Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 904 Tan Xiaoshi’s first battle, Asu’s silence

Lu Ze looked at the excited look on the young man opposite and touched his chin.


"Isn't it because of the battle that you have to let me come to Feiyi Gym?"

The young man's face fell.

The excitement just now is no longer there: "Brother, please, have a battle with me. They all think I'm a loser. I haven't had a decent battle for a long time."

Seeing the young man's mournful face, Lu Ze couldn't complain.

What you mean by this is that I look good?

"Okay, let's have a battle."

"But let's agree first. If I beat you, I can challenge Mr. Asou, right?"

"Yes, that's right!"

The young man once again regained his high-spirited look: "Although I am a bad guy, I am also a serious gym trainer!"

As the young man said, he directly took out his elf ball.

"Go ahead, Dragonfly!"


gender: female

Attributes: Bug, Flying
Features: Compound Eyes (The hit rate of own skills is increased.)
Qualification: blue

Basic skills: lightning flash, wind, silver whirlwind

Genetic skills: Drain, Feint, Signal Beam.

Lu Ze was silent for a moment as he looked at Dragonfly, who was a junior Pokémon.

Sure enough, people felt that his food was not unreasonable.

A dignified gym trainer...

never mind…

After Lu Ze shook his head helplessly, he silently put the wind fairy's elf ball back.

The Wind Fairy is now at the senior level (Gym level).

Taking it out to face the dragonfly on the opposite side is indeed a bit bullying.

"In that case, the decision is yours!"

Lu Ze said and threw the elf ball in his hand.

A Tanservant, who was also a junior Pokémon, appeared on the field.

After seeing Tan Xiaoshi, the young man's eyes lit up obviously.

Sure enough, the opponent I chose was right.

The same food as myself!

I don't know what happened to the Pokémon on the other side, but it doesn't look like a Pokémon from the Johto area.

But I should be fine.

After all, he is also a gym trainer!
But he is a flight trainer who was personally taught by Mr. Asu!
Seeing the excitement of the young man opposite, Lu Ze really didn't know what to say.

Fortunately, Tan Xiaoshi is currently in the basic stage, and his energy level has not increased much.

Otherwise, Tanchan would have already reached the strength of an intermediate Pokémon like Iron Dumbbell.

Lu Ze was unable to complain, but the young man opposite him was still excited.

After the referee called start, the young gym trainer commanded his dragonfly to attack Tan Xiaoshi.

"Dragonfly, lightning flashes!"

Dragonfly is still very fast, after all, it is a flying Pokémon, coupled with the speed of [Lightning Flash].

But this is not very fast for Tan Xiaoshi.

What is Tan Xiaoshi facing?
The iron warrior who was once a senior level, now a king level, and the pebbles thrown by Lucario.

They also said that they didn't expect Tan Xiaoshi to have the same perverted dodge ability as Sister Tou.

After all, the eldest sister has a special talent.

What they thought was that, at the very least, Tan Xiaoshi should have the reflexes and speed to avoid attacks.

Only in this way can we take the initiative in our own hands during the battle.

So facing Dragonfly's [Lightning Flash] Tan Xiaoshi didn't mean to panic.

"Get out of the way!"

Finally waiting for Lu Ze's command, Tan Xiaoshi turned sideways without hesitation and avoided the collision of Dragonfly.

For him, dodging and blocking attacks are the same.

But he is Lu Ze's Pokémon, and Lu Ze's command is the top priority during battle.

Likewise, he believed in Lu Ze's judgment.

Because of all the previous battles.

Lu Ze directs the battles of his seniors!

Tan Xiaoshi's eyes gradually brightened, and his heart became hot.

Is this what fighting feels like?
Surprisingly, it’s very good!

"Charcoal waiter, spark!"

Lu Ze was not surprised when he saw Tan Xiaoshi dodge Dragonfly's attack, and directly commanded Tan Xiaoshi to launch an attack as well.

"how is this possible!"

After hearing Lu Ze's words, the gym trainer reacted.

Was his Dragonfly's [Lightning Flash] so easily dodged?
how come?
It's easier to say that you are stronger than me.

They are obviously of the same strength, why did they avoid my attack like this!

But he didn't have time to think too much, because Tan Xiaoshi's attack had already arrived.

[Sparks] The dragonfly hit the sky, and a group of small red flower clusters unfolded in the air, very beautiful.

Dragonfly couldn't appreciate it, he always felt that this spark was not easy to hide.

Why do you feel so drifting?
"Dragonfly, use the signal beam!"

The trainer of the gymnasium reacted very quickly, and directly directed the dragonfly to use the [signal beam] to break the attack of the [spark].

The [Signal Beam] was released, directly penetrating the [Spark] just as the gym trainer expected.


"Hey? Where is Mr. Tan?"

After the [signal beam] fell, it only hit the open space.

But Tan Xiaoshi, who was still there just now, has disappeared.

"Energy storage flame attack!"

Lu Ze commanded calmly.

Although Tan Xiaoshi and Dragonfly appear to be at about the same level, there is indeed some gap in various aspects of combat experience.

After all, Tan Xiaoshi’s first official battle is probably this time.

But when he was training, he was often tricked by Iron Warrior, Lucario, and even Green Ranger.

After releasing [Spark], Tan Xiaoshi rushed directly towards Dragonfly.

At this time, Tan Xiaoshi was already under Dragonfly's body.

As Lu Ze's voice fell, Tan Xiaoshi bent his legs, his body was wrapped in black flames, and he directly hit the dragonfly above.

Tan Xiaoshi's attack was obviously beyond the expectations of gym trainers.

After all, he and Dragonfly had all focused on [Spark] just now.

He didn't even notice when Tan Xiaoshi came under Dragonfly's body.

[Charged Flame Attack] hit the front, and Dragonfly was directly knocked down by Tan Xiaoshi.

It crashed!
Tan Xiaoshi had no intention of stopping, and faced the dragonfly that landed on the ground and launched another attack.

[Charged Flame Attack] Crash again.

By the time the flames on Tan Xiaoshi's body disappeared, the dragonfly of the trainer in the gymnasium opposite had also lost his fighting ability.

"how is this possible?"

The gym trainer's eyes were blank.

Everyone is also at the beginning level of Pokémon strength. Why is your Pokémon so powerful?

Are you holding me down the whole time?

Is it really because I'm too good at it?

The gym trainer is in a state of sadness.Just when Lu Ze was hesitating whether to step forward to comfort him, the young man cheered up again.

"I will work hard with Dragonfly to become stronger!"

The gym trainer said as he put the dragonfly back into the poke ball.

"But are you sure you want to challenge Mr. Asou?"

The gym trainer looked at Lu Ze and said hesitantly: "Mr. Asu is very powerful, at least many times as strong as me."

The subtext of youth is already very obvious.

Although you are indeed stronger than me, Mr. Asu is stronger and you cannot defeat him.

"Why, I just said that if I beat you, I can challenge the gym leader."

Lu Ze glanced at the young man, with a narrow smile on his face: "You are not lying to me, are you? You are not a gym trainer?"

"how is this possible!"

The young man's face suddenly turned red: "I will take you to challenge Mr. Asu right now!"

The young man walked forward angrily: "But Mr. Asu is really powerful. Don't cry if you lose."

"Like you just now?"


After Lu Ze said something, the young man fell silent.

I didn't cry just now!
However, it seems that just now I looked like I was crying?

Young people are angry.

Hmph, wait a minute and let Mr. Aso make you cry!

Soon, the young man brought Lu Ze to a larger space.

Obviously, this is the venue for the Gym Challenge.

Because Lu Ze saw the audience in the auditorium.

Humans in the Pokémon world still like Pokémon battles very much.

So basically as long as there is a gym challenge, there will be spectators watching.

Of course, there are more people in gyms like Cerulean Gym where you can watch Pokémon battles and see legs.

"Is this the new challenger?"

Asu looked at Lu Ze who was brought up by the young man and asked excitedly.

The challenger just now was a bit weak. He was having so much fun, and the audience wasn't too excited about it either.

Just now he sent a message saying that someone else wanted to challenge him.

Then bring a wonderful battle to the audience present!
But this time I have to restrain myself and not use a Pokémon that is stronger than the challenger Pokémon.

Otherwise it would be really boring.

After Ah Su nodded to Lu Ze, he came to the gym leader's position and stood up.

"Please release the Pokémon from both players!"

After the referee on the side still said calmly, Lu Ze and Azoo were ready to send out their Pokémon.

"Mr. Aso, that gentleman's strength is not very strong."

After hesitating for a moment, the young man who was following Asu decided to say something to Asu.

With so many viewers, it would be too embarrassing to be beaten and cry.

Asu was stunned for a moment, then looked down at the young man next to him.

Asu still knows his strength.

Being able to make him say that he is not strong...

I guess it's because his strength is really not very strong.

Even if he defeated him, he should still be stronger than him.

After Asu nodded thoughtfully, he quickly exchanged the elf balls in his hands.

"Go, Bobo!"

In the end, Azoo chose Bobo, who was a mid-level Pokémon.

After all, young people’s Pokémon have primary Pokémon strength.

Those who can defeat him are still said to be weak, and they should be no more than intermediate-level Pokémon, right?
Ah Su smiled confidently, I am really an excellent gym trainer!
It’s decided, if you can get my approval, you can get the Flying Wings badge!
Asu said, then raised his head confidently, ready to tell the challenger the good news.

But when he raised his head, he froze.

and many more?

I must have read it wrong.

In front of Bobo, how could it be a frozen bird?

A Su was puzzled, after rubbing his eyes, he looked intently again.

Why is it still a frozen bird?
Asu was confused, and so was the young man next to him.

No, isn't he weak?
Why did you just take out the mythical beast?

Young people feel that they have not woken up yet.

This is a frozen bird!

This is the Three Divine Birds!
This is the Pokémon that their flying Pokémon trainers dream of!
How did it appear in the opponent's hand?

Compared with the confusion and confusion of Asu and the young man, the audience in the auditorium suddenly cheered after being stunned for a moment.

Who could have imagined that it was just an ordinary gym challenge!
You can actually see the mythical beast appear!
The audience cheered, but Lu Ze looked a little silent when he looked at Bobo in front of the little Frozen Bird.

It should be what the young man said in front of Aso just now.

I didn't expect you to be so nice.

Lu Ze was a little helpless.

It was originally planned to let the little frozen bird appear last.

Just leave after the battle is over.

As a result, Little Frozen Bird couldn't wait any longer, so he let her appear directly.

However, Bobo, who is of intermediate strength...

Looking at Bobo shivering in front of the little frozen bird, Lu Ze didn't know what to say.

"Battle begins!"

The referee wanted to laugh a little at this time.

But rules are rules, no matter what Pokémon the opponent is using.

As the gym leader, you cannot actively change Pokémon.

Asu's face darkened and he glanced at the referee, but there was nothing he could do.

After all, that's the rule.

"Bobo, use the air blade!"

After Asu took a deep breath, he also gave an attack command to Bobo.

The trembling Bobo also summoned up the courage to shoot [Air Blade] at the little Frozen Bird.

Facing the attack from Bobo [Air Blade], Little Frozen Bird turned his head to look at Lu Ze in a panic.

Commander, what’s next?
Little Frozen Bird was a little panicked. Didn't you give orders to Tan Xiaoshi just now? Why didn't you stop talking when you came to my place?
Lu Ze opened his mouth, really not knowing how to command.

[Air Blade] hit the little Frozen Bird, but it is obvious that the little Frozen Bird is still looking at Lu Ze anxiously.

Bobo's [Air Blade] just now did not cause any damage to the little frozen bird.

"Okay, use fine snow!"


The little Frozen Bird nodded excitedly, then turned around and used the [Snow] attack on Bobo.

"Bobo loses his ability to fight, please ask the Gym Master to replace the Pokémon!"

Under the [fine snow], Bobo was taken away without any surprise.

The referee did not hesitate and announced the result directly.

Azoo looked ugly and took his Bobo back into the elf ball.

After glaring at the young man next to him, he was ready to send out his second Pokémon.

Is this what you mean by lack of strength?

Is the mythical beast Frozen Bird not strong?
You came to see my joke!
After Aso took another deep breath, he sent out his second Pokémon.

"Go, Owl!"


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