
The [Plasma Lightning Fist] of the Electric Shock Monster directly hit the Iron Claw Lobster.


The electric shock monster looked at the iron claw lobster that had not lost its fighting ability with a look of surprise.


My [Plasma Lightning Fist] was indeed able to take away the iron-clawed lobster that had resisted the [One Hundred Thousand Volts] forcefully just now!
Seeing the shocked expression of the monster, Iron Claw Lobster also showed a smile on his face.


The backhand [Crab Claw Hammer] hit the Electroshock Monster, and the Electroshock Monster was thrown upside down.


There was a dull landing sound, and the fallen electric monster didn't even struggle, and immediately lost its fighting ability.

Seeing this scene, Lu Ze couldn't help shaking his head.

Electric Shock Monster.

Still lost because of too little experience.

Although Iron Claw Lobster just joined the team not long before him.

But the iron claw lobster is a wild Pokémon, and it is not subdued after being hatched from an elf egg like the electric shock beast.

The iron claw lobster was just trying to trick the electric monster.

This is true whether it is the first reinforcement or the second reinforcement.

The first time he strengthened the attraction attack, as long as he didn't kill him in seconds, then his plan was half successful.

Immediately after the first reinforcement, the second reinforcement is given.

With the lesson learned that the first attack did not interrupt the reinforcement, if you choose a close-up attack for the second attack, you will hit the iron claw lobster's intention.

Close up is the [Crab Claw Hammer].

The [Crab Claw Hammer] with the twice-enhanced third-level attack power bonus is not something that ordinary Pokémon can block.

However, if the opponent does not choose to use melee attacks, but still chooses long-range attacks to harass.

Then the iron claw lobster will still fight as usual.

[Water jet] dash forward, and then [Crab Claw Hammer].

The reason is probably the same, and the operation process is almost the same.

Anyway, after this set, if the opponent hasn't fallen, then he is not far from falling.

Therefore, this method is generally used against opponents who are not easy to fight.

The Electric Shock Beast, whose attributes restrained him somewhat, was among the hard-to-beat opponents.

After seeing the electric monster fell to the ground, the iron claw lobster also showed a touch of excitement in its eyes.

After waving the pincers at Lu Ze, the iron claw lobster resisted the electric monster, and the two Pokémon went to the elf treatment center to recover.

"Is there anyone else to fight?"

After the Iron Claw Lobster left with the Electric Shock Beast, Lu Ze looked at the remaining Snorbeast and Forked Bat with a smile on his face and said.

Needless to say, the wind goblins and the others didn't come, and Lucario had just been sent to the elf treatment center.

The iron dumbbell is still stuck on a piece of ore, abaaaba.

Now there are only two forked bats and squirrels left.

Although Lu Ze also knew that the two of them could not fight, Lu Ze still wanted to see their reaction.


After the Kabimon and the cross-bat looked at each other, they both looked at Lu Ze with doubts.

Did you do it on purpose?
After seeing the two of them like this, Lu Ze couldn't help laughing.

"In this case, the battle of our team is over?"



Both the cross-word bat and the carby beast nodded.

The ranking of strength has almost come out.

Forked Bat is undoubtedly still number one.

The second is Snorkelling.

Apart from these two, Charizard, Electric Shock Beast and Iron Claw Lobster are about the same strength.

When it comes to real battles, it depends on who plays better.

And the onion rangers.

His strength is the worst in the first team.

But he is also the latest to join the team.

The strength of the first team is determined.

As for the second team...

The current strength gap between the two teams is too obvious.

Let's wait until the second team has all reached the strength of the king of heaven.

Lu Ze smiled, then turned his head to look at the battlefield on Suiyan's side.

The battlefield on Suiyan's side is now a battle between the fire-breathing dragon and the wind speed dog.

It looks like this should be the last battle on his side.

Besides Sui Yan's second team of Pokémon, there is only a Coal Turtle left beside Sui Yan.

The Coal Turtle Old God Zai Zai is obviously the same as the Snorlax, and basically did not participate in the internal battle.

But it is.

Suiyan's team is the sunny team.

And Coal Turtle is undoubtedly the big brother in Team Sunshine.

Among other things, the [Sunshine] characteristic alone makes him a different status from other Pokémon.

Not to mention that he is Suiyan's first Pokémon.

The battle between the wind speed dog and the charizard is going on...

To be honest, not very intense.

No way, the characteristic of the wind speed dog is [ignite fire].

This kind of civil war between fire-type Pokémon, his characteristics make the opponent's fire-type skills completely useless.

In this case, the fire-breathing dragon must be restrained.

Because he can only use flying and dragon skills to attack the wind speed dog.

Without super evolution, he has no dragon attribute, and the flying attribute does not have any powerful skills.

So after a while, the fire-breathing dragon shot directly.

What's the deal, there's no way.

The fire-breathing dragon looked at the grinning and happy wind speed dog resentfully and started to work.

The wind speed dog was not angry, straightened up and patted the back of the fire-breathing dragon with his paw.

The fire-breathing dragon rolled his eyes, and after slapping off the paw of the wind speed dog, he sat there and started to sulk.

The wind speed dog was rolling and laughing on the grass.


Lu Ze stepped forward, took a funny look at Feng Speed ​​Dog, and then asked Sui Yan.

"Well, it's over, I know their strength now."

Sui Yan looked at the laughing Pokémon in front of him with relief.

Although there are still a few in the elf treatment center who have not returned yet.

But that didn't stop him from being happy.

I thought Uranus was an unattainable goal.

But only found out now.

Not only has he become the king of heaven, but he also hopes to rank among the kings of the world.

"Wait, do you want us to have a match between the two teams?"

Seeing Sui Yan like this, Lu Ze suddenly felt a move in his heart.

It seems that I haven't had a battle with Suiyan for a long time, right?

After Sui Yan glanced at Lu Ze, he refused without hesitation.

What a joke, others don't know your current strength, how can I not know?

You just want to torture me.

I will not be fooled by you.

"Don't talk, and don't fool me, it is impossible for me to fight with you."

After Sui Yan waved his hand without hesitation, Lu Ze gave up this plan.

"If you don't come, you won't come, what's the matter?"

Seeing Lu Ze and Sui Yan like this, Tang Yunqin smiled at her aunt.

feel knocked...


Wait, what did I hit!

Tang Yunqin was shocked!
Knock off Lu Ze and Sui Yan's CP?

Get sick!
Tang Yunqin patted her head lightly, feeling like she was stupid.

Lu Ze wants to really and Sui Yan...

Suiyan has a girlfriend!
Tang Yunqin shook her head, and after throwing this thought out, she quickly changed the subject.

"Wealth is here just now, do you know that?"


Lu Ze and Sui Yan turned their heads at the same time, and looked at Tang Yunqin with doubts on their faces.

"Yes, after he came here, he saw you two having a team match, so he went over there to find Meng Fanxing first."

"oh, I see."

The two nodded at the same time again and said.

Tang Yunqin resisted the urge to knock in her heart, and left here in a hurry.

"Let's go find him together."

After Tang Yunqin said that, she hurriedly left here.

"What's the matter with her, why is she in such a panic?"

"I do not know."

Seeing Tang Yunqin like this, Lu Ze and Suiyan were also at a loss.

Tang Yunqin, what's the situation.

Although the two were puzzled, they still followed Tang Yunqin and went to find Fugui together.

"Yo, what is this for?"

"A date."

After the three found Fugui, they happened to see Fugui and Lu Zhengjie talking with each other shoulder to shoulder.

"You two have a date?"

Lu Ze was a little puzzled.

A few days ago, after Lu Zhengjie's last Pokémon Monkey successfully advanced to the level of a king, he officially advanced to become a trainer of the level of a king.

And rich...

If Lu Ze remembers correctly, his tyrannosaurus should not have reached the strength of a heavenly king, right?
"That's right, Master, I'm now a Heavenly King trainer!"

The little fat man Fugui held his head high and proudly said to Lu Ze.

If you don't have your own master, maybe you don't know how long it will take you to reach the strength of a heavenly king.

After all, my elder brother also belongs to the Sandstorm team, but he also has the strength of a king in his 30s.

If he followed the same path as his brother, he would probably become a trainer with the strength of a heavenly king at that time.

What's more, after he reached the Heavenly King level strength that day, he had a battle with his master.

Sure enough, his sandstorm team became stronger.

Even if his elder brother is already considered a veteran heavenly king, he is no longer his opponent.

Although there are also two quasi-gods in his team.

But after all, it is not his opponent.

This is the advantage that my master has brought to me.

Fugui was very grateful.

But he also has a little thought.

Challenge Lu Zhengjie first.

Only after defeating Lu Zhengjie can he challenge Suiyan.

After defeating Suiyan...

Hehehe, defeat Master!

This is his ultimate goal!
But he also knows that these three goals are very difficult.

It's okay for Lu Zhengjie to say, it's just attribute restraint.

But I have a sandstorm team improved by my master, so I am not very afraid of the fighting department.

The second Suiyan is more difficult.

First of all, Suiyan is also a system team.

If you fight him, you need to fight against the weather.

At the same time, Suiyan's strength is also very strong.

In terms of hard power, it is stronger than his Pokémon.

Another one, Suiyan's weather team is also an improved team.

Even with equal strength, he might not be able to gain any benefits when he meets Sui Yan.

After all, Sui Yan is now a permanent top [-] player in Pokémon Battle Masters.

All kinds of show routines emerge in endlessly.

In addition, there is no limit to four skills in reality.

That will be even more difficult.

Not to mention the last master of his own.

It's really dirty!
Dirty Routine ranks first in the master class of Pokémon battles.

Hard power also ranks in the top five.

If it weren't for the fact that Lu Ze doesn't go online often, 80.00% of the master trainers don't want to match him when he goes online.

After all, it's too disgusting to confront him!

But in reality.

His master's hard power is also very strong.

Even Fugui, a forked bat, doubted whether his team could stop it.

Forked bats are really all-powerful!
So versatile.

Although the attack surface of the skill is not very wide, and it is really not easy to hit rock-type Pokémon.

But what Lu Ze didn't know was that Fugui had been challenged by the forked bat.

When his sandstorm team had just achieved a small success and the cross-word bat hadn't broken through to the king-level strength.

As for the results...

Don't say anything.

Fugui looked at his master excitedly, but Lu Ze was looking at Lu Zhengjie.

To be precise, it should be Lu Zhengjie's Fiery Monkey.

"By the way, do you have any ideas on how to evolve the fiery monkey?"


As soon as Lu Ze finished speaking, everyone present couldn't help turning their heads to look at Lu Ze.

what are you saying?
Can the hot monkey still evolve?
Among the crowd, Hou Suiyan was a little thoughtful after being surprised.

In that case, Abandoned Monkey?
Sui Yan thought of the Abandoned Monkey he saw in the Noble Realm.

Abandoned Monkey is relatively withdrawn, so Sui Yan hasn't seen him much.

I only saw it once when I was subdued.

He also asked Lu Ze why this Pokémon looked a bit like a fiery monkey.

Lu Ze was busy subduing the elves at the time, but he didn't say anything after telling him that this Pokémon was called the Abandoned Monkey.

Sui Yan had almost forgotten about it, but now Lu Ze mentioned it again.

"You mean?"


Lu Ze nodded: "It's the Abandoned Monkey you asked me that day."

"Abandoned Monkey?"

Everyone questioned again.

"The Abandoned Monkey is an evolution of the Hot Monkey, but it needs to learn a new skill to evolve."

After Lu Ze explained to everyone, he asked Lu Zhengjie.

"You see if your fiery monkey is willing. If he is willing, I will take him to the Abandoned Monkey and let the Abandoned Monkey teach him."

Fighting-type and ghost-type Pokémon.

Apart from him, there is only Masha Duo.

To be honest, Forsaken World Monkey is not weak.

The Electric Shock Beast fought against the Forsaken Monkey.

The two are almost evenly matched.

From this we can see how strong the Abandoned Monkey is.

"Hot monkey, are you willing?"

Lu Zhengjie was also a little moved, so he turned to the fiery monkey and asked.

"Master, do you think my Pokémon can still evolve?"

Lu Ze was also a little amused seeing Fugui blinking at him disgustingly.

"Who else wants to evolve your Pokémon?"

"Master, look, the sea hare beast has two stages of evolution, do you think there is another stage of evolution on it?"

"By the way, there is also the armored bird. Does the armored bird also have one or two stages of evolution?"

Seeing Fugui's expectant eyes, Lu Ze opened his mouth.

"Um, maybe there is this."

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