Xia do not stay

Chapter 281

Chapter 281

Just when the city gate was about to open.

A voice suddenly sounded, although it was old, it had a resolute temperament, as rustic as gold and stone.

"The city gate cannot be opened!"

An old woman stood on the city wall at some point, and said loudly.

She was wearing a black robe, her hair was as white as frost, and her face was full of signs of age, except for her eyes, which were deep and bright.

Cui Jue frowned, and said: "So it's Mrs. Yang, why are you here?"

Although Mrs. Yang is a woman, she joined the army with her husband in the early years. She has the reputation of "the wife beats the drum, the general defeats the enemy", and has a high prestige in the army.

Old Madam Yang said indifferently: "If I don't come again, I'm afraid Youzhou City will perish."

The soldiers froze in place for a moment, not knowing who to listen to.

Cui Jue said angrily: "Bastard, I have the seal of the prefect here, are you going to disobey?"

The soldiers did not dare to delay, and continued to open the city gate.

Mrs. Yang, Mrs. Yang has a good internal strength, and her voice is resounding.

"Everyone, this thief is determined to surrender and offer the city. If my guess is correct, barbarians have ambushed outside the city at this time. If the city gate is opened, Youzhou City will be slaughtered. Are you waiting to be slaughtered?"

Seeing that the soldiers were hesitant, she continued: "When you open the city gate at this time, you will surrender without a fight. If you die, you will be left with a bad reputation for thousands of years. I, Youzhou Erlang, will never be able to raise my head again!"

The soldiers lowered their heads, but the movement of opening the door still did not stop.

They are soldiers, and obedience to orders has been carved into their bones.

Seeing this, Mrs. Yang looked up to the sky and laughed, the laughter was full of sarcasm and sadness.

The next moment, she pulled out her hairpin and let her white hair tilt, fluttering in the night wind.

Her laughter also surprised the soldiers, who temporarily stopped their movements and looked at this strange woman who was well-known in Youzhou.

Mrs. Yang stood on the top of the city, with her sleeves fluttering, and said loudly: "I am a woman, and I know how to serve the country faithfully. You are a man of seven feet, but you are willing to be a slave to the subjugation of the country. Open, open the city gate to welcome the barbarians. The sword, I will die here today, so I can see how you beg for mercy!"

After saying that, she actually fell backwards and fell from under the city wall, resolutely and fiercely.

With a loud plop, the blood blossomed like plum blossoms in the snowy and cold night.

In the long wind, her last words echoed for a long time.

"One hundred thousand soldiers unload their armor, and none of them is a man."


The soldiers fell silent, only feeling a burst of heat on their faces.

No one opened the city gate again.

Cui Jue said angrily: "If you don't open it, I will open it!"

He walked over alone and pulled the city gate open. At this moment, a long spear stabbed him and nailed him directly to the city gate.

Everyone looked back, only to see Yang Lie with disheveled long hair, covered in blood, and a pair of tiger eyes full of tears.

There are still several wounds on his body, and the bones can be seen deep.

"Cui Jue colluded with the enemy and treasoned the country. He has been killed by this general. Close the city gate!"

The soldiers cheered up and said loudly: "No!"

When Yang Lie saw his mother's body outside the city, his palms trembled, but he still didn't go there after all, but pushed the city gate himself, trying to close it.

However, it was still a step too late.

The barbarians shouted to kill, and countless barbarian soldiers in heavy armor rushed up, each of them was an elite among the elite, holding a heavy axe, like a wild beast.

Yang Lie made a decisive decision and said: "Shenwuwei, follow me and go out to stop the enemy!"


Yang Lie led people out of the city gate, the spear in his hand was like a fierce dragon, with his grief and indignation, he pierced the throats of several barbarians in an instant, and blood poured down.

Passing by his mother's body on the way, he just turned his head to take a look, then his eyes turned red, and he roared and rushed towards the barbarian.

The soldiers on the city wall fired back arrows one after another, but the night was dark and their accuracy was poor, making it difficult to hit vital points. The ordinary arrow wounds aroused the ferocity of the barbarians even more.

All of a sudden, the three hundred Shenwu guards suffered heavy casualties, barely blocked the time, and the city gate was only half closed.

A fierce light flashed in Yang Lie's eyes. He saw a general wearing black armor among the barbarians attacking the city this time. With a roar, he rushed towards that general and killed him.

Catch the thief first catch the king!
When the general saw Yang Lie, his eyes lit up, as if a hungry beast had seen its prey.

His skin was dark, his eyes were like copper bells, and his whole body was covered with blood-red innocence. He split a centurion of Shenwuwei in half with one axe, spilling his internal organs all over the floor.

Yang Lie's eyes were about to burst, and a spear shot out like a dragon, stabbing at his throat.


The barbarian general laughed, and let the spear stab his own throat, sparking hot sparks.

He held the tip of the gun with one big hand, and exerted force on his arm violently, blood-red infuriating energy swirled around, and his veins bulged, like giant pythons swimming under the skin.

The long spear made of fine iron was actually bent by him!

Yang Lie's complexion changed drastically.


On a mountain peak in the distance, Ebony looked at this scene and smiled slightly.

"National teacher, our number one warrior Baru is starting to get excited, but it's a pity that his opponent is too weak."

A general laughed and said with pride in his tone that Balu was his soldier, known as the number one warrior in the Wu Kingdom, who once tore the first rank of the Central Plains with his hands, and had a great reputation.

Ebony Shu nodded and said: "Balu is born with supernatural power, his roots are extraordinary, and coupled with the blood-fiend magic skill passed down to him by His Royal Highness the Witch King, even an ordinary rank may not be able to block his three axes."

After a pause, he seemed relieved, and said confidently: "This Youzhou City has finally been taken."


As soon as Yang Lie fought Balu, he knew that something was wrong. This man's martial arts skills are simply at their peak!

The next moment, the giant ax fell like a bolt of bloody lightning.

Yang Lie's spear was cut off directly, and he rolled on the spot, barely dodging.

A gap was opened in the ground, and the power of this ax greatly increased the morale of the barbarians, while the soldiers in Youzhou City were somewhat depressed.

General Yang, whom they revered, couldn't stop the opponent's axe.

Just as Yang Lie stood up, a big hand grabbed his neck and lifted him up into the air.

Seeing the funny look of the Central Plains man with his face flushed and his hands and feet struggling, Balu smiled disdainfully, and then threw the city wall like throwing rubbish.

As the gravel fell, Yang Lie spat out blood and fell to the ground, dying. He looked at the city gate that was about to be opened by the barbarians, and a burst of despair emerged in his heart.

Could it be... is there really no other way?
Balu let out a roar, and ran towards the city gate suddenly, every step cracked the ground, and the surging bloody true energy even knocked several barbarians into the air.

He slammed into the city gate with a bang, making a loud noise.

Dozens of soldiers behind the door were blown away one after another, falling to the ground and spitting blood.

Baloo let out a triumphant roar, and at this moment the city gate burst open, unable to stop the barbarian army from entering.

Yang Lie closed his eyes in pain.

A ray of light suddenly lit up, Yang Lie was startled, opened his eyes, and looked at the red light in the night sky.

Its daybreak?
That red light shattered the night sky and burned the galaxy red, just like the flames of the heavenly palace pouring down from the nine heavens, crashing down to the world!

For a moment, no matter whether they were barbarians or Song people, the blades of all those holding long knives trembled violently, as if they were in fear.

Yang Lie finally saw clearly, it was a knife, a long knife burning with raging flames!

The red disaster fell, and the red flames swept all directions, devouring all the barbarians who entered the city, and the sharp knife energy surrounded the fields, cutting each barbarian into meat.

Only Balu blocked it with a huge axe, his blood was filled with true energy, and he took a few steps back. He looked at the knife, his beast-like pupils filled with desire.

This knife, he wants to order!
A figure in white floated down, with long hair fluttering, standing with his hands behind his back, although he was covered in dust and dust, he couldn't hide his murderous intent.

His temples are as silvery as snow, his eyes are as deep as the sea, with hidden waves, he quietly looks at Balu.

"It's a good bone, but it's a pity that I'm going to die."

(End of this chapter)

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