Conan's Helping People

Chapter 183 Smiling to each other to show respect

Chapter 183 Smiling to each other to show respect
This doubt only surfaced for a moment, and Matsuda Jinpei immediately restrained himself, and then condemned himself.

Even if in some aspects, some doubts are more and more reasonable, but you can't speculate about the other party without any basis.

Hinata glanced at him rationally, and expressed with his eyes hesitantly, "Why are you suddenly so noisy again?" ', but didn't say anything, and continued to follow him calmly to open the door of the passenger seat and sit in.

Matsuda Jinhei ignored this look in daily life, and continued the itinerary smoothly while driving, "Did Kohinata know in advance? You're not surprised at all."

Before getting a rebuttal, he emphasized, "I'm not surprised at all, my expression is very calm, I'm not as surprised as when I was touching 'big brother' but saw me."

Then he didn't get a rebuttal, but got a look so calm that he couldn't help turning the steering wheel.

Hinata rationally carried out daily perfunctory, "You only relayed some situations, which is not as immersive as the on-site experience."

The most important thing is that he didn't care much about how outrageous the murder victim was, how outrageous the murderer and suspects were, and how outrageous the plot was, and he had no interest in exploring the green hat on the dead man's head.

I can't see father and son getting along, there is no reference value, and there is no need to pay too much attention.

However, there is one important point.

In fact, the murderer and the deceased are not really father-son relationship, at most it is a nominal father-son relationship.

When Matsuda Jinpei talked about this point, Hinata rationally looked at his expression deliberately, and found that his focus was on 'the three of them couldn't make up a real father and son/father and daughter, shocking', not 'the murderer is actually a shark Dead dead, shock'.

That means that this is a normal behavior, even if it is not a normal behavior, it is an acceptable behavior. The most unacceptable point for other people probably does not lie in the identities of the two parties, but in the behavior of the shark.

Hyuga Ryo doesn't care much about this.

So, that code-named mission is a normal mission, but with some scheming leaders and gin mixed in, the dog hair is a bit too much.

Matsuda looked at him distractedly, and then recalled what he said, and had to admit that even if it was a detailed recounting of the whole process, it was not as shocking as being at the scene in person, let alone just briefly mentioning some general information.

So he changed the subject, "By the way, didn't you say that you are going to visit the university with Ms. Hirota recently?"

After finishing speaking, Matsuda Jinhei blinked his eyes and repeated slowly, "Didn't you say that you would follow Ms. Hirota to visit the university? Why are you alone near the police station?"

Why is it near the police station?There is no university here!
...and no canine university.

The place to teach canine knowledge is not near the police station.

When Hinata Ryo was just taken away, Hinata Ryo didn't raise some objections such as 'Miss Hirota is nearby, call her', but acted as if he was acting alone, without much hesitation, and followed indifferently he's gone.

It may not be like acting alone, but acting alone.

So here comes the question, about Hinata Ryo's sentence "I don't have time recently, I want to go to the university with Ms. Hirota for a visit", is it true or false?

According to the first article of the "Guidelines for Getting Along with High-IQ Boundaries", when there is some doubt, don't doubt it, and boldly affirm yourself, that is the truth.

Still that sentence, being able to generate doubts, explains something in itself.

The aura in the car suddenly changed subtly.

Hyuga rationally glanced at the driver's seat, and said casually, "Miss Hirota has something to do in the morning."

He logically continued to patch, "So I took a ride around the police station. You said a lot of strange things yesterday."

He patched why he was near the police station, and he didn't know how long Matsuda Jinpei had been there, so he gave an early warning and patched the patch that got off the gin cart.

Although, before Matsuda Jinhei spoke, he had no idea that there was a police station nearby.

Matsuda Jinpei extracted the key point, "So, you are here to find me?"

At the end, the tone was a little upbeat, and it seemed that he did not indulge in doubts, but believed.

Hinata rationally glanced at the other party again, and the white teeth contrasted with the other party's black curly hair.

Most of the time, Matsuda Jinpei seems to be happy all the time. When he is happy, there is a chance to smile with white teeth, and there is also a chance to smile brightly, but the possibility of the latter is a bit low.

The arc of the other party's mouth was still slightly smiling, and it was hard to tell which one was a false tooth.


He also opened his mouth, and replied without hesitation, "Yes, I'm here to find you."

He continued to patch, "I just planned to take a look around the police station. If you are busy, I will go around by myself."

Matsuda Jinpei swallowed back the question of 'then why didn't you contact me', nodded thoughtfully, "I see, there is no unexpected case today, and we plan to celebrate the successful conclusion of the case, which is the bombing/bombing case in the bookstore .”

"Xiao Ri has always been just right."

No, not at all, kind of unlucky.

Hinata nodded logically and perfunctorily. Just as he was about to speak perfunctorily, he heard Matsuda Jin’s cell phone rang next to the steering wheel, indicating that there was a new message, so he swallowed the words logically and habitually Pulling down the brim of his hat, he politely looked away.

Then, his phone vibrated too.

He glanced down quickly and found that it was Hirota Masami's message.

[Officer Matsuda suddenly asked me where I was just now, and asked me if I had any plans for the trip recently, such as going on a trip with you before school starts.

I replied that I wanted to visit the university with you recently, but I had something to do this morning, so I didn't act with you.

Are you with Officer Matsuda?Encountered a murder case, are you being interrogated? ]
Oh open?

After quickly reading this message, Hinata rationally did not look up, but glanced at Matsuda Jinhei from the corner of his eye, just in time to catch the tail of the other party's retracted gaze.

He calmly pressed the phone button and replied: [It's not a murder case, it's just an interrogation. ]
When pressing the keys, he could hear the sound of himself pressing the keys slowly, and he could also hear a very fast key pressing sound next to him.

The rhythm of the two pressing sounds is so distinct that it is easy to distinguish them. When the other party stopped, he just stopped and pressed the send button.

After sending it, he looked up, looked at Matsuda Jinhei nonchalantly, and smiled calmly.

Matsuda Jinpei also acted as if nothing had happened, without any guilt or explanation, and smiled calmly as well.

Within three seconds of both smirking, Matsuda Jinpei's mobile phone beeped, reminding again that a new message had been received.

Hinata lowered his head rationally again, counted a few numbers silently, and the phone vibrated, indicating that a new message had been received.

Masami Hirota: [Are you going to a party?Officer Matsuda asked me if I had time. ]
After reading this short message, he heard Matsuda Jinpei's voice, "I asked Miss Hirota if she has time now. If you have time, you can come to the party together."

The other party laughed, "Well, after all, there is a high probability that it will become a friendship. If you are a minor, you must be accompanied by your parents."

The smile was normal as always, but a little narrow.

If we look more closely, Matsuda Jinping's attitude towards the boss is similar to that of his friends.

I just don't know how much is a drill and how much is real.

Is it 'Treat the boss as a friend, and worry about the case of the boss's parents by the way', or 'Being friends with the boss because I care about the case of the boss's parents'.

Of course, it is not sure whether the other party regards the boss as a friend.

In the same way, Hyuga Ryo doesn't know whether the other party really wants to be friends with him, or as the other party misunderstood, he thought he wanted to be some kind of righteous person, so he first got closer to him.

There is actually no difference between the two.

Even if Matsuda Jinpei really wanted to be friends with him, it is most likely because "Hinata is a man whose father disappeared, his mother died, and was almost taken away by his mother. He has no close relatives or friends in Tokyo. Also estranged, a poor underage in need of care'.

It is also based on the duties of police officers.

For the latter, it is the police's duty to consider him as a potential criminal, so it is the duty of the police to close the relationship first.

And the care and heart-to-heart talks in those hospitals before, recommending the police academy, participating in the New Year celebration together, playing in Tokyo together, and even a few days ago, the other party reminded him to be careful and not to accidentally cross the line, all because of the police. responsibilities.

Give care and attention to weak children, pay more attention and vigilance to potential criminals, and arrest criminals without hesitation.

This kind of police duty has been engraved into Matsuda Jinpei's code of conduct, so a situation has been created.

Everything Matsuda Jinping did was out of his own sincerity, but also out of the duty of the police.

These two things have been mixed together, which is one of the reasons why Hinata is absolutely, absolutely not going to become a true friend with this curly-haired police dog.

"Wake up," he countered casually as always, "Miss Hirota is also underage."

Matsuda Jinpei froze for a second with an exaggerated expression, and slowly pushed his sunglasses, " seems so."

"No way," the sluggish expression slowly changed into a heavy one, and the other party raised his shoulders accordingly, making a gesture of responsibility, "Only me, a reliable adult, can shoulder the two burdens." Responsibilities of minors."

"Then it's decided, treat fellowship as a buffet!"


Hinata sighed calmly.

"Officer Matsuda," he couldn't help asking the most direct question, "You like this, how did you justly suggest that I fall in love with my childhood sweetheart?"

Matsuda Jinpei tilted his head in surprise, "Is it strange?"

Very strange!

People like Matsuda Jinpei go to work happily at four o'clock in the morning, and finish work with energetic cheers at seven o'clock in the morning. They regard fellowship as a buffet. Isn't work engraved in their blood and DNA? How could there be' Love' this notion?
In this kind of person's dictionary, there should be no trace of love at all, right?
This unscientific.

This is not reasonable.

Hinata reasonably gave the other party a look, letting the curly-haired police dog understand the complicated meaning of the eyes.

"...Hey, hello, what kind of contemptuous look is this? Are you doubting my IQ?" Matsuda Jinpei made a slight movement of being shocked, and immediately continued to drive as usual, only condemning in a strong tone, "My IQ is normal, okay?"

"Besides, it's because of understanding that I won't get close."

The other party shrugged, "In my current situation, it is not suitable to find a love partner at all. It will only bring a burden to the other party."

Will get out of bed at any time and run directly to the scene of the emergency. It is likely that he will be away for 24 hours and command the scene for 48 hours. salary.

Really, very, very unsuitable for a relationship.

Hyuga Reasonable couldn't help recalling his parents' way of getting along, and then nodded seriously in agreement, "Indeed, you are not suitable to be a love partner, but only a son."

Especially the kind of son who loves his parents. In that case, the parents will wish they could not see the light bulb of their son for 24 hours. Matsuda Jinpei must be very competent.

Matsuda Jinpei: "..."

The other party drove the car into the parking lot, and said quietly: "Aren't you, your perception of yourself is a bit wrong."

"No, no, you're wrong," Hyuga Ryo immediately understood, and gave a strong denial, "I didn't treat you as my son."

Matsuda Jinpei again: " said it."

When the car stopped, he glanced at his phone, and said relaxedly: "Hagi and the others have booked a seat, and they have reserved two seats for us in the innermost places where we can concentrate on eating with our heads down."

"However, Ms. Hirota hasn't responded to my invitation. A detective with a high IQ, what do you think?"

Hinata rationally opened the door to get out of the car, pressed the button to reply, and said without raising his head: "I think you deserve a beating."

The other party also got out of the car and locked the door. He swung his tail triumphantly and turned around, smiling brightly, "It's also very sharp."

"It's also very cute and has a high IQ." Hinata replied without changing his face, and put away his phone.

Within a few seconds, Matsuda Jinhei received the message. The other party raised his mobile phone and glanced at it, and shared it without any surprise: "Ms. Hirota said that she is free now, and you can come to participate."

They walked towards the elevator together.

Matsuda Jinpei seemed thoughtful, and said to himself: "But it seems a little strange. As soon as you replied to the message, Ms. Hirota agreed. What a coincidence."

The tail stood up triumphantly.

But this is just the surface, Hinata reasonably estimated that if the other party was really a police dog, he would immediately gather around him and sniff non-stop.

He sighed calmly again, and opened his eyes to talk nonsense, "Is there a possibility that Ms. Hirota cares more about the boundaries of communication between people, so she will ask my opinion first on similar matters."

"A similar thing? Something related to Kohinata's friend?" Matsuda Jinhei immediately asked sharply.

"No," Hinata gave a negative answer again, and said reasonably, "You can pay attention to the previous point. Miss Hirota is the one who cares more about the boundaries between people."

There are people who care more about the boundaries of communication between people, and there are people who care less about the boundaries of communication.

Who is the latter?

He looked at Matsuda Jinpei calmly.

The other party turned his head immediately, made a sniffing motion, and said solemnly: "Ah, the smell in the elevator seems a bit strange, does Xiao Hinata feel that way? I smell it, it's a guilty conscience to change the subject!"

'Are you talking about yourself? '

Hinata looked back rationally and calmly, and sighed again.

However, Matsuda Jinpei gradually restrained his joking expression, his face gradually turned solemn, and his brows were also furrowed. He sniffed the air a few more times, and thoughtfully said: "Hey, it seems to have a really strange smell."

"Like gunpowder..."

(End of this chapter)

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