Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 856 Chapter 917: The Secret Realm Opens!

The loud noise was not limited to Lu Ze and the others looking over.

Even Suiyan and Ruxiong Dahan, who were fighting, temporarily stopped fighting and looked up at the secret realm.

"That is?"

Mo Qiancheng squinted his eyes, watching the opening of the secret realm slowly crack.

"The secret realm is about to open!"

I don't know whose voice came, and the group of people suddenly became excited.

After staying in this broken place for so many days, the secret realm is finally about to begin.

While the heavenly kings were exposed, they couldn't help but look dangerously at the people around them.

Mystery is a small problem.

After all, there are only so many secret realms opened every year.

How could every country send so many heavenly kings to guard this secret realm?

The problem is, this is a struggle between nations!

This is the warm-up for the World King Challenge!

Just like the big Russian bear.

He really has no brains.

But as a veteran king of heaven, he will not easily accept the challenge of others.

And why did he agree to Suiyan?
Play your own momentum!
Bring out the spirit of the country!
And to suppress the momentum of the Dragon Kingdom.

But what he didn't expect was that the kid Suiyan was so strong.

"Let's fight like this first, we are all sent by the country, the country is above everything else!"

The Russian Xiong Dahan reacted quickly, and took the super flame chicken back into the poke ball without the slightest hesitation.

What he meant was obvious, although what he said was righteous.

But the real purpose is to give up this battle.

He could tell that he might not be Sui Yan's opponent.

Rather than being ashamed in the end, it is better to take this opportunity to give up directly.

Sui Yan smiled and nodded in agreement.

Your own goal has been achieved, and the final result is no longer important.

After seeing Sui Yan like this, Russian Xiong Dahan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Thank you so much for this mystery.

I gave myself an excuse at a critical moment.

"How about it?"

The crowd gradually dispersed, and Sui Yan returned to the Long Kingdom's camp.

"Although I can't compare with you, there is still no big problem in the World King Challenge." Sui Yan said with a relieved smile.

Within a year, start cultivating from elf eggs and cultivate them to become a heavenly king-level strength.

To be honest, even with the full support of Lu Ze, energy cubes with various effects and so on.

But he and Lu Ze also had no confidence in being able to do it.

Especially now that their second team has not yet formed.

But it's fine now.

Suiyan and Lu Ze can already be confirmed.

Even without the beast, the two of them were able to make the list in the World King Challenge.

It's as simple as being on the list.

It's nothing more than challenging upwards one by one later.

The fear is not to make the list.

It will be annoying if you don't make the list.

At that time, you can't challenge directly, but you have to go through a series of certifications.

Most importantly, the consent of the challenged is required.

Like the No.90 nine kings in the last world king ranking.

King of an island nation.

People let out the words directly and did not accept anyone's challenge.

There's nothing you can do about it.

Even though he knew he was a persimmon, he just couldn't squeeze it.

So the goal of the two is very clear.

Entering the world king list is considered a success.

And now, after each of them has completed a battle test.

It still feels okay.

It can be done without a second team.

It's nothing more than a lack of tactical reserves.

"Let's go, let's have a look together."

After Mo Qiancheng packed his equipment, he also put on his schoolbag and sat on the steel armored crow.

If the secret realm is opened, it is still necessary to enter the secret realm as soon as possible.

The energy rating of this secret realm is much higher than the one around Chang'an City.

Even if he is a king trainer, he cannot be taken lightly.

"it is good."

Lu Ze and Sui Yan nodded at the same time, and then threw their elf balls at the same time.

Two fire-breathing dragons of different colors appeared in the field at the same time, which really attracted the attention of many people.

Although it was known at the World Youth Championship that both of them had a different-colored fire-breathing dragon.

But at that time, they really did not expect that the two young men would stand beside them so quickly.

"Set off."

As Mo Qiancheng's voice fell, five heavenly kings from Longguo and Lu Ze also rushed towards the secret realm in the sky.

"It seems that the opening of this secret realm should be today."

After the five of them came to the secret realm together, they happened to hear the King of Great Britain analyzing.

Lu Ze and Sui Yan also looked up.

However, the two of them have never seen the appearance of the secret realm when it was opened, so they don't understand how the person came to the conclusion just now.

"Is it about to start?"

Just ask if you don't understand, Lu Ze directly turned to Mo Qiancheng and asked.

"Well, you can tell by the size of the entrance to the secret realm. As long as it is opened to a normal size, it means that the secret realm has been opened."

As Mo Qiancheng spoke, he pointed to the secret realm that had been more than half opened and continued.

"The normal entrance to a secret realm is a circular hole. You can see that the opening of this secret realm is now in the shape of a fat oval, and it should be opened soon."


As soon as Mo Qiancheng finished speaking, the secret realm suddenly stirred, and a loud voice came again.

Then Lu Ze and Sui Yan saw the secret realm open directly, from a fat oval to a circular entrance.

"The secret realm has opened!"

With the sound of an unknown voice, everyone rushed into the secret realm in an instant.

Mo Qiancheng was no exception.


After packing up outside just now, he shouted to Lu Ze and Sui Yan, and rushed into the secret realm together with the other two heavenly kings of Long Kingdom.

"No, that's it?"

Sui Yan was a little at a loss, so he rushed in like this?

What about the plan?
What about the target?
Why is there nothing!
"Find me first after you go in!"

Lu Ze didn't hesitate either, and followed the fire-breathing dragon directly into the newly opened secret realm.

He didn't know if this secret realm would be like the one around Chang'an City, where people would be randomly separated after entering.

But he has already told Sui Yan.

If separated, go to him.

If it is not separated, then it is assumed that he did not say anything.


Sui Yan froze for a moment, but the fire-breathing dragon had no problem.

With Sui Yan, who was a little dazed, he directly entered the secret realm.

"It's really separated."

After entering the secret realm, Lu Ze murmured to himself looking at the grassland around him.

"So, what do you do after entering the secret realm?"

Lu Ze scratched his head, and started fighting after arriving.

After the fight, the mystery is opened.

Uncle Mo didn't tell him anything about the secret realm at all.

Lu Ze looked up and looked helplessly at the endless grassland.

On the prairie, the photosynthetic walking grasses looked up at the sudden human, and then narrowed their eyes serenely again.

The goats on mounts who were grazing were unmoved at all, as if they hadn't seen Lu Ze.

Lu Ze didn't care either, he was thinking now.

Where do you want to go first?

There was a strong vibration, and the walking grasses that were undergoing photosynthesis shrank their heads and entered the bottom instantly.

The goats on mounts and the lambs on mounts also fled in all directions with faces full of surprise.

The smelly flowers and trumpet buds panicked, and the shuttlecock grass and kapok balls that Lu Ze hadn't seen just now flew into the air one after another.

However, they did not choose to leave when they flew into the air, they just floated quietly in the air.

Just when Lu Ze was still wondering what they were doing, he suddenly felt waveguide energy from a large group of people on both sides in his waveguide.

Lu Ze looked up and saw thick smoke billowing from the left and billowing smoke from the right.

Lu Ze can clearly see through the thick smoke.

The one on the left is the buffalo with the explosive head, and the one on the right is Kentello.

If nothing else, this is a battle between two ethnic groups.

After seeing them like this, Lu Ze couldn't help but took a deep breath.

"Fire-breathing dragon, fly!"

Lu Ze was a little anxious.

But he was anxious for a reason.

The two leading buffaloes and Kentaro, if nothing else, are both king-level strengths.

And Lu Ze, their group behind them, didn't look too carefully, but he could also perceive that the seven or eight Pokémon behind the two leading Pokémon were all senior-level strengths.

Although Lu Ze can face this kind of strength.

But they didn't come here for him, so there was absolutely no need to do such thankless things.

After the fire-breathing dragon took off, Lu Ze watched the battle between the two groups.

The Afro-headed Buffalo Clan and the Kentaro Clan collided together.

Then began the battle of king against king, general against general, and soldier against soldier.

The mount goat, stinky flower and other Pokémon who fled in a panic just now are not too far away at this time.

They, the shuttlecock grass in the air, and the kapok balls are watching the battle together.

Thick smoke billowed in the battle, but the battle ended very quickly.

Basically, there were no Pokémon casualties, and both sides were on point.

They separated soon, and then walked slowly towards the direction they just came from.

After the buffaloes and Kentaro left, the grass turned green and yellow.

Then the walking grasses that had just been hidden appeared.

With the returned stinky flowers, trumpet buds, fallen shuttlecock grass and kapok balls, they are skillfully doing the aftermath work.

[Green Grass Field] is open.

Then [growth], [take root], [force of nature].

Soon the grassland was restored to what Lu Ze saw when he came here.

Lu Ze lay on the back of the fire-breathing dragon, watching the scene curiously.

What is the cause of the Afro-headed buffalo and the Kentaro group?
Could it be that they just came here to bump into each other?
Has become a habit?
Lu Ze was puzzled, but now is not the time to study this.

Find someone else first.

After Lu Ze patted the Charizard on the back, the Charizard left with Lu Ze.

But what Lu Ze didn't know was that under the grass where the buffalo and Kentaro fought just now, there was a green diamond-shaped gemstone that was shining even if it was buried in the soil.

Lu Ze sat on the fire-breathing dragon and left here directly in the direction of the buffalo.

Afro-headed buffaloes love water and generally stay near water sources.

If there is no accident, basically most people will choose to look near the water source first.

"no one?"

After coming to the lake, Lu Ze saw the buffaloes with explosive heads.

The afro-headed buffaloes are resting by the water with lazy faces.

There are some other Pokémon in the water.

For example, slow beasts, amphibious Pokémon such as Wubo.

There should be two Pokémon in the water, the King Carp and the Horned Goldfish, which can exist as long as there is water.

But Lu Ze didn't care about these, what he cared about was.

Is there no one near this water source?

Obviously they came in with so many people.

There are at least forty or fifty heavenly kings from various countries present.

This is not counting those "half-step kings".

It is the trainers of Pokémon with three or four king-level strengths in a team of Pokémon.

With so many people, how can you meet one or two near the water source?


Lu Ze thought for a while, unless the secret realm is very big.

In this way, it is not easy for people to gather together after they are scattered.

Just like the secret realm in Chang'an City back then.

Although they haven't entered the secret realm in Chang'an City since then.

But they have also heard that the secret realm is very big.

After seeing that there were no traces of humans at the water source, Lu Ze had no choice to stay here any longer.

Now that he didn't know what to do, he had better find Mo Qiancheng or the other two heavenly kings of their country.

If it doesn't work, find Suiyan first, and then follow Suiyan to find him.

There are too many heavenly kings coming in from the secret realm.

Although both he and Suiyan have divine beasts on them.

But two fists are no match for four hands, who knows if the other party has a divine beast on him or not.

This is a secret place.

In the presence of people from other countries.

The danger of rising stars like Sui Yan and him is very great.

Lu Ze continued to look for other places. Although there was no target, if he flew in one direction, he could always meet someone.



After Sui Yan on the other side came in behind Lu Ze, he didn't see Lu Ze's figure.

Without the external brain of Lu Ze, Sui Yan's brain also started to work.

"This secret realm should be similar to the one outside Chang'an City, randomly breaking up people."

"In that case..."

Remembering what Lu Ze said before entering the secret realm to find him, Sui Yan also made an instant decision.

"Charizard, let's go, let's find Lu Ze."


The fire-breathing dragon nodded, and then took off with Suiyan.

They didn't have the idea of ​​staying and taking a look first.

Since Lu Ze said to go to him first, then go to him first.

Wait until you find Lu Ze before proceeding to the next step.

Anyway, it's different now than when I entered the secret realm for the first time.

Not only has he become a heavenly king trainer now, but he is also protected by the divine beast Reshiram.

In this case, there is no need to worry about your own safety in this strange secret realm.

When you can guarantee your own safety, time is a small issue.


"Well, it's okay, let's go on, I just saw an old acquaintance."

The people in the dark glanced at the backs of Suiyan and the different-colored fire-breathing dragon, then smiled and continued to move towards their goal.

"He's here, won't you not come?"

There was a happy smile on the face of the Son of God.

I recommend a novel about beasts, which is similar in style to this book.

Very nice looking, highly recommended!

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