Chapter 907


The little frozen bird seemed to have discovered something, and plunged into the water.

However, Lu Ze in Little Frozen Bird was shocked.

Hey, what is this for?
You don’t know how to dive, what should I do if you take me with you!

Fortunately, just when Lu Ze was shocked, he saw a silver-gray figure suddenly appear from the water.

"This is Lugia?"

Lu Ze stared blankly at Lugia, who spread his huge wings in the sky.

It seems that I haven't used the Silver Feather yet.

But Lugia didn't seem to be rushing towards Lu Ze.

Lugia, who was flying in the air, looked at the little Freeze Bird and frowned.

Did Frozen Bird give birth?
When did this happen?
How could he not know.

Moreover, this human in the little frozen bird?

Lugia's attitude towards humans is not very good, it can only be regarded as ordinary.

Of course, except Xiaozhi and the others.

After all, Lugia also experienced several theater versions with Xiaozhi.


"Lugia asked Little Freeze why he came here."


"Little Frozen Bird said he came to see his mother."


"Lugia asked Little Frozen Bird what's going on with the human in you."

"Hello, Rogia."

After listening to Lucario's translation and Lugia mentioning him, Lu Ze also quickly stood up.

After seeing Lugia's eyes shift to him, Lu Ze told everything about his encounter with the little frozen bird.

"You said you tamed the little Frozen Bird?"

After hearing that Lu Ze took the little Frozen Bird back into the Poke Ball in order to take the little Frozen Bird into the city, Lugia's eyes suddenly revealed a dangerous aura.

But before Lugia could make a move, Deoxys stood directly in front of Lu Ze.

"It's not what you think."

Lu Ze had a headache, knowing that it was difficult to explain.

However, the current situation still needs a serious explanation.

"It's like this, because there is Team Rocket, you know, bad guys among humans, they will steal the legendary Pokémon, and receive the Poke Ball to prevent him from being discovered by Team Rocket."

Under Lu Ze's explanation and Deoxys' pressure, although Lugia was still unhappy, she still recognized Lu Ze's statement.


"He said, can you release the little frozen bird now?"

"of course can."

Although Lu Ze was a little reluctant to give up, he still took out the Little Frozen Bird's elf ball.

After all, we had already made an agreement with Little Frozen Bird from the beginning.

Although we did have some feelings for each other during the past few days.

But now that the destination has been reached, it's time to separate.

After Lu Ze took out Little Frozen Bird's Poké Ball, Little Frozen Bird obviously realized something and quickly shook his body twice.


"Little Frozen Bird asked, where is his mother."

Hearing Lucario's words, Lu Ze felt a little heartbroken.

Frozen Bird is probably gone.

I don’t know if the little frozen bird can accept it.

After Lugia glanced at Lu Ze warily, he gently began to explain to the little Frozen Bird.

"Your mother is sorting out the current and weather conditions over there. Let's go find her later, but we can only watch them and not disturb their work, okay?"


Little Frozen Bird nodded excitedly.

Lu Ze was a little stunned after hearing Lucario's translation.


It seems to be different from what you imagined?
Combing the water flow?
It seems that it is also the work of the three divine birds.

"Well, can I come with you and take a look?"

Lu Ze looked at Lugia's wary eyes and asked quickly.

"After all, I said I would send her to find her mother, but I haven't seen her mother yet."


"He said, are you doubting him?"

Lu Ze looked at Lugia's dangerous eyes and shook his head without fear: "I don't doubt your intentions. The main thing is to see the three divine birds."

After Lugia looked at Lu Ze, he nodded and turned around.

Little Frozen Bird happily led Lu Ze and followed Lugia.

Lu Ze lay next to the little Frozen Bird's ear, feeling helpless: "I destroyed the elf ball, and you will be free again. Why don't you let me destroy it."

Just when he was about to destroy the elf ball, it was the little Frozen Bird who stopped him, so Lu Ze didn't destroy it.

Little Frozen Bird said that he could wait until he saw his mother together before destroying it.

Lu Ze didn't know what Little Frozen Bird was thinking, but he could only agree to her.

After all, what I said at the beginning was to take her to find her mother.

Now that her mother is not gone as she thought, she naturally has to find her mother.

In this way, the little Frozen Bird took Lu Ze, followed Lugia and flew towards the inside of the Whirlpool Islands.

In a short while, Lugia led them to the place where the Three Divine Birds worked.

Watching the three divine birds in the sky that are constantly changing the weather and changing the direction of the ocean currents below, the little Frozen Bird is also very happy.

She finally met her mother.

However, the little frozen bird is also very sensible and knows that his mother is working, so he is not in a hurry to rush forward.

Even so, the constant flapping of her wings still revealed her inner excitement.

It was nothing more than the little Frozen Bird being so excited. After all, it had been a long time since he had seen his mother.

If he didn't rush up immediately, it was because Little Frozen Bird was more sensible.


"Lugia said, just wait for a while, and today's work is almost over."


Little Frozen Bird also nodded excitedly, and then led Lu Ze to land on a relatively large reef.

Lu Ze also shook his head helplessly when he saw the little Frozen Bird personally grabbing his Poké Ball in his hand.

Little Frozen Bird can’t bear to part with it either.

After all, the little Frozen Bird really had a lot of fun these two days.

Lu Ze didn't mean to be in a hurry, so he sat on a relatively dry reef and began to wait.

It's getting late now, so it should be over in a while.

Now, of course, it’s better to take care of your belly first.

After Lu Ze sat down on the rock, he took out some biscuits that the little frozen birds liked to eat from his backpack.

I also took out some fruits and started eating them.


Lugia turned his head inadvertently and saw Lu Ze and Little Frozen Bird eating happily over there.

And after seeing what the little frozen bird was eating, Lugia was also a little stunned.

Didn't Hupa say there is no more?

Why are there still little frozen birds there?
Is that human?
After Lugia hesitated for a moment, he stepped forward and asked Lu Ze.

"He asked you where you bought this cookie."

Lugia was very curious. The cookies Hupa sent last time were delicious.But it's just a little too little.

I finished eating it in just two days and asked people to buy it, but they didn't buy anything delicious.

Although those little biscuits were okay, they were not that delicious.

And the biscuit that Little Frozen Bird ate just now was obviously exactly the same as the biscuit that Hupa sent that day.

So Lugia couldn't help but be curious, and came up to ask Lu Ze where he bought it from.


Lu Ze looked at the cookie in his hand: "I made this myself, what's wrong?"

"you made it yourself?"

"You know Hoopa?"

Lugia is a bit incredible.

Do you want to do it for a long time or be your own person?
"Yeah, I participated in a big battle with Hupa last time."

Lu Ze smiled, then looked at Lugia and said deliberately.

If I remember correctly, in the theatrical version of Hoopa, it was Lugia who took the lead at first.

However, the one who liberated Hupa in the back didn't have martial ethics. He couldn't defeat Lugia and sent Lugia back directly.

Then Lu Ze came with the black Rayquaza and Latios.

If this Lugia is really that Lugia, then it will be easier to handle once there is a relationship.

As expected, Lugia felt happy after hearing this.

"Are you the Ozawa who Hupa said came to help them with Black Rayquaza, Latios, and Latias behind him?"


Lu Ze nodded, but Lugia tilted his head again and looked behind Lu Ze.

"But why didn't I see the black Rayquaza and Latios?"

"They didn't come."

After Lu Ze smiled bitterly, he explained the reason to Lugia.

"Oh, so that's what it is."

Lugia nodded clearly, it turns out he came from another world.

Just tell me why I have never seen the black Rayquaza.

"Come, let's eat something together."

"Thank you then."

After Lugia showed a smile to Lu Ze, he also landed on the reef.

Once there is a relationship link, the relationship will naturally become much closer.

Lugia was not polite and answered Lu Ze's questions one by one while eating.

Little Frozen Bird's mother came here because the ocean currents need to be reorganized every once in a while.

And this is the node, so after sorting out the ocean currents here, the ocean currents in other places will also change.

As for the reason why I didn't bring the little Frozen Bird, it might be because the mother of the Frozen Bird gave birth to the little Frozen Bird without telling Lugia, so I didn't bring it with me.

This is why Lugia was so shocked after feeling the breath of the little frozen bird.

"Do you know where Dialga and Palkia are?"

"not sure."

Lugia shook his head. He didn't know the traces of the two time and space gods.

After all, one can travel through space and the other can travel through time. Their whereabouts are indeed a bit difficult to find.


Lu Ze nodded helplessly, and he could only find it slowly by himself.

Really tired.

Lu Ze was a little helpless. These two were really hard to find.

Not only this world, but also the world in which I live.

Lu Ze, who has seen so many mythical beasts, has never seen Dialga and Palkia.

The first time they met, they were sent to a different world.

Who can do anything about this?

After asking the questions that matter most to you, the rest is just chatting.

Time passed quickly, and the mother of the frozen bird had finished her day's work and flew towards them quickly.

She naturally felt it when the little frozen bird came over.

But this job requires the cooperation of the three of them, so she can't leave directly.

Fortunately, today's work ended quickly.

The moment it ended, the mother Frozen Bird flew towards the little Frozen Bird.

The little Frozen Bird also sensed its mother, and got up and flew towards the Frozen Bird mother.

The two frozen birds hugged each other in the air and soon started flying with each other.

Lugia and Lu Ze looked at this scene with smiles on their faces on the rocks.

Mother and daughter reunited.

very nice.

"It seems it's time for me to leave."

After Lu Ze watched for a while, he saw the happy smiles on the faces of the two frozen birds, and turned to Lugia and said.

He didn't want to wait to say goodbye to the little Frozen Bird again.

Not to mention that Little Frozen Bird might be a little reluctant to let go, let’s just say that he himself was a little reluctant to let go.

It’s better not to say goodbye and just leave.

As Lu Ze said that, he glanced at the little frozen bird in the sky, smiled at Lugia, and then motioned to Deoxys to take him away.


Deoxys nodded, and then under Lugia's gaze, he took Lu Ze and used [Teleportation] to leave here.

It seemed that the spatial fluctuation of [teleportation] alarmed the little Frozen Bird, and it also seemed that Lu Ze's departure made the little Frozen Bird feel it.

The little frozen bird quickly turned his head and looked at the reef.

But now only Lugia is left on the reef.

"Where's Lu Ze?"

The little frozen bird was a little panicked, and quickly flew to Lugia's side and asked Lugia.

Lugia was silent for a moment, but decided to tell the truth: "Lu Ze said he didn't want to experience separation, so he was taken away by Deoxys."

"Why is he like this?"

The little frozen bird looked around anxiously for Lu Ze's figure.

But with Deoxys's strength, the [teleportation] distance can completely appear directly outside their field of vision.

Little Frozen Bird didn't find Lu Ze's figure, and stared blankly at the sea.

Apart from his mother, he is the only one who spends the most time with him.

But, why did you leave as soon as you said you were leaving?

Little Frozen Bird was a little sad, staring blankly at the luxurious ball in his hand, with a tear falling from the corner of his eye.

It condenses into ice and then falls on the rocks, becoming crystal fragments.



Lu Ze on the other side couldn't hold on anymore after being led by Deoxys several times to [teleport].

Lying down on an unknown island, he vomited out all the cookies and fruits he had just eaten.

"By the way, if I get married here, my offspring won't inherit my constitution."

After vomiting, Lu Ze lay on the grass with a thoughtful look on his face.

The physical fitness of the people in Xiaozhi's world is better than that of the people in Lu Ze's world.

So if people from two worlds combine, will the child born have lower physical quality in this world?

After Lu Ze calmed down for a while, he stood up again.

After glancing in the direction of the little Frozen Bird, a faint smile appeared on his face.

"Then, let's start the gym tour in the Kalos area!"

(End of this chapter)

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