Liekongzao, Latios, Latias's three colorful [Dragon Waves] and Pikachu's [One Hundred Thousand Volts] all attacked the seven attacks together.


A dozen attacks exploded in the air, golden flames flickered, and a large black mist directly enveloped Lie Kongzai and the others.

"It's about time."

Lu Ze chuckled: "Super evolution!"

As Lu Ze pressed his left hand on the keystone in his right hand, three colorful lights also lit up beside Lu Ze.

The light of super evolution flickered in the air, which surprised Lu Ze.

Latias also successfully super-evolved successfully.

Could it be that the sign of super evolution flashed in the sky just now?
Lu Ze didn't understand, but now is not the time to worry about it.

Super Latios and Super Latias appear.

Two purple jets flew out of the thick black fog with Lu Ze and Xiaozhi.

Then the golden light flickered.

The black Rayquaza also flew out of the thick fog, and directly transformed into a super Rayquaza.

Super Rayquaza!


"It's MEGA Evolution!"

The sound of the dragon chant sounded, and Xiaozhi couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw the super-evolved Rayquaza!
"Scare me."

Hoopa also said weakly, he just thought they were going to be hit.

Seeing that Lu Ze and the beasts on their side have super-evolved.

Angry Hoopa became even more angry.

Gather energy, activate energy.


Angry Hoopa roared, and Kyurem also began to change.

The wings began to extend in the white light.

As the white light enveloped Kyurem, in just an instant, Kyurem transformed into Dark Kyurem.

"Mom, is this self-integrated?"

"You can become a Dark Kyurem without Zekrom."

Even though he had seen this scene in a movie theater before, when this scene actually appeared in front of him, he still felt a little unbelievable.

This Zekrom didn't even come, let alone the Gene Bond.

With just a roar from Angry Hoopa, you have successfully transformed into a Dark Kyurem?

Dark Kyurem flew into the air, roared, and the thunder engine behind him also started, and a large amount of lightning condensed on Dark Kyurem's body.

【Cross Lightning】!
The huge current condensed into a small group of lightning, which directly hit Lu Ze and Super Latias.


Pikachu yelled anxiously, but Super Ladias was still very fast.

One sideways avoided Kyurem's [Cross Lightning].

[Cross Lightning] After passing by Super Latias, it hit the building directly behind Lu Ze.

The strong attack directly blasted a big hole in the building.

Accompanied by the thick black fog, the building was quickly frozen by the power of the Dark Kyurem.

While Dark Kyurem was attacking, Gulardo and Kyoka were not idle.

The patterns on its body glow red and blue.

The original is back!

After avoiding the attack of Dark Kyurem, Super Latios and Super Latias took Xiao Zhi and Lu Ze through the city.

Breaking through the black smoke, Dialga who was already waiting here came face to face.

Dialga rushed over, Super Latios and Super Latias quickly dodged and flew into the air.

After seeing this scene, Palkiya, the god of space, directly used his power to come to the sky above them, blocking their way.

[Subspace Slash]!
Palkya raised his arm high, and a crescent slash that could tear apart the space came towards them.

"Get out of the way!"

Lu Ze and Xiaozhi spoke in unison, and Super Latios and Super Latias dodged again to avoid Palkya's attack.

【Yakong Split Slash】It failed to hit the two divine beasts, but it hit the ground unabated.

A building was blocking the way, and it was directly chopped off by [Yakong Split Slash] for a small amount.

Super Latios took Xiaozhi, and Super Latias took Lu Ze and continued to fly into the distance.

"It's really exciting!"

Lu Ze exclaimed, without the protection of Deoxys, he would be hit by the attack of the beast if he was not careful at this time.

This is no fun.

He is not a super newcomer like Xiaozhi.

The moment Lu Ze opened his mouth, a thick pillar of fire swept towards them.

The original Gulardo was standing on the ground and attacked them.

Super Latios and Super Latias quickly dodged, dodging the attack from the beast again.

But the building below suffered a disaster, and was hit by Gulardo's [Jet Flame].


Lu Ze's waveguide gave an extremely fast warning. At this time, Lu Ze and Xiaozhi also saw the black outline in the smoke ahead, and shouted loudly.

The moment the two spoke, Super Latios and Super Latias rushed upwards.

At the same time, Gulardo behind him attacked again.

【Jet flame】!
The thick pillar of fire struck again, and this time it finally hit... Dark Kyurem.

"Ha, as expected of you, Gulardo!"

Lu Ze glanced back and couldn't help laughing: "It's you who can fly!"

In the sky on the side, Giratina also collided with Super Rayquaza again.


Giratina rushed towards Raykuza.

Rayquaza didn't show any fear at all.

The dragon's chant resounded through the sky, and the green energy instantly enveloped Lie Kongzao.

【The finishing touch】!
The skills I just learned are now being used!

The two mythical beasts collided, and the Liekongzao with the [finishing touch] directly hit Giratina hard on the building.

"The face is followed by the finishing touch, it's you who caused it!"

Lu Ze, who saw this scene up close, couldn't help feeling emotional.

After being pressed on the building like this, Giratina seemed to have a look on his face, and turned his head and sat a [Shadow Ball] towards Raykong.

Lie Kongzao directly activated [Dragon Dance], not only dodged the [Shadow Ball], but also strengthened himself.

[Shadow Ball] missed and hit the building again.

Rayquaza opened the distance, and Giratina took the opportunity to fly into the air again.

Looking at the coming Super Latios and Super Latias, Giratina [Shadow Ball] was released again.

However, the flexible movements of Super Latios and Super Latias once again avoided Giratina's attack.


An exclamation came, and Lu Ze quickly turned his head to look.

The Rockets trio were standing in place at this moment, staring blankly at the approaching [Shadow Ball].

"Please, sure enough, Weng!"

The trio reacted quickly, facing the [Shadow Ball] released by Giratina, the trio hid directly behind Guo Ranweng.

Seeing this scene, Lu Ze also directly checked the information of Guo Ranweng.

Elf: Sure Weng

Gender: Male

Attribute: super power

Features: Absolute Reflection (when using reflection skills, [-]% will rebound the opponent's attack. (determined by physical strength))
Qualification: black

Basic skills: double return, mirror reflection.

Genetic Skills: None.

After seeing Ruan Ranweng's message, Lu Ze couldn't help but click his tongue.

This is another ordinary Pokémon with more divine beast aptitude.

Not only that, but this sure-fire Weng turned out to have a characteristic of [Absolute Reflection], which has never been heard of before.

But with this characteristic, it means that Weng can reflect everything back.

Unless you use the wrong skill, you basically won't take damage.

Although he only has two skills.


Protecting the Rockets trio behind him, Sure enough, Weng directly activated [Mirror Reflection] in the face of Giratina's attack.

The colorful energy covered Guo Ran Weng's body, as if putting a protective film on Guo Ran Weng.

After releasing the [Mirror Reflection] with all its strength, it abruptly blocked the [Shadow Ball] fired by Giratina.


Sure enough, after a stalemate for a while, Weng directly reflected Giratina's [Shadow Ball] back.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Giratina did not take it hard, and chose to dodge the attack.

"Fruit god beef batch!"

Seeing this scene, Lu Ze couldn't help shouting out loud!

Sure enough, as long as Musashi doesn't command wrongly, Sure enough, Weng will not fail!

While Lu Ze was cheering, Dark Kyurem chased him up again.

The red flames on the body of the chasing Dark Kyurem instantly covered the whole body.

After a while, the flames covering his body exploded, and the black on Kyurem's body also turned into white.

Yanbai Kyurem is here!
The turbine rolled, and the flames covered the body.

Yanbai Kyurem launched another attack on Super Latios who had already flown into the air.

【Cross Flame】!
The flame tentacles were released, even though Super Latios tried his best to dodge, but was still drawn by a flame tentacles.

Once his body became unstable, Xiaozhi on Super Latios fell directly.


Seeing this, Little Hoopa directly threw the golden ring in his hand.

After the golden ring caught the falling Xiaozhi, another golden ring opened above Super Latios.

Xiaozhi fell from the golden ring and was directly caught by Super Latios.


"Thank you!"


"You should be startled."

After Super Latios finished speaking, Little Hoopa made fun of Xiaozhi with a smile on his face.

Yanbai Kyurem chased after him again, but this time before he could launch an attack, Super Rayquaza rushed over.

After the long dragon body entangled the Yanbai Kyurem, it swooped into the river below with the Yanbai Kyurem.

The water splashed in all directions, and the water splashed by the two beasts falling into the water could reach a height of more than ten meters.

But before the water spray fell, [Frozen World] was released, and the water spray and the water surface were instantly frozen.

Yanbai Kyurem soared into the sky, Super Liekongzai didn't want to just let him go.

The black [destroying death light] was released, sweeping towards Yanbai Kyurem.


Rayquaza's attack hit, and the flashing golden light could be seen by the Rockets trio who were running for their lives in the distance.

"They seem to be making a fuss!"

While running, Meow Meow said to Musashi and Kojiro beside him in shock.

"Really, don't get us involved!"

Musashi also saw the golden light and the explosion sound in the distance, and said in a panic.

"Anyway, run away!"

Kojiro spoke, and the Rockets trio picked up speed again.

The golden light in Arceusta was shining, and the remodeling of the Pot of Retribution was coming to an end.

Liekongza was entangled by Giratina and Palkiya, and Yanbai Kyurem chased Super Latios and Super Latias again.

[Extreme Cold Flame] is released continuously, but is always avoided by the nimble Super Latios and Super Latias.

"Go up!"

Seeing Gulardo who suddenly appeared at the corner, Xiaozhi roared.

Super Latios and Super Latias flew upwards, Gulardo could only watch them go away unwillingly on the ground.

The position I finally found, the output has not yet been played, how can they...

The rest of Gulardo's words have not yet been said, because Yanbai Kyurem's revenge is coming.

Yanbai Kyurem, who saw Gulardo here, was chasing Lu Ze and Xiaozhi, and at the same time, he sent a [Extreme Cold Flame] to Gulardo who was in a daze.

Gulardo was frozen, and Yanbai Kyurem didn't even look at Gulardo, and chased after Super Latios and Super Latias again.

Gulardo radiated bursting flames all over his body, melting the solid ice on his body.

But at this time, Yanbai Kyurem had already flown away, and Gulardo could only let out an unwilling roar!

Just fucking you can fly, right?
After Super Latios and Super Latias flew into the air, Primordial Kyoka also came behind them.

【Root Wave】Continuously launched, but kept being dodged by two Pokémon.

Seeing the explosion sound from afar, Liekongza also quickly broke away from the siege of Giratina and Palkiya, and supported Lu Ze.

Coming to Kioka, after stealing the [Dance of the Dragon] enhancement again, [Destruction and Death Light] spewed out.

Kioka quickly dodged and successfully avoided the damage.

At this time, the breath from Arceusta finally attracted the attention of Angry Hoopa.

Hoopa roared in anger, threw out the golden ring in his hand again, and rushed towards Arceusta.

"Pickup pickup!"

Pikachu was keenly aware of the thoughts of angry Hoopa, and chased towards the golden circle together with Super Latios and Super Latias.

"Dragon Wave!"

(End of this chapter)

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