Xia do not stay

Chapter 154

Chapter 154
Lin Kun, the god of the Fengbu, was sitting in the carriage, rushing to the East Palace to attend the wedding banquet.

When he thought that Qin Rushuang was going to marry the prince, he felt a little happy, but it was a pity that Gu Yang was not dead yet.

The car moved forward slowly, and suddenly the carriage stopped.

The driver did not know when he passed out.

The next moment, Lin Kun's figure appeared on the roof of the car. Looking to the west, he felt a strong aura locked on him from afar, and the other party was also a master.

Lin Kun sneered coldly, he was a man of great skill and boldness, he flew towards the west in the air, his red hair fluttering like a ball of fire.

Soon he came to the outskirts and floated down, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"It's you?"

Obviously he knew this master.


The other party uttered the Buddha's name, revealing a shiny bald head under the moonlight.

The divine monk Xuanji held the Jiulong Zen staff in his hand, looked at Lin Kun and said, "Benefactor Lin, the old monk wants to discuss Buddhism with you."

Lin Kun sneered and said, "Gu Yang asked you to come here?"


Xuanji didn't hide anything and said: "I received a message from Feige in Shaolin, he asked the old monk to hold you back for a while."

"How long?"

"A stick of incense."

Lin Kun laughed loudly when he heard the words: "What can a stick of incense do? What's more, besides me, there are other three great gods here. Could it be that Gu Yang can find three more masters?"

"The old monk doesn't know."

Lin Kun's smile restrained, his eyes turned cold: "Your Excellency is also a dignified monk, why bother to take this muddy water?"

Xuanji sighed: "It's only my fault that the old man owes Gu Xiaozi a favor, not to mention the young man's stubbornness. If the old monk doesn't come, I'm afraid he will pull out my beard."

Speaking of this, Xuan Ji still stroked his thinning beard with lingering fear.

"Hmph, does Shaolin really want to make an enemy of the imperial court because of Gu Yang?"

Xuanji was neither humble nor overbearing, and said, "Of course I don't dare."

"But you're still here."

"The old monk will not attack, even if Master Lin makes a move, he will never fight back."

Lin Kun smiled and said: "Although you are ranked above me in the local list, you still want to stop me if you don't make a move?"

Xuanji didn't answer any more, but put his palms together and said, "Amitabha."

As his words fell, the sky and the earth were filled with golden light, and the sound of Sanskrit sounded like wisps. A huge golden bell engulfed Lin Kun and him at the same time. Profound Sanskrit words flowed on the golden bell, full of Zen.

"Golden Bell Cover Divine Art?"

Xuanji sat down cross-legged, his body was also covered by a small golden bell, just enough to cover him completely, he had a solemn treasure appearance, with Buddha's light on his back, and he started to recite the Diamond Sutra in a low voice.

Lin Kun said angrily: "Do you really think I can't break your tortoise shell?"

The red fire in his hand was flowing, and the gas from the fire between the sky and the earth turned into a furnace, intending to refine this indestructible golden bell.


Xu Changfeng, the god of the forest department, was walking on the street. He was dressed in plain white shirt, full of energy, and his hair was combed meticulously.

Among the four great catchers, he has the worst background and the lowest strength, but he is the one who works the hardest.He likes to walk rather than take a carriage or go up and down. For him, walking like an ordinary person will make his mind extra peaceful.

He was walking to the East Palace.

In fact, he didn't want to go, he wanted to go for a walk, or meditate, but His Majesty had an order, so he dared not refuse.

Suddenly, he stopped.

A figure of Shengxue in white clothes stood in front of him. It was a handsome young man with no wrinkles on his snow-white clothes, his hair was tied with a jade crown, and he carried a violin case on his back, like a Zhilan Yushu. Xu Changfeng was most impressed by him. s eyes.

Those are a pair of extraordinarily warm and peaceful eyes. When you see them for the first time, the four words "gentleman is like jade" will pop up in your mind. Subconsciously, you will want to be friends with him, drink a cup of tea, and listen to an ancient Songs, or talk about poetry and songs.

In short, you would never want to confront such a person with swords, his warm eyes seem to wash away the quack spirit in you.

But Xu Changfeng knew that the visitor was not kind.

He stared closely at the violin box behind the man, there was something in it that made him deeply afraid, and he even vaguely heard the ancient dragon and phoenix singing together.

The Divine Soldier Fuxiqin!
Nangong Xuan said with a smile: "I have heard for a long time that Senior Xu likes rhythm, and I have a piece of music below. I would like to invite Senior to listen to and comment on it. I don't know how Senior Xu likes it?"

Xu Changfeng took a deep look at him and said, "How long?"

"A stick of incense."

"Hey, the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. Back then, the old man didn't have your courage. Anyway, just go and listen."


Back to half a month ago, Gu Yang and Qin Liang conspired in prison.

Qin Liang carefully looked at the three letters again, pointed to one of them and said: "Brother Gu, Jingxin should be able to convince the monk Xuanji, and Nangong Xuan will definitely come here with Fuxiqin, but this last letter... ...can it really be done?"

Gu Yang smiled lightly: "The strongest fortress is often broken from the inside."


Huang Xuanzun was stopped before he went out.

Or it was blocked by something, it was a turtle shell full of traces of time, with many mysterious lines on it.

Lingbing Turtle River Picture!
Huang Xuanzun hesitated for a moment, but chose to rush to the treasure house with six doors.

When he came to the door of the treasure house, he sighed softly with complicated eyes.

Brother Zhuge's stunning talent is not inferior to Brother Qin's. Three people contributed the most to His Majesty's victory over the barbarian king Wu Xinglie back then. One is Qin Xiao, who is the current King of Qin.

One was Danyang, who was once the number one general in His Majesty's army. Unfortunately, Danyang was later defeated by Wu Xinglie, and finally died of serious injuries and died young.

The last one was Brother Zhuge, who was later named the head of the Four Gods by His Majesty, and commanded the strongest Fire Department. Unfortunately, the Fire Department suffered heavy casualties, and His Majesty punished Brother Zhuge to guard the treasure house, and he was not allowed to take a step for ten years.

Huang Xuanzun walked into the treasury, saluted and said, "Brother Zhuge invited me, what is the matter?"

Zhuge Wu lay on the grand teacher's chair, and said with a smile: "Can't we talk to old friends if we have nothing to do?"

Huang Xuanzun said with a wry smile: "Of course I can, but His Majesty ordered me to go to the East Palace. Brother Zhuge, can you wait for a while?"

Zhuge Wu sat up suddenly, looked at him quietly, and slowly uttered four words.

"Your Majesty has changed."

Huang Xuanzun's body shook, he looked around, and said sharply: "Brother Zhuge, do you know what you're talking about?"

Zhuge Wu smiled brightly, and said: "Don't worry, the moment you stepped into this door, the Guihe Map has sealed the treasure house, and there are my Eight Formation Maps around, even Your Majesty will never hear it."

Huang Xuanzun breathed a sigh of relief.

"Xuanzun, I believe you have also noticed how talented and generous your majesty was before, and the reason why brother Qin and I were willing to go out to assist your majesty was because you felt that your majesty not only has the style of being a master, but also values ​​love and righteousness."

Zhuge Wu sighed: "Later, His Majesty fought Wu Xinglie in a decisive battle. Although he won, he was seriously injured. Since then, His Majesty has gradually changed. He no longer cares about the governance of the country, and he doesn't care about the life and death of the people. .”

"Just like this time, His Majesty forcibly bestowed a marriage. If Qin Xiao was forced to turn against him, it would be another catastrophe, but His Majesty didn't seem to care at all. Such extreme actions are not at all like His Majesty."

Huang Xuanzun was silent.

Zhuge Wu went to the window, opened it, let the night wind blow in, his long hair moved slightly, and looked at the palace.

"The long wind starts at the end of Qingping. I want to take advantage of Gu Yang's wind to blow away the layers of fog and see why His Majesty has changed."


Eastern Palace Banquet.

This was a strange wedding. Many civil and military officials came, but His Majesty, King Qin, and even none of the four great gods came.

But the auspicious time had come, and at the urging of the queen, the wedding still began.

The Minister of Rites presided over it himself.

"Scattered Bean Valley!"

The eunuch at the door immediately sprinkled beans, and later let the bride step over, symbolizing auspiciousness.

"The newcomer enters the hall with a towel!"

Wearing a festive wedding dress, with an unstoppable smile hanging from the corner of his mouth, the prince came leading the red silk, and the other end of the red silk was held in the bride's hand.

This is the concentric knot, which symbolizes the unity of the husband and wife and the unwavering love.

The bride covered her face with a red veil, dressed in a phoenix coronet and a rosy robe, with a slender figure, moving lightly with lotus steps, across the bean valley in front of the door.

However, one person stood in front of the couple.



"Take this person down!"

The guards drew their swords one after another, and the festive atmosphere of the wedding disappeared for a while.

The man raised his head, took off his bamboo hat, and revealed a handsome face.

"It's Gu Yang!"

"This killing star has come out!"

"Where is the catcher?"


The smile on the prince's face froze, he didn't expect that Gu Yang would really dare to come, and what frightened him even more was that none of the four great gods came!

"You...what are you going to do?"

Gu Yang smiled slightly, and said: "The invitation you gave is naturally to attend the wedding."

After a pause, Gu Yang patted his head and said, "I came here in a hurry, and I forgot to bring a gift. It's okay, I'll give you one on the spot."

"Give... what?"

"Send you on your way."

The next moment, the Chilong Sword uttered a loud and clear sword cry, and the red sword light was like a sickle of death, and it cut across the prince's neck with a sword.

The crown prince's head fell to the ground, and he never thought until his death that Gu Yang would really dare to kill him, dare to kill him, the crown prince of the Song Dynasty!
Gu Yang stepped on the crown prince's head, blood dripping from the long sword in his hand, facing the swaying blades and those fearful eyes, he laughed loudly.

"The crown prince is dead, I chopped it down, now Gu is leaving, who wants to stop me?"

(About Qin Rushuang, everyone, don’t rush to draw conclusions. How can a strange woman who dares to shoot at Shen Yuan give in so easily? You will know in the next chapter. In addition, Gu Yang finally broke out and killed the prince with his sword. If you see If it’s okay, I hope to vote for support, thank you~)

(End of this chapter)

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