Chapter 93 DEAS
It took Lin Yao a long time to draw the storyboard of the promotional film.

Although the duration of the promo is very short.

But it is also because of the short duration.

She thought about it for such a long time, because she had to squeeze in as much information as possible in a short period of time.

The process was quite torturous.

However, it was finally done.

Lin Yao is also very satisfied with the storyboard she drew.

And the other side.

After Zhong Xiu got Lin Yao's planning book and original painting, he immediately summoned the engine team—or more accurately, the production team. Right now, the engine team doesn't have relevant technicians. They are also getting familiar with the engine, although it is called the engine group, but in fact it is essentially a production group.

In short.

Zhong Xiu called the people under his command for a meeting, and then told them that he planned to make an FPS, and then gave them the planning book and the original painting.

After getting a general familiarity with the engine, the members of the engine team who were eager to try it immediately became excited when they saw the planning book and the original painting.

Look at the gameplay in this planning book.

Look at this zombie.

Look at this matrix.

Look at this mercenary.

Shouldn't this be done immediately to open the eyes of the players?Give yourself a refreshment too?
The enthusiasm of the engine team members is unprecedented!
These are professionals who are familiar with other engines on the market and have been in the game production industry for a long time.

They all have ideals.

Now we have a clear direction, an excellent engine, and an excellent original painting.

Everything is there.

Just waiting for them to make the game out.

But now the domestic 3D game market is very sluggish, and foreign 3D stand-alone games are booming again. They have also tried to prove their ideas.

Of course the enthusiasm is high.

This is also something that Zhong Xiu did not expect.

He who was originally the most enthusiastic had to calm down, and began to suppress the people under him, telling them not to get too excited...

The picture suddenly became weird...

And after the meeting.

The people in the engine group devoted themselves to work with enthusiasm.

High efficiency.

Even Zhong Xiu was a little surprised.

But it didn't take long for him to be surprised, and he plunged into the game production...

This kind of enthusiasm from the bottom to the top, the final result is that the work efficiency is extremely high.

a week.

They touched the map of Desert 1, and then Zhong Xiu called Lin Yao to go through it from the perspective of No. 1 to see where there are problems and where elements need to be modified or added.

Lin Yao went over to read it several times, and then asked a few questions, and Zhong Xiu and the others began to revise it enthusiastically.

However, making maps is fast, and character modeling is relatively slow. Unlike map stacking, it does take a little longer.

But overall, it's still pretty fast.

Lin Yao was also surprised by this.

After all, the studio used to be a turn-based game, and it is really rare to have such a speed when suddenly switching to 3D games.

But she figured it out quickly.

Some people in the previous life could use a professional engine to create a decent FSP game by themselves.

What's more, this is a team, still in the embryonic stage of online games, full of ideals.

No wonder it's not fast.

Figured this out.

Lin Yao didn't continue to struggle, and directly gave the storyboard she drew to Zhong Xiu, asking him to see if he could send someone out to try to make a promotional video during the production of the game.

Zhong Xiu got the storyboard given by Lin Yao, and after watching it, he immediately pushed out the people who had prepared long ago, chanting something like 'what are you waiting for if you don't make it soon'.

Then Lin Yao also got busy.

Because she drew the storyboard of the promo, she knows best what effect to achieve, and only she knows.

In the high enthusiasm of Linmu Studio.

Time flies.

Soon, it will be cold dew.

Autumn has reached the fifth solar term, and the climate begins to change.

"Fantasy OL" is also in the third month after the server version.

Monthly revenue officially exceeded [-] million!Without the bonus of server battle and three-world martial arts competition, it has exceeded [-] million!
This number once again caused a gasp in the conference room.

That is to say, Linmu Studio is not listed. If it is listed, and these data are disclosed to the outside world, it is estimated that more people will be breathless.

And at the meeting.

Chen Qiuwen, the current chief planner of "Fantasy OL", has thoroughly figured out the situation of "Fantasy OL" after two months of training. He took the initiative to propose to start the service battle and the three-world competition again, and then normalize these two activities. Held once a month.

Lin Yao had no opinion on this and agreed.

That's what she thought.

It just happens to test the ability of the new planning team to withstand pressure.

After the discussion of "Fantasy OL" came to an end, the next step was to discuss how to spend the money.

Lin Yao paid back the last sum of money she got from Linmu Financial Holdings, and she didn't plan to put the remaining money in the bank for interest. Now Linmu Studio is very small, and "Fantasy OL" is still making money There is no need to keep too much cash, which is not good for the development of the studio.

She plans to use the money to expand her business, simply by recruiting multiple project teams.

And for this.

No one objected.

In fact, no one can object to...

The meeting ends.

Mu Wanqing stood up and said:
"Lin Yao, I found one of the publicity channels you asked me to pay attention to."

Mu Wanqing pushed the glasses on the small bridge of her nose, and picked up the documents.

Some time ago, Lin Yao specially asked her to pay attention to the award competitions with high exposure in the market.

She paid special attention to it.

"What?" Lin Yao looked at her expectantly.

"DEAS, the annual summit of the digital entertainment industry, is a summit supported by the General Administration of Press and Publication. At the beginning, it was only a conference dedicated to discussing the direction and technology of games. But later, the organizer saw that the popularity was good, so they added awards for the game field. , including the best online game of the year, the best 3D game, the best stand-alone game, etc. One of the awards is very special. , let the game company and professional jury and the audience judge together, and then choose the most anticipated game.

Because there are many people who pay attention to it, DEAS has a good influence and has a certain market orientation, so the publicity effect should be good. "


After listening to Mu Wanqing's description, Lin Yao suddenly remembered the Golden Feather Award that she didn't know how to complain about in her previous life...

It can't really be the Golden Feather Award, can it?

If it's that thing, participate in the fart...

"Well, but..."

Mu Wanqing hesitated for a moment, then continued: "Although the award for the most anticipated game has not been clearly stated, the participants have always been independent games or stand-alone games, and online games are not involved, because most of the game companies in the judging panel are online games. The company, whether it is for the sake of fairness or disdain, is a kind of unspoken rule, and players have always thought that it is a display award specially set for the sluggish domestic stand-alone market."

"That's it."

Lin Yao nodded. It seemed that it was not the Golden Ling Award. She thought about it and asked, "Are the professionals on the jury panel good?"

"It's amazing, otherwise I wouldn't be able to be a judge. If you need it, I can find a list for you."

"Then let's send our promotional video to participate. In fact, we can also be a stand-alone player. There is no single-player mode for a stand-alone player..."

Lin Yao thought for a while and decided to participate.

Biochemical mode is very different from online games on the market, both in terms of texture and gameplay.

And it just happens to show the direction and technical strength to domestic stand-alone authors.

Lin Yao wanted a platform to showcase games.

There is an element of showing off skills, but the most important reason is... wanting to recruit more powerful people.

And this DEAS looks very suitable, players pay attention, and there are many professionals.

"……I understand."

Mu Wanqing thought about it, nodded, and agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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