Chapter 16
Ye Qingjiu looked at him angrily, "Are you here again?"

Why is there no formality in the public?

Nuonuo took Jiang Cheng's hand, eyes full of longing, "Papa, this Peggy Nuonuo also wants it, and that SpongeBob SquarePants~"

Jiang Cheng pinched her chubby face, eyes full of doting, "Okay, if Nuonuo likes it, we can buy it back."

Yanyan was holding a dinosaur and an Ultraman in his hand, looking at Jiang Cheng excitedly, "Papa, can these be okay."

Although Yanyan is a boy, he is still a three-year-old child, so he is cute if he acts like a baby.

Jiang Cheng looked at the two treasures, and the old father's heart almost melted, "Well, well, you can buy whatever Yan Yan likes."

Ye Qingjiu stood by and looked at the two little babies who were full of joy, feeling a layer of guilt in his heart.

In the past, I was always busy with work and rarely brought my children to buy toys.

She always thought that to love them, she had to earn a lot of money and try to give them the best life.

But in the end, she rarely bought them even the simplest toys. As a mother, she seemed incompetent.

Jiang Cheng saw her unhappiness, and cared: "What's the matter, why are you not happy."

Ye Qingjiu lowered his eyes, "It's because I gave them too little company."

Looking at her self-blame, Jiang Cheng tried to comfort her, "It's not easy for you to manage such a big company with two children alone, don't be too strict with yourself."

"But I'm their mother." As he spoke, the light in Ye Qingjiu's eyes began to flicker, as if he was about to cry.

Jiang Cheng took her hand and looked at her solemnly, "You are already great, and I will be here in the future, so you won't have to work so hard."

Seeing his sincerity, Ye Qingjiu was a little moved, "Thank you, Jiang Cheng."

"What nonsense are you talking about? You are my daughter-in-law, and this is my child. It's because I didn't find you earlier and take care of you earlier." He squeezed out a big smile.

"But, but aren't you afraid of being ashamed to take care of your children at home?"

Ye Qingjiu knows that many straight men feel that raising children at home is too worthless, and he is afraid that Jiang Cheng will have the same idea.

Jiang Cheng was amused by this question, "What's the matter, what's so embarrassing about bringing your own child." He patted Ye Qingjiu on the shoulder, "Okay, don't think about it, I'll pay the bill."

After speaking, I took the ticket issued by the salesperson and paid the money.

Ye Qingjiu turned around and looked at the two babies, "Let's go, babies, let's wait for Dad at the door, okay?"


The two treasures took Ye Qingjiu's hand from left to right, and walked towards the door.


Back home, the two babies happily played with new toys.

Ye Qingjiu brought out the ice cream as usual.

Jiang Cheng looked at the ice cream on the table and frowned, "It's so cold, how can I eat it every day."

After speaking, he picked up the ice cream and went to the kitchen.

Ye Qingjiu's eyes widened, "What are you doing!"

No one has ever dared to take away their own things so blatantly.

Jiang Cheng's response came from the kitchen, "Wait, I'll wash some fruit for you to eat, it's healthy!"

He opened the refrigerator door, washed some strawberries, and suddenly remembered his cherry tree, and didn't know what was going on now.

He closed the kitchen door and quietly entered the space.

This look, good guy.

The seeds dropped in the morning have already grown tall and lush, and there are many big and red cherries on them.

Looking at it makes me want to take a bite.

Perhaps because the time was too short to produce more fruit, Jiang Cheng hurriedly picked a small pot of cherries.

"The system prompts that the cherry tree matures every eight hours. After taking it, the EQ attribute will be +10."

EQ plus 10, I rely on it!
What kind of fairy tree is this.

Jiang Cheng couldn't wait to get out of the space, washed the cherries, and brought them out together with the strawberries.

"It's good for girls to eat more fruits. If you have nothing to do, don't eat cold ones all the time. It's not good for your health."

After speaking, he put the fruit on the tea table, picked up a cherry and fed it to Ye Qingjiu.

Ye Qingjiu hurriedly dodged, "I'll do it myself."

Jiang Cheng had a smirk on his face, "Don't force me to do something unsuitable for children!"

Hearing that children are not suitable, Ye Qingjiu's entire face turned red.

Taking advantage of the momentum, Jiang Cheng stuffed the cherry into her mouth, "How is it? Is it sweet?"

For her daughter-in-law, it is inevitable for her to run such a large company, but it is inevitable for her to have more emotional intelligence for her job assignment.

Under Jiang Cheng's fiery gaze, Ye Qingjiu ate one slowly, "Mmm, it's so sweet."

Hearing her sweetness, Jiang Cheng smiled very happily, "Yes, if it tastes good, you should eat more."

After speaking, she looked back at the two babies who were focused on playing with toys, "Come on, babies, Dad washed the cherries, they are delicious."

As soon as the two babies heard that there was fruit to eat, they dropped the toy and ran over, picked up the cherries and fed them to their mouths.

Ye Qingjiu hurriedly said, "You haven't washed your hands, don't eat anything!"

Hearing this, the two little babies looked up at Jiang Cheng eagerly.

This is waiting for him to back up.

Three seconds later, Jiang Cheng straightened his back, "Why do you wash your hands again after you just washed them? How many times do you have to wash them a day? It's okay, let's eat!"

After listening to their father's words, the two babies went straight to the cherry.

Ye Qingjiu looked at his straight waist suddenly, with a tense look, couldn't help but hooked the corners of his lips, "Speak as you speak, why do you straighten your waist?"

This was the first time she smiled, and her pink lips were slightly raised, forming a crooked arc.

Looking at Jiang Cheng's heart itches.

He raised his eyebrows, "The waist is fine, why, do you want to try?"

Ye Qingjiu's face instantly turned red, oh my god, what kind of bullshit are these!
This person doesn't know how to be reserved at all, it's just terrible!
The two babies scrambled to put the cherry in their mouths.

Three seconds later, Nuonuo's expression lit up, "Papa, this is delicious."

After speaking, I couldn't help but took another one with my left hand.

Children have small mouths and can only eat half of a bite.

Yan Yan held up his fleshy little hand and handed the leftover half of his meal to Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng knelt down and looked at him with concern, "What's the matter, isn't it delicious?"

Yan Yan shook his head, his eyes filled with innocence, "Dad wants to eat such a delicious food."

After finishing speaking, let's pick up half a cherry in Jiang Cheng's hand and feed it into Jiang Cheng's mouth.

It is said that the daughter is the father's little padded jacket, and the son can only add to the chaos.

But in Jiang Cheng's eyes, his son is also very good, as cute as his daughter.

He touched Yanyan's little head, "Thank you baby."

Nuonuo also hastily brought a cherry over, "Papa, Nuonuo also wants to feed Papa~"

The cherries were so sweet that they were drawn down the throat and into the stomach.

Happiness spread throughout the living room.

Ye Qingjiu touched his burning face, "I, I'm going to sleep first!"

After speaking, he went straight into the bedroom.

Jiang Cheng shrugged his shoulders at her back, his daughter-in-law is really thin-skinned, she is so cute!
There were not many cherries, and the two babies ate them all in a few strokes.

Nuonuo grabbed Jiang Cheng's clothes, "Papa, Nuonuo still wants to eat~"

Jiang Cheng patted her head lovingly, "No, I can't eat too much, let's eat tomorrow, okay~"

Nuonuo nodded, "Okay."

Yan Yan had already picked up his little dinosaur, "Sister, let's play a game of fighting monsters."

"Okay." Nuonuo licked his mouth and walked towards Yanyan again.

 To test the waters today, to be honest, I want votes from you guys~
  Please, please, ask for tickets, refills~

(End of this chapter)

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